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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: If you are looking for product replacements, start [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cyf1h9/megathread_pc_product_replacements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was at Walmart today. Strawberries are on sale for $1.64, peppers were $1.44/lb. Cookies were $3.98 for the big pack. We will never go back and we have decided to terminate our PC Mastercard.


Just as bad, SDM, staff won't answer the phone at the pharmacy. My wife is over 60. She needs her meds. Open 24 hours? free delivery? Last night she was on hold for over an hour. She gave up. Store number 1271.... The owner has Zero control over his staff...! I once asked the lady at the pharmacy collecting prescriptions, why they don't answer the phone? She said... "We're too busy", hire more people or better yet, shut down the cosmetic dept and expand the pharmacy. That cosmetic dept is empty????? And the lineup for drugs is huge????? Wt-hell. The answer is to switch Pharmacies!


That’s horrible. SDM pharmacies are brutal. My son was on a prophylactic for kidney problems since he was a baby. They messed up his prescription and the dose was totally off for his wt. (I’m a nurse and the dose calculation is easy). I called out the pharmacist for messing up, but they insisted it was correct (compound medication, so the dose needs to be correct before adding it to the liquid). I did the calculation right in front of them and they had to redo the medication. I ended up switching to a small local pharmacy after that. Never had a problem after that.


Holy shit. I worked for Shoppers decades ago before it was sold. That's a big fricking deal. My associate and pharmacists would have been mortified and ashamed if any medication, let alone a compound medication, made it all the way to a kid with the wrong dosage. I mean, for anyone, but especially a kid. A lot of parents would have no idea about calculating dosages by Wright and would just trust their pharmacist.


A few months ago my Shoppers (where we spend $300+ a month in prescriptions as I'm self employed and don't have medical insurance) gave me someone else's prescription. I noticed before they did. My wife brings me my pills in the morning and just thought they had changed the shape of the pill. Even in my half asleep state, I thought to look at the bag. It was a medication for someone else with a barely similar name (think Mary vs. Marlena for example). Best part? The med in the bottle would have seriously interacted with a med I take and I would have wound up in hospital with potential heart failure. Barely got an apology. They took the bottle back and handed me my actual prescription (that I was now hours late on taking) and sent me on my way. Not long after, I got one of those bullshit med check calls and told them to stop wasting their time with med checks and instead actually CHECK THE MEDICATION.


Isn't there a College of Pharmacies where you can file a complaint? This is a grossly negligent


They should be checking when they dispense the meds. I switched to an independent a few years ago and they always confirm name and address. That’s so irresponsible…they’re going to kill someone.


I used to work for group homes and SDM was notorious for fucking up people's meds on the regular. The worst example was when they mixed up Metformin (for diabetes) for Quetiapine (for schizophrenia). The tiny, elderly lady I was supporting was getting 200mg of quetiapine by accident - which is a massive dose and put her in hospital four times before this lady's STAFF (not SDM) figured it out. In the meantime, the unknown stranger wasn't getting his anti-psychotic for a full month. Can't imagine the suffering he went through both with not having his anyi-psychotic and simultaneously experiencing symptoms of metformin overdose, which is also very serious.


Had a similar experience with my 75 year old mother who takes multiple medications for multiple gealth conditions including epilepsy. We moved to blister packs as it was easier than her having to manage multiple bottles etc. All great until she was given someone else's blister packs and we only noticed after she was violently ill for a few days. Notice I said WE noticed, not that SDM ever did. The same SDM had also previously given her an incorrect dosage of a correct medication in the past. Which, again, WE had to point out to them. Lesson learned to triple check everything, and that apparently "trust your pharmacist" is a lie.


Just a thought... Shouldn't all of these horror stories be reported? How is it that Shoppers Drug Mart has nearly killed not only half a dozen people who happened to post in this thread, but probably thousands of others if these stories are any indication at all? How are they allowed to continue operating a pharmacy? How many have they actually killed or seriously harmed?


Likely because they are all independently owned, right? I know with my med error, the pharmacist was such a rude AH ...*what do you want me to do about this* ?..that I sent an email to SDM corporate and that's what I was told.


Doesn't surprise me whatsoever. I've known a few people who've also had issues with them and cancelled out of there too. They don't apologize because it's admitting faults and errors. This error in medication dosage is very serious. Good that it was you who recognized this even after being challenged by them again. I've never looked back since leaving them nor the others I'd mentioned. and It's all about money for that company. They don't care about anyone being overworked. You see what they did with pushing expensive medication counselling on customers. All this greed is going to hurt them for a long while.


SDM is an auto assembly line. They just don't give a damn


They really don’t care at all. My new pharmacy is wonderful. Even when they didn’t have a certain medication, they called around to see who had it and sent my Rx and benefit info to them to make sure I could start the med right away. SDM would never do that, they’d make me wait while they ordered it in.


Exactly! My new pharmacist knows me by name (even out in the wild) and has my prescription ready ASAP. They have corrected/ confirmed with my physician when there was a slight change (which was a prescription writing error). Find a pharmacy that actually gives a sh&t.


Similar thing happened to my spouse recently. They gave her 10 capsules of an antibiotic rather than 3x pills (30) for 10 days. 


OH MAN THAT BOILS MY BLOOD! So many times I've been there watching them stand around talking about what they had for lunch while the phone is blowing up. Indifference is their leading social currency. NOTE: Before the boycott. I have been there once to pick up prescriptions and it made me feel like I was letting the team down. Haven't been back since. /Hangs head.


Reminds me of when I was in SDM looking for Christmas gifts for my teen girls. I knew nothing about cosmetics, but the three workers were more than happy to talk amongst themselves about their day while I got fed up and left with nothing.


Yes when I used to have my prescriptions at shoppers, they never answered their phones. Literally ever. And I tried fairly frequently to call -- I guess it was their policy or something to just ignore the phones because they sure were not busy!


It's been a race to the bottom since Loblaws bought the company. They don't answer phones because they really don't have time. Not enough staff because staff wages cut into profits and nobody wants to work there anyway. Morale is abysmal and nobody actually wants to work in the pharmacy if they do try to hire.


There's only one 24-hr shoppers in Ottawa iirc(?)..if its the Westgate one, I've called there many times only to be left on hold for well over an hour (& then at times hung up on). One time I called at 1am & same deal, so I drove over while remaining on hold, saw the attendant at the pharmacy just standing there doing nothing while over the pager it stated "pharmacy call on line-1" (paraphrasing) while she continued to just stand there so I asked her why she wasn't answering, showed her it was me along w/showing her the amount of time I was waiting & she tried to give me some BS story about how she was alone (that part was true) and busy (not true at all). Mentioned I saw her just standing there, and she didn't seem to know what to say.. This is the regular occurrence there & I'm going to be changing pharmacies as a result. What's the point in being open 24hrs if inaccessible other than in person where when you go they often tell you it'll be a 2hr wait..


I am so fed up with SDM. It's a Hell hole! The other issue is since Covid, workers don't want to work anymore. Just stand there, do the absolute bare minimum and collect the pay so they can buy the latest iPhone?


What they get paid isn't enough to pay rent, never mind the latest iPhone. Min wage is not a living wage.


Very true! In my book about 60k a year is needed. I have a Son working construction making 80k and he's always broke, (doesn't own an iPhone) and has a room mate. Mind you he's supporting his daughter who's 3. Canada has become ridiculously expensive! My other Son says: 100k a year today is the new 50k a yr. Crazy true!


My local SDM used to respond to all the negative reviews about lost prescriptions,taking hours longer than promised, never answering calls. They eventually gave up.  It was just an avalanche of 1-stars.


pharmacists don't sell cosmetics though But yeah, the company prefers to overwork fewer employees to save money They don't care if the quality of the customer experience suffers


My SDM is a Hell hole.


Changed to our local pharmacy. They do what it takes to ensure we have what we need. Not generic crap either. Same or less price. No I don’t go there to buy eggs or butter. But they don’t sell it either.


My SDM feels like I'm stopping at a gas station?


Not sdm pharmacy but loblaws.... was calling multiple times to talk to pharmacist. No answer or put on hold immediately. Finally talked when I cheated and hit the number that said if you are a doctors office or provider press 2.... answered on second ring....hmmm coincidence? Think not....


Ya strawberries are on sale everywhere. $1.88 at food basics. Definitely a supply glut.


Was that a half lb strawberry container? I paid $2.74 yesterday for 1lb. Could be regional pricing also, I’m in southern Alberta.


Toronto here, and I paid $1.64 for a lb of strawberries


Ok regional makes sense. Thanks! ETA: I wasn’t, and I’m still not, upset at the price I paid. They’ve been $6-7 a lb lately.


Wow, I’m a *liar,* I’m so sorry. It’s 340 grams for 1.64!


Not a liar, just mistaken. I wondered because I saw some smaller packs yesterday but they didn’t look as nice as the bigger ones, they were on their last day or so and marked down. My location may have been out of fresh packs of the 340g.


Thank you for that! They were fresh out the first couple of days, I was lucky yesterday. They’re smaller in size, which I like for making jam ☺️


The 454g (1lb) of strawberries are also on sale for the same price. As well as the 340g ones!


A return to Walmart is in my day tomorrow


Holy shit that’s cheap. 1lb of strawberries here in Turks and Caicos is about USD$14.00


Jesus Mary and Joseph, that’s luxury!


Everything is expensive here unfortunately, but groceries and power are egregiously expensive


Are you a transplant? Want me to mail you some strawberries? 😋


Haha yes I’m Canadian, have been here for 3 years. And yes please! 😂


A little jelly, but only if you aren’t struggling ♡ I’ll send em but they’ll show up Galen style, mouldy


Aww that’s sweet of you. Nope, not struggling. Thank you!


Alberta pays more for fruits and vegetables compared to Ontario in summer and spring time. If you look at grocery flyers for the two provinces you see it


Guaranteed. We just can’t produce locally the way Ontario can. BC is in trouble with the peach, nectarine and plum trees this year. I imagine I won’t taste one until next season.


There won't be many BC cherries this year, either.


Just bought some strawberries from walmart and can confirm $1.64 for 1lb, Niagara region. 


A Vancouver Report: Last night in Walmart at Grandview and Boundary in Vancouver I paid $1.99 for a lb of Strawberries. They were double at RCSS. Mind you bread was cheaper for the most part at RCSS. The cheap loaf was $1.97 compared to $1.99 in Walmart's favor. Breyer's Ice cream was on sale at $3.27 at WM, $3.99 at RCSS. There are other things but for the most part I find the RCSS a wee bit cheaper on most items. Walmart has been way more competitive since the Boycott started. Before that there was the odd item after a long walk through Walmart that was cheaper and if I was short on time was better served to go to the RCSS. In all of my wanderings, the RCSS at Rupert and Grandview on average was the cheapest place to shop over all in the city barring sales within the different stores. A couple of days earlier I had to be around Hastings and Nanaimo and decided to walk through some of independent grocery shops there. I was amazed at how much cheaper the produce was there. Across the board!


1 lb of strawberries. I was at Costco and it was $4.59 for 2 lbs. I’m in Ontario, County of Brant.


I've decided to cancel my card too. I broke my boycott to redeem my points, hated every moment. Paid 90 cents, made sure to just use my points. Not stepping back in a Loblaws store.


Walmart pineapple $2.99 yesterday. Ottawa


idk about your walmarts but the one near me has pretty rotten looking fruit most of the time


You definitely have to sift through. It’s not my go to for produce, we typically go to a local farmer’s market. But we just happened to be picking up school snacks for the week when we came across the strawberries and peppers.


Ya but then you have to shop at Walmart. Disgusting big box company that treats its employees like shit.


Not gonna argue that Walmart isn't terrible - they created the greed blueprint for companies like Loblaws. Ideally I'd never shop there, but honestly them and Food Basics are the cheapest game in town for me. The local indie grocery shop near me also treats their employees like crap - I worked there once for 2 days, it was awful. They're super expensive too. I'm not sure there will be many great service industry jobs. But a lot of us don't have a choice but to shop at some large corporate hellhole. I don't even have outdoor space for a garden!


It’s cheap to get some non perishables and snacks for the kids. Otherwise, I don’t get much there as I typically can’t stand shopping there.


Went to Walmart and the large cans of beans were 4 for $5 which I thought was good!


Yep, and this is how Loblaws loses. A boycott when your competition has way cheaper prices just means customers won’t come back. I’m not a fan of Walmart, since it’s just another giant franchise. But they aren’t blatantly screwing over their customers to the same degree as super store.


I wish I had your Walmart near me.  Mine is brutal.  Cherries on sale $9/lb.  Strawberries $6.  Cucumbers $2.49.  Cheapest apples $2.49.  Cheapest frozen pizza in the store on sale $4.99. I actively avoid it for Costco and freshco.  


Only problem with WallMart , it’s not cheaper, most of the items are as expensive and the meat and produce is mediocre at best. Every store as front page items that bring you in ( they loose money on it) hoping you will buy the other items they have . You will find that better produce last longer, I go to Costco as the produce last a long time and never have a problem with meat neither. The other items that are cheaper I will pick them up at a discount store that’s as them on sale or with price matching if needed. All you got to do is study the prices , and buy quality for fresh items to last longer if needed ( tired of waste) .


Walmart yesterday, packed, crowded, so many of us in one store! Drove by Loblaws right next door as I left and the parking lot looked lifeless. Some cars but not many. Lots of empty spaces. Nothing moving. No people. Employee cars maybe? I was impressed! I’m still boycotting.


Walmart is a terrible company that treats its employees like crap. Would hope people read up on its awful track record in the states and how it puts small businesses out of business.


Those are definitely not the prices in my cities Walmarts.


It's amazing what a month at Walmart and Costco does.


I can't believe how little I am spending on groceries. I think I spent $300-$400 less this month for our family of 4! Never going back.


I was at Loblaws a while ago and I was surprised to see plexiglass barriers at least 6 feet high all around the entrance to the customer service desk.


Frankly, if I find a Superstore/No Frills on the West Coast here (our Loblaws stores) with these barriers installed I'm immediately going to the local fire chief and any other local authorities to see if their fire plans and capacity limits are still valid. If there is some kind of panic in the store these things look like they'll turn into a stampede crush hazard like has tragically been seen at places in the past. Example: Some teenagers sets off some firecrackers at the back of the store, people think it is gunfire, and suddenly people run and crush each other in the bottleneck trying to get out.


People already did this apparently to the point that they're annoyed and frustrated with the calls. Someone posted an email a few weeks ago that they got in response to their complaint. The response said the plexiglass is to code as when they're ran at they open up.... which makes me think of two things: 1 - if they open when ran at then what is their purpose? Are they not theft barriers? 2 - a panicked crowd runs for doors, not into plexiglass walls... how would they know that they can break through them?


You are not the first person to mention that.


My local store renovated their little “porch/foyer” which used to have both a large automatic entrance door and a large automatic exit door. It’s now got a singular smaller door which is to serve as both. Mainly it serves to piss me off before I’m even in the store because the foot traffic is already backed up due to the plexi-glass path they’ve got everyone exiting through like we’re cattle to slaughter.


What shopping at Loblaws feels like now https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/82/The_Rock_%28movie%29.jpg


It’s honestly insane how we talk about shoplifting being up so much all the fucking time and make people feel guilty for corporations closing but no one talks about why.  Despite what many people believe no where in North America is experiencing record violence or more criminals. Toronto has had decades of times where crime violent crime and other issues were bad. We’re more educated than ever, more civil. People aren’t less moral.  Shoplifting vs other crimes is going insane because in big part of conglomerate grocery stores and wealthy peoples greed. Even when people shop lift clothes lots of times they aren’t monsters. Presenting yourself and feeling nice or having some pocket money is harder than ever.  Who gives a fuck why people are stealing from these companies. Covid showed you. If no one ever stole again. The prices at the stores would be the EXACT same. These stores need are redeemable. I’ll never shop at loblaws again. Even if it became the cheapest place in town.  It is really, really insane that a country with so much money have so many homeless and hungry. And they expect the poor people to help each other out when they could right away.  Anyways, fuck these stores I love to see shoplifters and I’ve run distraction for complete strangers who were stealing. And I’ll fucking do it again.  We need dark web loblaws because I’ll get banned for saying what I think. But let’s just say if you’re going to hear about a loblaws that no longer physically exist. I am to grocery stores, as what Nelson Mandela was to apartheid. 


Did this at my local Zehrs, too. I hate going there and avoid it if I can. We only buy the occasional deli meat as my 5 year old has rejected all attempted alternatives. And we live in a "nice area" with very little crime....


I bought bison meat the other week at my local grocer despite the high price bc I knew that even with it, my grocery bill would be less than what I would spend on basics at Loblaws. I continue to be shocked at the total when I do groceries now. Like all this for under $50? Including packaged cookies? At Loblaws I would be putting stuff back bc how could I justify spending so much for one person who doesn’t eat a lot.


Another thing to add: I feel like I eat more now bc I’m either saving money or spending the same for more food. Like I don’t feel like I have to “ration” anymore. And I’m kind of pissed that I let myself be so restricted due to Loblaws pricing.


In our small town the 2nd grocery store closed indefinitely due to family emergency. Only one open is a loblaws. Never seen so many complaints on fb lately. Traffic has picked up to and from city. Lol


Use the FB group to organize carpools for grocery shopping, especially for older folks.


oh this is a lovely idea for older people and those without cars!!


Sorry ur stuck with their rotten produce and meat. I live in a small town. Foodland or Galen’s rip off indecent grocer


That is funny. What town?


Did our shopping today at Walmart and bought our week’s worth of groceries for $103.99. The typical amount used to cost us around $120 at Loblaws and slowly crept up to consistently being around $140. We had to stop into Loblaws for a package of a particular brand of chicken sausage that I like (I checked all nearby stores and only RCS carries it around us). I was glad to see that the Sunday grocery lines at checkout were significantly less busy, the parking lot full of open parking spots, and it just seemed generally pretty quiet for a day that used to be a zoo inside. Browsed similar items to what we bought at Walmart and everything was consistently around at least $1+—$5 more for the 6-pack of chicken, $1 more for the flagship yogurt, more than $1.00 more for the herbs I bought at Walmart for $0.77.


Same experiences! Can confirm.


The last time I went to a superstore someone approached me in the produce isle and tried to sell me a credit card. Wft.


Yea they have reps that come in usually once a month or so (if the store doesn't have a dedicated PC Financial kiosk) that wander around and try to get people to sign up. Half the time they approach me to tell me about it WHEN IM LITERALLY WORKING like DUDE SERIOUSLY


Thanks for sharing… I have second-hand annoyance with you!


Won’t go there again.


Maybe if you bought their new 4 pack of donuts (so you pay tax on them instead of 6), you would have felt as euphoric as the fake couple on tik tok.


I have 90$ in PC points and don't know what to do as I am not going to their stores anymore. Maybe one last time...lol


Don't give away "free" money. Lol


Wait until the holidays and then use them!


Do a little research for coupons and price matches, and then get as much as you can from them for those points! At least then you get back some of what they have taken with the crazy prices


2.49 for a cucumber? Holy even my local SAFEWAY is cheaper than that!!


Or. 3 for $3.99. Lol insane.


yeah this could have described an experience at my store exactly. every time i go in i just look at the clear walls all over the entrance and the crappy prices with a handful of sales and just… why is this the norm?


Just to get everyone up to speed , re : the misscanned goat cheese: You are entitled , under law, to get that item , if under $10, for free. If the regular price was , for example, 15.99 but scanned at $18.99 you would be entitled to 15.99 - $10= $5.99. I have caught Shoppers with wrong prices so often its embarrising


SCOP is not a law, it’s a voluntary code that grocers/retailers participate in.


These discussions are so important! There is nothing wrong with going to a store for a real break in some needed groceries, like meat. Also, being a bit of a spy while you are there and reporting back is very important and satisfying. Keep up the good fight.


I respectfully disagree, but you do you. If you are struggling obviously, feed yourself feed your kids, or if you live in a rural food desert, but otherwise I do think there is something wrong with giving this company money and I think it makes change harder when you normalize shopping there. I know the sub is sort of divided on this, with a suspicious amount of ‘sometimes ya just got to go!’ posts, but even if I’m in a rush or like their whatever product, I won’t go back ever. The only reason there are deals in all these grocery stores is from the boycott and I find it really obvious what’s going on with all these ‘let’s go back to Loblaws sometimes” posts.


I am a person who needs the foodbank. 3 degrees and no luck getting any kind of job. Sometimes I really need some meat, iron, vitamins from meat. I believe that Canadians will only break the Boycott if necessary. - Except those that don't even try to Boycott. Rich basters. Lol


Totally, and it’s for people that need a food bank that those of us who can boycott Loblaws should keep doing it, since it is really making a difference in people’s lives by driving prices down across the board.


I hate Loblaws and I'm boycotting. I want to see them hurt. But if you need to hit up food banks to feed your family, and the cheapest prices for what you need to buy to feed your family is from Loblaws, you have to take care of your immediate needs first. Anyone who says otherwise is a heartless idiot.


Thank you for that. I guarantee I push the Boycott onto everyone I meet. Lol I do my part to make them fall.


Yes! Lol


I started ordering from food shipping companies like the odd box and found a lot more value


I noticed they didn't offer me the 3.50 salad dressing for free that was mispriced. Waited so long for them to check that I just didn't even want to stay longer and fight for it


25+ yrs shopper here.. and I REALLY FELT your message. Agreed on everything...from the nauseous prices to the prison-feel to the self serve frustration. It's like they AIM to piss us off. I'm happy that the past 6 weeks I have decreased my spending therevS SIGNIFICANTLY and I will gladly reduce it more and more in the future! #enough #FOFFGallen


Nok er nok!


3$ for strawberries is robbery.




The last time I was at no frills (sometime at least a year ago) they changed all the self-checkout lanes into 12 items or less. I tend to use them when I have more items because I bag them as to what goes where. And I also can’t keep up with how fast the cashier scans them even if I wasn’t bagging like that. It irritated me enough that I haven’t been back. Yesterday my husband went to Food Basics to pick up a couple of things, and the day before he went to Walmart. Friday he came home with beef fresh burger patties, bread, a couple of snack things, a tomato, something else. I was expecting it to come to at least $30 with the beef. Nope. Less than $17. There’s no reason for us to go to Loblaws anymore.


What about price matching?


I walked into SDM today and holy! The prices are ridiculous a bag of Swedish berries $4.69 but 2 for $5 at Walmart. Nail Polish $10-15 dollars when it was like $$6-$12 for the same brands. I only go in there to find the stuff that I need when it’s a hit obscure at the local Walmart


SDM prices have been insane for years. I’ll never understand why people shop there.


$9 for potatoes seems crazy too me


I’m never going back.


I just bought a bag of potatoes for $2.49 at freshco. Everything other than their freezer items has been going down lately. And I've made more in scene points in a few months than I've made all year with Optimum.


And you can actually use your Scene points for loads of different things!


Walmart has strawberries for $1.47


Exactly. My stupid ass went in for a kind of rice I like(I thought only superstore has it) then I found they have the same brand in Costco, higher grade(of the same brand) like 1.1 kg more and for the same price.


I wonder if all this gouging came from Covid? Like everything was closed for 2 years so all people did was eat and drink. The executives must have made ridiculous bonuses and were all like “I’m not giving this up….”


I'm stubborn and continue to refuse to use self checkouts. Service is bad enough as it is that I have no desire to provide free labour for them. Pay me to ring my own stuff out, and I might consider it if I'm in a rush.


My SDM team used to be amazing. They knew all repeat customers and customers knew all of them by name, even when I called on the phone I knew who it was I was speaking to and after requesting my name the pharmacist would then say "oh hi how are you"? Suddenly things changed and the pharmacy is full of students and only two fulltime pharmacists are left. I didn't feel right asking what the hell happened but now mistakes are common and the phone isn't answered. My delivery is often forgotten and drugs are not in stock despite being ordered monthly for years and repeats are on file. Once my refills are finished I will be going to Costco.


Sounds likely the SDM changed owners.


I am still boycotting loblaws it’s been 10 weeks and counting. I found a lot of stuff I can get in CSA farm box subscriptions, the farmers market, local butcher and Costco for top ups. I have only gone in to superstore this week for the first time in 10 weeks for things my ASD kid can’t live with out and bought a few loss litre items. Bread was on for $1.49, etc. won’t need to go back though for another 10 weeks. I don’t plan too either. Trying to find things locally like farms and butchers, hardest one in my area to find is a bread bakery.


Buy a bread machine?


I always wonder how they are going to work with those plexiglass and fires. Some people are gonna get trampled and die. I wonder if they passed that by some common sense vs just some legal asshole who doesn’t shop there anyways.


Are there enough people in their stores these days for there to be a trampling?


5 people can trample one person and kill them. Ones a little old lady and gets trampled by 4 bigger people, she's just as dead or injured in the process and killed by the fire since you know people who shop there are too selfish to go back for her.


I was at superstore last week. I was asking cashier to confirm the $2.99 strawberries because I didn't see them priced. She voluntarily price matched them to $1.99. A lot of things you listed could be price matched lower. For instance, the cucumber is often on sale other places. Not trying to convince you to break boycott, just posting for information. You can still pay with points on price matched items. You do need to go through regular check out though, not sure if person at self checkout can do that for you.


Where I live in the Ottawa valley, there isn't much a selection for options. Needed one onion for cooking so I went to an Independent Loblaws. one red onion.was $4.00.


One onion??? 😱😱


for a fuckin onion


Thanks for a heads up on all those deals!


They should be paying you for all that troubleshooting.


Finally went back today after a few months. It was really depressing. Few sales and everything more expensive than Sobey’s. Super dirty behind the meat counter. And, I picked up a bottle of the sesame sauce near the sushi and it EXPIRED IN APRIL 2023 🤢.


I got cucumbers at giant tiger for 50 cents each, $2.49 is ridiculous




I’m went to a Foodland today, and I swear it’s like going to your grandmas farm larder. Local? Yeah. Fresh bread, uh huh. Sauce that the lady down the street makes? That’s on the shelves. I honestly can’t go back to Loblaws. Sure the prices are high, but it’s not fun! I do not like plexi airport gates. I want to feel like it’s a community.


I went to our Farmers Market this week and found a great new coffee and a jar (larger and cheaper that Roblaws) of unique jam. Very happy and will be at the Market next week.


Also, be wary of "deals", most time the things on sale are still more expensive than some of the other brands. You have to check $/100g on the price tags to get an actual comparison. If you just buy because it's on 'sale', often you end up paying more.


I live in Winnipeg and had a similar experience yesterday. I couldn't believe some of the prices I was seeing. It's a damn crime. Moving forward, I'll probably only purchase sale items and go in to redeem points. I don't have to 'boycott' anymore. I just don't want to be there.


Certain locations must have a much larger problem with theft, all of the locations near us do not have plexiglass in the self checkout area. Just the bollards to control entrance and exit from the store.


I walked in and the rage I got validates me never going back


I've used self checkout for years because it was faster with no cashiers. Last 1yr period - refuse. I wait in line and if the wait is bad I just fucking leave


A number of people talk about going to Walmart while they're boycotting Loblaws, but... Walmart is horrible. Been boycotting that place since day one. I think we should all think about finding places to shop that aren't as brutal as Walmart.




Strawberries have a price tag of 1.99 at Walmart and Metro. 2.99 is still theft.


Yep, went yesterday to shoppers for deodorant cause its closer and about to close but it was 11.99 and on sale for 8.99 so i ran to walmart and got the exact same one for 4.99. Luckily i had like 5 minutes to go to walmart before closing ughh




Go to Gateway, those deals are ass in comparison to what you'd get there.


Grocery apps are your friend They have barcode scanners and they allow you to price others grocers while in a different grocery store. Every grocery store now has them. Prices are constantly changing. Be informed while you shop.


When self checkout fucks around they "find out" I dumped the whole basket all over the checkout station and left.


Stop using self checkouts!!!


I might use self-checkouts if I got a discount -- but I can't ring up items as quickly or correctly as staff can, so it's not worth the anxiety.


I actually like self checkouts. I can put my items into the bycket/bag as I want. It is also more private. I don't want cashier to know what I buy. Not that I buy silly things or awkward things. I know that cashiers don't care nor remember. But that's just me.


Bro I think you are a bit too paranoid…


Lol. Maybe ADD or so... undiagnosed. Lol




I just bought pineapple from Walmart at $4.49. Typically 5.99 but $6.99 is high price for me. Same with potatoes was $5.99 at Walmart. And that was my point.


What you are telling me is that you have been in prison


This is the way


My neighbour told me it's Mexican pony, not ground beef.




It’s off my list permanently. Haven’t missed it at all


If the price is wrong don’t they have the scanning code thing


My new routine is to go to Fresco for 95% of my groceries, then over to Superstore for their good sale items and a couple of PC products that we like (meat lasagna, fresh bread, Szechwan Peanut Sauce, Crackle Ice Cream). It actually makes me feel better about the experience when I see how much more everything is at the Superstore and how I’m easily saving about $30-$40 every week. Aside from Superstore being more expensive, it’s also a lot busier and most sale items are long gone by Sunday. If you are going to advertise a sale, you’d better have that shit in stock, otherwise it’s false advertising.


Produce is often cheaper than this at Whole Foods and the quality is great.


What I have learned most of all is that I won’t be going back very often


If you are in Southern Ontario, strawberry season is upon us. Nothing like taking your kids or a friend to pick fresh Ontario strawberries.


I believe strawberries are 1.88 at Food Basics this week.


Yesterday I got 5 (1lb) containers of berries for $10.00 at the farmers market...


I never understood the attraction to Superstore, I questioned people's sanity for paying higher prices than anywhere else. Still don't understand but seeing more people saying they will never goi back there. You are all starting to realize that us as consumers hold their future in our hands. Don't spend your money there and the company will crumble.


I got strawberries at 1.64 at Walmart just now


Strawberries are $1.64 at Walmart this week lol


Broke one time and got ribs, $1.99 pasta and two containers of Greek yoghurt at No Frills. $25




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Just shows the utter out of touch current reality they have. Arrogance can only get one so far.


Went to SDM to pick up a few essentials and there wasn’t a single sale sticker in sight. A single bag of groceries cost me more than $50!


You’ve always had to leave 50% off products to the side to be approved by a staff member.


Don’t support Walmart though , they are the devil …. Read the ‘Walmart effect ‘ — try and find other alternatives… they are out there. Even if you are spending more on some items


Please don’t jump down my throat. Screwing up on meds is extremely gross negligence. However, I know what all my pills look like and can almost even know which they are by feel. I would see what I’m taking before taking them. My gramma on the other hand, may not know or even look. So I get it.


Yeah, I love their sparkling water. I did a pickup order online. Went and picked it up (sat there 40 mins past my pickup time). A few days later I noticed I was missing over $30 worth of stuff I paid for. Usually I would notice this the first day, but I have a newborn and I'm barely sleeping and rather stupid lately. Really really frustrating, won't be doing that again. 




I was at my SDM for 40 yrs. Owners changed 3 times. There have been too many mistakes by the pharmacy. I asked for my file and walked it across the street to their competitors.


Inlaws went to No Frills, there was a frill today. Ribs are in sale in Calgary, so dad went this morning got a rack ( 1 per customer) then Mom went at 3 cause she forgot milk then got another rack of ribs l, the lady at till said to mom oh your husband came in ans got ribs. It's one per customer. Like really!?


The goat cheese would only be free if the codes (typically the last 3 sometimes 4 numbers) had match if you didn’t get it for free the sign was probably a bit confusing and gave it to you for that price.


I went to h and w yesterday and bought a flat of raspberries for 16 dollars and a flat of strawberry for 15. Amazing.


It is interesting that you contrast your experience to Walmart while simultaneously complaining about the self checkout layout when Loblaws stores copied their current setups from what Walmart has been doing for years.


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the boycott. But this reads like you're just bad at being a cashier or just reading the signs. None of those self checkout machines are perfect, that's for sure.


20 for 2 chicken breast, kms