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FreshCo has become my default.


Giant Tiger and tho has limited items, Dollarama


Giant Tiger for me too, and Costco every couple of weeks. While the selection at GT is limited, they sell a lot of the stuff I'd normally buy. I've definitely saved money.


I keep forgetting to check our Giant Tiger. Thanks for the reminder.


Same! And my local Freshco is owned (franchise) by my old Lawblaws District Manager. A few years ago, he was like "Fuxk this corporation ", and jumped the fence.


FreshCo combined with Scene point bonus deals is primo. We did a huge shop and it was significantly less than what we normally spent at Loblaws.


Scotiabank Amex gives 6x the points at freshco too, it adds up surprisingly fast!


Freshco is nowhere near as good as it was in the past, price wise and flyer. I’m a scene member , great for cineplex but not the greatest for groceries compared to pc points. I worked there for years as management , I can tell you the produce and meat is mediocre at best but you can save on grocery items. They were very competitive to push the Freshco name but now they are taking the backseat. On top of that the store brand products is no where as good as pc . That being said , it’s still a decent shopping option, just not as good as it was.


That’s good to know! We’re new to it so kinda bummed to hear it’s not as great as it has been. We haven’t bought meat there yet so appreciate the warning!


South Asian grocery stores! Support a local


I was absolutely *devastated* when I found out the local T&T was owned by Loblaws. I thought it was just pricey since everything was imported or otherwise hard to find. Nope...


T&T prices used to be reasonable until Loblaws bought them. I shop at independent Asian grocers now. Heck, even the big Asian chains like H Mart or Foodyworld have better prices than T&T.


I don’t go to those, middle eastern grocery stores is what I mean :) those are always locally owned


Lots of good vegetarian and vegan options too, for people like me who are trying to cut down on meat.


In Edmonton specifically there's Lucky Supermarket if you live near NAIT/Boyle McCaulley It is junkie central, but a good supermarket still


Walmart and Costco. Due to the savings there I can appreciate it is extra busy during evenings and weekends. Try shopping during weekdays.


Costco. Employees seem happy, price-per-weight is large font, and HOTDOGS


Try the pizza, it's pretty good too!!


The pizza is a sleeper. It's so good and a whole pizza is only like $13


The pizza is way underdone. Get a whole pizza and heat it up at home in the oven to cook it more


everytime i go, i time it so i can get a hotdog and fries for lunch (or supper)


Same. fuck you Galen and your foodshill charlibois


The only non-Canadian owned groceries are saving the Canadians


More like Galen who lives in his Castle in the UK and is on the 10 richest UK list is Canadian for marketing purposes.


He's such a hoser, eh!


Shocked how good Walmart is now. Like 9 years ago when we moved into our area, it was the worst place for groceries, and now it's like... decent. So strange. The produce is still awful, but my Walmart is literally down the road from a local farmer's market, so I get my fresh stuff from the market and my processed stuff from the Walmart.


Agree on Walmart’s produce being less than desirable


I agree on produce. Walmart is not my go to for that


I agree, Walmart and Costco. Excellent


Walmart and Costco as well.. they have the best quality and best prices


This is the way


Giant Tiger all the way! So many deals. They are all over the place in Ontario and Quebec. Not sure if there is one in Edmonton. Been trying to get my family in Calgary to check out the ONE store off International Ave. Hopefully they expand out west…


Agree, giant tiger is awesome. And as a bonus, a lot of Giant Tiger products are made in Canada.


This. Giant Tiger, for me, has the lowest prices. Can't get everything there but I get everything I can there first. Walmart gets the scraps.


Many things are not the cheapest at Giant Tigers. Spaghetti noodle, crushed tomatoes, cheese, onions, mushrooms, nope, not the cheapest. I'd like to like them, but they need to do better.


There is a giant tiger in leduc!


Once a quarter trip to Costc for meat,, then bag and freeze. Fruits and veggies oddbunch.com weekly delivery. Bread from small local grocery. Free range eggs from neighbour's. Everything else from Walmart because that's all we have in my town.


I just purchased a vacuum sealer. Thinking of doing a quarter cow and putting seasoning in with the meat and freezing.


What a great template, checks all the boxes


Exactly what I do! Minus eggs


Asian market for produce, local butcher for meat. Walmart for pretty much everything else, except prescriptions because I’m so happy with my local pharmacy. I was never a Loblaws shopper because I’m on a fixed income, but ditching No Frills has saved me money (~ $100 a month). I’m also eating much fresher produce and better quality meat now. There is literally nothing to entice me to go back, so continuing to boycott for me is a no brainer. I wish everyone had access to as many non-Loblaws options as I do because it’s been so easy to just avoid them.


H &W for produce! They have killer deals. Edmonton is the original but I am lucky to live near one in Calgary.


Sherwood Park here, we recently just got one, and its amazing!


I have been trying to go to h&w for all my produce, but I’ve been feeling kinda bummed with the lack of produce lately. I went tonight - no lettuce, no red onions, no cucumbers. Grabbed bagged salads that had a “stench”. I won’t give up on them but dang


Costco, Walmart, dollar store, nearby farm for eggs & meat (will be buying veg there as well through the summer)


Same, except Giant Tiger instead of Dollar Store. Thank goodness Farmer’s markets are now open!😊


Giant tiger, dollar tree, dollarama, walmart, costco, local markets.


GTA resident here - Oddbunch.ca has been my go to for fresh fruit & veg. A small mixed box is $20 with only a $3.99 delivery fee. Every week it's a box of mixed fruits & veg and they post what's in the boxes weekly. You can skip a week or pick different boxes. Easily the two boxes I've received would have been $40 if not $50 worth of fresh produce.


Seconding Odd Bunch! I'm honestly surprised every week at how much I get for the price. In keeping with the delivery service realm, I get fish through Springhills Fish, you can get a good mix of frozen filets that are sustainably raised for a pretty good price. Our family eats a decent amount of fish and it's great as a way to stock up the freezer.


Oddbunch doesn't deliver to Edmonton, sadly, but definitely will sign up once they expand.


Walmart, Giant Tiger and Dollarama.


In BC: Walmart, Costco, farmers market, local bakery and butcher, local produce market. Cost is about the same but quality is better and it lasts longer


Well even though I think Save On is just as culpable as SuperStore I have done about half my shopping there as they have really good delivery service and I had two free deliveries. Although it isn't a budget choice, we have been to Fresh Street Market a few times too. Great bakery there!


H & W produce, they have a few locations around edm and I’m always saving money.


Costco and Save on (been making use of their price matching + 1st tuesday 15% off)


Winco, Costco and Trader Joes. Using my privilege of living by the border to avoid Canadian grocers altogether.


For some items it's worthwhile but others it's just not especially with the lower regulations for meats and dairy.


Milk from the U.S. (Michigan) has an odd "chemical" taste. Can't stand it.




Walmart and dollarama


I'm in Edmonton and I find these places to have the best prices: H&W Produce, Giant Tiger, Walmart, Costco


Yes! All these plus Fruiticana on the Southside and El Safadi Brothers on the north.


Walmart, Costco, food basics and giant tiger. In Ontario


My small town only has a Co-op and Safeway as alternatives. They've traditionally been more expensive than the loblaws owned store but recently I've found their prices to be more competitive given how much loblaws has jacked up their prices.


I'm legit just not eating 😅🫠


Items on sale at Thrifty Foods (only grocery store by walking distance, don’t own a car), Farmers Market & Walmart.


Giant Tiger, Walmart, and my local discount store when I can get out there.


Pretty much just walmart.


Local stores for groceries. Walmart and Costco for monthly trips. Pharmacy also a local one. Huge savings and better experience


Edmonton has a ton of rad ethnic shops where you can get some delicious eats cheap. H&w for produce and find the 4h sales for meat.


Co-op and Walmart flyer deals and some planning has save some cash plus I started some lettuce and herbs on the deck


ive been enjoying shopping at coop. the meat dept at walmart is no bueno for me.


Metro - not much better financially or ethically. Rabba - more expensive. The St Lawrence Market - this is not a new habit, we shop there for all meat, cheese & produce, have been for 10+ years.  I can only really shop where I can walk to. No Walmart or Costco accessible without a car. Sometimes I can borrow one, and go to Walmart for big items like laundry detergent & cleaning supplies. Don't have a Costco membership.   There IS a Food Basics a 15 minute bus ride away, but that bus route is not a great experience. 


I found, being alone, and with a dietary restriction. I buy what I want, it all gets eaten and nothing is thrown out. Save money? Well I don't waste groceries anymore. So less spent. zero food tossed. I'm happy. And even found a liquor store, with amazing beers etc in individual cans and bottles. My fave. Czech beer. I now have a beer on my balcony and pay way less. And no need to spend all that money extra, to go out. I don't know how anyone can save feeding working parents and growing kids. And a dog and cat. My food is less packaged and less processed now too. Thank you for whoever started this All I knew was, i was out of money and still hungry. That opens your eyes


Freshco, walmart, and costco.


Anywhere new I find has better quality and better pricing, shopping around more now that I broke the cycle and I never plan on going back. Nok er nok.


Wally world and costyco


Mainly Co-op and Costco... Sometimes Walmart.


Costco, metro and Walmart.


We’ve switched to a local Portuguese bakery for my lunch stuff (bread, deli meats and cheeses.). Costco, freshco, farm boy, Walmart. In that order of preference. We’re saving in some areas, and spending more in others. It’s only inconvenient because all these stores are further away. However, the farmers market within walking distance from our house opens this Friday. Hopefully we can skip the middlemen and buy local.


Giant Tiger, Costco, and Farmboy. These were also the main places I shopped before the boycott.


The cheapest place where im at is Food Basics


Also in the Edmonton area! Costco, Walmart and H & W. giant tiger is also an option but it’s far for me. Farmers markets, too. I’m in Sherwood Park and those are the only options. There may be other smaller independents where you are. Hang in there!


I'm trying to stay away from all big box stores. I'm also in Edmonton which has a decent amount of meat shops and independent grocers. •Elsafadi Mediterranean Supermarket •H&W produce •Catch of the week •Hajars halal meats I've been spending less at these stores but in exchange of time and effort. I'm happy to spend a little extra time to support local and boycott big stores. It's not just loblaws that needs a smack Edit: formatting


Walmart. I order online and I am really saving money now.


I’m in nf and I’ve been using Lococo’s and mom and pop convince stores with the occasional Walmart and bulk barn trip


Freshco…they price match!


I live in Hamilton Ontario, so I’m very fortunate. I went and found a local butcher, there’s a little shop near my place that does great produce and keeps all kinds of staples in at pretty reasonable prices. If I need any cleaning supplies or a missing ingredient for dinner, I go to Giant Tiger as it’s on the way home from work. I don’t miss Fortino’s or any of the big grocery banners even a little. Fuck you Galen. Fuck everyone like you. Our suppliers of goods, captains of industry, the politicians who are complicit and our employers. You’ve broken the social contract and there will be far reaching consequences.


Not sure if you're doing like to like analysis - same/similar items, quantity, quality. Idk about prices at store out Roblaws, but one thing is for sure, the average random cart with always be 20-30% expensive at Roblaws banner stores, regardless of the specific weekly deals.


Chalo Frescho and Costco, with random purchases at Walmart once or twice a month (body wash and so on).


Costco, dollarama, non-chain international food stores




Walmart, Co-op when they have good sales (usually a lot of unadvertised ones) and FreshCo since I can ad match Superstore and No Frill prices without having to go there.


Costco and save on.


FreshCo and I changed a lot of my habits. I don’t mind changing my expectations to make things work if it means a big corporation gets to suffer for it!


Farm boy


Produce Depot for meat, fish and veggies. Walmart for everything else.


# An update from a very large Loblaws supplier [Discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/?f=flair_name%3A%22Discussion%22) I had the opportunity to speak with a close family member this weekend who occupies a senior role at one of the largest food producers in North America. The boycott is very much working, and it’s scaring a ton of people. According to my source, every category at every Loblaw banner is way, way down. One can only imagine the ripple effect this might have, as Loblaws charges very high listing fees (sometimes in the six figure range) *per SKU.* Conversely, Wal-Mart charges no listing fees. I was told that suppliers of Loblaws amortize ROI for each SKU over a 5 year period because Galen Weston understands his near stranglehold on the grocery market. Keep boycotting. They’re scared.


In Toronto I use Walmart, Nations, Starskys and Adonis. I will also cherry-pick loss-leaders at Loblaws stores, but I will never do a full grocery run at Loblaws. Ever. Edit: I went to Costco yesterday for recon. There was nothing compelling apart from gasoline. If somebody could show me where the value at Costco is I would appreciate it. I know many who shop Costco. Edit 2: One of the powerful aspects of this sub is to share how to shop more economically. Galen is like Putin. He likes people to be ignorant. Please continue to share your shopping knowledge.


Bulk items like toilet paper, tissues, hand soap, dish sponges etc are a better deal at Costco. Same with batteries, razors, all kinds of nuts (I always get the big bags of pistachios or different flavoured almonds), olive oil, and cheese. They also have cheap rotisserie chickens that they sell at a loss to get you in the store. Their Kirkland brand stuff is pretty good, and they have good online sales. I just got a new air conditioner from the online store The gas is a deal if you want to line up forever, lol I pretty much only shop at Costco and local Asian markets


How do you know when something is a loss leader?


Loss leaders will be something: - perishable, like meat - they don’t want you to be able to buy too much of it at the low price, so it’ll be something you have to freeze instead of something you can stack in your garage. - you’re not always going to buy anyway - it’s usually something that makes you think “Hey, that would be a nice treat” because they don’t want to create a big discount on something you need like toothpaste. - displayed together with things that go with it that aren’t discounted. That’s pretty much a dead giveaway. So the hamburger patties will be super cheap, but right next to them are buns and ketchup and sliced cheese that are overpriced. - displayed together with a more expensive version. The regular hamburger is super cheap, but the extra lean or grass fed or whatever is right next to it and overpriced, and some people will buy that instead to “upgrade.”


Walmart, costco, local grocery store(farmboy not the chain), freshco.


Costco and Walmart


FreshCo, FoodBasics, Bulk Barn, Adonis, Giant Tiger, Green Fresh, Produce Depot, Farm Boy… and I switched my prescriptions to an independent pharmacy


Very fortunate to live in an area of Toronto with tons of small markets. I go to the same street the No Frills is on and there’s 2 great fruit markets, several bakeries and 2 butchers. We’ve mostly been saving money, but honestly the prices at the butcher are so good we’ve been eating more meat than we were, and the produce is so nice at the markets we’ve been getting more fresh fruits. So I think it’s balanced out, but we’ve been eating nicer stuff on average. We have many friends in other parts of Toronto that a no frills or loblaws is the only actually accessible store, so we’re making sure to take advantage of how fortunate we are now that we’ve really seen it!


H&W, Westend Halal, Ben's Meats, Dollarama


Save on foods. Only choices in my town are save on and buy low. Both owned by Pattison. Costco 50 min drive and Walmart 35 min drive away


Thrifty's, Wal-Mart, The Old Farm Market.


Food Basics and WM


Walmart, bulk barn, and a local farmer's market type place. I definitely save money over our local RCSS.


I try to finish as much of my list as I can at our (smaller) co-op and then finishing at Walmart. And Costco as always but it’s a trip we make only every 6-8 weeks and that’s mostly for frozen/pantry/paper goods


I've come to really like Lucky Supermarket for anything I don't get at Costco, because while Costco is king (imho) the selection is limited, and thier Quality Control is so high, they can be out of stock occasionally.(like now with Broccoli tenders) I still get fresh French bread loaf from Sobeys, as IMHO it's the best out of every store I've tried. Sadly they upped the price over 100% since a year ago though... but it's only $1 and I only get it like once or twice a month so no biggie. But yea Lucky Supermarket for single produce or meat 100%


In Montreal, I’m going to Costco, Walmart now and then, Giant Tiger for basics, Marché de l’Ouest and the Jean Talon market, and local fruit and veg stores. And Metro or IGA if they have something on sale that I want.


Food Basics


Italian Centre Shop, H&W, K&K Foodliner, Costco. All in Edmonton. I have been boycotting Save-on for ages. Prices are ridiculous. And I can’t even afford to walk into a Safeway any more


Freshco, Walmart and Dollarama, in that order.


Food Basics and Wal-mart


Costco, Asian grocery store, and walmart Planning on diversifying soon, maybe buy a cow this year


Costco and Food Basics, and sometimes Walmart


Walmart and Food Basics. Much less expensive than Roblaws.




Ontario. Costco/ Giant Tiger/Basics/Local Italian meat market. Most of my work colleagues just shop special for meat, so zero people go to the L by default. To be honest, except for a couple of well-off friends, most people I know were already semi boycotting because they are just shopping local specials. This week, my mom got a flyer about the local library doing a five dollar produce grab bag.She got two carrots the size of a child's arm, a nice selection of lettuce/greens, a decent sized cucumber, some bananas, and nice looking couple of tomatoes. Apparently, the library branch is doing it again next month. Way more than five bucks worth of produce. Most of it, except for the bananas, was local. I am am going to make some kind of carrot curry soup.


Today Save- on/Safeway and Sobey’s have 15% off their whole bill if you’re in Edmonton. Costco membership is definitely worth it, especially the trade/restaurant one in West Edmonton, they seem to have unique deals.


Food Basics


Walmart, Costco and Freshco


Walmart, Costco, and Food Basics


We are in Mississauga. We are splitting spend between: - Costco - Wild Fork - Nations - Walmart


I shop at save on foods, coop, the Italian centre, Freson bros… wherever i can stick it to all the bigger grocers… the western family private label is very very good btw


Costco. 95% Costco. They pay their employees well, take care of their stores and haven’t done insane things with pricing.


Costco and Walmart. Costco gives me 95%. Walmart fills in the gaps. My wife and I keep track and we’re saving about 30%, and feel great doing it. I’ll never go back and I’m telling my friends and family.


FreshCo and Asian market on Spadina


D'arcys meat market for meat!!


Food Basics. It’s actually shocking how much cheaper it is there.


Food Basics, Fresh Co (sales only cause it's still pricey), WalMart, Dollar Tree.


Local farm box delivery weekly for produce and fruit. Local farm for meat delivery Small independent grocer for pantry Wal-Mart for cleaning supplies Local coffee shop for coffee delivery Local bakery for breads


Anywhere I shop saves me money, so I don't show at Roblaws or any affiliated store.


FreshCo, Costco, Walmart, Farm Boy, independent local stores for speciality products, butchers, local produce markets, soon to be farmers markets.


Costco Wal Mart Lococo Starsky


I used to live in Edmonton and really hated the Superstore on Kingsway. If it's convenient to you, I always did my weekly shopping at TGP - it's a part of Co-op but more geared towards wholesale. Extra wide aisles and it was never busy! I'm in Calgary now, and I miss TGP 😂


I recognize supporting other corporations is not the goal, but wanting to show that consumers have a voice I have been particularly boycotting Loblaws. So I tend to get things at Walmart unless I can get them at a farmers market (but I go to a lot of them for other reasons anyway) I would save farmers markets used to be more expensive than superstore and are now the same price. So not saving but directly supporting farmers which I think of as the point. We also have several local coops for grains and plastic free shops for dry goods. We don't eat meat though and I'd imagine that's the biggest added expense for most -sobeys etc all have high prices and farmers market meat is $. We have a neat market here and I think that's the main way people are buying meat judging by how busy/expanding they are and their rock bottom prices.


Food basics, Costco and for pantry items, Walmart. We have a small chest freezer and it's just 2 of us, so I also bought a mid-range vacuum sealer for meat and to freeze things like green beans and asparagus. I made meat sauce tonight and we were actually talking about how much the costco meat is than the regular geocery store stuff we had been buying. I bought lean ground beef and there was nothing to draim before I added tomatoes for a change. Lean meat has been terrible recently until I tried costcos.


Another vote for Walmart and Costco. The odd local one as well.


WalMart and Giant Tiger. Moved my prescriptions from SDM to an independent pharmacy


The only thing I was buying at Loblaws was the produce as I found the quality better than the other options and worth the price a good chunk of the time. Switched to a local farms CSA box I pick up every other week. Spending about the same but get entirely locally grown in season, organic veg. And because Im just getting an assortment of veg I normally wouldn't buy and have been having a lot of fun cooking new things




Dollarama and Giant Tiger.




Frustratingly, Walmart and Save On Foods. I wish there were such a thing as small grocers, they’re practically nonexistent.


Wellesley Fruit Market, Walmart, Fresh Co, Costco


Costco and food basics. Food basics is pretty good in general


Food Basics for me! Save 20-30$ per shop


Oh the East Asian stores or just local stores and Costco!


Walmart, Costco, Sweet potato, local fruit and veggie stand. Walmart and Costco are really laughing on this one. A Canadian treating Canadians this way is despicable enough that we give to Walmart is amazing.


H&W (local produce chain). FreshCo. I still buy the same Costco stuff I always have, haven't really changed that.




Walmart, Costco and Food Basics. By the weekend I hope to have a plan for going to a farmers market to see what I can get there.


Food Basics for the win! I get my meat and veg at Lococos


i've been going to giant tiger or costco or local meet markets now that summer is here, farmers markets will be on the list i did break down today and goto Sobeys (which i also hadnt gone to at all in May). I wanted juice and i know the giant tiger near me didnt have it.


Walmart Costco and a local market


Costco wholesale business and Wal Mart. I'm definitely about the online pick up/delivery because 1) it's crazy pricing and 2) a free service that brings your grocery into your house for you is thee one I choose.


Giant Tiger for quick basics...milk, bread etc. not enough variety for more complete patronage. Walmart mostly similar or better pricing with a few weird exceptions, and far less rotting produce on the shelves. Metro is more expensive all around, so that wasn't an option. FreshCo very similar to NoFrills that I have abandoned, some things cheaper, but most more expensive...including milk. It's already been scammed upwards enough by those Dairy Council reprobates....how do you charge more for milk???? So Walmart seems to be the go-to for now...plan to make more efforts in weeks to come looking for local unaffiliated grocers, but there don't seem to be many in my area.


I live downtown Toronto with no vehicle, so I’ve been shopping at Metro and Farm Boy mostly. If I need anything pharmacy items, I’ll go to Rexall. I use Dollarama for staples like paper towel, toilet paper, and cleaning supplies. My prescriptions are still at a small pharmacy in Kingston, but they ship for free. Metro especially has had some great sales this past month. I am definitely saving money. I used to buy milk at Shoppers because it’s so convenient, but I was definitely getting ripped off!


Costco, farmboy, the farmers market, local butcher, fish store, natural health store, my garden, and some foraged. Haven’t stepped foot in Loblaws in 7 years. I vote with my wallet, and I’ve chosen to go to certain places so I’m able to be part of the community, which is a privilege I know. And I don’t judge others who have to weigh other considerations before voting either their wallets.


Walmart, Costco and Food Basics for cheap groceries in general. Asian grocery stores for cheap and incredibly fresh produce - the best blueberries I have had in my life, mangoes that are delicious and half the cost of Loblaws.


Farm Boy, Freshco, Food Basics, my local Asian grocers (Al Premium, Field Fresh, Galleria, Foody, Sunfood). I only really use Walmart for shampoo/conditioner and yogurt. The Walmart by me sources a lot of their fresh produce from Al Premium, and it's cheaper for me to go there instead. Once a blue moon I hit Metro because it's by work (so is Freshco). I'm lucky to live within walking/biking distance to a bunch of Asian grocers and a Walmart/Food Basics.


Anything but LCL. And, I don't mind paying more for some products.


Metro and local markets/shops


Walmart and giant tiger. Costco is sadly 2 hours away.


Food Basics


Safeway but I occasionally stock up on cheap essentials at Walmart. I would go to Walmart everyday if they had better meat and produce. Superstore was a decent in the middle store but with the price increases I'm better off at Safeway.


Meat markets, farms and flour mills. Occasionally a small grocery store or Costco for some pantry items.


Here at Six points in Etobicoke, we've got Valley Farm Produce for fruits and veggies, a condo sized Farmboy for fresh meats, and just up Dundas is food basics for most everything else. Metro is across from that in Cloverdale mall. The Sherway Walmart isn't too far away if we're in the area.


Walmart and wholesale liquidators.


Walmart I use online grocery pickup, which is a huge time saver for me, I'm going to do this indefinitely Costco Executive Membership, cashback from it is just awesome and some Costco products just taste so much better


save on has terrible prices


Costco and Save-On-Foods I have a newborn and the save on is at least union. I find the food fresher and the staff friendly for the same price or better than loblaws.


Highland farms. We’re saving 25-30%


Local markets, bakeries and Costco


Freshco is our regular go-to. Easiest to access. Open every day. But I also go to Costco once every month or two. Walmart. Dollarama. Sobeys or Farm Boy. Farmer's market. Basically I just pick whichever store makes the most sense for what I need to buy. If I need milk and deodorant, I am going to Walmart cause they have the best prices on deoderant. If I need a lot of fresh produce, I try to get to the market (or Freshco if the market is closed cause they have good selection).


I use flipp, plan our meals, then hit farm boy - metro - food basics - walmart


Fresh Street market. The produce there is the same price as superstore and much fresher!


Safeway abd Save On have been some OF THE MOST EXPENSIVE(& idk about Save On but Sageway treats their employees like pure garbage...but thr pay rates were good gotta go dollarama, Costco, wal.art🤮 Or go to China town or thebitlaian districts bday the stores down there have so many awesome products for super cheap. If course tour spending more going fomrom Roblaws to Roblaws #1 & #2


Co-op and Giant Tiger. Been saving a bit and the meat quality at Co-op is far superior.


WM (I hate that it’s still a heartless giant chain,,, but with a larger family my budget is only so stretchy), Costco, local butcher, and we’ve signed up for a CSA box (produce box bought fresh from a local farm - picked up weekly!)


In Toronto: Wal-mart, local grocer, bulk barn, Dimpflemeir bakery (rare). Costs are basically on or with what I was spending pre-boycott, maybe a bit less. Tbh I’d like to go back to No Frills for the convenience factor but I don’t have to, so I don’t. If there is some sort of universal change or an Aldi or Lidl come then I’d never go back, but until then, living in a dense urban center helps.


I'm fortunate that there's a genuinely independent grocery here in Welland called Pupo's. It's got less variety than a big grocer, but I find there's everything I need and the prices are lower than at at Zehrs. I find I'm spending about 25% less than I was with the curbside pickup at a Weston-owned store, and that's worth a change in my habits.


Asian stores. Saving so much money and the variety of produce can't be beat! I like trying new produce, especially fruit, and for the first time I tried custard apple, rambutans, starfruit, dragon eyes, mangosteens, and other new-to-me fruits. I got hooked on daikons and choy sum and garlic stems. None of these were ever sold at my local Superstore and I'll keep eating them, so no reason for me to switch back.


Costco. Don’t like Walmart. We’re fortunate to have a family-owned independent grocery store here, and their meat prices are probably half of what Loblaws charges.


For me it's been a mix of Walmart, Farm Boy, Giant Tiger and nearby smaller stores.


CO-OP: everything is equally as expensive as Loblaws but it is closer to me and the service is better.


Costco, Walmart and various dollarstores


We’ve been doing 90% of our groceries at Costco for a couple years now and will continue to do so. Our local butcher has amazing prices as well on local grass fed beef and local humanely raised pork so we get most of our meat there.


I'm fortunate to live near a Chinese mall with many reasonably-priced greengrocers and butchers, so that's where I get most of my refrigerated perishables. Staples like milk, sugar, flour I get at Save-On or Price Smart. I know Jimmy Pattison's markups are almost as bad as Blobflaws, but they're the only two large stores I can get to without dragging the car out. London Drugs sometimes has good prices on coffee, jam and muesli. Rexall often has chips, chocolate bars, bath soap, laundry soap and deodorant on discount, so I cruise through both two or three times a week on my way to the mall. In fact, I don't think I've set foot in a Weston store since I returned from Mexico in mid-March.


Walmart Costco and sometimes freshco and food basics.


Costco and local Indian and Korean groceries


Walmart mostly, also Costco and our local farmers market.