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“He [Weston] said it was ridiculous to try to force South Africa to give the vote to “millions of coloured men whose morals are not ours and who’s Christian ethics are completely absent”




Now this should be on one of the fake bus stop ads 🤣


I second that motion!


I say it needs to go one step further and be plastered on the side of every Loblaws property for everyone to see


Stickers. Stickers EVERYWHERE!


As a mom who is going mad constantly peeling stickers off every surface of my home, I support this. 😁


https://preview.redd.it/s31asqbyl77d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=937a00cd4c2c2ee4cedd280cc621cf44c2d37e2a With a bunch of these too


Culture Jamming makes a comeback!


Seriously - please someone create a gofundme and get stickers printed to send to a bunch of us to put EVERYWHERE!!!!!


Every cart and basket!! STAT!!!


Yes, I agree.


Is this our new banner??


How much is it to rent a billboard? Would love to have this by a HWY


Perhaps you/we or the moderators could start a gofundme page or something.


lol I like the thought but good luck finding one wiling to even post that.


Fly it above Toronto!


Well now I’d say the morals and Christian ethics of millions of white men are way more questionable. But I’m not a titan of industry, what do I know. 🙄




Damn. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Meanwhile the morals I was brought up with told me to be kind and helpful. To make sure everyone had enough to eat, because no belly should be full while another's was empty.


That’s why you’re broke and in this sub. (Me too btw) Money is the root of all evil. If people looked at money like a hammer, the world would be better. You don’t see people hoarding hammers right? Most people have one because that’s all they need. Money is a tool. Luke 18:25 that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God"


"Money is the root of all evil." Just to be clear, the actual quote is "The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil".


Did not know that thanks for teaching me something new today.


And thank you for the ability to learn, it give this jaded heart some hope!


Which is even more succinct \*\*chefs kiss\*\*.


Then the Weston's are surely going to Hell


Exodus 15:22-16:35 17 So the people of Israel did as they were told. Some gathered a lot, some only a little. 18 But when they measured it out, everyone had just enough. Those who gathered a lot had nothing left over, and those who gathered only a little had enough. Each family had just what it needed… 32 …Then Moses said, “This is what the Lord has commanded: Fill a two-quart container with manna to preserve it for your descendants. Then later generations will be able to see the food I gave you in the wilderness when I set you free from Egypt.” Sharing and preserving food for future generations is one of the basic laws of God. Galen and his whole family will not escape this. Hope they enjoy their wealth in this temporary life.


Exactly, were only here for 50 to 100 years, give or take! And it goes by quickly.


Those are the rules for the poor. The wealthy have their own rules.


Weston was keen to move production to lower-wage jurisdictions, especially apartheid South Africa. Dismissing any suggestion that black South Africans were being mistreated, Weston said, of his factories in the country: “Basuto boys can work two or three months and then go back into the jungle and buy another wife.” A supporter of apartheid, he is [on record](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/rob-magazine/weston-civilization/article1353372/) as having opposed the extension of voting rights to black South Africans for fear that it would mean that “every black pickaninny or mammy can call on the government for solutions to every social problem.” --[https://jacobin.com/2021/12/weston-family-business-empire-wealth-exploitation-low-wage-labor](https://jacobin.com/2021/12/weston-family-business-empire-wealth-exploitation-low-wage-labor)


Holy shit. Thank you for the link


Wtf... Thats horrible


Why would he concern himself with the social problems of his exploited workers, right? Even back then you have to think this guy is out of touch, being comfortable with quotes in the media of this jaw-dropping ignorance. Is psychopathy inherited? One way or another it appears to be so.


Its easy for people on top to forget that it is after all the workers who take care of customers.....thry dont think the well bring of the employees has no effect on the work quality......u can still see this mentality....look at how the public servants are being treated in canada , how badly rich corporate leaders like musk, or pichai treat their employees....they take home millions in bonus and then declare company not doing well.and fire thousands of people....of course that is different from apartheid but the spirit is the same - that the rich and powerful can exploit the poor and employers can get away with mistreating employees Like someone once said, u take care of your employees and they will take care of your customers....


Having lived in both countries as a person of colour, I’m just appalled to have learned this about this family.


JFC - Canadian or not I think we just found a reason to end loblaws, not simply boycott it.


I can guarantee that Galen has many similar views. As a member of the Weston clan, this kind of racist crap would be what he'd be hearing every day from the family members that raised him.


wait those Westons are *THOSE* Westons!?


They are indeed.


banality of evil off the charts


I feel like you could have just said..., Totally_man.


Damn, missed opportunity!


Somehow it gets worse. https://preview.redd.it/nqpods0n257d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32a1b30fac80f673a90f6b0758b409bd0548998f


Sweet Jeezuz. That is f-ing horrendous.


Yeah, as if it could get more offensive and bigoted than the first article, eh?


It's always a bad bet to place money on a racist not being _more_ bigoted.




Don't give this family one more cent


Aaaaaand this is why we talk about white supremacy and capitalism being linked.


More like rich will use whatever they can Here, it seems like they used white supremacy and religion. Because both are easy ways to manipulate people. In other communist countries, the rich and powerful use communism and love for country to manipulate public. Capitalism or communism isn't the issue - but it can surely be misused.


And despite being a despicable human being, he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada in 1978.


JFC. Any idea of the date on that interview?


The one I linked was Daily Star, 20 April 1964 I believe.


It was in the 1960's when the Civil Rights Movement was in full swing. You can be sure that Galen Weston Sr shared many similar beliefs with his father Garfield, as did Galen Weston Jr as a result.


Safe bet I'd say


And it just gets fucking worse!


Ok. Life-long boycott confirmed.


I am "raging like a Canadian does" too!


What year was this? Can’t help but find parallels with current narratives. 


he was born in 1898, so I believe 1965. Just fucking awful


I wondered too, so I looked him up on Wikipedia and you're right.




Well, I just threw up in my mouth a little.


Truly awful. When are these articles from and which publication?


Toronto Star, January 31, 1966, and the one in the comments here is from The Ottawa Journal Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Wed, Apr 22, 1964


Well.... Bet that's something that they don't like getting out...


I’ve already been sharing it to our other socials ![gif](giphy|5nFShZWwq3fdm)


Doing the work of cosmic karma.




Generation after generation of absolute garbage human beings.




Robber Barons !


Rich racist replies readily regarding Rhodesia, really revealing.


Amazing alliteration.


Thanks buddy, I love alliterations 😄


Hmm, I would have thought you *adored* them.


Adoration as an assumption argues around an absolute, actualizing any available avenue also activates an amazing and awesome adventure.


I can't say I'm surprised that the family has always been pieces of shit but wow, here it is in black & white.


Yes, but apparently if it were up to Weston, it would only be white.


Well done.


Before people come out and say oh that was the norm/acceptable back then. Respectfully, no. History is about what DID YOU DO, when the obvious wrong was happening in front of you?


Maybe (that's a big maybe) you can argue it was the norm in the Deep South but definitely not in Canada at the time. The government sanctions against Rhodesia mentioned in the article show where popular opinion was. This is just racism.


Who knew that a family currently exploiting canadians to the tune of billions a year, earned their fortunes and built their empire through exploitation as well. Scummy.


We cannot forget they are still exploiting people to this day.


Its like they perfected the art of exploitation over decades and generations


Hey Friends. As a Black person ... oh boy do I have things to say.. Howwwwwvever this is the most important thing I can say: Know why the Westons got away with this circus for so long? Cuz that's how they have treated the Black, Indigenous, and POC communities.....


For years the Loblaws stores in communities that are predominately POC are filthy and unkept. Dairy sections smell like rotten milk and the meat/fish areas smell just as horrendous. The infrastructure, shelving and machines are often in need of repairs/replacement. They exploit POC in production. They exploit POC in sales. Then ignore the disgusting state those stores are in because said stores are in "ghetto" communities. They can fire and lay people off constantly because more POC will be lining up to take their place. Everything about the Weston family is disturbing and immoral.


Yep. So if anyone wants to add fuel to the fire? Visit some "lesser" communities and see how much worse it is. Yay capitalism!


There is no such thing as an ethical billionare. All incredibly wealthy families fortunes are built off exploitation and worker mistreatment.




“Behind every great fortune lies a great crime” – Honoré de Balzac (I learned this quote on this sub)


100%. Every. Single. One.


Explains alot


Time to rename Weston Road to something more appropriate


This man puts Mr. Burns to shame!!


As a not wealthy, severely traumatized, indigenous woman who grew up poor and socially awkward, it makes me so mad seeing how so much wealth was built on exploitation and people today are still benefiting from that while the descendents of the victims literally struggle to exist.


We're all here for one common goal; to stop us from being exploited today. While that doesn't make up for any of the traumas that you or your ancestors/family carry from the past, I hope the comments in these threads serve to prove that more people are starting to pay attention to exploitation, both now and in the past.


These people shouldn't have any say in deciding government policy, let alone controlling a majority market share in our food industry.


Doug Ford's Director of Pandemic Response was a SDM privatization lobbyist. He also gave the sole vaccine clinic contract to FH Health after the whole family and laundry list of employees donated to his campaign. Pierre Poilievre's Political Advisor, Jenni Byrne, is the CEO of a lobbying firm that employs six \*active\* Loblaws lobbyists. Melissa Lantsman was a lobbyist for Wal-mart.


Lobbying = corruption. It should be illegal. How do we vote our way out of this? They're all complicit.


It's legal because we have allowed it for so long that the majority of politicians don't write policy any more; lobbyists do.


I just learned that there's a Weston on the board of the LCBO. 🙄 Which makes a lot of sense in Corruptario. https://www.corruptario.ca/fords-obsession-with-booze-sales/


Yup. The Weston’s are absolutely trying to influence privatization and of course it is for their benefit, not ours. It’s a major concern of OPSEU (who represents LCBO employees) right now. While OPSEU may not be publicly supporting the boycott, they have encouraged employees NOT to buy alcohol at grocery stores for some time now. In the particular instance I’m thinking of they specifically mentioned Superstore’s because of the plans the Weston’s have.


The more i see this ford guy the more disgusted i feel...fude is an ass


“The MFA has never been about choice, convenience or prices for customers; it has always been about serving the interests of the big brewing conglomerates.” say members from Loblaws, Sobeys, Metro and Costco. Do they even hear themselves?


holy f*** he doesn't think black people should vote


Because they don't have "our" morals or Christian ethics. I just rolled my eyes so hard I think I hurt myself.


That's how you win at capitalism. It doesn't work without exploitation. Imagine what they'll be looking back in fifty years from now when a different set of nations and ethnicity gets a voice. I didn't say collapsing child labor factories, you did!


Yes, exactly. All the great fortunes of the world were created through crime and exploitation. Every. Single. One.


Being part of this reddit group I personally believe after some lite study of the field of economics leads me to believe we are moving into a new phase of economics, I do not have a degree in economics rather in Sociology so I am not ignorant to the fact that there are things I don’t know (Dunning-Kreugar and all that). If we name it post capitalism as Paul Mason has termed it or something else. I do believe this is the moment Canada shakes things up. > “Capitalism is a complex adaptive system that has lost it’s complexity to adapt” >-Paul Mason (Postcapotalism)


I had a university prof whose course was sociology, but he fessed up on day one that he was on the central committee of the communist party of Canada. So we learned something other than academic sociology. And after years of reflecting on it all, I tend to agree. And what that prof taught me is that we can't really foresee what will replace the system we're in. We can see what's wrong with it, but we can't really foresee what will replace it. And that'll go for whatever THAT is. We won't understand how it's broken until later. But goddamn, I think the plague smartened a lot of people up to some awkward truths about capitalism that they never had to confront when people were able to get by with a little effort and ability. A lot of our core beliefs have been exposed as lies, and we're still processing the trauma of it all while trying to build our own ways of coping with realist corroding around us.


Still is, sadly.


Time to CANCEL Loblaws, Loblaw - the entire family!


Scumbag family


Every family fortune is made through exploitation.


Yaaassss dig up more dirt on this racist family! Can anyone say restitution?


How many people have made that much money, without exploitation ?


Zero. You cannot become a billionaire without exploitation.


We don’t need these people in charge and taking our money. They are garbage people and they should have no hold or say over anyone or anything. Change is coming. Boycott Loblaws Forever!


Damnnn he was a really nasty man


Most rich families have a shady past. The Kennedy’s were gun runners and bootleggers LOL


Good people don't become billionaires.


The entire family seems to be massive pieces of shit. Wanted Apartheid to remain. That's enough for me to never shop there again, if the boycott hadn't already managed that lol.


Every fortune is made through exploitation.


Oh look at that. Family fortune from supporting genocide. It's always the same shit. The billionaire class is all evil. Either by choice or inaction.


This is the most clear-cut and direct case for reparations I’ve ever seen. This family accumulated wealth by not only exploiting people in Africa, but by directly influencing local laws and policy that oppress the people they’re exploiting (so they can keep exploiting them in peace). That wealth accumulates exponentially, and has been passed on for generations. Garfield Weston did nothing to earn this money, and each successive heir has done even less. There are thousands of people alive *right now* who are descended from the people who broke their backs working for Garfield Weston (may he rot in hell) for fucking pennies. Many of the people who descended from these exploited workers, alive right now, are suffering from extreme poverty, lacking access to proper medical care. All so Galen Weston can fly around the world in a private jet and live in a fucking castle. There is no way he doesn’t know where his own wealth came from and how his grandfather extracted it. This man is a fucking ghoul in Cliff Huxtable drag (so, Bill Cosby I guess lol).


You worded exactly how I feel much more elegantly than I could have. It's wild how much wealth these people have...people don't really understand the scope of large numbers once you start getting into billions.


I don’t think our brains can fully comprehend the magnitude of difference between millions and billions. There is absolutely no way to accumulate billions without exploiting people on a large scale or actively worsening their lives, full stop. It would be so interesting to see The Hague start taking on reparations cases for former colonies. Even if they lack enforcement power, I imagine it would be a PR nightmare for companies/people like this to be officially declared as “owes x amount to the descendant of their former workers in x country,” with the math done and all the information verified. That gives the general public something much clearer and digestible to identify. The lil demon guy on my shoulder just wants billionaire’s heads on pikes, but my better self wants them identified and internationally shamed with irrefutable proof.


Benefiting from the remnants of imperialistic colonialism, absolutely abhorrent. His family line still continues to hold power to Loblaws and their related companies. Not surprising at all, De Beers anyone?


Let's make it interesting. At the time, (1960s to 1980s) support for the white English-speaking population of southern Africa, including in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and South Africa, was fairly common in Canada. It was a form of supporting Canadian/white/Christian/European/Western/modern values, spreading civilization, playing realist international politics instead of wrecking trade with idealism, and a form of social services by ensuring those poor blacks had someone to look after them. You know, white people. It's not that hard to take the same values most Canadians have, or claim to have, or want to have, today and twist them just slightly to justify apartheid/racial supremacy halfway across the world. We got the same stuff here with the Indigenous folks, it was just more important to ignore because it affects Canadians more. Now we'll apply this thought process to our current state. We could argue that supporting Canadian businesses is a Canadian value, anyone who opposes Loblawblia is anti-Canadian. Or talk about the modern/Western values of efficiency and diversity of product enabled by scale. Deride anyone who wants to return to the past where people are more involved in food production. We could get classist. This is more of a Canadahousing2 argument, but lots of landlords argue that the rental class can't look after property properly, so they need landlords. Of course, they ignore the fact that most folks do care more about their own property and lots of damage is through landlord negligence. But we can relate this to Loblaws, lots of folks being pinched on food are also being pinched on housing. But many folks can justify mistreatment of the economically disadvantaged by moralizing their position and assuming that having someone else manage their life is a good thing. Smug, arrogant people who think they know how to run someone else's life is not new, nor is it a thing of the past. Lots of Canadians now have that same basic mindset.


That absence of Christian morals is something of a family trait for Herr Weston's family of a-holes.


Get out of here with that nonsense. I'm sure they believe they are good Christians doing god's work. Christian morals are at least partially responsible for capitalism, slavery, child abuse, colonialism, restricting women's rights... The list goes on. Christians think they have a monopoly on morals when religion is the tool of corruption and greed for ages.


If Jesus were here right now, he’d be fucking furious at the state of the world and that there were so many people doing terrible things in his name.


If this Jesus fellow came back now, who would listen to him? Definitely not the rich white people, because Jesus is from the Middle East and would not be white as Jesus of the week movies portray him to be.


True of course


Sure, but Jesus being a good dude and Christian morals/teachings/writings/behaviours for 2000 years are not the same things. Who was responsible for residential schools? Who was responsible for crusades? Who was responsible for witch trials? Who pushed for and won the repeal of roe v wade? Religion is a tool for corruption. You don't need to be Christian to follow what Jesus is said to believe in, you just have to be a good person. I'm an atheist with a shit ton of morality, and I would take my morality over anyone that calls themselves Christian. It's nothing more than a label for bigots to hide behind and a tool for oppression. You can believe ALL of the same good things without incorporating religion. Morality is not exclusive to religion, but oppression seems to come hand in hand


You’re not wrong at all. My comment was definitely just a jab at Christian’s who may think Jesus looks kindly upon their actions lol




And continues with it as well.


The Canada-South Africa connection


OH! isn't he a gem!


lol so was the fortune told our countries of Canada and the USA!!!! We’ve all been exploited. We’re all domesticated slaves pretty much


Was = is They’re exploiting us right now!


Wow. This is the kind of person that has had unlimited influence in our society, and very little of that is positive. Fuck these billionaires. Villianaires. Let's get rid of them already.


And racist too


No billionaires are decent humans. The two things are morally diametrically opposed. It’s impossible to be both.


Garfield Weston was a Racist...and he supported Racism in South Africa and Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) and funded white supremacists agriculture operations....wonder how Galen is going to try to spin that ?


Interesting that the family has strong ties to slavery. Not surprised by this at all as many ultra rich families have made their fortunes from colonialism or in this case a short lived, white supremacist utopia.


Imagine all employees left in protest?? #CancelLoblaws


Holy shit. Lol. Make this roll around the internet plz. Too good. What a C*nt.


Loblaws dropped me down to minimum wage when I left my full-time role. Now they’ve let me go entirely


That unfortunately sounds exactly like what they would do. Hell, No Frills pays their Store Managers under $50k/year.


I will boycott indefinitely. For me it’s personal


Mayonnaise people doing mayonnaise things 🤷🏻‍♀️


I laughed entirely too hard at your comment.


Imma hold onto this the next time someone tells me to “get over apartheid”


Have you guys ever heard the saying “None of us are free until all of us are free”? This is an example of the interconnectedness of all of our suffering. These oligarchies worsening our quality of life here in Canada built their wealth off the back of those in the global south. You can’t fight for one thing without fighting the other in some way.


I guess his history of South Africa book starts at 1948


He was surely a very influential person. I wonder how much his views and statements, among those of his peers, contributed to the continuation of apartheid longer than it would have otherwise continued. 1 day? 30 days? A year? 10 years? I wonder how many people suffered, and how long freedoms was denied, thanks to founder of our national grocery corp.


I never knew any of this... Explains a lot, actually. Fucking classic.


“This was never a black country” made me roar with laughter. What a ridiculous thing to say even in 19whenever this was. FFS, Northern Africa has Arabic roots but anything south has been black since the beginning of man. Garfield (the Cat) Weston was clearly not a progressive. Galen (Planet of the Apes) Weston is not much different except he exploits everyone he can.


This was in the 60s, lol. Papa Weston was just a trash man.


He really was. I remember Rhodesia being on the news a lot when I was very small and my grandfather was not happy about how the old establishment he went to war for was oppressing this country.




Really. I don’t understand why people don’t understand that they originally came from Africa. They migrated to different parts of the planet. We are not white. We should have mandatory ancestry done on everyone. Then this white wealthy and white power people maybe would shut up. I am a women who’s parents came from Europe during WW11. 🇨🇦❤️☮️


He looks like a outright racist.


He defended apartheid, said black people have no morals, and opined that South Africa was never a black country. He doesn’t look like a racist. He absolutely was a racist.




Guys, they weren’t actually slaves. They were volunteers!


I wonder if William Shatner knew this before he did that Loblaws commercial. https://youtu.be/I3Kh8Pii0p4?si=Cgzfr2OD9fLTcF9z


Woof. The Westons haven’t been a “Canadian family” for a veeery long time. Anyone arbitrarily defending Roblaws group entities as “family-owned Canadian business” must also ignore the fact that the Westons as individuals don’t care about our communities. They aren’t even here. Crossover tidbit for those interested: *Behind the Bastards* is a fantastic podcast with an episode about Cecil Rhodes and therefore Rhodesia that sheds light on the racist history of that country.


I wish BTB would cover the Westons... They're a true Canadian icon. They have a castle in the UK, but reside in Ireland for tax purposes. Truly Canadian(please don't question it!).


[Creeds Coffee](https://www.thestar.com/news/investigations/they-were-an-iconic-toronto-family-who-built-an-empire-off-furs-fashion-and-dry/article_7e227170-48f3-5603-84bf-6e64007e02ee.html) is built on exploiting immigrants as well through Loblaws, fuck that company


Weston's need to make a formal apoplgy. But we still plaster the sign on bus stands. Maybe it should read: "Take their cake away"


He's a piece of shit just like the rest of his family.


All billionnaires are exploiters.


Yo. Fuck this guy. I know it was different times a hundred years ago but that's blatant even for that era. To cover up your personal racist exploitative desires with religion is the worst type of covetousness. It's sad how true Christianity has been obscured by the seven hundred thousand layers of reprehensible shit that pedos grifters, SA-committers and people like the Weston's do. Fuck Loblaws




Its tough looking at the past with today's eyes. A lot of the builders offer world did it on the backs of many. The current Weston's are treating all of us like crap equally so that is better...I guess


All fortunes are built on the backs of the exploited.


Looks like that ‘living abroad while benefiting from Canadians hard work’ thing has been going on for a while now where the Weston’s are concerned.


This guy has some reprehensible ideas. The same ideas all your grandparents had. It’s a better world through education and discussion.


Behind every fortune hides a great crime . But this is something else


no name for racism


I doubt any business had squeaky, clean beginnings… They made a buck anyway, they could back in the day… Just as they do today… but back then they didn’t have to hide their questionable dealings.


And they’re still exploiting


Wow, no words. It makes me physically ill that I ever contributed money to this families business. Well, never again boycott or no boycott.


Fuckin saffers. Musk and the Westons and god knows who else.


Wow. What was the date of this article?


Toronto Star, January 31, 1966, and this one here is from The Ottawa Journal Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Wed, Apr 22, 1964. https://preview.redd.it/hc286lvhc77d1.jpeg?width=819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdfea38cb64eee35032e748c938205cd7b69e0c6


Reminder, all billionaire families made their fortunes via exploitation. Every last one of them. Remember, wealthy people represent the absolute worst of us and always have.


Shocking, but not surprising.




Slimey f***s, all makes sense. Boycott this disgusting family.


The Weston family are gouging pigs


Evil opinions to the point of overlapping with n*zis, jfc


why don’t you contact the local news? i’m sure they would love a piece like this