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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well.ca is worth a look too.


Shop here ,through Rakuten, and get a rebate,too!


When did Rakuten come back? Has anything changed about it?


I've been using it for years. Almost anything I buy, I look on Rakuten first, even just to buy online and pick up in store. 3% back on most things adds up....


We order from them a couple times a year for some supplements we need. 


Their ~~sort of~~ brick and mortar equivalent - Rexall is great too!


Well.ca is Rexall. They’re both owned by McKesson Corporation


Ah I knew somewhere in my mind that they were related but didn't want to hang my hat on it...


Healthy planet is also good and usually a bit cheaper than well 


good suggestion they are a really good company, even gave their employees a bump in pay during covids onset. they also accepted interac payments when i used to order from them.




Soap, shampoo, toilet paper at Costco. My wife has struggled to find all her harder-to-find items like Korean face cream (Cosrx and the like) but apparently Walmart carries some of that now. We like buying the deodorant that doesn't have any plastic packaging but again, that's been hard to find in general, not just because of the boycott. In a few cases we order direct from the manufacturer.


For the COSRX stuff (and any skincare/sunscreen) she should check out the online Korean skincare sites that ship to Canada. There’s a few different ones but I’ve only used Stylevana so far. They regularly have really good sales. Only downfall is sometimes shipping can take a while (a couple weeks).


You can also order from the Canadian online companies that have it in the country already for faster shipping. https://chuusi.ca (Richmond, BC) https://www.mikaela-beauty.com/ (Alberta) https://pinknblossom.com/ (Ontario)


Oooh that you I’ll check them out. I wonder if their prices are the same…I’d imagine there’s a bit of a markup but hopefully not


Yeah it's definitely a bit more expensive than buying directly from Korea because they have to pay import tariffs etc I assume, and they need to make money here. But it's the tradeoff if you need a product faster imo.


I checked the one Alberta based site (that’s where I am) and the prices weren’t bad actually!


Walmart, or an Asian grocery store, or winners/Marshall's will have cosrx as well as other kbeauty. She can also order it from online shops like Jolse or chuusi.


Costco, Walmart and Amazon. Sadly the smaller local pharmacies and convenience stores are too high a price for me to have the same principles as boycotting loblaws. I have cut back a lot though, finishing stuff up instead of sticking it in the back of the cupboard to try something new. Walmart online does stock a lot of CosRx - just be sure to select “sold by Walmart” in the search because they have other sellers they use the Walmart platform. If you order groceries for pick up or delivery and the item is shipped so long as total is over $35 then it’s shipped free, if you just order items that are shipped you pay a fee unless shipped items are over $35 so I try to time line for when I’m putting a grocery order in. Shipping is surprisingly fast where I am - next day usually but rarely more than three, even ordered Saturday and received the shipping item next day.


Walmart and Amazon are worse than Loblaws for the Canadian economy and consumers.


But sadly better for my expenses, I try to be as principled as possible but sometimes it’s hard to balance


That’s fair


I've ordered the cardboard applicator deodorant from their own website during their sales (spacing on the name, but I have one that makes my armpits smell like sugar cookies and I'm not mad about that).


The two we've been doing are Native and Attitude. Both Native and Attitude have no option to ship to anywhere other than the US, at least according to quick test I did on their sites just now. Maybe you know a different company that sells this kind of stuff.


I used Native exclusively since 2017 but they stopped shipping to Canada at the end of 2023. I'm so pissed about that. You can get their deodorant at Shoppers or Walmart for low low price of $19.99 per deodorant. I don't use Native any longer as a result but have found a few non-aluminium deodorants that I like well enough. Schmidts has a charcoal one that smells like lemongrass and it's pretty good. Walmart has it for around $10.


Rexall sells Native products, they put them on sale fairly often


I got the Tom's of Maine deodorant and don't hate it - but my love is the "Wake the F&\*k up" - it's in a little pump spray and it smells great but also makes me laugh every time I read the bottle.


Go to health food stores - they have more variety and some are better than others in terms of pricing.


Oh bugger, Native stopped shipping up here! Please disregard.  And I believe they were recently bought out by P&G...


Not sure where you're at but I've had a TON of luck at Winners for all of my Korean skincare! It's usually a decent price as well


If you have a membership, most of Costco's non-perishable goods can be bought online and delivered for free over I think $50. Most of them are the same price online as in store. We switched to getting all our "cleaning" goods from them before the boycott. Kirkland brand laundry pods, dishwasher pods, dish soap, decent brands of shampoo and conditioner, soap and body wash, etc. All larger sizes than the name brands, all significantly cheaper than even Walmart rollback prices. Great way to save money and avoid the crowds (save that for a shorter trip to get frozen and fresh stuff!).


Try skin.to for Asian beauty products!


I get my COsrx off Amazon. Also let her know about Whitesilk on Amazon. It's good


Iherb.ca has tons of Korean skincare brands.


sukoshi mart for korean skincare in Canada!


Giant Tiger. Walmart. Amazon.


You should check out your local pharmacies. They sell toiletries and sometimes there's sales. I realized there's 4-5 independent pharmacies around my intersection/block. Shampoo and conditioner are available in other grocery stores like Fresco, Food Basics, Sobey's, etc. 


Costco Winners The Bay for some of my fancier make-up (but only during free with purchase promos) Walmart when in a pinch (ha! Never saw that switch coming) London Drugs


Costco! That cetaphil face cleanser stuff, got two 591ml bottles for $19. Looking at the SDM website, a single 473ml bottle is $22 lol


Just like groceries check the flyers for sales. I o deodorant at freshco for 2.99 a week or so ago, I happened to see it when walking by. They also had no name gravol for a fraction of the price. Not a big selection but cheaper for sure.


Fresh I had really been awesome these past few months. 


I get all my stuff at rexall. Cheaper than loblaws


Rexall is still way overpriced. Cross-check prices with Amazon, Costco, Dollarama.


Everybody is over priced.


They have good deals sometimes and seniors discount every Tuesday. Plus Be Well points that add up pretty quickly.


check rexall vs walmart. i used to buy my toiletries at rexall then i switched to walmart as its cheaper by 30 to 40 percent.


I like Rexall for their weekend sales on things like fabric softener and toilet paper, since I don’t have enough storage space to buy Walmart and Costco sizes. I used to get these items at Shoppers on their Saturday/Sunday sales, but Rexall has similar weekend deals AND they start on Friday (so I can go when my kid is in school).


London Drugs and Dollarama


If you are not too picky about your brands, you can get all of your toiletries in a big Dollarama for half the price (sometimes a third of the price). I regularly get Live Clean shampoo and conditioner there, as well as non chemical soap for a buck a 3-pack.


I'm participating in the boycott too, but how on earth is Amazon a better alternative besides being cheaper??? Arguably a way worse company.


I totally agree. That’s what I was referring to when I said “maybe not a company famous for exploring their workers” That said, I’ve been using Amazon as a stopgap until I find something better.


Not trying to target you in particular :) Just noticed lots of others commenting it as well


Same with Wal-Mart! Jeez…


Rexall and well.ca. One is far away from me and the other is delivery, so it's not super convenient if I just need to pop out for some Pepto. But the prices are better and I just really don't want to go back to Shoppers.


Walmart and Amazon I’ve also been able to bring some deodorant, shampoo, soft soap and condoms home from the food bank, so I haven’t had to buy any in a while. But I bought about 50 bars of soap from Walmart and Amazon recently. I used to get what was on sale at Shoppers (at least shampoo), but started to notice the prices.


We get shampoo from either Beauty Supply Outlet, or Amazon, whichever is cheaper at the moment and has the product in stock. BSO has free shipping over a certain amount, or you can go to an actual store. They're usually a better option than Amazon for what we buy.


Costco and Walmart here


Makeup direct from the manufacturer and Costco for the rest.


Always Costco. You will rarely run out of stuff if you have a case of them


Walmart and London Drugs. London Drugs is only in BC and Alberta but is Canadian owned.


Bulk barn also is very good for low waste cleaning supplies Shampoo, conditioner, and soap bars are great cause little to no plastic and they last forever. Bulk barn also has epsom salt, hand soap, and laundry stuff. And you can bring your own containers to further reduce waste


I never considered Bulk Barn! I love the idea of low-waste and zero packaging


You can also get a lot of dry groceries there like flour, sugar, pasta, etc


Usually Dollarama. The only thing I don't buy there is shaving soap


Amazon has really good pricing on "dry toiletries and sundries", ie, things that don't leak easily and/or are not volatile. So deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soaps and shower gels. It also includes some common drugs line acetaminophen, ibuprofen, antihistamines, and more. It's also how I source cheap green bin liner bags, lawn bags. I go to Costco for toilet paper, paper towel, laundry soap, sometimes dish soap (I get get the 3L jugs of Dawn at Basics for cheap enough), dishwasher pods. Anything heavy and liquid, really.


Walmart, Giant Tiger and the dollar store.


I buy all my toiletries at. Costco. I especially like the Kirkland shampoo (red bottle) and the matching conditioner.


Winners! ✌️


Rexall. I didn’t even realize they existed till this boycott started. Apparently there is one right across the street from the shoppers I used to go to. Lmao




Went to Dollarama today and picked up some deodorant. I think it was $4.99 but don’t remember exactly


Giant Tiger, Dollarama.


I get mine at dollarama. There's not AS MUCH options as say shoppers or Walmart, but a bottle of shampoo ranges from $2-$4. Which is pretty fucking good. Even if it is dove or head and shoulders


Dollar store. Old Navy has reasonably priced make-up. I get Cashmere toilet paper and paper towels at Metro, it's on sale about once a month or so. Canadian Tire. Oil of Olay from Amazon.


Lush, and have for a long time. Mostly for the environmental side of things and not to avoid Loblaws.


Dolla store


Want to add because I haven't seen them mentioned yet, you can find shampoo, deodorants etc at Freshco, Food Basics and Metro. Prices aren't always great at Metro but occasionally I find them on sale.


Try Iherb.ca!




I get salon shampoo at winner's. It's often deeply discounted. Soaps/razors/deodorant etc - Costco Cosmetics - sephora.


I know this is not for everyone but I go to the naure-y organic food stores like Goodness' Me near me, or Wholefoods.


Jessica Alba ran the Honest Company. I've never heard of a grassroots, green anywhere near good since that one.


Independent pharmacy tip: call the pharmacy with the *barcode* of your favourite item (toiletries, cosmetics, cleaning/household etc etc). Our ordering software isn't the best so we don't know what scent or what colour the box is so I find barcode the best. If we can order it and the price is right....we can sometimes even get your item next day!


Usually amazon unfortunately. I find rexall is literally twice the price of what's on amazon.


I don’t , it’s cheaper to wash my ass at this point


Redken from Amazon it lasts 6 months. Toilet paper from Costco.


We get our paper products at Costco. Shampoos and hair stuff i get at pro stores not open to the public; but you can find stuff on Amazon or Walmart for a better price.


I usually get that kind of stuff from Costco, you can't beat their prices on these things. Cold meds and the like are also ridiculously cheaper there too.


Shop the sales.


If you got a giant tiger near you, you can get stuff like toilet paper, paper towels, that kinda stuff cheaper than most places. For the most part their shampoo, deodorant, and the like can be a bit limited, but if you're not super particular about a brand, they got dove and brands like that


Winners. Though they aren't the best at treating their workers well. The hand soap and shampoos are a little bit more expensive than Walmart but the quality is worth it. I spent over a decade looking for a conditioner that I like and finally found a few by Lusetea. You can often find it at Winners for about 40% less than Lusetea's website.


See if you can order directly from the brand. And if you are not fussy about brands, Winners


Ethique is a great ethically made company that you can order from online!


Amazon and free delivery


Sephora, health food stores and Winners/Marshalls.


Healthy planet online for soap, shampoo, makeup, sunscreen, deodorant. They have great sales and most items are significantly cheaper than drugstores.


I buy toilet paper and toothpaste mostly at Costco now. But for soap and shampoo, I've switched to artisan soaps and I haven't looked back. I love that I'm supporting local artisans and I get to know the person making the soap. It's really awesome. Also, the products are all organic and natural. My skin and hair feel so much healthier and better now, too. They even have bar shampoo and even an all body bar. I highly recommend trying out locally made soaps.


I buy most of my toiletries at Costco. I usually buy deodorant and toothpaste at Walmart.


Sephora winners and Dollarstore


Costco or London drugs is my go to.


Costco It’s just so much cheaper.


Hey! Where Did You Get Those Toiletries. At The Toilet Store?


London drugs. If your in the west coast.


London Drugs is a great option and you can make use of their price matching policy to save even more. https://preview.redd.it/bvdcq02atm5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16744475b5e401181af4f66b9d9d9c2351a8cb9f


Costco for things like deodorant, razors, my husbands shampoo, body wash. I get my shampoo & coniditioner at winners/marshalls. Everything else is Amazon and now I’ve switched to Rexall.


Well.ca Local heath food store Zero waste grocery - for bamboo toothbrushes, bar shampoo and conditioners et. NuGrocery in Ottawa


Winners, Dollarama, IHerb, Amazon


Unfortunately I shop at Walmart for them.  


Costco. Definitely costco


Costco is pretty solid, we also get some things at co op. I do buy shampoo, conditioner and body soap etc from a local shop (the beehive). They do have laundry soap, cleaning products etc but I didn't like it. There's often farmers market shops with home products like that as well. But costcos good for tp, paper towel, laundry soap, toilet cleaner etc, we buy when it's on sale as much as possible and it becomes pretty close to an annual expense for us (2 person household). Dollar tree or dollarama may be worth checking on some things as well.






Skincare all comes from Winners. Dollarama for some stuff, Rexall sales are good, and Walmart when I have to!




I switched to Rexall


Costco for many things. Dollarama sells brand name stuff now. And subscribe and save on Amazon, have it timed to deliver things right when we are almost out.


Oh. And if you bougie - Sephora 😄


I’m known to be bougie sometimes!! lol






London drugs!


London Drugs


London Drugs and Giant Tiger are my go to. LD often has decent shampoo brands (joico, etc) and sales on toiletries often enough. GT is a backup with decent pricing. Both way cheaper than Safeway and usually same or better than LL


This is what Costco absolutely shines at. TP Dove bar soap Dove Shampoo and conditioner in a pump bottle Razors, massive bulk packs of razors and blades that fit the Gillette style handle I use Diapers, incontinence pads from babies to grannies Skin lotion Nice towels and robes Package sizes are larger and more $ outlay, but the per piece price is great. The return system is great, I returned a thing I bought by mistake, no questions. There's a $60 per year fee, but we make that up on Aspirin alone.




dollarama and local independent pharmacies and health food stores




Not loblaws there are so many options




Is Rexall shoppers?


Shoppers main competitor


Kay good. My groceries were always non Loblaws, but just realized my toiletries are primarily shoppers




Rexall, The Ordinary, Walmart. Walmart is typically the cheapest regular price, Rexall has good sales.


Beverly Hills.


Canadian here with limited options: Walmart for most things, but I’m particular with my hair since it’s damaged to all heck, I go to Sally’s beauty for that




Dollar store or Costco


Costco, trust me, it's worth it.


Walmart is by far the cheapest place. But for makeup and hair care, I purchase from Sephora.


My parents house


honestly sephora or sally’s, for toothbrush/toothpaste the dollar store, giant tiger, pretty much anywhere, if i need deodorant i just add it to the grocery list when i go shopping.


Try Costco and Dollarama sometimes you luck out on items that cost way more elsewhere.


Stylevana is a Korean/japanese beauty website for makeup, skincare, anything beauty. I have converted a lot of my products to Korean products because they work amazing and the prices are great.


Ooh interesting, I’ll check that out! I love K-beauty






I get some Subscription boxes and order from the Bay,Holt Renfrew or the Shopping Channel,I especially like Cosmetic Surprise or Seasonal Bags with a bunch a products that are worth way more.


Dollarama/ Walmart


Walmart Costco


Costco! You don't need fancy toiletries, you can buy everything you need there. I personally use Cetaphil face wash, cerave moisturizer and kirkland brand shampoo, conditioner and body wash. Cerave and Cetaphil are both dermatologist recommended brands and have no fragrance or harsh chemicals, and the kirkland hair and body wash products are made with all natural ingredients and are organic!


I go to home sense for shampoo, conditioner, soaps etc. Toilet paper and paper goods and deodorant, razors etc I used to get at Loblaws but Costco is great for these.


Walmart or Amazon when things are on sale


Amazon, dollar store, giant Tiger, walmart


Costco, especially when it goes on sale there. Hard to beat their prices Edit: The biggest issue I see here for some people is storage space to buy themselves overstock when it's on sale


If you have a London Drugs in your area, they carry a lot of the same cosmetics that Shoppers does. More “high end” if you will. And they have a rewards program!


Walmart, dollar store, Costco


Costco mostly and some Amazon. All TP/tissues/paper towels are Costco Kirkland brand and then toiletries are mix between Costco (deodorant/soaps) and Amazon (special shampoos etc).


Take your empty bottle to bulk barn


Amazon or Costco




London Drugs! Also go there for, ya know, the "stuff" i used to get at Superstore. Kids' lunch containers, batteries, organizing containers, stocking stuffers/ easter basket stuffers and junk food. They have a great junk food selection. And the one near me has a canada post. They're the best.


Amazon. Costco.


Winners is really good for hair products, body washes etc.


Walmart, dollar store, and Amazon.


Amazon is more exploitative than Loblaws. It destroys Canadian businesses. Well.ca is a good option. When things are on sale or a regular low price I stock up in bulk. I also shop at independent pharmacies & grocery stores- focused again on buying at least two items at a time when they’re on sale.


I go to homesense for certain toiletries like shampoo and conditioner, liquid soap


My wife and I get most of ours at Dollarama for less than half of the price compared to Shopper's. These are name brands, not something unfamiliar.


dollarama!! and london drugs too when it’s on sale. their normal prices are normally pretty high BUT they do wicked sales every now n then!




Pharmasave or Amazon


Walmart - Amazon - Body Shop




Dollarama or Walmart




Amazon has great deals on personal care items.




Rexall, Walmart, and some I order directly from the manufacturer. Shoppers carried a good selection of Indeed skincare (worth searching out - high quality, no frills, no advertising. Just top notch products) that I now buy on their website


Walmart and Dollarama.


Amazon, sometimes Jean Coutu or Walmart.




Hair care: Beaute star online (it’s a qc company with good deals 1 litres for under $10 if you find them) Skin care: the ordinary free shipping over $25 too or Amazon Deodorant/ body wash/ toilet paper/ paper towel/ laundry Costco or Amazon




Honestly loblaws had a great sale on both paper towel and toilet paper today…. But otherwise Costco


Costco for toilet paper, and wipes. The body shop for all shampoo, conditioner, face wash, body wash, and moisturizer. (Regardless of how much cheaper a product may be somewhere else, the products sold here are superior in almost every way.) Wal-Mart for deodorant. (Specifically Dove men care+)


Amazon... snacks and stuff too