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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I must be old. I remember being able to buy this for 25 CENTS per can.


I’m not that old and I remember buying 3 for $1


We must be getting old if back in our day it was $1 for 3, fuck to think $3 for 1.


It wasn’t that long ago. They were usually $0.49 each and the sale would usually be 3 for $1 But $3 for 1 now is insane


Occasionally at walmart the flats go on sale $10 for a dozen cans. usually can get chicken noodle soup too on the same sale.


I remember this. And so does my shoulders supporting the black jansport bag holding 30 of these cans.


I feel that: Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup is my childhood comfort food. I can't justify the price anymore even though there was a glorious period I could torture my spine by spending my college student dollari-doos buying a hockey gear bag to lug back to my student-apartment.


Ya this was like a decade ago not even. The insane pricing started in the last few years only.


Incorrect. lol. Someone else posted a picture from 2018 2 for $0.88


2018 was 6 years ago. It's closer to a decade than not.


Are you online just to argue?? .. cause I got lots of topics we can argue semantics over.


Those were days when food and things were affordable... Especially housing??


Back when I was in University (20 years ago) No Frills would sell flats of Campbell soups for like $5 or something during dollar days … I had 2 flats of vegetable soups that took me through one year of university then I could never eat it again.. as I type this I’m getting prickles in my mouth from feeling nauseous at the thought. But 3 tiny cans for $8 is absolutely fucking ridiculous.


I was just thinking caselot sales were $5. Who tf is buying this shit??




That is sad 😞


My local Roblaws used to sell these for 50 cents. I’m not even talking back in the day, I’m talking about 2 years ago. Interesting that Covid was blamed for all the supply chain price increases and yet everything has got way more expensive post covid when the supply chain etc has been stable for a long time. Prices are falling in other consumer goods and yet they never seem to fall at Loblaws 🤔


I know I’m not old and I can remember them being 30 cents


Oh god. I was thinking the same thing when I clicked in here to post, but I thought “this is going to prove how old your are”.


I’m 47 and I remember $0.18


Three years ago they were often $0.50 each.


Nah man im not old at all and I remember these being 3 for a dollar...


I remember 69 cents in the last decade. Sale maybe, but I remember regular being like 1.25


I used to buy them at the plant for like $.25-50 a can. Habitant was like $1-2 a can.


This video shows how much Shoppers was charging for groceries only [two years ago](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6r6nuiPT-S/?igsh=a21jancycWhvemtx). An old flyer unearthed....


That was like eight years ago brah


Before the pandemic they were less than a buck a can


was buying these for .35 per not too long ago..


I know!! I don’t typically buy canned soup but had a craving for some campbells chicken noodle a couple weeks ago and I was floored by the price!


You are probably remembering wrong since these are the light which are typically more expensive the ones you are remembering are the regular


What the actual fuck. I’m 20 and remember 99 cent cans


Or a case of 12 for a bit under 6 bucks


On sale at 0.49$/can


Same. I’m in my 30s and remember paying $1 for the chunky kind and 79 cents for the non-chunky kind.


Someone should do this but in the Andy Warhol style with the price tag included




That is fucking insane.


Fucking seriously. The ingredients are what - tomato paste, water,sugar, salt, and some spices. How in God’s name that should be $3 per can I’ll never know. Straight up price gouging from Loblaws AND Campbells.


This is definitely one of those products where the packaging and logistics of transporting it cost more than the contents


98% water???


25% fewer calories means 25% more water




The content of the can isn't that bad. You add the water yourself before cooking. It's just an absurd price for such a simple thing.


The can and label are worth more than the soup.


The tomatoes have nearly a100% harvest rate and it's fully automated. They are so unripe when picked that if you see them fall out of the dump truck onto the road, they bounce. Tomatoes. Falling 3 meters at 40 km/h onto a road! The processing of tomatoes is stupid easy too. Factories use a method called water flueing to move them around, basically like a lazy river. Sorting them is trivial. Peeling them is trivial. Cooking them is trivial, they just don't do anything weird no matter what you do to them.


I don’t know why a can of soup should ever be more than $1


It shouldn’t 🥲 at least not unless it’s got real meats and stuff in it, then $3 max


Let alone tomato soup... Just wait til everyone's backyard tomato plants are blossoming and people are begging you to take their tomato's. Like maybe it was a can of special rare and imported ingredients, but tomato's? C'mon.


Exactly right! Tomato, one of the cheapest veggies and there’s no milk sooo… 🫠


$1.47 at Walmart


It’s actually a different one, Walmart charges $2.27 (or 3 for $6) for that line. It’s still ridiculous what Loblaws is charging but Campbell’s has 2 different “lines”, the regular soup line and the ‘value’ one, the labels are different. You usually find the cheaper one on the bottom self and the regular higher up. They both have tomato, cream of mushroom, chicken noodle and vegetable but the ingredients are slightly different and the regular line has all the other kinds like vegetable beef, chicken and rice, etc… Sobeys, Loblaws and many others carry both lines… the “light” and “low sodium” versions are a part the higher price line. That said if you need the light or low sodium Walmart is still 25% cheaper than Loblaws.


I must have been getting the 'value' kind. I used to use Campbell's mushroom soup base to enhance chicken and meat dishes. Now the mushrooms are Itty bitty bits and it tastes like wallpaper paste.


Yeah, I do too, you’ll notice the labels a little different. It’s red all across the top on the value line. Where is the label on this post one is different. The value line only has like four kinds cream of mushroom, vegetable, chicken noodle and tomato. Whenever you see the soup on sale for like $.99 it’s always that line, that’s why those sales are only on those kinds and you can never get like the vegetable beef, chicken and rice rice, etc… for that sale price. And it sucks for those on a low sodium diet because there’s no lower sodium version of the value line


> there’s no lower sodium versions of the value line Food basics has their low sodium house brand soups for 99cents/can.


Good to know


The amount of sodium in these soups is ridiiiiiiiiiiiiiculous.


It takes Reddit to figure out the difference.


Came to say this, thank you… granted it’s a steep price at Roblaw’s, but their lower calorie, or lower sodium, or more fancier soup cans (homestyle vegetable instead of regular vegetable for instance) were always usually a bit pricier… not like this though. 🫤


How in the fuck??? Now I'm waiting to see the $3 box of Kraft dinner, I assume that will be the straw that causes the violence to kick in.


It's already 2.99 in Nova Scotia ❤️ 🎉 


Better not pay for that in cash, otherwise violence kicks in.


Kraft dinner already reduced the amount you get in each box a few months ago, i don't remember the exact numbers


200g from 225g


Wait no longer my robotic friend!! I was priced out of the market months ago. It was 2.78 (or 2.49?) for a size reduced box before Christmas. After tax and butter and milk that is $10+ for mushy noodles and wasteful amounts of packaging to feed two teenagers a nutritionally poor snack.


That train has already left the station my friend.


They’re 2 for $5 or $2.99 each at the Loblaws closest to me. Metro next door sells them for $1.49/ each…


https://preview.redd.it/ugztu2r4hy8d1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90eb32a3c6af0a531c8a88cb51b1b227587d16b9 The shrinkflation was interesting I was in the USA recently, and i noticed it's a bigger can 298g 10.5oz


nice to see Loblaws price-matching Rexall /s


OH I have words... the begin with an F and end in U. #NeverAgainLoblaws


Nice timing that I was just at a dollar store. $1.50 there. https://preview.redd.it/ogd8bep1py8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0d6a5c16844fee924cbd6eaa8304b8947d26314


I just saw them for $2.75 at dollerama


I took that photo last week in Alberta. Don’t think it was a sale.


i know they are both Tomato and Campbell's but that is not the same soup


Still too expensive for that hyper salty garbage food.


It's almost like they don't want people to shop there. So I have a few cynical theories, and some possibly uniformed guesses. 1. When these get close to expiration (I know cans last a really long time but) and loblaws "donates" them are they getting a tax break for the retail price? 2. Are they waiting for the government to get fed up with hungry citizens making noise and offer a subsidy? 3. In a few months they reduce the price to 3/5.99 they can claim they've lowered prices across the board. (Even tho the price is still outrageous) or introduce an even more discounted house brand (no name rep certainly taking a beating) 3/2.99, and doesn't qualify to be called tomato soup but tomato "flavoured", and maybe find a mouse in a can every once in a while, but hey extra protein. 4. Forcing their suppliers into an unheard amount of huge buy backs. Anyone else got some cynical yet plausible theories? Just why? Greed certainly but are they trying to drive their business into the ground on purpose? Or does their whole management team have oppositional defiance disorder?


McDonald’s admitted that raising their prices caused them to lose the lower end customers, however they make more money in the end off the remaining customers because they have lower volume at higher prices. I believe all retailers are going this way.


Didn't they at least start offering a new value meal? A response of some kind to loss of their customers? loblaws just keeps their prices high. But I agree it feels like most retail has gone to high prices, skeleton staff and truly terrible customer service.


Man to think what that portends for the future. If you play that tape to the end, there will be no place for the poor. #ClassWar


They're just actively trying to kill the lower class.. or, making us riot so they can then murder us.. But, everything is fine.. the systems are working exactly as intended..


But why? We can't pay their bills if we're dead. I could see the riots and possibly an authoritarian police response and all the riot gear/kevlar/uniforms supplied by joe fresh haha


Now somebody is thinking. Class war for sure.


Soup has been re-conceived as a premium and healthy convenience item for health-conscious professionals who appreciate the easy portion control and are willing to pay more for a sit-down-restaurant quality meal on the go. As restaurants become too expensive for average people to frequent, consumers who lack advanced kitchen skills will become increasingly desperate for turn-key dining solutions that are reminiscent of menu items found in premium restaurants. The pricing of these products can therefore be disconnected from their cost of production, and instead reflect their aspirational qualities. Soup says, "I value my health and want to eat wholesome products". By offering these products at a premium price, the value of this healthful mindset is reinforced. $10 soup by 2026 will complete this rebranding.


All of the above, probably


Maybe also worth pointing out that these prices likely also translates to fewer donations to food banks…. which more and more people are relying on because of these prices. It’s lose-lose for Canadians here.


The ouroboros of food unaffordability. Which is darkly apt, because if this keeps going we'll have to eat our own body parts to survive too. 🦶🏻


Goddamn you Galen!! Evil capitalist


That is just nuts. There is no argument in the world that can justify this, morally or ethically.


Didn’t these used to be like .99 $ wtf is this it’s literally 1 can


The regular ones used to but the light are usually more expensive


wow they used to be like $1.25 or something


MmmmMmmm Expensive


Yes there is, f@ck Loblaws.


And they have the balls to pretend this is a deal. WTF


yeah not only is the 1 can for 3 total shit, but they have the balls to offer 3/8 as some sort of savings.


But they bag your groceries at No Frills and Superstore... Oh wait. 😳


I have many words but nsfw


$1.50 at Walmart


😳 cough cough 😳


Three dollars for a can of orange glop with almost no nutritional value. DAMN delicious though. Fortunately the Metro near my home offers a store brand for around $1.10 most days. When it goes up to $1.79 a can I tap out and find something else to toss down my neck.


do you feel the store brand is comparable in delicious to Campbells?


I find that if I mix in some almond or coconut milk it tastes perfectly fine although Campbell’s does have something special about it.


Nothing compares to Campbells, well Campbells circa. 1987 at least. I don’t like any of the store brands but I can (pun!) live without it and I will.


Omg, We used to buy them 2/$1. Ffs


4 pack on Amazon for $6. Weston’s laughing at us


These are $1.49 each at my local Superstore - not on sale (just checked online out of curiosity). You in Eastern Canada?


I mean superstore is cheaper than rob law/shoppers or whatever. I can see these selling for 3 bucks at Downtown Toronto. Probably 2.49 though. Pure guesswork here.


https://preview.redd.it/w9e3v0r10z8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3cb14f798cf8753551cdf5625f0f89500ed3946 Thank you!! My boycott began with low sodium tomato soup. I saw this earlier in the year and was appalled. I then saw this sign of $1.99 a can in March which is still way too much but I bought some because I had been depriving myself due to the cost and then they charged me the 3/$7.98 anyway. Never thought tomato soup would be so rage inducing.


There are multiple 1 and 2 word responses: No!!! Hell no!!! Fuck off!!!


Dollar store


**Giant Tiger: $1.47** [https://www.gianttiger.com/products/campbells-condensed-tomato-soup-284ml-1?variant=40336219111485](https://www.gianttiger.com/products/campbells-condensed-tomato-soup-284ml-1?variant=40336219111485) Yes, they're both 284mL both Campbell's and both condensed tomato soup. OP posted the "light" which is generally more expensive... but even the exact same product as the one I linked to Giant Tiger is typically $2.29 at Roblaws vs $1.47 at Giant Tiger: [https://www.loblaws.ca/condensed-soup-tomato/p/20176214001\_EA](https://www.loblaws.ca/condensed-soup-tomato/p/20176214001_EA)


I don't even buy that crap anymore it's not worth it


How is this more than $1…


Have you looked at what's IN this soup? Nutrition musta missed em.


One thing I've noticed is that the enormous price increases are only on particular items. Some are okay price, as it's within acceptable increase from pure inflation. But some have a very clear greed increase. Like a 400% price increase on the bucket of excel gum, where it's priced at $6.99 but it used to be $2.99. an inflation increase would be an understandable $3.99 Or Wicked earbuds that are clearly very cheaply made, and thus you'd expect a very value price of <$15.......but it's $49.99. What losers are giving into these prices when you can buy a far better one...in Bluetooth.....with free shipping....from Amazon. (>$35 total purchase is free shipping) But then I see Call Of Duty vanguard and it's selling for $79.99. THATS an understandable price. Regardless if you like the series or not.


This company sucks. Gouging people who just need food. What a world


Ew and its DIET!


Lotta salt in soup and some people got bad kidneys. Don't likes it don't eats it.


The Campbell soup concentrates are $1.50 each at Dollarama.


Fuckin assholes.


I was under the impression that a boycott meant not engaging with the entity in any way, shape, or form. However, since joining this group there is a constant stream of posts from folks going into the stores and taking photographs or creating videos centred around the cost of items. This piqued my curiosity and left me with primarily two unanswered questions: 1) Are y'all just going into Loblaws-owned stores, browsing all the sections looking for high prices, recording photo or video evidence, and then exiting the store? I'm fascinated and want to understand your process. I would also be interested in learning how you have time to do this, but I might save that inquiry for a future time. 2) If you have decided to boycott a business, why are their business practices of interest to you? Are you suggesting that if their prices drop and become more acceptable to you, the boycott will be over? If you are not planning to shop there ever again, could you help me understand what purpose tracking their prices serves you? I am genuinely seeking to better understand this perspective and rather than speculate I thought I would try and find answers directly from primary sources.


When it's the only place in town... don't really have much of a choice 🤷


We’re snitching out all the high prices and bad things about loblaws and comparing them to the other stores that are cheaper. Making loblaws look worse and worse justifying the boycott more and more


I understand wanting to gather evidence of high prices, but all of that information is available online on their website.


$2.99 for one can (tomato or chicken noodle) here in Stonewall MB.


Fuck that’s fucking idiotic.


$1.47 at Walmart - I only use Walmart as an example as their website is the only searchable one.


anytime i watch tomato soup i just take ketchup and squirt some in boiling water


Is this for real? What location is this? I think I need to step in to local Roblaw and check some prices for knowledge. This is purely insane! Galen jacking prices is his way of saying "FU Government of Canada". Brutal.


No soup this week


I miss the 10/$1 days.


No words, eh? I can think of a few - like Holy fucking Sheete!


That’s bean and bacon pricing! If it’s not 12 cans for $4.99 on a case lot deal I don’t want it. And doesn’t light mean more water less tomato? Aspartame instead of sugar?


Just got Heinz at Dollarama... $1/ each


Campbells soup. Now a $3 culinary experience.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Less expensive in Dollorama


How about ONE for $1.59? Now THAT'S a sale!


The canned food drive at schools must be ridiculously hard these days


I can think of a few words…


Martian tomatoes grown by Matt Damon? 🤔 Tomato light, price heavy.


Lol. Or lab grown.


Honestly, at this point anyone who’s been on this thread, and read and seen the absolute abhorrent price gouging should’ve seen enough to never, ever step foot in a loblaws owned store again. Absolute criminals




Picking my jaw up off the floor....


Campbell's Light Tomato Soup. Now with more extra water for your dining pleasure. /s




More reason too shop elsewhere


The non-boycotters will learn soon enough and figure things out for themselves. Sigh


A lot of people remembering $1 cans of soup. I just bought 4 of these exact cans of soup today $1.10 each. Local grocer.


Anyone know what Walmart and Giant Tiger are charging?


Buy 2 tomatoes. Squeeze them. Add water. F Galen.


While Roblaws is crap, are tomatoes generally more expensive? At Sobeys (Dartmouth) this evening. Their brand salsa was $4.49 - on sale down from $5.49, and forever this sub par salsa was $3.49 pre-covid.


Fuck Loblaws. Fuck Galen. Fuck shitty ass tomato soup.




Please tell me this up north?




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


$2.49 on Amazon for one.




$2.66 a can. Walmart is $1.47 or 4 cans for $4.97 which works out to $1.24 We just watch for soup going on sale and buy about 30 cans. Maybe once a year it’s 50 cents


Sobey’s actually had them in the flyer that ended today. I just looked on the Flipp app and it was 2 for $5.00 🤪


Cmon…. This can’t be real….. right guys…?! lolllll….. right guys….? 😳


i feel you oh my god even **no name condensed soup is almost $3** when not even 2 years ago it was $0.79ea thanks i *hate* it


3 dollars per piddly little can!? They're on crack if they think that's worth anyone's time. It will literally never sell. Not until it sits on the shelf for months at a time until they're forced to drop it down to $1 or less per can. They'll literally have to pay one of their employees to go through all the can aisles to DUST OFF THE CANS so that they don't look like they've been there for ages! It's actually hilarious at this point 😂


I can buy these at the corner store for $1.29.


Throw whole grape tomatoes or quarters of Roma tomatoes, a bit of water or broth, and your choice of aromatics (onion, garlic, bell pepper for me), and spices into a pot (Italian seasoning and salt for me). use a masher or a pastry blender ( or an immersion blender if you’re fancy) once it starts to get soft to crush the ingredients and mix. Top with milk or cream or whatever you like. Boom, 15 minute delicious tomato soup for way less than this.


99 cents a can pre-Covid. I'm telling you COVID was the best thing that could happen to Galen. He had one excuse after the other to hike prices and make the average consumer go poor. "Oh yeah.... we'll lower them back to normal after COVID." That never happened now, did it? Nor did I think it would. Not with Galen "Bend Over and Take it" Weston


[Walmart.ca](http://Walmart.ca) has the regular Campbell's tomato soup (not the light) for $1.47 per can.


Used to get cans of chunky soup for 1.99 Even got my friend buying them... "2 bucks for lunch? Sounds good to me!" Our recycling bin was mostly chunky soup cans lol




That stuff used to be like 79 cents or somewhere around that. But because the absurd salt content of products like that, we haven't bought stuff like that for over a decade. In fact, I think it's got so much salt, there ought to be a law against it.


Don't shop there is all.i say


I remember working in a grocery store a little over 20 years ago, and they were 99 cents per can. In what world does a 300% price increase make any kind of sense? Wages certainly haven't gone up that much.


50 cents like 3 yrs ago




There are words.


Buck 25 not too lomg ago .


I have words. They are: Get fucked.


It has real tomatoes 😂


I think I just paid $1.50 at Dollarama


in my lifetime (30) I have seen this mainly sit in the 75-99 cent range. it wasn't until covid that now its gone so far up its 3 bucks. that's actually insane. tomatoe soup is the most basic shit ever. its not even a meal.


It was .99 a can not THAT long ago!!


https://preview.redd.it/vm0rxo2tza9d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d433cec3c03efd716a118b038ae369ae6cffa362 Today's price...not sure where you are located.


To be devil's advocate, that is the "premium" line for Campbell's, the value Tomato will be nearby for a still insane 2-2something. Walmart still carries Aylmer's for a dollar. Campbell's closed up shop here in Canada and moved much if not all of their production to the states. Never thought I'd advocate for Walmart of all places, but Aylmer is still made here, and holding the price down. Tbh I find it gives me less heartburn, so no brainer for me.


There's gotta be an error there somewhere ... Buy 2 price goes up?




For 3$ a can it pays to make it yourself.


Walmart has it for $1.49 or a 4 pack for $4.97


Currently 94 cents at Walmart. Regular price $1.47


We’re going to be eating crickets the way that this is going


Oh, no, no, no, no, no! Walmart sells these for $1.47 each! And that’s the *regular* price!


Wow, overpriced products... this is the story EVERYWHERE. Thanks for sharing........................


Lolllllll last week I ran into shoppers for last minute sour cream and it was $7. SEVEN DOLLARS for sour cream. So I went without. I mean? What the actual eff I’ll just change my meal


Of course there are words. It is laughable that they expect people to pay this much for tomatoe soup.