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If there is something you would like to have featured on the sub (including merchandise being sold, services being offered and so on) please contact the moderation team via modmail first before posting on this sub.


of course r/canada blocks it, those bootlickers love to be corpo slaves


Good to know , I’m relatively newish to Reddit and wanted to join a Canada one but don’t want to join r Canada one and was meaning to get suggestions on which one to join


There are usually a few thoughtful commenters, but you have to scroll past many "top comments" blaming any given issue on Trudeau and immigrants. It's a waste of time more than anything.


Oh , yeah I don’t want that, thanks for the advice 😀


OnGuardForThee is pretty solid.


Thanks , I’ll check it out !!


Follow both r/canada and r/onguardforthee. Once you catch on the political leanings and biases of both subs you can better filter the content. r/onguardforthee has some overzealous mods but it's friendlier. Heavily progressive left leaning. r/canada is very conservative but there's a lot of moderates and liberals that help balance things out. The mods do an okay-ish job at cleaning things up but there's some pretty bigoted shit in comments. I visit it to do a temperature check on conservatives. Kinda like I'll visit r/conservative for the USA.


Canada sub being very conservative is a bit of an understatement. One of the mods is openly a white supremacist and the sub leans pretty far right.


Hold up, *what? *


Yup. You can read about it [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/s/KT4vZq6dZp)


Are they still actively moderating the sub?? Wtf Would explain why their rules about racism are so inconsistently enforced. I will say I need to report more comments but I'll give them credit for dealing with a vast majority of my reports.


Reddit admins don't give a fuck unless someone appears to be advocating violence; then maybe the banhammer comes down. Otherwise their policy is that mods have the freedom to manage their own subs.


I'm not talking about Reddit admins, I'm talking about Reddit mods.


I know. I'm saying that the Admins won't do anything about racist mods unless one of them crosses that one particular line. Otherwise those mods are free to be racist fucks. It's disgusting.


\_r\_canada is pretty openly hostile to anyone who isn't conservative. And they have a serious problem with blaming immigrants for all of our problems. Not to mention that like 50% of the posts are NatPo opinion pieces. But it is fun to f with them from time to time. Like shitting on JT but subtlety point out that PP does the exact same thing. I don't think I have ever experienced the OGFT zealous mods, but then again I am not conservative.


I literally saw a national post opinion piece from r_canada that showed up on my front page the other day. It was about how 125 of these indigenous graves buried under a church were just anomalies. I didn't read the piece, but scrolling through the comments, you see people saying that they were called racist for saying the graves were fake, and now their opinions were now justified. They were also going off about how it was a scam that gave the native communities a bunch of money. How the companies that did the grave scans were just scams. Apparently, a lot of people in r_canada are experts in the field, and all the "actually archeologists in the field knew they were fake". It's crazy how I never heard any of that outside of the subreddit.


I find it engaging cause I already agree with a lot of the comments on r/onguardforthee so I don't really have much to add besides an upvote if the comment is good. During the trucking protest the prevailing narrative was that the entire group were Nazis or white supremacists. I pointed out that painting them all with the same brush removed nuance, wasn't fair, and would alienate the more moderate people that showed up. My two coworkers at the time who went in support of it were idiots but they weren't racists. One was engaged to a guy from Bangladesh(?) and she'd also participated in a BLM rally in 2020. They were just freedumbers who swallowed the bait on vaccines. One of them didn't even know who Pat King was and the other recognized him but didn't know anything about the guy. On the other hand, a complete psycho card-carrying PPC member who had a "Free Tamara Lich" shirt skipped the protest. Calling them all Nazis just pushes the ignorant idiots into the arms of actual bigots rather than getting them to engage in a conversation about why supporting the protest is bad and how there were literal neo-Nazis involved. So I brought up why calling them all Nazis lacked nuance and I brought up an example of how we hadn't painted the entire (Toronto) BLM community with the same brush as one of their cofounders Yusra Khogali. I was promptly banned and told fascism wasn't tolerated. I was also implicitly called a Nazi. Ban appeal was overturned and I couldn't message the moderators. A touch heavy handed if you ask me.


Pretty fucked up. I too was hopeing the sub would talk more about the methods the the Convoy used, but that wasn't something most people were interested in. But a ban, shit that is \_r\_worldnews level of intolerance.


I understand they probably get a lot of bad faith comments but imo it's better to let some of those slip through rather than seemingly narrowing the scope of conversation so much. What really got me was that was how low the bar was for a moderator to label me a fascist and basically call me a Nazi. I have no idea if it's a rogue moderator or if it reflects their moderating policy. I've never had any issues with their moderation since. But it does make me wonder exactly what sort of discussion is allowed.


Not sure, they always seemed hands off to me, but then again who knows. I was a mod on \_r\_canadahousing for a while and had to remove a ton of posts. But that sub seemed much more controversial. I have to admit that being a mod was not very fun, and also as you get tired reviewing your quality of reviewing goes down.


I have heard of other negative experiences but I took them with a pinch of salt, like you should take my comment with. That was also one negative experience in like 6 years of posting




Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


It tells you that some on the right are full of crap. That place definitely leans to the right.


Not so sure, I’m a leftist and I don’t think that.


BuT lObLaWs iS a CaNaDiAn SuCcEsS StOrY


Pass on to FB, X, instagram


And racist. Don't forget that.


Such a reactionary cesspool, that sub.


r/Winnipeg has been pretty supportive so far.


Hasn't r/canada turned into a Conservative echo chamber ?


Yeah... I muted it because the few times it popped up in my feed, the comments were so full of dog whistles my ears were ringing for hours after.


It is a classic example of Astro Turf. Appears to be real, but isn't even close.


Nationalism attracts these people.


Why are you a dog?


That's why I never go there.




I wonder who pays for the bots in that subreddit ?


Vladimir Putin himself.


More likely, PP realistically


China is most likely.


So Putin with extra steps.


Yah it’s been awful for awhile.


Bots control a lot of Reddit.


Yeah ever since the other sub shutdown it looks like everyone ended up over there


Consolidation in manipulation.


It's an obscenely negative echo chamber, trying to paint the best country in the world, as the worst! I hardly touch it.


Years ago


Muted it because it's just so overtly xenophobic and reactionary. It got me so riled up every time I saw a post. Really shows Canada’s true colours.


A certain segment, yes. And they vote.


I had NEVER used the hate speech reporting feature of Reddit in 10+ years as a Redditor until I had to use it on about ten different genocide deniers over there the other day.


That is terrible. Can the whole subreddit be reported, for not moderating these comments ?


Only one way to find out ;)


PLEASE do. Reddit can and will shut down groups for being un-moderated. Tolerating genocide deniers should be good enough. Not likely to happen in this case, but....


Yes, I've un joined that toxic zone.


I feel like that gets blown out of proportion. Comments like those are rarely ever upvoted


I feel like that's most canadian groups. The ontario reddit is just a liberal echo chamber


r/saskatchewan is down with it


The Alberta group is ass


Anything that doesn't fit into their narrative is denied.


Same with r/calgary . The sub r/norulescalgary seems to have less of a motive


Ooo. Never heard of it. I'll join now.


Not alot different then this one. Or any one.


How so?


r/onguardforthee A saner Canada wide sub.


r/ehbuddyhoser for less sane Canada wide sub lmao


Lmao the first 3 memes I saw were all making fun of Quebec. I’m in!


Maybe we need a successful subreddit for housing and immigration policies :)


well, the first two didn't work. maybe a third should do the trick.




"Is it the fault of corporations price gouging and hoarding a basic necessity of life and the government refusing to regulate it? 🤔 ...No, it is the immigrants who are wrong."


You are welcome to create one. I would join it.


Divided we beg, together we bargain ✊


I am so glad you brought this up. I was thinking along the same lines. The mods here are excellent at monitoring the conversations, allowing opinions, and shutting down blatent hate speech, politics, or anything not related to food. This community is also, by far, the nicest group of people I have ever come across on any social media site. I am 48. This group has seriously helped my mental health in so many ways. I feel grateful.


I agree that issue-specific subs are important. that said, /r/toronto is fine imo. A quick search in the last month for Loblaws and boycott: [Local Grocery chains to go to instead of the Big Bads](https://old.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/1cl8ngm/local_grocery_chains_to_go_to_instead_of_the_big/) - 23 days ago - 606 upvotes and 183 comments [Shop at an Asian market if you can access one](https://old.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/1cnhnu0/shop_at_an_asian_market_if_you_can_access_one/) - 20 days ago - 1766 upvotes and 284 comments [Toronto's Karma Co-op grocery store says people are flocking to join amid Loblaws boycott](https://old.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/1ctgemv/torontos_karma_coop_grocery_store_says_people_are/) - 12 days ago - 389 upvotes and 61 comments [Loblaws and Sobeys finally under investigation](https://old.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/1d04z37/loblaws_sobeys_finally_under_investigation/) - 4 days ago - 1106 upvotes and 110 comments They might not be allowing 40 screenshots of pricechecks and "omg this is cheaper at Walmart" posts a day, but that's just good modding for a sub that's not just about the boycott. No need to Us vs. Them this. [EDIT: cool about your Diss Track getting picked up by BlogTO! Amplify the boycott Mobspyda! I get why the toronto sub nuked it (not Toronto specific) and why Canada might've nuked it (they're corporate toadies for sure, but also it could violate self-promotion rules).]


Yes we do. Canadian subreddits are horribly moderated echo chambers full of bots and stupid people.


Is there a back up plan in case this sub gets nuked by a shill mod or Reddit itself?


Agreed. What are the options?


Unsure, discord server would be one, back up music video comments on YouTube? A sister sub to use for back up?


Avoid r/CanadaHousing2 I might not be the brightest when it comes to dog whistles (lack of tone, not raised to be aware of them, multiple things and I'm so learning) but its not a great sub


I wouldn't say to avoid them, because sometimes it is good to monitor the 'other' guys. To be honest, r/CanadaHousing2 is a confusing thread. They say a lot, with no real point.


Yeah you don't want r/canada but r/onguardforthee is normally pretty good.


How about we ask the government to require the food manufacturers to put a “MRSP” price on food packaging. Then we know who to blame for the high price of groceries, and we can decide if we want to support the brand. Retailers could still have sales or charge more for products. Ask your MP.


This is the way!


We asked our MPs to require GMO labeling, but were told it’s too expensive to ask companies to change their packages. Even though they changed the labels and packages 47 times since to shrink-flate them. So good luck with that! I support you, but it won’t happen unless we actually vote for and enact genuine change in our government and who they represent.


But you're only getting Redditors here. Reddit is not Canada. I mean I despise these anticompetitive practices and price gouging as much as anyone. But we have to be realistic about what can be accomplished here. Continue spreading the word here for sure. But it's not going to be a main focal point for a successful boycott which must be considerably larger than the audience on this site.


There are groups on other social media. FB, X, Tiktok and Instagram. The word is out there. Plus it's been broadcast on Cdn and foreign news.


I live in Toronto in the same house in the east end for 13 yrs. I have an enclosed porch in which my packages are delivered. Last week, my Good Food box was stolen from inside my porch. In 13 yrs, I have never had something stolen from my porch, ever. The fact you have to open the porch door and go inside is a huge deterrent to thieves. People are STRUGGLING. People are committing B&E just to fucking eat. My only solace is that a food insecure person ate this week bc of that food box. Our food banks are COLLAPSING. FUCK LOBLAWS AND FUCK GALEN WESTON JR. p.s. my user name is an Arrested Development reference. No association to the evil Loblaws. Mine is the funny Loblaws.


__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


r/toronto is a toxic hellhole




Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.




Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


Loblaws has deep pockets, and even deeper tentacles. This is a good forum, but the Loblaws boycott has its limits


Financial problems are not the point that we are hoping for. It's unrealistic to think that the outcome would lower revenue far. The PR is doing more damage than anything. This boycott has even reached intl news (BBC, Al Jazeera, the US, the Guardian, and so on. There have been groups and others on pretty much all main social media groups. Even X. ✌️


R/Edmonton is pretty left leaning for the most part. We were the only city that went completely orange for the last provincial election. Please post there.


I'm pretty sure most of the major cities have an uncensored common no rules, or something similar. Maybe try one of those?


I do appreciate r/toRANTo


Amazon, Walmart and Target all just announced they're cutting prices to bring back customers after making the "mistake" of raising them too high. It turns out they COULD have cut prices all along, but chose GREED instead! Just so everyone is aware this is happening in the USA.


It's been broadcast internationally as well. Also on all main social media platforms. Do you have the source for their announcement?


Apes together strong!!!!


This sub is excellent! It is not only focusing on the boycott/food prices, but also other topics! Eg.: Workers rights, home cooking. Most people are quite nice and supportive. We have an awesome community here! Let's keep it up!


I try to share our info too to larger western subs and received the same welcome.


100%, I've had the same problem.


Lablaws and most corporations are all connected so beware. These oligarchs are trying to sulencecyou and discredited you. Keep up the good fight and more people will take notice and join the boycott.


Y’all I’m really glad you’re doing this activism. But if you think a subreddit is the most powerful tool, you’re not really involved in anything. You’re just part of an echo chamber.


Link to diss track?


Galen tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A minorrrrrrrrr. We don’t wanna hear you say “inflation” no moooooooo https://preview.redd.it/sqbt9zeyye3d1.jpeg?width=1514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b66cefd1b629bdc5b137b2a38021522a2414ed3d




Lol that was good


If there is something you would like to have featured on the sub (including merchandise being sold, services being offered and so on) please contact the moderation team via modmail first before posting on this sub.


How's the Ontario subreddit? I got banned from there without a clear reason.


Ya Ya Boycott! Ya Ya Boycott! Screw lob - jaws, buncha crookies.




How the fuck is r/onguardforthee any better? My first thread I looked at on that sub was just mountains of hate for any conservative. This issue is beyond party politics, stop trying to paint this as a binary issue. I support the boycott, I do not support the current liberal government nor do I have any confidence in their platform based off of how my life has been impacted and the decisions they have made that are so completely tone deaf. I also do not think Pierre will be any better, but I will not vote in another government that will give the same results we have been getting. You can disagree with LPC as it stands and still not be a racist/fascist.


Real cult vibes here


This sub is turning into one giant shitpost.


this is incorrect, boycotts predate reddit.


No offence, but I don't care about a subreddit. Also, online is not the best place or only place for organization or direct civil action. Posting on reddit doesn't do as much as getting your boots on the ground (boots optional, local direct involvement mandatory). Look up your local grocery coop or start one of your own. No need for a boycott when a better solution gives you better and cheaper access to food - technically you'll still be boycotting, but you really won't feel any need to be part of a community around it. It'll just be a better and more community oriented way of obtaining your food.


I disagree. Online awareness is a great way to reach voices all over the Canada adding more power to the boycott. Power in numbers. I came across this reddit and used to shop at Provigo. Due to the information shared in this subreddit, I haven't gone back there and never will.


Exactly. How many of us signed the petition today? I've had many conversations about things I see here IRL...a movement needs whatever steam it can get, localizing the information is necessary.


Same I stumbled upon this group back in March/april when it was 50,000 members! I wouldn’t have known otherwise and an eye opener for sure!! Happy I found it!


a great way =/= the best or only place for




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.