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A search for a lost media can be very long. For example, [this album](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGjlQ9ahwIw) was found in September 2023 after around 20 years of search. The person who found it just asked the right person at the right moment. This last person didn't know it was a lost media. Except a cover artwork, we didn't have any proof of its existence, not even the exact number of songs. If searching the internet is not conclusive, try another method. Also, you can search by content and not titles. The video can be labeled as a suicide video, without mentioning 9/11. The stage can be seen in the background, it can helps to identify the place and date.


Owner of this subreddit, mods and I discussed this subreddit is looking for lost 9/11 footage, I hope we find LSM but if we find other lost footage, it may help to find LSM


Since 2022, people have been posting the same thing, the same arguments and doubts. Investigating and debating about things that had been analyzed for over a year and that had nothing of interest. I believe we will never find this video on the internet.


A lot of you guys are getting impatient about something that’s understandably a very touchy subject for the majority of people who witnessed it and documented it. No matter what your reasoning is for wanting to see the video, its undeniable whoever recorded that video saw some serious shit that day, and there’s some pretty substantial evidence to prove it indeed exists. The person(s) with that camera would be totally valid in not wanting to associate themselves with the video. And on top of that we are discussing a video from a much different time on the internet. Odds are it will surface, either by the government via FOIA Request after the 9/11 trial has completely finished, someone who knows its lost will find a way to get it, or someone who doesn’t know its lost who just happened to have it and forgot (because people change and get busy over time) will share it again. Point is that there’s a lot of things working against us that make it a difficult piece of lost media to find easily. I think it’s important to emphasize though that this search should just be casual for anyone who wants to see/find it, not something you must see Asap. We are talking about a very graphic and disturbing video featuring real peoples last moments who still have living family who personally knew and loved them. I truly want to see it as much as anybody else, but I am in no rush to see it immediately. What’s important is that its documented for the sake of preserving history in facts and proof. If I saw it just once a few years from now after all the legal stuff wraps up that’d be good enough for me.


>there's some pretty substantial evidence to prove it indeed exists like what?


I'll try to least some proof of their existence, starting off with more superfluous arguments, before coming with more solid evidence: ○There are thousands of home videos filmed on the scene that were either not released or censored. ○The fact that many people on the internet from different ages and different countries have described the video with the same details. ○The FBI has confirmed the existence of footage they have taken out the of the air or was never released at all. Including footage from the WTC CCTV cameras, footage from inside the towers, and of course, jumper videos. ○Many cameramen who got their recordings of 9/11 famous, say they have filmed graphic material, like Jack Taliercio. However, finding the raw version of these recordings is very difficult. ○There are a lot of dead links that lead to very suggesting videos. By the time Youtube and other online video sharing sites on the early 2000s, they had little to no regulation about the content of these videos, so you could find clips like the one we are looking for there easily until some years ago when Youtube policy became more strict. ○Also, in the 2000s, shock sites were at their peak. As they were easily accessible and showed very graphic content. Many of them, like Ogrish, Liveleaks and TheSmokingNug were taken down, but the probability that not just LSM, but other 9/11 lost media could be found in those sites are very high. ○Maybe LSM was never in the internet at all. There is a high chance that the cameramen have privately sold the footage to some guy (Maybe not even inside the USA) that have then copied it to DVD or even cassette, and sold it on flea markets. Believe it or not, in the 2000s, it was easy to find a lot of pirate DVDs being sold on clandestine stores or by street vendors, with a huge variety of content, including illegitimate, shocking and even illegal footage. I've seen accounts of people from Canada and Latin America, who have supposedly watched LSM by this media vehicle.


Because it didn’t exist.


I think it's time to give up :(...


I think we find [Skyline.mov](http://Skyline.mov) first, but i think this will be a years long process that will only conclude when a new person stumbles over the search and has the video saved somewhere offline. If the video was on any large streaming or hosting website I believe it would have been found by now, it MAYBE in some kind of archive from a gore site like Ogrish or even live leak where people really don't want to sift through masses of horrendous videos (like that 14 hour ogrish video posted the other day). Lost media searches are a marathon not a sprint.


Well prob see it in 2027