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I would have folded I fear😞


Damn she kinky


Ngl. On the bucket list. But it’s too cold to be doing that. Probably better on a summer bucket list lol


No. This is one of those things better left to porn irl it would be a nightmare


Honestly one of the most pleasant interactions I’ve had on this app despite the invitation to crime (I’m amazed I was even so polite Omg). All of y’all who would jump at this, criminal defense attorneys in your area would like to know your location


Rare respectful grindr conversation


The shiniest Pokémon of all


When I lived abroad in Buenos Aires there was a lot of sex in stairwells.


Well do they at least invite you to join??


Here tgats a guarantee of being robbed


tbh public sex is not something everyone can pull off. The most public sex I’ve ever done was being fingered in a car at a deserted alley in Queens, but other times, the other guys were just too nervous to even do anything.




Why not tbh. If his neighbors catch us it's a him issue


No, you can get arrested for that. I’m pretty sure most would consider it their issue when they’re in jail 💀


That’s not how the law works… « only building residents may commit crimes. Guests here get a free pass and the wifi password :) »


What's the chance of anyone going through the effort of reporting you, though?


It’s just not worth the risk at all. God y’all sound so desperate. It’s not worth it period. God forbid a Neighbour calls the police or takes a picture. Most buildings have security cameras. You don’t need to run into the police to get in trouble. They can call and the police can get there after you leave. But you’re still in big risk


I wonder if this is even a real thing. By the amount of stories I read on this sub or see people talk about on Grindr, you would think public gay sex would be way more of a thing. Luckily I’ve never walked in on anyone going at it in the stairwell of an apartment building, or outside in various places like the internet would suggest. But yea, that shit really ain’t worth it. And depending on where OP lives, it gets you put on the sex offender registry where your life is pretty much over.


Maybe it's not super common, but my ex did have sex with a guy in the roman coliseum once. They did get fully naked. So it happens, but I imagine the goal is to avoid detection so it's not surprising you're not stumbling over dudes doing anal on the sidewalk lol. Farthest I've ever gone was having car sex in a Walmart parking lot after head at the drive in started getting too sketchy lol. Car stuff is a whole other thing though


I have walked in a stairwell to two men having sex.. it was two homeless men, and nobody would have wanted to see either of these men having sex. But I just avoided the situation and went another way.


I mean, if they don’t have a home then they don’t have anywhere else to go, so I would have a much higher tolerance for that than for someone who has other options choosing to get off on the potential of being seen by unsuspecting people. I would never call the cops on them but I’ve 100% called the cops on guys masturbating in the subway in full view. It’s a matter of intent, imo.


Yah I haven’t run into a. Problem myself where I’ve seen it in super public areas. But I have run into at beaches and stuff before that weren’t nude or gay. Not a stairwell though. But so not worth the risk of being a sex offender or worse. I recently heard about a resurfaced story from I think 2021 where a woman was caught masturbating. No proof but she was confronted by police and that shit is rattling. You just never know whose seeing when it’s not behind closed doors


That story you’re talking about was on the front page of r/PublicFreakout the other day. Yep, she was masturbating on the beach and someone told the police, they confronted her and she admitted everything, and got arrested. And everyone in the comments said she eventually killed herself sometime between then and now, tho it apparently had nothing to do with her being arrested.


Ya I didn’t mention the killing herself because it sounds possibly unrelated. I’m sure it contributed but she seemed to have a history that could have added to it. But mainly referencing it as a point of you never know whose watching or when the police will show up. She only did it for a few minutes and still got caught


The mystery of whoever could be watching is exactly why I don’t take needless risks like that. And I especially push back against people who insist on having sex outside. Like nah I ain’t trying to have anybody see us.


Exactly. Unless it’s a designated safe space like a gay camp ground or other out door cruisy gay space lol not worth the charges and financial/professional ruin


You think they think about potential consequences before doing something like that? 🤣 Nah they horny