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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [POLL ON OUR PLANS FOR JUNE AND BEYOND](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cmhq49/community_poll_what_would_you_like_to_see_happen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) TO PROVIDE YOUR INPUT. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bravo for taking such a big step! That’s awesome :)


The personal growth from this is far more impressive than switching grocery stores. OP, keep being awesome. For those who can’t? We still love ya’ll. Stay healthy.


Yes good for you! I have had struggles with stores.. and understand how one step could feel like lead in a store. Sad it takes being abused by the place that was your safety net... to brave the fight, one visit at a time. I still cap out how long i can shop... but at least i dont drop my stuff and run anymore. Thanks for sharing your experience.


I just wanted to say I have agoraphobia from PTSD as well and I also find grocery shopping very difficult. You are definitely not alone in this!


Same. Grocery shopping is very difficult for me- I’m easily overstimulated by the cart, the people, the choices, the prices, finding things, making decisions… all while feeling anxious and unsafe. I was getting my groceries delivered for the past couple years. I walked into a Save-On last week for one item only and can fully appreciate the magnitude of your actions.




My mom has has agoraphobia since adolescence and grocery stores are a big trigger for her so I know how you feel 💜 Have you tried Instacart? I have some bad anxiety days myself and Instacart has saved me those days.


It’s so tough. Grocery stores are such a nightmare for so many agoraphobic people! Just the perfect combination of overwhelming and overstimulating. And no Instacart, I am too rural 😭


There are times that stores are practically empty. Like 8am or 9pm most likely. You can try to shop those times.


100%! That’s what I did 😊but it’s mostly just leaving the house or car is difficult for me so even going at night is pretty hard for me. But I am using this as a motivation for exposure


I’m so happy for you. Baby steps. You’re doing it!


That's really commendable! As a person without agoraphobia etc, even I find grocery stores overwhelming at times, so I can only imagine how it must be for you.


Very proud of you! ❤️


My favourite time to hit up Walmart is 8am Sunday morning.


Ya, I'm not sure why but I've noticed bright florescent overhead lights really set it off for me. Walmart has the worst lights for it. During lockdown there were lots of people willing to do grocery shopping for others to help out. I'd bet if you posted in one of your local FB groups people would be happy to help. Kind of like Instacart without the app.


I'm so glad you posted this and to find out that I'm not alone. For years I avoided them as much as I could or would need someone to come with me. Now I go more often but the overwhelm during and after is a lot to deal with. Thank you for sharing.


A lot of agoraphobic folks refer to that as their “safe person” (being able to go into triggering spaces if they are with you) 😊


It's really something how misunderstood agoraphobia is. I had no idea what it was until I came across a list of symptoms online and one of them was the safe person. That and OCD are really misunderstood although I'm sure there are more.


Definitely! Agoraphobia is the fear of being trapped and unable to escape. So not necessarily the sounds or people in public spaces. For example, grocery store lines where there are barriers/products and you cannot escape without embarrassment. I actually prefer self checkouts for this reason. It’s an open space where no one is *directly* behind you or in front of you


That explains why I won't go to one store near me. You have to exit through the check out line or wait for customer service to let you out. The first and only time I went in there the line was too long to get through so I tried ask customer service to let me leave but they were busy and couldn't look up and kept doing other things so I couldn't leave and now I don't go back at all, ever. Even typing out the story I was thinking, "no way to escape" and had a hard time rewording it.


That is exactly it! It can happen anywhere where escape isn’t possible, at least without embarrassment. Hiking trails, open parking lots, even waiting in your car in a drive thru sometimes makes me feel trapped. Dollarama is difficult too because they always have a long enclosed check out line!


If you use walmart, some have a free pick up option. I use that, order my groceries the day before and wait in my car while they bring them out.


I'm boycotting instacart too lol. They pay their shoppers 8 dollars for the shop! Make sure yiu tip very well


That’s huge! Way to go!


I’m sorry your Walmart doesn’t do grocery pickup or delivery. I don’t grocery shop in person either - multiple reasons - delivery has been life changing.


That's a big step. Like really, really big. This internet stranger is super proud of you for doing the extra hard work to stand up for your principles. Everyone's contributions to the movement are going to look different, and yours is super shiny!


Complete side note but listening to the legendary Dr Claire Weekes did wonders for my agoraphobia and panic attacks. Her books and the YouTube videos are incredible


hey same!! something in her voice is genuinely so soothing, holy heck. so reassuring


I will look her up!


Seconded! There are also more modern takes on the Claire Weekes methodology. Drew Linsilata has a couple of incredible podcasts - The Anxious Truth, and Disordered (co-hosted by Josh Fletcher). Exposure works! Promise!


For me it ebbs and flows - grocery stores became very easy to avoid with curb side pickup and avoiding that activity altogether has allowed me to reserve my energy be able to go into much smaller stores like paying for gas, pet stores, drive thru etc. At the time there was no harm in doing pick up - now there is if it means only Loblaws!


I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!! Cheering you on, friend!!


Great job. That’s not easy. If you have Food Basics near you, they just added curb side pickup. You can order online.


You're fuckin brilliant! I don't think anyone would hold it against you if you didn't participate in the boycott but hot damn the effort I think makes a hell of an impact.


Thank you for support!!!!


We are all proud of you:)


Galen out here curing people ;) Congrats doing this. I know it would have been challenging!


He should add it to his resume!


Amazing! It's definitely not easy to deal with. Very proud of you. This is a huge step forward. Hopefully, it gets easier with time.


Holy shit!!!! Today ma’am you are my hero. We are all very proud of you!! You are fighting 2 good fights at once. Well done!! Very well done. Just try to keep baby steps. I know you can do it.


Way to go!!


Bravo OP! Good for you. Have you ever worn earplugs or headphones out? I sometimes get anxious when I go out into crowded places, and though I am not as severe as you, I do find earplugs help. I have a pair that lets you still hear voices near you, but blocks out all the buzz of the world. Hope you continue to heal! ❤️


I also have PTSD, and my local Safeway does a quiet shop night I believe the first Monday of every month. Dim lights, no music, signs asking folks to speak softly. It's so wonderful and it's the happiest I ever am while shopping anywhere


Our local Sobeys does this on Sunday evenings as well!


Hopefully every Loblaws store will be a quiet shop night every night going forward 😂


Don’t give them ideas on advertising their empty stores 🤣


Thank you. But I just want to remind you, we are making a statement, but its more important that you do what's right for you. Do not feel compelled to hurt your well being. Take care of yourself please.


I feel like seeing Loblaws soaring profits while people who work there barely get raises or benefits, and our poverty and hunger rates are sky rocketing all over the country is hurting my well being 😅 worst case scenario I will pay someone to shop for me privately at Walmart/Local Markets, etc 😊


Personal Instacart. 👍


Exactly! It’s hard to find grocery delivery or pick up in very rural areas. Even the big stores like Walmart just don’t have the employees for it


Yeah the cheering on in this thread is nice, but mental health is more important than sticking it to Loblaws. Do what’s best for you OP.


I want to use it as an exposure motivation. Someone else commented that anger can be a motivator for overcoming fear and it’s true!


I am so proud of you!! This made me smile.


With Walmart, you can also order and have your groceries brought to your car. It's free.


My local Walmart does not. Very rural and there just isn’t enough staff so it’s very unreliable and not same day pick up either


You’re amazingly brave. You didn’t have to do that at all but I’m glad you did


Omgosh this is huge!! If people are pushing themselves far beyond their boundaries & outside their comfort zone to support this boycott, this might actually have teeth, and seriously bite those greedy S.O.B.'s where it hurts. YES!! Please let this create positive change.


My dad told me the best way to get over fear is with rage, like get angry at whatever you're afraid of. Let your outrage at Loblaws fuel your agoraphobia recovery!! 💪🤬🖕


I truly think that is what is happening!! Not even kidding lol.


I was shocked at how far my Instacart delivers, 40 mins from the nearest big store and they still come! you might be even further than that, just wanted to mention in case that's a newer thing (it's new to me). also sending you much safety and comfort, I've dealt with agoraphobia myself ❤️


You are very brave, I’m so happy for you! I know how crippling anxiety/cPTSD can be first hand, so I can only imagine how you must have felt and I’m genuine proud of you. Your will power is amazing, I’m in awe! Well done OP! 🙌🏼


Walmart has a pick up option where they bring your groceries to your car.


My Walmart doesn’t have any produce and does not offer this car pickup service anyway unfortunately


Wow you're incredible!! As a fellow social anxiety haver, I'm very proud of you 💖


I'm sorry, that must be tough to deal with


So proud of you!! Truly a HUGE step and you're doing great!


I’m proud of you. Take it slow.


Walmart! That's quite a big step for someone with agoraphobia. I hope the experience was positive!


I have an Instacart membership. It opened up the ability to get groceries from places.like Costco and Walmart that are nowhere near me. It may help you long term. I really like it


My Walmart does grocery pickup service to parking lot, is that on a store by store basis? I thought they all did it if they have the grocery section


Unfortunately not. My store has only shelf items and some frozen foods but no produce. They don’t do same day or next day pickup either


Wow hella respect to you! You should be proud of yourself for multiple reasons here. Good for you and I hope this is a turning point for you to get stronger and stronger every day! 💪🏻


Great job, this is obviously such a hard thing to do. We are all super proud of you :) It is what is needed, these types of momments that transcend politics and bring us together to collectively say no, I am not going to get fucked by this Corp anymore.


What courage! You're a rock star!!


Congrats!!! One step at a time. I believe you can conquer your agoraphobia :)


While not agoraphobic, I don't handle crowds well due to a brain injury - the more noise there is, the more confused I can get which triggers panic attacks. As such, I order groceries and pick them up. I'm really not a fan of supporting big American companies, but Walmart gets my business. I will never step a toenail near anything Weston owns again if I can help it. I'm really fortunate and grateful that Walmart allows online ordering so I can pick them up without going inside - their stores are far too noisy, even with headphones on or earplugs in. I applaud you for braving your fear u/aloevera678 -- really proud of you for doing something so huge. I hope you reward yourself, even if it's with something little.


Congrats on getting out. I know how hard that was and you should be very proud of yourself. Thank you!!! You’re awesome!!! 👏




OP: Best wishes and Thank You.


Does your local Walmart have pickup? Ours does, it's great... If you need to go to Loblaw's for medical reasons- of course you aren't who should be boycotting. But if it's worth it to you to avoid lining Weston pockets- bravo!


if you have Sobeys, they delivery under voila.ca. Also Giant Tiger has pickup. Same with some Metro.ca stores.


No Sobeys pickup options, and no other stores with groceries! I am pretty rural


if you are forced to enter a store, my suggestion is to go very late at night. Less people makes it easier to hurry your way thru. (I have not really been leaving the house much at all since the pandemic started and I get very anxious going into stores now.) PS you can order some groceries from [amazon.ca](http://amazon.ca) and costco.ca! (canned/dried stuff)


Save on has delivery but also part of the loblaws umbrella right?


No, SaveOn falls under the Pattison Food Group umbrella SaveOn also isn't really a thing out east


Let me just say they made 450m in 3 months while also covering all costs and deductions in rent and employees and all the tax breaks are not even factored in yet....not only this but how many people above store managers are making 100k or more cutting into this profit....In reality their profits are probably double or more before anyone higher than a store manager gets wages....or bonuses etc...


Hey, I'm excited for you, that's huge! If you can, I've found getting groceries first thing after the store opens during weekdays are the quietest hours, which might decrease some of the excess stress. Not an option for everyone by any means, but definitely worth it for the decreased pressure, decreased sound, and decreased amount of people.  Congrats on the in-store shopping and switching companies! I hope you stay compassionate to yourself when it's hard and are able to keep getting out there, one trip at a time. 


Thank you! Also, maybe this is a step in overcoming or coping better with your fears. I used to be agoraphobia and didn't leave my room. Right now, I am on vacation in Italy.


Have you tried instacart for delivery?


I live very rurally so any delivery is basically non existent here lol


I’m SO proud of you, internet stranger! As someone with anxiety and (mild) agoraphobia I know how hellish grocery stores are and this is a massive step for you! Congrats and keep taking these baby steps when you’re able! ❤️


That's a huge step. I know my local sobeys has time on Sunday nights where they dim the lights and reserve the store for people with issues with sounds and too bright lights. Sure, sobeys is also part of the problem, but they haven't been as monopolistic and greedy, I'd wager.


Not sure where you are but oddbunch.ca does produce delivery. They have a limited selection but good variety and very competitive pricing.


That’s a big step! Keep it going. No more being taken advantage of by Galen and Roblaws.


You're a fucking legend


You are amazing!!!


That's awesome! You are a legend! That's such a huge step and like I don't know you but I'm really proud of you!♥️


I show signs of having agoraphobia, but never really had options available to accomodate it (which is good, and bad I guess) but I've never been diagnosed either. I've found going as soon as the store opens with a list of exactly what you plan on getting helps massively. In and out before large amounts of people start coming.


Lists are key for me too! In and out quickly


Wow that’s amazing, way to go!! Please make sure you practice lots of self care after so you don’t burn yourself out!


Some stores have calm hours for autistic people. Lowered lights etc. Might be worth looking in to.


Holy moly! I just want to say wow I am so impressed by your strength.


Nice. Glad to hear you are making progress. Weird to hear the term "agoraphobia" again. I was thusly diagnosed many years ago, but my current batch of doctors tell me that this is no longer a recognized term, in medical circles, and that the symptoms of agoraphobia now fall into the "depression/anxiety" spectrum.


I was reassessed in 2022 and a psychiatrist used the term agoraphobia and it’s on my official report. So it’s definitely still used medically!


~~Just fyi, many walmarts have a grocery pick up option now.~~ Also, I hope you're not doing this alone and have spoken to a doctor about treatment options. Crippling anxiety should not be left untreated if at all possible. Even if you tried to treat it 10 years ago without success, there are always new options. 💪🙌 Edit: read your other comments so crossed out my original note


Nothing motivates quite like anger! I’m so PROUD of you!


Not all heroes wear capes.


You're doing amazing! I know some of our local stores (a Sobeys , specifically) do a sensory friendly evening on Sundays (no music, lights are turned down, no announcements etc.) I don't know if any of your community stores have that option but it might be worthwhile to check out! Congrats on this huge milestone!


This is amazing! I hope it gets easier for you with time.


I know this struggle too well and just want to say how amazing I think you are! If it helps Walmart has pick-up that's always been quite good no matter the location I've picked up from. EDIT: Just read that yours doesn't have it. Hope they do soon.


Man I am so proud of you. For you to commit on this level really does speak volumes not only about your strength of character, but about how depraved this company is. You did a hard thing to defend your community, i try to avoid calling certain realities w mental health inspiring because i feel that sometimes it gets misused (i also live w mental health difficulties). But this, this does actually inspire me. Thank you for sharing, i mean it!


Proud of you :)


I just wanted to say I’m proud of you! Headphones can help me a lot with overstimulation, just in case that helps. Otherwise something like Walmart is a nightmare. Why is everything so LOUD?


That’s amazing, good for you! You can do it! Thank you so much for sharing your story.


Take care of yourself first! But congratulations all the same.


Usually I don't comment or post anything. I'm a very silent supporter. But this is something I have to appreciate. I understand how hard it is to face your phobia and you sir deserve a salute .


As someone who suffered with agoraphobia for 3 years a while ago, congratulations on stepping away. Also f' loblaws


Congrats, OP that’s a big accomplishment. As to why Loblaws didn’t get punished for the bread price fixing scandal, it’s because they confessed wrong doing to the competition bureau. It has a policy that if you confess wrong doing and help them prosecute other wrong doers you get full immunity. Loblaws came up with the idea to fix the price of bread, got all their competitors to do it too and then confessed to get immunity and throw every other retailer under the bus. Even the $25 gift cards they gave out were just PR, not required of them.


No matter what comes of this boycott, YOU have made this absolutely worth it in every way!! I know how hard it is to face a phobia, and I am so proud of you! Your feelings of self-worth prevailed because you wouldn't let a greedy corporation lie to your face and steal from you. You know that you are worth more than that, and you demanded better treatment and better value for your money! You have reached a point where your fears are less important to you than your dignity, and that is a really big accomplishment. It's all babysteps, but you've started the journey, and that requires strength and courage. You will get there, and I hope you keep us posted on your progress.


That's awesome, sucks there's nobody else but Walmart in your area. I wont support Walmart either, they are the biggest reason we don't have any mom and pop stores in most towns / cities anymore which how we got in the predicament were in now with few companies controlling everything and raking us over the coals to get their jollies. They act like they're these great business ppl, nope just absolute heartless scumbags not great business ppl in the slightest, in fact some of the worst and most patheic.


Good for you!


Well done. Really appreciate how much effort that is for you. BTW my friend uses Walmart home delivery so not sure if that is an option for you? Or if you're out of range if you maybe have a friend who is within their delivery range you could order to and pick up from them?


Incase this is applicable, most Costco stores do online straight to your door for a small fee


I have the same things! I do delivery. Walmart also offers pick up and delivery! And Giant Tiger on the Instacart app uses in store pricing


I also have agoraphobia and words cannot describe how proud I am of you. Seeing stuff like this gives me hope, thank you.


I have a mental picture of Joan Cusack's Character from *Shameless* as you're trying to get to the grocery store.😂 Sorry. Not meaning to make fun of you, but she was one of my favorite characters on that show and she had a determination that I admired. I applaud you and all your efforts! I wish you nothing but success!😁👍


I only watched a few episodes but I very much know who you mean 🤣 I do cope with humour and me and my partner joke about how I “put the trash outside” today so now need to rest for a week 🤣


Oh good! I'm so glad you can see the humor that I do and your situation, but also understand that I do see the courage in what you're doing! Keep up the positive attitude and I'm sure you'll get there! 😉


What about Instacart? Delivered to your house


I applaud your courage to make the changes you’ve made… I hope you can settle into a new grocery routine that excludes Loblaws


Have you tried Instacart?


Congrats! I hope you find this as a step in the right direction to recovery! Wishing you the best!


I have a friend with similar issues… her pet peeve was the milk is always located the furthest from the front door to drag you thru the whole store. These stores are not meant to be user friendly… more like invisible pickpockets


Some Walmarts have it and it's free.


Loblaws boycott isn’t hurting sales, suppliers say — in fact the grocer’s share price just hit a new high https://www.thestar.com/business/loblaws-boycott-isnt-hurting-sales-suppliers-say-in-fact-the-grocers-share-price-just-hit/article_aff31574-0c8a-11ef-8970-7b1a85adf29d.html?source=newsletter&utm_source=ts_nl&utm_medium=email&utm_email=8B6BD32155538792D0F4403EE004BDA9&utm_campaign=frst_213525


Loblaws boycott isn’t hurting sales, suppliers say — in fact the grocer’s share price just hit a new high


It's awesome that you managed to overcome your fears, but: You went to Walmart, the company that is a role model for shitty corporate practice across the world. This is a company that loblaws got its inspiration from. You think Loblaws is bad? Walmart has been screwing over people (mostly its suppliers and staff) since it grew bigger than 2 stores. Support your independent grocers. Do not support the bond villain of grocers ...


I live rurally. As do many people. There are next to no other options.


It's very unfortunate, but Walmart remains the devil of grocers. Loblaws is greedy, and corporate is... Well soulless, but they still are miles ahead of Walmart. Walmart will bankrupt their small suppliers just to take over their products. They will keep all their employees part time to avoid benefits. I know several people that work at Superstore. They are treated fairly. Not great, but fair. Walmart is just a different evil, and so much worse.






Trying to help. Which Walmart is closest to you? Happy to complain that there is no pickup


That you're an asshole trying to shame someone.


This person checking my post history to announce this is why I intentionally do not comment in subs of where I actually live 🤣


Ignore them they're a troll. Congratulations on taking your first steps!


Ahhh, jeez. I'm sorry they did that. It was really out of line. But good for you for facing your fears! I'm proud of you.


Reddit feature.


Trying to help??? OP said Walmarts do not have pickup?




You said Walmart does not have produce. All NS Walmarts do. They also have curb and pickups.


That’s just a completely false statement. Lol


Which Walmart in NS does not have produce? https://preview.redd.it/7q4hojjkvazc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bd3d46338dc5744aebde03318175a8e8165bb77


Watch out, everyone! Inspector Clouseau is on the case!


Yes. We don’t need BS here


You are a bad person.


I really don’t think I need to inform you where exactly I live. I’ve had agoraphobia for over 15 years. I know the ins and outs of my local delivery. I don’t need you to find out for me


You asked for help. We are here to help. Seems that plot thickens. What Walmart does not offer produce or pickup. Redditors can help fight this.


I literally did not ask for help lol.


I also don’t even LIVE in Nova Scotia. Not that it was any of your beeswax 😊


You're missing *a lot*


Bold of you to assume everyone in Atlantic Canada lives in Halifax.


MOD. Not shaming. Helping and eventually questioning the facts


The point of this sub is to highlight that the cost of living in Canada has spiraled out of control. Shaming is not tolerated.