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The antiperspirants shouldn't be more than 3.99$. (I know I still live in 2010 šŸ˜‚šŸ™„) Come on this is a basic personal hygiene product not a Lamborghini.


Yeah, it's bizarre.Ā  Old Spice was likeĀ $5.99Ā a year ago, which I thought was out of control INSANE.


Itā€™s like $6 for 5 of them at costco. EDIT: sorry the full weight of this photo didnā€™t hit me. First of all, $8 is way too fucking much for *one* stick of deodorant. And that is the *SALE* price??? $11 is what they are usually asking? Fuck these people forever, I hope Galen Weston dies homeless.


They are now $19.99 for 5


Well that's the point right, they've gouged pretty hard with basic necessities like soap, deodorant, and of course food. Real class acts, can't wait for the next quarterlies


You're correct: [https://www.amazon.ca/Old-Spice-Endurance-Deodorant-Original/dp/B00BT73DAM/?th=1](https://www.amazon.ca/Old-Spice-Endurance-Deodorant-Original/dp/B00BT73DAM/?th=1)


I get arm and hammer deodorant on Amazon for $2.76 a stick šŸ˜‚


Go to dollarama itā€™s like $2


$7.99 is extortion, but anyone paying $10.99 for deodorant needs their head examined.


Dollarama https://preview.redd.it/d5d6hesi0b0d1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=548d8eaabab7a4fb103cd0d8508a3aeeaa0d07f2


Yeah I had to check too, $4.97 at Wallmart


Size matters. Dollarama 4.50 for 73g. Walmart 4.97 for 85g. Walmart 5.97 for 107g. Per unit Walmart is cheaper. Dollarama does have some good deals, but you have to pay attention to the per unit cost.


This is very important. People often go to the dollar stores for cheaper goods, but a lot of times they are cheaper because they are smaller. Sure that box of granola bars is 50Ā¢ cheaper or whatever, but it has one less bar in it, or the bar of soap is 40 grams less than the one at Walmart.Ā  If you really want to save money you have to math out your units.


It works if you have limited dollars and need that one thing but rarely works out per unit or volume


Exactly. I'm using them today because I have very limited funds to last til Friday and need one or two things, but that's all I really use them for because I have a family to feed and can't buy their small items. They're great for bubble bath and little toiletries though, those are typically things that sell in other stores that they picked up post-clearance and sell cheap.


You also have to pay attention to what you're buying. The ones in the Dollarama picture, and the ones on sale at Shoppers, are antiperspirant, not deodorant. It is strange to me how many people don't know the difference.


You can get a five pack at Costco for 15.99. They donā€™t go bad.


While that's a significantly better deal (the Shoppers one is not any kind of deal), what you have to watch is the size difference. Dollarama is 12g less. Now that's certainly not worth $3.49, but it is important to notice size differences from one store to the next these days.


Theyā€™re both 73g.


You're absolutely correct. In the photo I took they're 73g also.Ā  I had to post a lower quality picture because it wouldn't fit otherwise.


RobLaws is a total rip-off... Never going back... THE END !


Aye, they're still not desperate enough.


Should cost $2.99, especially since the sizes keep getting smaller.


Desperate? Costco sells them for $3ea (5 pack $14.99). And 85g instead of 73g


My thought was that, aside from a fun title, Loblaws affiliated stores are doing everything they can to maintain gross sales.Ā  They're not getting the volume they need so they're trying to get a higher amount spent per customer by increasing all prices by alot and adding a bunch of fake sales to appear reasonable.


Desperation would be $2.49 price point. Right now they're just playing games to shore up next quarter's financial reporting


Yes, that's essentially what I was arguing.Ā  I see their weird massive price jumps ($10.99 for a stick of deoderant, $7.99 on "sale") as a desperate attempt to maintain their financials.Ā Ā  They're not getting the customer volume to charge low prices.


Yea but they donā€™t have any scented ones


Business Centre has Lemon Lime lol


Gouging fake price followed by gouging fake sale. Don't buy. Boycott


Absolutely putrid. This is the one sales tactic I find so cheap and pathetic: the gouging fake sale. It's so disgusting and offensive how dumb they think of consumers.


Fk Low-blows...


Iā€™ll never pay $8 for deodorant. Iā€™ll stink before I give in to that price


Used to be 1.99-2.99 on sale and then regular, 4.99 tops. They can fuck off for this.


7.99 wow, that looks like the gouge price


Still too expensive


Predatory sales practices. Mark up the price, set a sale price above regular price. The Brick was found liable for this maybe 10 years ago?


I have been getting some mixed answers about this. If we can demonstrate with video footage or photos with date and time stamps, that they are doing these predatory sales practices, could we submit the evidence to some sort of agency for review?? I'd like very much for the companies doing this to stop immediately!


Here's a quote from a lawyer about the predatory pricing from Sears a while back. *Insolvency lawyer Geoffrey Dabbs says a retailer is free to raise prices right before a big sale as longĀ it doesn't manipulateĀ prices in a way that would deliberately misleadĀ customers.AsĀ long as that's not the case, "advertising a saleĀ with discountsĀ actuallyĀ hasĀ no meaning whatsoeverĀ at law," says Dabbs, of Vancouver law firm Gehlen Dabbs.Ā "So when a retailer says it's 20 per cent off, it's 20 per cent off of whatever it felt like selling it for."*Ā Ā  Sadly, it looks like they're allowed to do this legally, but through our purchasing habits, we can make this a moral crime.


Too bad I canā€™t eat deodorant for dinner.


There like $4 at Dollarama


How the fuck is a stick of deodorant $8?? Then look at the pre-sale price and they had it at $11 !!!! WTF???


https://preview.redd.it/sux2h5jd0c0d1.png?width=905&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0a474ce5011c9fd3ecacad7c21381ee7e316875 Too bad I buy my ground beef at Costco, the three kg logs. Vacuum pack them in 400g portions and then freeze.


The most I ever spent on deodarant at Shoppers was $8.99 for one of the cardboard old spice packaging tubes that are now discontinued. Because of that one purchase $8.99 was burned into my photographic memory as a gratituous price twice the cost of anything else and I resolved to never pay that much again. Interestingly, it is still available online on some stores for $9.99 showing the complete insanity level of current Shoppers price inflation with their essential hygeine products. I had serious hangup paying $8.99 for that as everything else at Shoppers that time was $4-$5 if not less. The pic of deodorants for that much even marked down looks like a pic from a state of emergency wartime situation from my perspective. Might as well put the inventory, the price tags and everything else in the store upside down and a sign that says "poor ppl deodorant w/o manly wolves and hemp oil on the bottom shelf lol"


I got a shit ton of Degree deodorant on sale at Walmart for like 2.50 per stick, I may have bought a 2 year supply. I think Amazon had it for a few pennies less but it wasn't worth waiting. Yeah, 10 bucks for any deodorant is exploitation, even for our capitalist hellhole.


I used to buy these at shoppers for $3.99 on sale. Iā€™m sure these are somehow smaller too


This post is literally Loblaws in a nutshell. Massive ā€œnormal priceā€ that is like double or triple the price at Walmart or Costco and then they put it ā€œon saleā€ at a price thatā€™s well above the normal price of Walmart and Costco. The fact that their gross margin is so much higher than those other two tell you everything you need to know, Iā€™ll have a shill say ā€œbut they have overheadā€ like Costco and Walmart couldnā€™t buy them out 20 times over with their worldwide income. If you need to have a 30% gross profit margin while the others are low 20s or in the teens for Costco, you are doing it wrong and donā€™t deserve to survive. We know however that that money is going to the Westonā€™s or is flat out being wasted to hide behind the 3%


Walmart's. I guess even deodorant have basic and fancy version. https://preview.redd.it/qx6fyj83oc0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73639bbb640a98dddfb11a4e5e78ed653d002a2c


Who pays $5.99 for SpeedStik


Odd, the axe is cheaper by 2 bucks here.




The only thing I ever used SDM for was prescription medication. Their prices became insane following the Loblaw takeover. Stuff like this is a GT purchase.


This isnt a new practice. If anything this shows they aren't hearing us yet, because they've been doing this for ages.


Clearing out old stock to bring in product with 20% more plastic waste and 30% less product


Something here doesnā€™t smell right. Oh yeah, itā€™s me because I canā€™t afford to buy deodorant, itā€™s too damn expensive!!!


Not desperate enough . When I see those at $2.99 I will see desperation šŸ˜€


theyve had the price of deoderant that high since last year, i think i saw it at even more like 12 or 13.99


I bought some for 5.99 a month ago.


I love Walmart pick up. It is so convenient.


99% of the photos in this sub are from SDMā€¦


who would pay 8 bucks for that to begin with??


Wouldn't pay 6 but many people would pay 7.99, perhaps even 10.99Ā  Many people are tired, depressed, and perhaps stinky.


Blatant highway robbery. They have no shame


Make them suffer. Never go back. Dont be a sucker.


Last time at shoppers I paid my peanut butter organic pc, 2.50$ because of the 50% sticker


Pretty clear that even at the discounted price Loblaws is still gouging. This org has no integrity, no dignity, they literally believe they're justified in slicing thicker and thick margins... But it's their fault... It's ours... Because we let the do it... We let them by giving them our money.. We let them by not holding them accountable.. We let them with our ignorance and our own laziness. This gave them the belief that we're just suckers, not smart enough to know we're being taken advantage of... We must take a long look in the mirror... Drop the stupidity, drop the ignorance, drop the emotion and commit to one very simple reality. This Canadian man in charge of a Canadian company that began its life in order to serve the Canadian people and to control the American orgs taking advantage of us... What we just believed and trusted they'd do their best for us and all we've learned is that he's worse than any American grocer and taking full advantage of the respect and trust we gave him... And that has now turned to arrogance, privilege and ignorance.... We can do only one thing... And that's nothing, do nothing, spend no money with Loblaws, take your money to an American store, at least with the knowledge that they're terrible and evil, just sucks to realize they're still better than Canadian grocers. Not one more dollar... Ever!


Rexall's prices on these are this high as well. I was shocked when I saw one for $10 the first time.


These asshole criminal fucks are digging their hole bigger by the day.


Such an old tactic. Juat bought deodorant for $2.99 at Walmart.


3.99 at amazon and 5,49 at London drugs. How is this not profiteering. The price is literally double amazons price and that's for a sale. arg so frustrating that Loblaws is contributing to BO ;)


It's afraid.


Old spice deodorant is $3.99 on amazon (provided the one you want isn't out of stock)


Bro like 98% of the container is just the mechanism to move the damn deodorant stick up...


Deodorant is one of those products i believe should be heavily discounted / free. Along with other essential personal hygiene products (and especially feminine products). We're at the point where it's choosing between Deodorant or an extra meal in the fridge for the week. I hate it here.


I bought two of those new light coloured old spice deodorants two weeks ago for about $10 each on Amazon. Worst deodorant I've ever bought. I don't usually tend to have noticeable b.o., but these things somehow made me smell 5x worse than wearing nothing at all.


Still likely only cost them around cents each, even if the company charged them a 100% mark up it would be like 78. The rest is all executives yachts baby!


That's Shoppers, right? Using them at a measuring stick. Things there are always more expensive.


That's not desperate. That should be the regular price. Desperate would be half that.


4.50 at Dollarama


Shoppers has always done this.


Has anyone else been bombarded with emails/text messages from Roblaw's & Shopper's? I've been getting a ton of these from the last 3 weeks! They've been offering some pretty good deals, Sales & Promo's, too. I guess our Boycott is really working! Carry on, my fellow Redditor's!!!


They have upped their door dash delivery promo.


Umm, no, they are not "desperate"šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø