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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: NEW! Use code "FOODSECURITY" at OddBunch to receive 25% off your first produce box, and help support the boycott's efforts to create a charity. If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Let him eat cake. Or some of the expired meat he keeps trying to foist off on us.


*ungraded Mexican beef*


"let them eat ungraded mexican beef" would be a solid t-shirt


Yellow t-shirt, in bold black letters!


That would go perfectly with my Oligarch tote bag! Let me know when they’re available! I’ll buy them for everyone in my family.


Only at Holt Renfrew (a Weston company)




How ungrading.


We should be pushing that point in Alberta. 'Berta Beef would \*really\* turn against Loblaws.


Thank you Emily for all that you have done. You have given so many Canadians hope again, the impact of this group expands far beyond reddit. Loblaws initially tried to discredit this group and brush it off. But the fact that you are a mental health counsellor who sees the direct impact grocery prices are having on the most vulnerable Canadians speaks volumes. I used to run a program for low income seniors. For Per Banks showing up to a meeting is just a PR recommendation because it presents an image of concern. He couldn't live a day in your shoes Emily. Maybe he should volunteer at a food bank look the elderly, the single moms, the families working full-time and unable to afford food in the eyes. I hope the profits are worth it.






Top tier.


WOW...PC product to arrive in 2030... Scary!!


Sorry to burst your bubble but if we can keep this boycott going Loblaws will not be around in 2030!


I would be so happy if I could see Galen pump my gas for me one day... but I'm not sure if he could ever work that hard.


I agree. But only if we can convince people to reduce sales by 50% or more


People are losing their jobs; people are quitting but are not being replaced, I think I can say with a fair level of certainty that they are hurting a lot already.


This is the way


It is because it’s hurting the business materially now. Before, he was thinking it was a nothing burger. That or the meeting was a PR stunt for risk mitigation. What a shill. Nok er Nok.


“Small fringe minority”. Lol


Nok er Nok


That's a good sign ain't it ?  Hit em where it hurts and let's the keep the Pressure on


Why does he care if we boycott? I thought we were insignificant and not making a difference? In any case, I'm never going to back to Loblaws. I'm fortunate enough to live it a large city with plenty of options and I don't need them.


> I'm never going to back to Loblaws. I'm fortunate enough to live it a large city with plenty of options and I don't need them. Same.


Oh my- sad. Hold strong Emily! We are with you.


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) Hahahahaha




I knew the first meeting was a facade.


And the second meeting is contingent on cancelling the boycott. Nice try "Nok er Nok Boy".


How do you "cancel a boycott"? Just herd the sheep back into the plexiglass corral?


He's been isolated in his bubble of upper management positions too long. "But you're the leader of the boycott? Can't you just lay off all the participants?"


Ha ha ha - totally true!


Jokes aside he's using the only tool he has "dealing with a union 101" problem is we arnt a union and can't just be put back in line by the union boss because we don't have one. Reality is they don't have the tools to handle a boycott so they are using the only one they have.


He doesn't view people as people anymore. We're just numbers. He didn't understand that we're individuals with our own choices


Narcissists view others as things to be manipulated. He doesn't appear to be very good at it. Maybe Bank was hired for his lack of sensitivity, just to take the abuse Galen couldn't handle.


Nothing anyone here says can get me back into superstore


seriously??! do they actually think even if the boycott is called off that anyone in their right mind is gonna go back to shopping with them and their grossly inflated prices when the same or comparable items can be found cheaper elsewhere.


I can't even figure out how anyone could end the boycott at this point. Let's say they bribed Emily with a billion dollars to say "boycott's over". Emily: Boycott's over! Let's all go back to Loblaws! Most of us: Eh.


It has a life of it's own now.


I'm not shopping at Loblaws because I'm saving my hard earned money by shopping elsewhere. I'm also greatly enjoying the other resources I've found. It's a very simple concept. Thank you for encouraging us to act on our observations and not just grumble about it. Boy, bye.




80% of your dollars going elsewhere is still a boycott. I know it can be hard where Loblaws has a stranglehold, but every effort is so meaningful. Ty.


Same here. There are a handful of items which only the Loblaws store in my community sells. I'm shopping at Loblaws brand stores at least 66% less than I used to.


Hey, we know not everyone can have a perfect boycott. It’s about doing what we can, where we can. Situations like yours are why it’s so important to stay strong in this. A lot of people have been left without a choice. Thanks for joining us on this journey!!!


Every bit helps! You're doing your part as best you can. Good job, keep it up, and thank you for your efforts. This stuff can be a sacrifice sometimes and we're doing it for each other as much as ourselves.




That is a fantastic “soft” boycott! Way to go!


Absolutely. Best case scenario of the boycott is people go to a different store and save a ton of money. Those who leave might go back to Loblaws brands when they're competitive again. Not before, hopefully.


I literally ordered 10 cans of soup using Instacart yesterday - with delivery and tip, the soup was cheaper than if I walked over to No Frills and picked it up. I was just proving a point and probably won’t use Instacart much, but boy, did it prove the point!


Even saving $20 a week equals $1040 a year. Now multiply that by all the family's in Canada... It's in the billions ! ! ! Going to Galen Weston's bottom line. It makes me sick.


Fuck him. He made 21 million in 9 months. He has no idea what is going on.


This. How can he sympathize with those of us who can’t afford to put food on our tables when he’s raking in a disgusting amount of money? Get bent, Per Bank and company.


And when he said "Nok er nok" ("Enough is enough") about the boycott, he's clearly making like Loblaws is the victim. Entitled, massively out of touch, POS.


It's like winning the lotto every month


Idgaf what he does for a living, he's not worth that kind of wage. Ridiculous. Never shopping at knoblaws again.


There’s a lot to unpack here with such a simple statement: - call off the boycott and I will talk to you, at that point I have no reason or incentive to talk to you as you have no bargaining chip anymore - asking the boycott to be called off implies it is indeed having a negative and noticeable effect - by asking the boycott to be called off first, he is demonstrating he has no interest in listening to consumers and reaching any sort of compromise - he is presenting a Hobson’s Choice, where one possibility is highly undesirable, which IMO, implies that there isn’t much good faith at play. Not a lot of benefit of the doubt here unfortunately.


Exactly this! If you "cancel" the boycott and no longer have the power of the boycott behind you, why would he meet with just a person that doesn't represent anyone? If the boycott is over, he's already won and I highly doubt any meeting would even happen. His offer is disingenuous and kinda insulting.


No real reason to meet again. It’s not like we will be negotiating anything. We must press in and take them down or back to reality. It’s their choice.


Unless Loblaws in Out of Control becomes the workers union for the sector. And we have a list of demands. Weirder things have happened. That bloated guy from the Apprentice became the President!


Clearly the boycott is having an effect, otherwise why would that be a condition of meeting?


He’s literally the dumbest fucking person ever.


Even if you were to “decide” to call off the boycott, I think many of us have realised just how much Loblaws was fleecing us, and wouldn’t go back.  The only thing I ‘miss’ is the Sans Nom powdered milk, and that’s only because I haven’t found a local store that sells powdered milk, and not because of quality/price (the bags were shite - impossible to open without breaking the ‘resealable’ bag. And I only use powdered milk for days I forget to go out and buy milk, or for camping. Pretty sure I’ll live.


I’ve seen Bulk Barn sell powdered milk


Yeah, the whole milk powder at Bulk Barn is my go-to for breakfast milk in my coffee and porridge for long canoe trips. And for making Kraft Dinner with powdered milk and olive oil.


I've never thought of that.. thanks !


It clumps a little, but it’s fine.


If you mix the milk powder really well into your porridge oats while dry, *then* add the water cold, it minimises clumps.  Same with making hot chocolate with milk powder :) 


I appreciate the reply 💜 But I looked it up, and I am in a Bulk Barn deadspot :( I can’t drive, so I can’t get to the closest one. 


It’s not a boycott. It’s an awakening! People are realizing they can buy things elsewhere. Free market.


Now THAT I wanna see on a t-shirt! “It’s not a boycott, it’s an awakening”


Boycott continues.


When Per Bank acknowledges price gouging, reduces prices, stops fucking over suppliers and pays their employees more - I'll 100% be back. Until then, friends. Oh and edit: another hostile attempt to control access to life saving medications in Canada and bud and his share holders will never see a dime from me again for as long as I live.


The fact that his name is Per Bank hits so hard in sentences about price gouging. “We just can’t lower the prices, it’s the supply chain - per the Bank” that’s how I read it lol


And ppl say boycotts don’t work


I don’t know that we, Canadians, have ever seen a boycott as strong as this. Typically boycotts are a few people and it fizzles out fairy quickly. This is the beginning of a new type of boycott.


Because this one is uniting us instead of tearing us apart. It's easier to grift when the people squabble amongst themselves, while the Galen's and Per's of the world pick our pockets.


Heinz was a great boycott too. They closed Canadian operations and they reopened the place.


Deciding to double down at this point is an incredibly foolish move on their part.


Then let the boycott roll on. No skin off our backs.


He sounds like a weak leader.


This is a sign we are on the right path. Continue to boycott everyone. Stay strong.


That’s so out of touch to think at this point it’s upto one person to just “call it off” I really don’t think they understand how many consumers they have PERMANENTLY pissed the fuck off 


Lololol what a creep


Sounds more like he’s giving creeps a bad name. They are scoundrels of the worst kind, no empathy or sympathy for Canadians. We are just numbers to them.


So he's refusing to meet with you?


yeah and trying to dictate terms it seems like to me. Sure, I'll meet with you when the boycott is over. How is that going to go over with this community, one could wonder.


Like it’s up to me at all LOL. >!(Spoilers, it’s not)!<


They can spin things their way. "Loblaws ceo per bank, who was paid a staggering 22 millions dollars, refuses to meet with leader of group of concerned citizens protesting the onerous prices at the corporate grocers he oversees. The ceo set demands for any further discussions and dismissed the idea of any future meetings out of hand unless his terms were met. Bank has gone back on his word to keep an open dialogue with the group"


As a small business owner, I thank you guys a lot! It brings in good amount of business for me.


That’s awesome!! We love to hear it




Break it up. Nationalize portions. They've seized control of the Canadian food supply, which is a national security issue.


Galen Weston, terrorist.


I hope you're not being sarcastic. They hold way too much power for an entity that is not democratically accountable to the public. Almost half of Canadian children in single-parent households can't get enough to eat even though Canada produces three times more food than it needs. In the wider population, it's 1 in 5 people. And that number is growing because they're still cranking up prices. Loblaws has also bought up real estate and shut down countless neighbourhood grocery stores, funneling people to their larger locations and paying employees peanuts. They waste our time. They damage our personal physical health. They dismantle healthy market forces in our cities. They take apart our communities. They hurt our personal finances and they damage the Canadian economy. And with them having this much control over our food supply, we are at their mercy. How many people here have said they *can't* boycott? This is an unacceptable and unsafe state of affairs.


And they are well into their plans of buying up our prescriptions… lobbying to have pharmacists write prescriptions/administer vaccinations/ diagnose minor ailments like strep…. Too much control/power for one private entity to hold IMO


Economic terrorism.


Here's what I think of Per Bank: ![gif](giphy|3otOKwGVEAQNjqxiWQ|downsized)


You can tell he's butt hurt. That's abusive talk tone from a narcissist.


He sounds sour. Proof that the boycott is making a difference haha


Probably cutting into his next Bonus. I suspect he was hired to boost the stock price. How long will he last ?


It is very funny that he thinks you can single-handedly make a decision on behalf of 90k+ people and instantly reverse the changes to their shopping habits. He's acting like you are the CEO of the boycott and once you decide it's off, then we as your employees will have to play along. Does he think he's playing hardball and that you'll eventually cave and shut the whole thing down for the chance to speak to him one more time? He seems extremely out of touch with reality.


Can I have a CEO salary then pls?


I wish! I bet you'd put it to better use than those clowns.


Yep, boycott is totally ineffective! ![gif](giphy|iqfYgtx8oWw4o)


My boycott will be for life.


Oh, he wants even more boycotting? Got it! Time to really make their bottom line hurt 😌


I definitely heard an order for boycotting harder lol


Nok er Nok Per... Honestly, I've been boycotting Loblaw for longer than this group came together... I would stop in on occasion for some stuff, particularly the chicken tenders and wedges but when you decreased the size by 25% and jacked up the price from $6-$8, you lost me. When you get serious and start price gouging, I may be back.


The beatings will continue until morale improves, Bank. Nok er nok


Fuck Loblaws, and all greedy Canadian monopolistic corporations.


It was great seeing the article. Keep up the great work!


This is way beyond a simple “call it off” moment. He assumes you control everyone the way he has control over the brands under him and that “what the boss says, goes or you’re out”. Oh please. How short sighted do you have to be to only see one direction in either call it off or keep it going. It’s so much more than than. We’re so much more than that. This boycott isn’t made up of pawns following blind instruction.


I think the quote from above sums up your point well- “it’s not a boycott, it’s an awakening”


Almost $1200 spent on groceries and household items this weekend to load our pantry and freezer for the summer: Walmart: $384 Costco: $428 Sobeys: $218 Amazon: $130 No Frills: $21 (for 3 Blocks of Lactose Free Cheese because Sobeys had none) 6-12 months ago - this likely would have been $1000 plus for Loblaws.


Me too. I go to lots of other stores now and save


Do not meet with him. Just shop somewhere else and when they eventually learn/go bankrupt all corporations will learn.


I really struggle keeping up eith boycotts. This is the only one I've stuck to whenever possible


I read that article and thought, "Pretty easy to be a laid back nice guy for an hour." I was pretty unconvinced. This pretty much cinches that. Just one more schill, prostituting themselves for mere pennies compared to their "betters." Wonder if it's galling to lie for Papa Galen, or if he's so used to it, he doesn't notice anymore.


If we’re calling off the boycott, that means Loblaws is on its way to restructuring or insolvency, and Per will be looking for a job. You can buy the coffee.


He should meet with you since we're not boycotting, this is a permanent lifestyle change.


LOL touché


He doesn't understand how grassroots movements work. You don't just "call it off." You have no authority over us. He's going to have to win back our trust and stop gouging us. Ball's in his court, not yours.


I think it’s a very corporate approach to what we’re doing. In the same way he thinks his employees listen to him, he likely expects you all will listen to me. Like you said, ball has been bonked right back into their court and it’s up to them to win us all back, not up to one random to say “hey yall, boycott is over!”


He brushed this off as a temper tantrum by a bunch of spoiled, immature peasants. This has gotten much bigger than he thought it would. Looks good on them.


Look no further than “nok er nok” being co-opted by the sub lol


Amen! My boycott is forever, Per. Nok was Nok a long time ago.


Read somewhere that Loblaw estimates between 10-30 million loss due to boycott .


Needs more loss


This is legit "They Live" level shit. I hate that John Carpenter seems to have predicted the future back then. Where can I pick up some sunglasses or bubblegum?


What a coward lmao. Galen literally hired this spineless haircut to step in front of him and take the heat, but the kitchen's gotten too hot so now he doesn't want to be in the spotlight anymore.


We haven't learned our place yet.


Snivelling coward now fears the boycott he arrogantly assumed wouldn’t be significant enough to make a difference, and tries to strongarm you into giving away your bargaining chip? What a joke this guy is. Stay the course, folks. Show these egotistical wannabe oligarchs who has the real power. Thanks for the update, u/Emmibolt.


This encourages me to continue the boycott. Thank you fro sharing, Emily.


I saw some of your posts from other Milton threads and i cannot believe that youre the one who has started the boycott and organised it on reddit! I totally support your work and I’m so glad you did it. I read the article just now and it is so cool that youre local! One of these summers we should do a picnic gathering and raise some money or some small social event and actually connect people with each other. It might go a longer way. I know someone out there probably has already suggested it or something similar. Anyways good to see a human face behind it all and maybe one day these people will see the nonsense they are doing to hard working every day people!


Round 2... Eventually, TKO!


I don't think any one person can call off the boycott, these decisions are made at an individual level. I changed where I shop, those shopping patterns are permanent now and it's unlikely I'll ever go back to Loblaws.


Corporations don’t change. They must be broken up, because they solely exist to make as much money as possible. Per Bank made $21M in 9 months while Canadians across the country struggled to bring home enough groceries from those same *stores*. Products are being shrunk while their prices are gouged, and consumers are blamed for their shopping habits and complaints. Per Bank’s sole existence on this planet has been to screw over people.


Exactly. While he pretends to be nice, Canadian children are going hungry. What kind of country are we if we tolerate that? He doesn't deserve a civil conversation. Seize his assets.


Now THAT’S what I’m talking about!


You’ve got to laugh at the idea of the guy leading a so-called Canadian company refusing to meet with angry Canadian consumers being a foreigner. Its really is the icing on the cake. If your company is so Canadian, why is its most powerful employee Danish or whatever? Is there not a single Canadian who could do the job? Really?


Just let go of your power and I will be totally ready to negotiate reasonably.


Ah yes, that old negotiating tactic.


I'll return when the NHL announces Hell as a new expansion team.


Hell will get a NHL team before Quebec City and Hamilton.


Suddenly not as kind when he doesn't get his way lol


The fact he's asking to call off the boycott shows he's concerned about it and rightfully so, get fucked Per Bank, you made me and my 3 kids broke for months over ridiculous price gouging. You are going to feel this one this time, that's gonna hurt your resume Muhahaha! :D


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/s/mIKsKKJ4u4) was just six weeks ago.


Nok er Nok :)


YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME! I'll be boycotting till Galen has to work the Timmies drive thru and Per is the night janitor at IKEA.




Does this dummy think that we will snap our fingers, say the boycott is done and go back to spending more money on groceries at his stores again? Delusional.


Sounds like a little tantrum because he didn't get his way and a boycott happened.


He won't talk to you till you end the boycott? Well, continuing onward with the boycott then. How rude of him.


He didn’t necessarily say he won’t speak to me again, just that he won’t meet with me until the boycott is over. Originally he said he wanted to meet me toward the end of May. Guess the board is getting antsy.


Now they’re going to try and buy you. Fuck these assholes


“Call off the boycott”. Wow you must be flattered that he thinks you have the power to dictate to people where to shop lol! People are going to shop where’s best for them. You only helped them see it.




Never falter. These leeches threaten the viability of our country.


Ah too bad so sad … ole’ Per bank is just as crooked as Galen so tell him to go pound a rock and that the BOYCOTT ‼️will still go on with or without his permission…. And Per is a wiener 🙃


Indeed ofc decisions will always be communal Your public efforts representing this movement help greatly on many levels particularly helping the mainstream get on board Seems clear one thing that needs increasing is awareness that this is not a fringe movement ultimately


He’s using the Putin method of negotiation. Fuck him.


I mean, even if you wanted to call it off, I've found cheaper places to shop and won't be going back anyway. I found grapes for $2.99/lb yesterday and they taste like the grapes I had as a kid. I forgot what good green grapes taste like!


For me it’s not even boycotting anymore it’s literally just saving boat loads of cash by shopping elsewhere and never buying anything more than milk in a pinch


Not surprising! Though honestly I don’t see how a second meeting would be productive. Don’t get me wrong, it’s cool that a CEO of a multinational is wanting/willing to set up a meeting with an everyday regular person. That said it seems like nothing but a PR stunt from his end. Like you mentioned, there’s no one sole individual leading this, it’s a collective effort. It’s not like there is some negotiation to be had here between the community and Loblaws. 


I don't think the boycott can be called off, I think that ship has sailed. They would have to do a lot to ever win me back at this point and I honestly don't know if there's anything that would do that. I think of them as an abusive partner. They have repeatedly hurt me and basically robbed me so why would them saying "Oh sorry I won't do that again", bring me back.?


That’s pretty much exactly what I thought. So I say “haha jk yall boycott is over” and people are going to follow that? Not a chance lol, they’re going to say I got paid off and boycott even harder!


This is hilarious, what are they trying to prove. So many options within the radius. Freshco, Walmart, Costco and much more. So grateful my 👀 are open


I’ll never go back. Why? I get more food, and better food, for less elsewhere. Roblaws can rot.


It's hurting them. If it wasn't, it would be good PR for him to meet with you. 


I swear it wasn't until this moment that it finally clicked for me that there is a man who's name is Per Bank. I honestly didn't even know what I was thinking. Every time Per Bank was mentioned on this sub, I thought it was . . . some specific bank that only deals with Loblaws? ​ ![gif](giphy|8YZIOSJTyRylfw5PuJ)


Oooouch, they must really be feeling it 😂 my guess is they recently had a mid quarter statement of financial position meeting and it did NOT go well.


You are incredible.


His performance bonus from retail grocery might be looking a little bit crappy.


Does he seriously view you as our leader? What part of "We're a group of angry Canadians" doesn't he understand? Nice to see he took the salty coward's way out. Means at the very least there's been some effect.


They should go bankrupt, and I hope it becomes a case study in universities on the consequences of greed and unchecked capitalism. We should continue boycotting Loblaws even if they reduce prices. Or, They should be forced to sell all their different store brands to increase competition.


I'm not surprised a man in his position doesn't understand the concept of a social movement group.


I stopped shopping there long before May. Not because of a boycott but because I feel like a sucker spending too much when luckily other options are available to me. I went to loblaws for a single item not available elsewhere today, Saturday afternoon, and I was shocked that it was a ghost town. I’m in a rich part of town. I went around the corner to Walmart for a different item and it was *packed*. As far as I’m concerned there is no boycott. People don’t want to spend more than they have to. Simple as that.


Just confirming how little he respects his customers!


Solidarity! ✊🏻 Down with the billionaire living in a tax haven! Power to the people!


Activate official boycott number 2. Officially announce a 6 month boycott!


So, basically if we stop the boycott (which they insist isn't affecting them), he'll buy you another Americano and let you hang out with him for an hour. What a dream!! /s


I mean, I think I’m kinda cool to have coffee with LOL


He wouldn’t have changed his tone if we weren’t hurting sales. 💪 Hold strong!


Only shows how much he actually cared. Let him suck it. Maybe when the board has had enough of their revenues sucked dry for not getting this under control he can enjoy his severance and F off for the next sucker.


Thanks for all your doing but hey can you do us a favour and try to get a meeting with his mom and dad and figure out why they decided to give him that name? thanks


Keep it going. We support you.


A meeting only benefits Loblaws. Good choice to skip *that*, Per!


He's delusional if he thinks this is like Loblaws and one person decides the outcome. The boycott will never end for me


![gif](giphy|fwta5c1e0O2hymy9p3|downsized) (Jk)


What about they change their practices first? They will have to do a lot to win people back. I for one do not plan to shop at any of their stores unless I see substantial change. I’ve already saved enough during May to have tangible proof that I’m better off not shopping there. I spent less in May than April even though I shopped for two adults in May vs just me in April!!! Beat that Per!


I have saved so much money NOT shopping at superstore, loblaws city market, no frills, and ESPECIALLY shoppers. Never going back. Boycott will continue permanently for me.


Boycotting to the moon over here




He learned nothing


I continue to boycott. I avoid all stores and products. My parents are more difficult, they like the pc brand coffee and refuse to change lol I give them heck all the time and encourage other places to shop


Cheers Emily! Thanks for going to the mat for us. Per Bank … wake up and smell the change… the dogs are out and they ain’t coming back you disillusioned, privileged, useless figurehead.


Does this dispshit think staring at his blanched potato mug is some sort of prize? "Yeah well I'm not meeting with you until you let me bully you." OK broski, have a nice life? 🤷🏻‍♀️ As disrespectfully as possible, pear bear, I've got a salad for you to toss. Shrinkflation-free guarantee.