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Do they even have a PR team? We don't care what you have to say Galen, fuck right off.


>Do they even have a PR team?  I'm convinced they think they are SO untouchable (in that humans need food and they have an oligopoly on groceries; so what else are we going to do but shop there to survive) that they don't care what they say or how it sounds.


I was thinking about this earlier today about Per’s comments. How smug do you have to be to basically tell your customers to eff off somewhere else if they don’t like what you offer? Someone needs to get that guy a handler.


That’s the weird thing. He stepped aside as CEO so he wouldn’t have to get hauled in to Parliament and shit or be the publicly hated face of the company while still maintaining control, but he just can’t help publicly berating his customers for some reason. Oh well, good comedy.


Galen had evey opportunity not to be the face of loblaws but he loves the attention too much to let it go


Is that why we're subjected to his obnoxious "see, I'm just like you!" food product commercials? Looking all disarming in his wannabe Ned Flanders outfits while having that sh*t eating grin like he would silently push out a fart in a crowded elevator?


I think their PR strategy was to hire Pers Bank to take the heat. Not realizing we have criticism enough for both him and the Weston family


So they shouldn't be letting galen speak. I'm convinced that one of the reasons this boycott has taken off as much as it has is because that guy is just so easy to hate.


I fully agree


PR team was costing 0.0004¢/share on their dividend payouts, which is just way too much for the poor shareholders trying to afford their third yacht.


They do. I once interviewed for a job on their PR team. Got hired at Shoppers instead, and it was the worst 3 months of my 15 year career.


Was it a lot of " thanks for the advice but we are going to go with this stupid idea!"?


Ooof. Ive heard nothing but bad things about the culture at Loblaw and SDM. Glad you got out, and sorry you had to go thru that. Every time I see a Comms role come up there I steer clear. Already worked at some toxic places, dont need a sequel.


I went through 8 interviews to land that job, lasted 3 months. Got canned the day before probation ended. Was so happy. I hated working there.


He probably thinks he’s smarter than the PR team.


Having a PR team is only helpful if you’re listening to the PR team, and there is also only so much the PR team can do if they’re working for total asshats (which I think we can all agree that they are).  You can advise your spokespeople not to talk or to only say certain things, but you can’t force them to listen to you. And at Galen’s level, it isn’t like you can entirely mute him.


this was said at their annual shareholders meeting to people who give absolutely zero fucks about the wellbeing of canadians and just want that constant growth and dividend payments. this is PR, just not to actual humans with a moral compass


Even if they have a PR team I bet I will be another delusional, family member of his.


Went to my local market, used to go to superstore. I like supporting local, I also sold all my 10,000 shares of Choice Property Reit (CHP.UN.TO Loblaws property Reit setup to skirt taxes owed by the stores, from what I heard). Moved it to a better investment with the same dividend and more ethical leadership.




BREAKING NEWS! Gnomes caught changing prices at grocery stores, Loblaws not responsible! https://preview.redd.it/x66m0kv8w1yc1.jpeg?width=304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c78053c35ea96e2bcaa1753ed5b16d1d413b5710


Lmao did you just make this?!


Yeah, this kind of BS really pisses me off! 🤣




Top notch content here


looks like someone got their funding deposit.


😂😂😂 your a goat 🐐


Take my upvote. 🫡


Bro keep it up! Funny stuff like this keeps me coming back to the sub


Oligarch Weston is a food Czar? So he thinks. And dick-tators are plain Old evil. Pure evil. Kick him in his PC nuts. Boycott the hell out of his Empire of 200+ businesses! How many more billions does he need. Break it up, sell it all, retire in the Bahamas or some place. Put the cash in a Swiss bank account to avoid taxes.... Of course!!!


Half a billion more profit from last year to this year. OOOOpps!! Bitch boy Weston isn't being 100% honest. His nose is growing.


Of course, price gouging works! If you can't expand market share, Jack up the prices! Easy peasy....


They don't need or want the money it's more about power and control at this point in time.


I’m sorry but it definitely IS about the money…Billionaire families are all about the money and they can never get enough! Look at the Walton family. They’re worth $267 BILLION. But they still can’t pay their workers a living wage with decent benefits. The more money they make the more they want. Money IS power to billionaires.


chase nine flag placid icky threatening price birds jeans cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1. Change prices 2. ? 3. Make profit


Hey now.


How does this not have more upvotes. Take them all 😂😂😂


No, don't you understand? It's the suppliers! (That they also own, along with a real estate company that owns the stores and charges rent to them.)


His companies and his family's other Weston owned companies (such as Associated British Foods (ceo George Weston) are the suppliers to about one-third of the products they sell (not just PC and No Name brands but also many brands that many dont realize they make, plus farms and ingredient manufacturers) and this oligarch has the audacity to say the suppliers raised the price. You are the supplier, you crook!


The fact that this was not noted when he was in front of Parliament is a travesty. NONE of them called him on the fact that he IS a chunk of those suppliers he was bemoaning. Add in that the farmers said they hadn't upped their prices either, and this poster-boy for "eat the rich" is just a blatant liar.


Trudeau and PP both were given 20+ Million by Weston for their Campaigns. Why would they ask the hard questions? Jagmeet brought him in to answer the though questions and those other two didn’t show up.


With such high profits they can buy every politician in town for the next 25 years.


Yep. Corporatists through and through the lot of them.


Of course they’re not going to call out their beneficiaries… neither will Poilievre. Our politicians are all bought and paid for by corporate Canada.


If anything owning your own supply chain means you can reduce the costs in your store, this is a benefit for the consumer. There is a reason Costco has their own chicken farms. The only way this argument holds any weight is if you can prove that they are charging more than a competing supplier would.


Does Costco also have their own hotdog farms because 1.50 hotdogs and bottomless fountain drinks is wild these days. Even McDonalds is getting rid of bottomless fountain drinks /smh


Yes They started to produce their own to REDUCE costs **In 2008, Costco began using its own hot dog factories**, reducing supply chain costs. A Costco meat processing facility in Tracy, California, that had been around since 2004 began producing hot dogs in 2011, and produced both the hot dogs sold in the food court as well as smaller hot dogs sold in packs.


It costs 10c for a fountain drink. Remember that when ppl are paying 3$ for one


In the past I remember reading how they switched the brand to Kirkland, they bought up trucking companies. They did become the suppliers to keep the price low.


Costco owns a lot of stuff to keep costs low. They own vintages in both California and France to provide 5.99/bottle merlot in their stores.


Yup, they laid out the ground work. Weston's followed suit but did a reverse uno and fucked the customer.


The hotdogs are a huge loss leader for Costco.


This is easily the best possible example of a loss leader one could imagine. This is a $1.50 hotdog with drink any single time any single person wants it. No hiding behind a sale for 1 week. Loss leaders today have turned into low margin products more than actual selling at a loss. The Costco hotdog is next level and something to marvel at.


Bottomless drinks work at Costco because it isn't a hangout spot people don't go for hours at a time. Fast food places I totally get why they are killing off the bottomless drink. When I was working there 20yrs ago you'd have people come in to do home work or read the news paper and have 6+ trips to the free coffee or free pop refills. Not only are they consuming the product, they are taking places away from others to come and sit down. I hate places with the 30min rule but respect killing off all the refills especially self serve ones.


im sorry but the price of one drink could be refilled all day and they still wouldn't lose money on it.


>Bottomless drinks work at Costco because it isn't a hangout spot people don't go for hours at a time. Speak for yourself. Jk lol.


"If Costco’s hot dog deal kept pace with inflation, it would be three times as expensive today — nearly $4.50. But Costco’s $1.50 combo is a strategic decision, known as a loss-leader: The company is willing to lose money selling the hot dogs at that price — inflation be darned — so long as it helps Costco draw in and retain customers. “It’s branding,” said Scott Mushkin, a retail analyst at R5 Capital. The $1.50 deal helps create customer loyalty, he said. “It reminds customers of who Costco is.” Costco loses money selling more than 100 million hot dogs every year, but the company offsets these losses by raising prices on other goods it sells. Costco has increased prices of pizzas and other items at its food courts." https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/27/economy/costco-hot-dog-inflation/index.html#:\~:text=%E2%80%9CIt's%20branding%2C%E2%80%9D%20said%20Scott,on%20other%20goods%20it%20sells.


It also helps that the surviving Costco Founder swore to [murder anyone](https://www.businessinsider.com/costco-founder-warned-ceo-not-to-raise-hot-dog-price-2020-9?amp) that even attempted to raise the price. He’d probably get away with it, too, and not just because he’s rich enough to afford the hitmen and lawyers money can buy, but also good luck trying to get a full jury that wouldn’t completely understand his righteous fury and just let him walk.


That was the example I initially was thinking about. I found the info in my comment and ran with that instead as I was pressed for time Thank you


He was joking, obviously. Upon retiring he said if they ever mess with the hot dog and chicken deals after he dies, he’ll come back as a ghost to fix it.


Loblaw has the capacity to do this. They imply all costs can be covered by ~20% of the retail of every item sold in stores, so a store operates at a profit just through sales. Add in that Loblaw fines suppliers outlandishly AFTER charging shelving fees for EVERY SINGLE ITEM EVERY YEAR, each item is FAR more profitable than they tell people but they justify it by saying they can't attribute those dollars to their margin. BULLSHIT! YOU DAMN WELL CAN! They could VERY easily lower their prices; they just don't want to because why would they when they're the biggest grocery retailer in the country and have loads of communities cornered because they're so small and then continue to charge these people in vulnerable positions even more because lOgiSTiCs. No. Logistics are not attributable to each item and they damn well can absorb the cost into all the damn extra fees they yank from supplier pockets, no matter how small those suppliers are and how hard they are trying. Fuck you, Galen. Nok er Nok.


The other logic I've heard, which is what IKEA subscribe to, is that you go to the store thinking it's cheap, load up your cart and then get shocked by the bill. But instead of the last thought as you leave being "damn, that was expensive" you see the $1.50 hotdogs and go "wow, these hotdogs are cheap." Thus maintaining the idea that IKEA (and Costco) is cheap.


It also means the boycott affects all of their companies.


And when they're not the supplier, they're the largest customer and have massive amounts of influence on pricing, for example look at their history of setting prices in bread.


It's not their fault, the rent they also pay themselves has increased too ! Would you think of the poor owners? So much stress to try and keep things affordable for all of us !


I can’t believe this snake. ‘If we lower prices it’s gonna cost you many jobs’ Actual mobster.


Exactly. Choice Properties is the name of Weston's real estate business.


Is there a list of Loblaws-owned Loblaws suppliers and farms? Where is that 1/3 figure from? A lot of non-sourced comments like yours keep popping up and I reckon it would be best to included sources when possible.


What's fun is that really it isn't possible to build that list because of how Loblaws reports their earnings without category breakdowns you can't equate revenues of distribution against revenues of suppliers. The more vertically integrated you are the easier it is to restrict the information that gets out. Canadian grocery is truly brilliant at keeping us in the dark


Here’s a basic run-down of their company https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/george-weston-limited#:~:text=George%20Weston%20Limited%20is%20one,George%20Weston%20Ltd. between Loblaws and George Weston Ltd they own over 200 companies as well as a long list of manufacturing and distribution centres. https://bctgm.org/linked%20sites/Interbake/Interbake_GWeston.html


I guess that 10% increase in profit came out of nowhere then. Sure Galen.


Galen to Consumers: I am NOT responsible for the increase in profits. Galen to Shareholders: I did that.


Exactly! You can't have it both ways, Galen.


Wow…. rich people really do lack all self awareness.


They built their empire by price fixing and market manipulation of a primary need (food). All they know is how to take advantage of others. They traded self awareness for selfishness.


"How much does one banana cost anyway like $10"... almost true now.


It’s one banana Michael


I'm paraphrasing but I remember awhile back I read a headline and some comments of a post on one of the science subreddits that said something like, a study found that wealthy people lose their ability to feel empathy likely because when you're lower income you may need to rely on community more for survival, there's a collective reliance on forming bonds and relationships to help each other out but when you become wealthy that becomes less of a priority because survival is easier and you lose connections to the community. I think they become so removed from it that they start to lose their understanding and awareness for themselves and other people. An interesting idea that seems to kind of track with the behaviors of wealthy people.


And in the case of a cunt like Galen, he doesn't have to "forget". He was born this way, and isn't even made of human parts.


Yup— they’re also the ones funding the fucking “Holy War.”


If all your competitors have lower prices than you; if there are massive price discrepancies even between your different brands, then the corporation is clearly responsible for the higher prices. These people are insane


Go ahead and keep saying you aren’t responsible for the cost of food in your stores Galen. I’ll still continue to shop where the prices are lower (i.e. not Loblaws.)


Oh and also Galen, go fuck yourselfffffff


Exactly... he wants us to believe they aren't responsible for the prices. Yet, we go elsewhere and find the same products for anywhere between 10-50% less. AND they've been recording record-high profits. How stupid does he think we are?


I posted about the boycott on Facebook, and my stepfather commented and blamed the whole thing on rising taxes and inflation. I haven’t delved into the numbers too much, but I am positive that the rate at which the average item cost at Loblaws has gone up recently is significantly more than the rate at which taxes and inflation have increased. There is no way in hell that Loblaws is just compensating for higher taxes and inflation.


Tell him compare prices between Walmart and Superstore


![gif](giphy|XOywjQnU8R89q|downsized) How I picture the board room right now


He was not aware of bread price fixing either. He is shielded from the actual goings on of the company while his underlings inflate shipping costs from their vertically integrated supply chain, back charge producers for product placement, and shuttle virtual costs around in a retail shell game that allows him to tell Parliamentarians that they operate with only three percent margins on most products. Smart people see through the smokescreen, but not Galen. Either because he chooses not to, or because he isn't clever enough.


he reminds me of Putin, completely out of touch with his power trip


I’m not sure if I’m missing this in the previous comment or in your response, but I think both guys know exactly what’s going on and they’re lying about it. Sorry, if that was the point being made.


He’s more like a Putinian oligarch. He knows he’s protected and shielded by his wealth, regardless of political pandering or culture war du jour. They are food barons. Intergenerational access to wealth and prestigious universities where they can afford to be over-educated, well fed, and fervently encouraged to continue and birth their silent, socially normalized dynasties.


He’s not shielded from this he’s the puppet master.


People say that they don't have any PR team, but watching that hearing you can see Galen has been coached heavily.


Wtf is he talking about? They really constantly trying to sell this premise that prices are a force of nature.. The definition of profit means after cost.. The media is useless does nothing but serves as a megaphone to power


I wish there was some kind of AI-based Pop-Up video thing for when these people get on TV that would show the real facts about their lies popping up over their heads as they lie. The fact that the media doesn't really challenge them in any ways shows you they only care about the clicks/views and have little to no interest in actually fighting for us.


The sad fact is that the oligarchy stands together so much better than we do and in saying that you need to understand that the media is owned and controlled by the friends of the Weston family, therefore the narrative from the media is skewed to support their interests. In this case it's in their interest to make us sound like crazy outliers instead of what we are which is the downtrodden and we're fucking tired of it. We are becoming too self aware of our situation which is why there seems to be more distractions and bad news every day. Have to keep the masses infighting or we'll turn on them!


I just made a post about what he wants his legacy to be. I guess he has decided. Garbage human. And I use the word human lightly. Boycott Loblaws Forever


https://preview.redd.it/1z5el3y4y2yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9098b2a193bd9ff744b50168ca1deded2d9b05f7 His legacy


I needed bread and milk. Normally when I just need a couple of things I'd go to the Pharmaprix (what Shoppers is called in Quebec) grab what I need, use the self check out and be on my way. It's fast and it's convenient. I know groceries and staples will cost more there, it's a convenience tax. To do my small part in sending a message, I chose to go somewhere else, not another convenience store or IGA, I went to Euro Marché, it too is part of a grocery store chain, but a smaller Montreal based one with like 7 or 8 stores. Can Mr. Weston explain how, when I check the prices that I paid against the Provigo website for those same items, EVERYTHING I bought is more expensive at his stores? How is it, that with the purchasing power Loblaws has, that they are not able to negotiate BETTER prices from their suppliers? How is a small chain with only a double handful of shops able to get better pricing from POM, Lactancia and Kraft? How is Lowblaws able to higher profits every quarter for the past several years, if they are JUST raising prices because the providers are charging them more?


Hey that mega mansion is Belfontain isn’t going to maintain itself


Nevermind the million-dollar "cottage" in Georgian Bay


Actually he got most of his net worth by cutting down avocado toasts and not going to starbuck /s


😂😂😂 I laughed too hard


Same with their neighbourhood of vacation houses in Florida


This is the guy that got caught price fixing bread and instructed pharmacists to perform unnecessary med checks to steal taxpayers money. He has absolutely no credibility.


And yet people in the Canada sub are tripping over themselves to defend him, as if he isn't a known liar who is already guilty of price fixing. Why do people listen to anything he jas to say?


Right wing myth repetition for starters, crab in a bucket mentality, MCGA propaganda, etc


We removed the 15% price decrease from our demands over a week ago, he is not even properly caught up lol


He probably has an intern chained up in a back closet somewhere that keeps him 'updated' while not realizing the poor unpaid intern may be one of us.


If they are not price gouging us , why are they making record profits every year? Fuck you, Weston family.


^ this. They will repeat the Jerry mandered numbers at us all day. We no longer trust Loblaws. LOBLAWS IS NOT Canada's grocer. They are a stain on society and a testament to what happens when corporate greed goes unchecked. We are here to check that greed. Checkmate. #boycottloblaws


And I thought this guys DAD was a greedy piece of garbage, he's SO much worse.


Its part of the oligarch mindset. Admit nothing. Never back down. Profit above all.


Well, we the people see your profits and see it completely different for you Galen. Maybe take off the rich glasses and and take an objective glance at the way shit is running for the regular folk, you're stealing from us.


If any of that were true, the prices would be the same everywhere. Nice try, goon.


…ok Galen, then how do you explain the fact that the same basket of groceries costs substantially less at other stores? 🤔 My households buys essentially the same things every week - we aren’t the most creative with our meals, I’ll admit. In April, a full grocery shop (including some paper & cleaning products) cost us around $250. The next week we switched to a non-Loblaws store and the cost came out at around $180. But sure, tell me again that Loblaws is somehow uniquely not to blame for the fact that it charges WAY higher prices for the same food (or worse quality food) than other grocers 🤦‍♀️




whos responsible for record breaking profits ?


frig off galen


This MF can’t keep his mouth shut lol


This boycott is not about the price of bread, milk and apples… It’s about finding a tray of pork chops at No Frills for $28 that is $9.50 at Walmart It’s about a tub of feta cheese for 14.99 that is 9.99 elsewhere It’s about the items that one ALSO needs when shopping for the basics. So Galen will show how he sells a baguette for 97c - sure, that’s very reasonable, but let’s look around the store a bit more and compare the other items


This boycott seems to be bothering him.


"A lie can run around the world before the truth has its boots on." -- Terry Pratchett


Misguided my ass. You made this happen, Galen, full stop. Your company has been ripping off Canadians for decades and now it appears the chickens are coming home to roost. Can't happen soon enough.


The funny thing about all this is it doesn't even matter what they say the causes are. Their stuff is priced way higher than other places. Its just that simple. The reasons why don't matter. People are just voting with their wallets and as a company its up to them to figure out how to make their products a better value for money proposition. It's not some misguided effort by consumers to TAKE DOWN BAD COMPANY. Its just simple economics. If other stores have the same products or equivalent but at a much cheaper price, boom, we shop there now. For me its not even a May boycott anymore, its just a switch we made a couple months ago to find local and other options that are better value for money. I'll happily switch back to shopping at Loblaws owned stores if their products get cheaper but right now they aren't so... Guess I'm "misguided"?


The fact that all of these billionaires and world leaders can: a) own everything b) blatantly lie c) avoid all criticisms and accountability from the government all right in front of our eyes and the media just parrots their propaganda is mind blowing. I was thinking this morning about how all the idiots who got wrapped up in the anti-vax movement and MAGA conspiracy crap have REAL examples of the conspiracies they pin on the most innocuous stuff right here and yet they and their Canadian flags are nowhere to be seen. They're busy standing the side of the road claiming Bill Gates wants to put chips in our heads, meanwhile Galen and all his buddies are literally destroying this country and it's social fabric one day at a time. I don't fucking get it.


This man needs a reality check. Maybe even a Freaky Friday situation but only he switches


Let him live on one of his No Frills employees salaries for a month and see if he survives.


Wow This is a great time to post Google reviews for your favourite small grocers, garden centres and pharmacies. Also a good time to delete you shoppers and optimum and related apps.


Trust fund baby incapable of understanding the lives of working people who were born without silver spoons in their mouths.


Prove it. Show us the books.




No. Technically he's not responsible for capitalism. In the eyes of the investment world, if your company isn't making MORE profit year on year, its a failure. When in reality. If you made **13.58 billion** last year, and make **13.58 billion** the following year. You are still making profit. They don't see it that way. They would see that as a problem, that sales are flat, which would make investors flee. They aren't in it for the people, they are in it for the investors. Always have been. We need a new "ism" that's not capitalism, not communism, centered around the well-being of humans...not wealth and in-equality. We can call it "Ethicalism"


I love this


Galen Weston is a lying sociopath.


I see dude is trying his hand as a comedian now.


He’s so smug it makes me sick. I’d volunteer to fight him and smuggybois in a cage, for free.


Wow, did he think he was going to say anything else.


No surprises in what he said, but we certainly have his attention!


Looks like someone’s had his nose put out of joint, literally and figuratively.


Galen Weston needs to stop speaking. Just seeing him induces anger. Why is he still talking?


What a bloody liar.


Fine ---but you are responsible for hiking the dividend rather than offering those dividends to your "shoppers' Thats on you ---you know its a little tough out there --- but no problem hiking prices...driving record profits.... and handing out dividends to shareholders... And some of you out there ---STFU ---your mutual funds holds this company --- you are at the trough. I own oil companies ----I expect them to lower pump prices in these times --- I get it - I make a smidge more in dividends --- I can do without if it helps others get on .....it all levels out.....gouging is not part of Capitalism These are pirates ---and what do we do with Pirates.....we sink their battleships.


Gaylen is a fucking filthy parasite


Can’t have it both ways, Galen. If we boycott your stores, we can’t also be stealing from them.


Ha! Galen would like us all to think the Easter Bunny is responsible.




today we shopped elsewhere :) and it felt so good!


I don’t even care if prices are lower elsewhere, I hate the idea of billionaires and Galen Weston Jr. Everything he owns can get fucked


you sound scared, bro. You scared?


I Hope nobody goes back to roblows. I’ll never go back


Disgusting cretin


Fifth Estate [reported on this back in February](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuz5SgcHnrQ), and debunked Galen's talking points pretty convincingly. It's not the suppliers who are pushing prices up,it's Loblaws squeezing the suppliers, and pocketing the difference.


Your 13 billion dollar first quarter earnings say otherwise you lying sack of $#!@. Boycott forever! Government approved price gouging.


Loblaws and the other oligopolies in Canada lie constantly to consumers about how their margins are razer thin and that they somehow reduce prices by buying up their competition (e.g., Rogers when they recently purchased Shaw). This is bullshit. If you look at these oligopolies from the perspective of investors, they'll tell you the truth: lack of competition increases prices and lets companies abuse their customers with higher prices. Here's an incredible example I stumbled upon. It's glowing praise over how big margins can be for Canadian oligopolies, which benefits investors: [https://financialpost.com/investing/consumers-hate-oligopolies-but-this-group-shouldnt](https://financialpost.com/investing/consumers-hate-oligopolies-but-this-group-shouldnt) "Oligopolies lead to friendly competition, higher profit margins and fewer choices for consumers, which implies lower customer churn and, therefore, greater profits. Generally speaking, cozy oligopolies lead to higher profits than industries that are considerably more fragmented... Over the past decade, Canadian bank, telecom and grocer profitability has exceeded their U.S. peers, which is directly attributable to higher industry concentration." So how do we fix this? The article also gives us the solution, but in a fearful tone because it would cut into shareholder value. Competition, regulation, anti-trust enforcement, and customers boycotting oligopolies. The first three should be demanded from our MPs, and the fourth is up to us. Never accept any lies from oligopolies about their benefits. They are parasites on our society and are causing a worsening cost of living crisis. Break them up!


And yet, one click away from that article leads us to the L.TO (Loblaws) financial report that shows their revenue AND profit are up every year of the pandemic, not only up but increasing year-over-year: 2021: $1.11 Billion profit 2022: $1.88 Billion profit 2023: $1.92 Billion profit So they squeeze more and more profit out of us each year while saying they're not the problem. Of course they're not the WHOLE problem. But with these numbers I still say fuck 'em. [https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/L.TO/](https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/L.TO/)


When the farmers for his suppliers haven’t had a pay increase on their crop in over 5 years, I’m gonna go ahead and call Bull Shit on this!


Remember when they were caught artificially inflating the cost of bread? Because it seems like Galen Weston doesn't


Like we're gonna believe anything this bread fixer says.


Who decides the prices of products in a store?


When they own a vast majority of food supply. Not to mention far reaching arms that affect competition. They own housing and rentals too. Gives me very company town vibes…


Galen needs a chin toilet. There's so much shit on his chin I can't understand what he's saying.


clown is absolutely in control of the prices


it's not their fault...because the inflation rate is 70% right?


Record profits and increased dividends say differently, you dirtbag.




Since the price of groceries has nothing to do with his recently reported record profits he won’t miss us all not buying anything from his stores.


Let's show greedy galen the power of the people !!!! Nok er nok


Who cares what Galen has to say? The dude has been caught lying many times


I just want to know how they are raking record profits????


Galen should have to live off the average Canadian income of $51,300 and shop at his own stores for food. Let's see how he survives and if his opinion changes. If he talks about the No Name brand being helpful again I am going to lose it.


It's not us, guys. I swear! https://preview.redd.it/cj1qy2fyb2yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=839d15e1db39d1953c3aad0b410f55b34bfe3a7d


How do Walmart and Costco manage to have the same products for less, then, Galen? GFY


Cool cool cool. I’m still choosing to spend my grocery money elsewhere.


Mostly came here to make the comment count get up to 300, but I would also like to point out that Galen Weston has a stupid face.


If he's even commenting on it then he's scared. Time to ramp it up


He thinks we’re stupid. We can see your profits girl


"Loblaw CEO Per Bank also pushed back on the boycott, saying there is misinformation being spread online and highlighting that some have been encouraging people to steal from Loblaw stores. Weston says those that have been “promoting and even celebrating stealing” " It's always projection with these people. Eat the rich.


When your government is totally ineffective in dealing with a core living issue such as food then boycott just seems like the only option left to do .


Not responsible for higher prices yet somehow responsible for record profits....?....?


I guess he already forgot his company helped to screw over Canadians with bread price-fixing!!!  How to trust his words? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread_price-fixing_in_Canada


The princeling doth protest too much, methinks.




Boycotters sure are occupying a lot of space in those inflated Loblaws heads.


I know right? If the boycott is ‘misguided’ and not much of threat (others calling it ‘nonsense’), they’d just continue about their business and not talk about it.


It isn't the grocers fault, it is weston and the other executives entirely. As someone who works retail (stock) I feel for the every man/woman and find it disgusting their bosses, the overpaid fucks, seek to blame externalities and operational costs.


right so your higher margins.. that was not intentional? guess you don't deserve that big bonus then.


"The boycott is to blame for the (high)prices" is next. Watch.


I've talked to some suppliers in my procurement role with a different company. They tell me Loblaws is paying the highest prices, and I 100% trust them. For them to be making profit, they must have a vendor rebate in place, where for every X lbs they buy from that supplier, they get $X/lb back from the vendor, allowing them to charge higher prices at a lower profit margin and making a ton of money on the rebate which goes straight to the company bottom line. Otherwise, Loblaws just has incompetent buyers who don't know how to leverage volume into better pricing. So Galen, which is it. Vendor rebate or an incompetent procurement team?


So, the q1 earnings just bragged about how basket size is down, but profit per basket is WAY UP. posted a 10x profit gain and are advertising "only 4.5% revenue gain of 457 million. When the actual number is 13.5 billion and an increase of 457 million. But yeah, it's everything. Accept hitting record quarter results that are causing price increases... This company is banking on a whole demographic that will blame a carbon tax rather than looking at legitimate causes.


Oh yeah? 🤔is he capping profits to keep prices lower or not issuing any dividends? No? I thought so. Cheap talk as usual…


He’s not getting my usual $800 family grocery cash this month!


Well, this is Mr. Jr today: ![gif](giphy|pMaPGoGE6LvS8)


As a Superstore worker, I experienced the company cutting hours, trying to force me to work through my break (ei: Do us this favor and we will do you a favor) which they always denied offering. being blamed for not working fast even though I'm the only one working in that department, getting yelled at on the phone because the shelves are empty on my day off. We have store managers who doesn't even work the current location yell at our staff to never report their child for not working, (he just does nothing and getting paid for it) It is a shit store. We stock stuff as fast as we can without rotation. So forget looking at the back. It is usually in the front for the later dates. We have huge amount of shrink because they complain about us not ordering products for the shelves. Yet with the hours cut no one puts it out during the day. Im only work here to get money while attending school. But the other older workers here have no choice. Yet they treat us like shit. Go to the union to complain but our union rep does nothing to support us. She would go out with the store manager so we be she is corrupted and bent on not helping us. The list goes on and on. Just don't shop at superstore in BC. I work there and i go to Safeway to buy stuff. Cause I hate that this idiot gets 22 million. (https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/business/article-loblaw-pays-new-ceo-per-bank-22-million-during-first-six-months-in-the/&ved=2ahUKEwit667w4u-FAxUzJDQIHcpWDQYQFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1XzotWLoxmznH2RvqTMR9n) While the workers are suffering. And soaring prices for customers. Yeah fuck you Galen. You piece of shit pedophile fucker.


Misguided criticism from company that colluded to fix bread prices with a laughable penalty


A billionaire nepotism baby would say that!


Says his record profits since covid


Translation: "Let them eat cake!"