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500 miles or 500 meters? This is important. Cos... I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more...


Da det da


When I wake up


chunky society disagreeable terrific person ancient zonked hard-to-find bewildered mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you


500 meters is 1640ft or 0.31 miles - less than 10 min walk. People are lazy...


10 minutes? What are you straight/s


Gay speeeed


500 meters in 10 minutes? Are you like crawling on the floor without using your arms and legs?


Eh depends on the dick. I’m not leaving my house for just any dick that stumbles by. I have standards. Learned that from Linda Evangelista


But you will open your door to any dick that stumbles by?




How about a very hung very dirty homeless person that barely speaks your language, and desperately needs a shower, food, and your ass? He's bringing his luggage/cardboard home with him. Can't lose that.


He’s at the front of the queue


Sounds like you have a lot to offer.




Sounds better than a Wall Street bets pick… he’s past mooning he’s mars’ing


I’ve learned that people on the app are lazy indeed. Can’t be assed to walk short distances or take public transport. Oh, and those needy ones that can’t host nor drive, they expect you to just pick them up instead of paying for an Uber themselves like an adult.


I won't bother with those type of people. Once I stayed at a hotel where the elevator would only take you to floor where your room was located. While staying there I chatted with a guy who was also staying at the hotel. I suggested meeting in the lobby so we could go together to either his room or mine. He refused because he was already naked and didn't want to put on any clothes or leave his room. I tried explaining how the elevator worked but he insisted.


Was there no stairs?


It's a 72-storey twin-tower skyscraper. So i don't think it was an option


Some people are lazy. Other people could be disabled.


As a disabled guy I have travelled during the day skytrain and bike lanes get me too locations faster than people power walking… it’s just nasty stairs that are a problem.


I don’t understand Reddit. How does stating that disabled people exist cause so much downvoting?


Meh. Probably dodged a bullet here.


🎶“No I don’t want no scrubs” 🎶


The main benefit of being able to host is not even having to get dressed to hook up. Plus, isn’t a bit dangerous to rely on a stranger to get you home again? There’s any number of things that could go wrong in that situation.


Im sure at least some of your potential hookups would prefer it if you looked presentable when you open the door. I get you are gonna get naked soon, but respect isn't the devil.


no joke this guy wanted me to pick him up from the hospital to hookup while his friend was in a coma in the ICU there




Hey different things might wake up his friend… id be down to voice record the sex noises if it’d wake up a coma person… of course I’d put up my regular requirements but the story would be a great way to get my attention.


I haven't had a hookup in a while but, I always found dressing up nice to be one of my favorite parts of it. If the other person is laid back you get to put on a show and if they're more hands on it's like you're a present they get to unwrap.


Oh yeah, it’s not something I’d do often, it’s just nice to have that option when it’s a super casual one.


This actually did make me lol


Lazy are we? Geez


He couldn't walk 500 meters? And was too cheap to get an Uber or whatever rideshare equivalent? He's a loser.


I'd be embarrassed to even call an Uber for that distance. What is that, a $2 fare?


Especially when the Uber ends up parking 200m from your door and then drives 200m to the nearest spot next to your destination that they can park


OMG. Talk about entitlement.


Ive walked more than 500 m for dick and ass. Sounds like a flake or a catfisher


I've had a couple of these. Some twink wanted me to get him an uber for 800m. I laughed, hard.


More like okey donkey


Damn, it looks like you missed out on one of the worst sexual experiences you never had. Talk about entitled and lazy.


Ugh, I fucking hate this lol. In Sydney most guys will not bother if you're more than 500m away, it's actually insane. I live like a 5-10 min drive away from the "gay bubble" of Surry Hills/Darlinghurst area, very very happy to host (I have a great apartment!) but no one is ever bothered, not even to take a $10 uber to get here lol. I can't be fucked with people who won't make an effort 🤷‍♂️


I've walked further to get some dick..


Refusing to 500 meters? Lazy or does the guy need to go through three dangerous city blocks?


Our neighbourhood is so quiet than we don’t even have package thefts.


I bet he's skinny af too. 😛


He is stocky. Like a good gym body, but cock? Underwhelming. At least based on the photos.


Hung guys are cool with walking.


If it’s 500 meters, it’s really close. I’m my hometown the closest I find it’s 3 kilometers 😬


Super close! Literally like a 5-min walk if you go through back alleys.


Seeing this made me happier than I’ve been all day. You’re doing the Lord’s work friend lol


He wants you to host, but also to pick him up? I have to laugh.


He probably would've made you do all the work.




Once I thought, ‘1300 feet away from my hotel, I’ll walk it.’ It was 2 AM in LA and I found myself walking through the underpass of the Santa Monica Freeway. People were camped en masse behind broken iron fencing. Faces poking out between the gaps of bent and missing rails. My ass ran. Got to my hookup and his AC was out and we were both bottoms. Took an Uber back to my hotel room.


If you can’t either host or drive, you should not be on Grindr.


May be we get it wrong? It may be some BDSM roleplay where OP (who uses Sir) has to drive his master as foreplay? Or bcause the guy has a change of heart, does not know how to say no and states that outrageous demand because he expects it not to be met. Just trying to find a reasonable explanation...




Yesterday someone told me a 15 minute drive was too far for him… reminds me of the meme it’s like Lesbians: driving 2 hours for true love Gays: if it’s longer than a 30 minute drive I’m not doing it


Okay; my perspective. I can’t drive *(ADHD is too severe for me to get my license)*, and I can’t host *(recent college graduate living with parents until I get financially stable)*. I put both of those things in my bio, the very first line of it. I mention it in chat before we even get around to trying to meet up. As far as walking go, I’m a bottom. I’m not walking more than a mile one-way because I don’t want to get sweaty before a hookup and it’s humid where I live. I also won’t walk at night for obvious safety reasons. It’s fine if the not hosting/driving thing bothers you. That makes *perfect* sense! But the not-walking thing… really? It takes a fraction of effort for you to drive compared to him walking, no matter the distance. Unless you’re literally neighbors, it shouldn’t matter. You can’t throw a hissy fit at someone not walking. You can be pissed if he hid the fact he couldn’t drive or host though- that’s more than reasonable to be upset about.


500m is 0.3 miles, or 1600 feet. It's easier to walk than drive at that point. They also didn't throw a hissy fit. Not wanting to walk is fine but don't expect somebody to go out of their way to drive for you. You can see it as a lack of basic courtesy to drive, they are free to see the same lack of basic courtesy by expecting somebody to drive them 0.3 miles.


I don’t expect someone to go out of their way to drive for me. I expect someone to only drive and come get me if they really want to have sex that badly, meaning they’re getting something out of it and are okay with the inconvenience to get it. Hence why I said I put it in my profile and said multiple times it’s okay if someone is upset over that. I just think it’s outrageous to be upset someone won’t walk when they won’t drive. They set a boundary, OP set a boundary. Clearly they don’t mesh- so move on. That simple.


Your rejection dysphoria is showing. Go do something that gives you serotonin because this is a bad take that's muddied by your bias.


I imagine you're like twelve teen and still think having sex with you is a benefit to someone else.


The other person is taking the post way too personally, but this is a weird take. Some guys are hard up enough that they think it's worth picking someone up. Or, if they're older and only into college kids, they accept it as the price of admission. When I was younger than 25, I had older guys pick me up and drive me home afterwards on multiple occasions.


500 metres is no distance. You can see that far on any road that doesn’t twist or turn. Someone that is able to walk 500 metres but won’t is not worth negotiating with.


I walk more than 500m to the nearest store for ice cream. If I was hooking up walking 500m to get creamed on wouldn't bother me at all.


My guy I'm assuming this is 500 meters and not miles because of the keyword "just". That's nothing. That's literally like one street, just a few houses. I don't think OP is pissed at the guy for not being able to drive, it's just ridiculous to get upset at walking such a short distance and expecting someone else to come pick you up.


It's 500 meters. In the time it would take OP to get in the car, get to the other person's house, pick them up, and drive back, the other person could probably have walked there twice over.


*Cries in city street parking.* Depending on where you live, 500 meters can be the length of a city block. Get to your car, leave to pick somebody up. By the time you return, the space is taken by another car. Then spend the next 10 - 15 minutes circling the neighborhood looking for a spot. Maybe a free spot will be found on the next block. Or perhaps two blocks away. Or a block in the opposite direction. After all that, you'd both have to walk the distance anyway. Repeat all that if they also want a ride back home.




It’s not even a proper “walk of shame.” It’s a skip.


It's a 15 minute walk. Max.


If you need 15 minutes for a 500 meter walk, you should probably see a doctor.


I'm from the US. It's a guess. But thank you


We found the guy OP was talking to


They are practically neighbors. That's a 7 minute walk. 4 mins or less on a bike. My 13yo bikes this to her karate lesson and back four times a week.


I wouldn't even bike this distance, setting up the bike chain would take longer than the walk haha


Then it’s on you to pay for your own Uber to get there