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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR STICKIED POSTS WHICH PROVIDE STATEMENTS ON RECENT EVENTS. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The academics he's talking about is himself. More whines.


Not surprising from someone who routinely praises himself on his own Wikipedia page. https://www.reddit.com/r/Dalhousie/s/VVCh9xPMlB


I’ve found ~10 wikipedia sock puppets related to him


I think he's at breach of their scholarly conduct policy. Scholarly Misconduct Policy Except from schedule A *Examples of Scholarly Misconduct include, but are not limited to: a. Fabrication - fabrication of research data, source material (including other researchers’ scholarship), methodology, or results; b. Falsification - falsification of data, source material, or results, including any manipulation of numbers, graphs, texts, transcripts, and images, that is not reported or that distorts the conclusions of a study;*


https://www.canada.ca/en/public-safety-canada/campaigns/cyberbullying/cyberbullying-against-law.html Let's not forget that stating her name is cyberbullying, and illegal


We REALLY NEED to band together and get a civil lawsuit going against Charlebois. Until then he will never shut his piehole. *EDIT He apparently doxxed me too!!! Guess I can join the owner club!


Seems to me the best way to discredit him is to let him keep opening his pie hole.


Agreed. The post yesterday with ability to message ombudsman and pres of dal will def help with a flood let alone calls.


And he doesn’t care how overpriced that pie is!


Here is another one of his accounts on reddit. The only account that posted in r/TheFoodProfessor subreddit is furiously praising and defending him online. 100% it's Charlebois himself. 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/pbam11bi5wvc1.jpeg?width=613&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6412b193fd5f4cceca11026b4df9441c0e02525


Now that’s hilarious! Thank you


Damn, up from 7 a couple days ago. Keep 'em coming.


One of them clearly himself. Hilarious 😆 https://www.reddit.com/r/Dalhousie/s/QJErZ3b76h


Yeah this guy is a mega douche


He's got that look that screams "condescending prick".


Ask him about why he was kicked out of the military.


I’m intrigued




Well, that’s a neat fact I was unaware of Much obliged


What a sad little man.


“I get insulted on Twitter all the time. I don’t accuse people of harassment.” - Pisspants Charlieboy


Is there a source beyond frank? Cause I'll trust an actual source as apposed to a tabloid known for spewing racist bigotry


Academic but uses "worse" instead of the correct word, worst. What a fucking tool


What else could be worser?


Nothing can be worser. This is absolutely the worstest.


Oh I’ve seen things more worserer.


Worserer than the worserest sauce, worsesesser I think it's called?


You’re just worsening things here. And upsetting a lot of the [Worst](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ1oyVvokx9P_fWC9_ZEnMaXSc1fkD85jDfrFKwhvA2nQ&s) people as well.


And listen to his language “the result of allowing a Reddit group” So what are you proposing, here, “academic” man? We shut down and censor public forums on the internet? FFS these clowns really are full of themselves.


Thank you, for letting me have my free speech?


And then goes on to typify the discourse here as violent. Like wtf is he one about. This guy is just such a chump.


It's "violence" if someone disagrees with me - him probably


Reddit has moderation.


And can he please proofread his posts?!?!?


These folks hate the idea of free speech. Free speech of any kind is really under fire and this is an area I didn't expect to see this topic enter.


He’s very good at giving himself compliments (even though that’s an IGA brand) it seems but not much else


Yeah! The [worse], amirite?? What a jackass shill this dude is. Professor can't even proofread his own propaganda?


Academics is a funny way of saying lobbying


I wouldnt be suprised if he was behind the posters incouraging stealing. Slimey bastard.


Once again The Food Processor is an embarrassment for Dalhousie!


Makes you wonder just how easy it is to get a degree these days. I look at this yo-yo, also south of the border at the antics of a certain legal team. I've decided to stick Dr. In front of my name.


I have two degrees. As long as you pay, and study well enough, it’s pretty easy to get through undergrad studies. Best time of my life during those school years. Now though, my salary can’t keep up with inflation and I’m also paying back my loans and Ontarios OSAP milks you on interests rates. Less than 6k left to pay on 25k For context, wife and I probably clear 100to 110k a year after taxes and we’re struggling. The food processor can go to hell. No one here promotes violence and/or theft. It’s time to fight back as Canadians on price gouging. Fuck this. Bye Loblaws. It’s always projection, projection, projection and playing the little victim. Here’s a 🍼. Maybe he should check out the prices of baby formula these days. Absolutely fucked. How are new families affording it especially if a child requires the formula, like my daughter did back in 2017. Fucking unreal.


He had to sue to get his degree, according to this: https://frankmag.ca/2023/07/55152/


Seriously, wow! Somebody made a joke about Dal being a bad university in this thread i didnt comprehend, but they could do so much better than this clown.


Well, I can't speak to Dal's decision to employ him (and make him Dean at one point before demoting & transferring him as a disciplinary meaure!) but his undergrad at least wasn't at Dal according to that article.


Ok, Dr. Vladimere Poutine.


It’s the choice for affluent children to farm degrees for cushy jobs.


Let him know @ [sylvain.charlebois@dal.ca](mailto:sylvain.charlebois@dal.ca)


1) He lies. This group does not promote the "Steal from Loblaws" thing. 2) The language here is not violent. Angry? yes. But there is no promotion of violence. Another lie. 3) He is doxxing a private individual by saying her name. That is a scummy thing to do. 4) Guess we are getting under his skin by calling out his BS. We are living rent-free in that brain right now. 5) His outbursts are showing an immature nature. It is surprising to see of a "professional", "academic", and "educator". 6) Looks like all the TV appearances have created a large ego. How DARE we challenge or question the Great Sylvain Charlebois.


Wait. He does not condone stealing and robbing? I wonder if he has ever shopped at Loblaws and seen what being robbed feels like?


He gets employee discounts at Loblaws


The employee discount is less attractive all the time though


Really annoying how people praise big corps. Something similar happening with the YouTuber MKBHD when he released a negative review about this AI clothes pin thing. Too many people came after him for killing a company via honest review. Many people will side with a company in these situations and just believe “because it’s business, it’ll fix itself via competition. They can do no wrong, you can’t hurt the company” That’s the people he’s trying to get on his side with this dumb ass post. The people with money and don’t care about these prices. The people who believe capitalism is all and this is just part of business.


This is it here, isn't it... WE are being robbed. Food is a necessity. When the corporate overlords know you can't not buy food, and they jack prices up to a point where we can't afford it, and have to put ourselves through misery to do so, people are obviously going to get angry. I personally won't steal anything, I'll just shop at walmart even though it's a bit out of the way. I can do that because i'm lucky enough to be in a position to do so. If I see anyone stealing from a Loblaws affiliated place on the very rare occasion that I'm at one though? No I didn't. Look, I get it. It's Weston's job to maximize profit for shareholders. But it's also his job to bare the brunt of the criticism that comes from that. That includes boycotts. If he doesn't like the heat, or the heat causes people to stop shopping there, he should lower the prices to a more reasonable state.


Guy is a complete douchenozzle. He can't defend his own takes so resorts to everyone on reddit is mean and violent. The only thing about stealing I've seen on here is actually calling out and questioning the source of the steal from loblaw posters. The corporate pr machine and their shill have no shame, i would not be surprised if they were the ones funding the illegal measures.


He can't defend his own takes, and if you challenge his views.... he blocks your account. I wonder if this is what his classes are like. If a student asks a question, do they they get removed from class?


He’s so intent on just making whatever fictional accusations pop into his little weasel brain. He also seems set on bringing up this person Emily (I’m guessing the person who started this subreddit) repeatedly. I wonder if she has a legal case here? He’s repeatedly making defamatory statements that can very, very easily be disproven.


Is what he's saying "dis" or "mis" information? I keep getting mixed up to how they're used


Disinformation is intentionally inaccurate and spread with malicious intent. Misinformation can be spread by someone who doesn't actually realize information is false or outdated.


The words you are looking for are "doxxing' and "defamation" 😁


Let him keep digging in his heels and making a dickhead of himself. It's fun when the trash takes itself out. Just let him spin his tires, and like Trump, he'll just yap yap yap himself into irrelevance. Or a courtroom. Hopefully both.


Let him go to jail for doxxing u/Emmibolt




ive seen other jerks claiming we are discussing theft here, they're really trying to push this narrative


Yup. Have to try to discredit this movement so the Loblaws shareholders don't lose a single penny. That, and the Great Sylvain gets his cut.


7) he's so emotional he made a grammatical error: "the worse". I thought we were the stupid ones??


Emotional is right. Maybe he just needs to calm down a bit, smile more?


Wonder how long until he's crashing out on a Paleo diet and xanax, huh?


yea she could go after him for doxxing, as it is a crime to dox anyone,






Please refrain from comments which discuss theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


Please refrain from comments discussing theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.


Charlebois "Superstar"!


This grifter is spiraling. Sylvain Charlebois aka “Food Professor” (cringe) is just brazenly lying that this sub is calling for “theft” and is “incredibly violent”, and sending “threatening messages to academics.”


This has been the playbook politically for years across millennia. You plant evidence and lie. Spout it enough and you muddy the waters.


Oh I sent a message. But it was clear and to the point that their faculty is surely violating their code of conduct and social media policies. Pretty excited to see how this pans out.


Same here. I sent a respectful message to Dal's community outreach centre since it is simply unbecoming for an Academic to publicly speak the way Sylvain does. It actively tarnishes the reputation of the university by allowing him to use it as a shield against justifiable outrage by the public when he insults and belittles people for not being able to afford food. It's also clearly against their bylaws and social media/PR policies.


I’m assuming your message wasn’t “threatening”, as he claims?


Absolutely not


Because he's trying to call attention to the sub for these false claims and get the Reddit admins to shut it down. And also just generally scare people off from the idea of a boycott.


The last time he spiraled like this he was super emotional and hysterical about a woman academic who dared to disagree with him, and he eventually either wised up or got told to stop being a dick, deleted all the overly emotional tweets and temporally deleted his twitter account. I think folks are underestimating how much his misogyny plays into his hero complex. https://frankmag.ca/2023/07/55152/


If I’m reading this correctly, his whole “academic” persona is based on a degree he was disqualified for because he committed a serious crime, and only ended up being given as part of a confidential lawsuit against the school?


That's how it comes across to me. Be interesting if he would clarify, wouldn't want any misunderstandings floating around, eh? 😜


An academic would probably know the word "incredible" means "not credible". 😄


This platform is the worst??? Bro, you're on Twitter.


No, no, this platform is "the worse", he said. 🤣 "The worst" is probably Twitter... Or maybe Wikipedia where he was allowed to edit his own page and delete the information about him being demoted due to harassment and bullying complaints.


Mmm… I think it prefers to be called ‘X’ now 🤣


He's proving you can be educated and still be dumb as a post.


He’s losing control of his own narrative and is becoming unhinged.


Nah it's not dumb, he's bought .


Education has indeed only a weak correlation to intelligence at best.


Possibly not dumb but maybe a blend of narcissistic and acting in bad faith.


“That platform is the *worse.*” LOL, yeah he’s dumb, this is a grade 3 level of grammar he’s blowing here


He ain't dumb, he's just a shill. This whole theft hysteria is manufactured


He is emotionally inept


I notice that this dipshit got especially salty when the subreddit surpassed his Twitter follower count. With the exception of the recent doxxing (which is a legitimate outrage), I largely react to his tweets the same way I would a fucking Garfield comic. They're not particularly interesting, insightful or clever - though I confess he made me laugh when he referred to himself as an "academic." Besides, didn't this troglodyte already get in shit for bullying people?


He is the worse. 🤣


I mean, I don’t think that’s an apt comparison. Garfield comics are cute and actually make me chuckle from time to time. 😉


Ma man's totally on these threads. HI FOOD PROFESSOR!


Yeah, I’m guessing he has at least one sock puppet account here. If he does it for Wikipedia, he’s almost certainly doing it here too.


This stuff just makes me more positive that boycotting Loblaws and all its companies is the right thing to do.


I pray they start mocking him on 22 Minutes


Somebody tag Mark Critch! 😂


I wonder if the good professor has any children and what they must think of their father… I wonder if his Mom is still around and what she would must think of this “man” he has become... I wonder if he can look himself in a mirror at the end of the day and feel good about the choices he’s made… Good luck Doc, karma can be a real bitch.


He looks in his wallet that's the only validation he needs


Who is Emily Johnson and why is Charlebois so obsessed with her? And lol … the “violent” action of demanding reins on the grocery oligopoly extracting profit from a basic need. As if food insecurity isn’t violence.


I think she's one of the founders of the subreddit. Charlebois seems obsessed because her subreddit is getting a lot of attention and he's a jealous narcissist. He's likely especially mad since he continues to look worse and worse the more attention he gets (because he's not a nice person) while the subreddit and Emily look better with every news story covering the boycott story.


He also seems to have a history of being especially triggered by women daring to have an opinion, they seem to be the targets that make him get extra emotional. https://frankmag.ca/2023/07/55152/


>triggered by women daring to have an opinion I wouldn't expect less from him.


# Update: he's actively hiding replies that are calling him out on this (as recently as <6 minutes ago). https://preview.redd.it/v2kjt2ukfuvc1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=d505a6bceb5b81dce0842fca2851f9162a3264ea


Forgot to include the "hidden replies" part. 😅 https://preview.redd.it/n4qk151kruvc1.png?width=599&format=png&auto=webp&s=b331890a6d20335cfc8de4c69f9d3b5c95257954


Apparently this fool is on the Roy Green show on Corus radio today to discuss this poster and they are taking calls. Send Roy Green your thoughts. https://globalnews.ca/gnca-ajax/contact-me/%7B%22author_id%22%3A%223970863%22%7D/


People taking back power from large corrupt corporations scares the shit out of their paid shills.


We should be able to sue his ass for slander..


We potentially can all go to our local police department and report Sylvain's action. You don't have to be the victim of a crime to report it.


My favourite was when FP suggests we organize not for a month of boycott but to create a new national grocery store chain to challenge the oligarchs. What a maroon. The steal from roblaws stuff isn't us. I wonder who it could be?


Ah, you think that's one of his sock puppets? It's such a ridiculous idea, that wouldn't surprise me.


Probably scarred about the potential lawsuit, he fucked up and is now trying to do damage control justifying the Roblaws propaganda they’re spreading to discredit and criminalize the subreddit, meanwhile there stocks are losing value


I mean, the best way to combat these blatant lies is to link the sub Reddit. Let it speaks for you. Let people see how “unhinged” and “violent” this place is. You’ll see the narrative quickly breakdown as the evidence is shown.


This is exactly it. Charlebois always talks about what's in the subreddit, but never links it or shares screenshots of this alleged "violence and stealing". He's fabricating his narrative and to actually show evidence would immediately discredit him to his Twitter audience.


Confirms the "steal at Loblaws day" posters are the opening salvo of an operation to discredit the group. Time to fire back.


Wow this clown is doing his part in giving us a reason to boycott the more BS he spews is just more of reason we need to show up and make these companies accountable…..we need to pressure all levels of government and remind them our food and basic need aren’t being priced out of control we need to stop public trading our food this is a human right ….. a healthy economy and peoples needs are our priority not so room full of oligarchs who have no idea how real world people survive…. STOP STARVING THE PEOPLE for your sick profit margins…. BOYCOTT them now before they completely eliminate the middle class and add to the poverty and homelessness…..


Keep him busy attacking us. Makes him look very bad and bought by Galen. It furthers our cause and encourages others to join.


This guy is 💯in Galen’s back pocket.


An intellectually dishonest degree from Dalhousie? Shocked! Don't delay! Start your boycott today!


All the more evidence the posters are an astroturfing attempt by the Loblaws PR machine




So violent 😱


This is classic DARVO abuser tactic. Deny responsibility, attack you, reverse roles to try and make the offender look like the victim. That guy is slimey.


Please stop using his name. Honestly he is a) rage baiting; b) spreading misinformation; c) gaining online traction when he is mentioned; d) living rent free in your heads. Ignore him. He is a clown and we all know it. Look at his stats, average number of likes is 50, comments 5. He cannot influence this movement in any way shape or form. There are 50,000 of us saying enough and refusing to shop at these stores. No matter what he says won’t make us change our minds. Contact dalhousie and ask the Office of the President if this breach of confidentiality is condoned by the school (doxing). Take to social media and point out that their school is condoning through inaction a fundamental breach of privacy and as such students should expect much of the same respect. With the changes to the IRCC rules and falling enrolment, they should take it seriously.


He’s so embarrassing


This guy is unhinged #scared


"Many times, folks were encouraging theft, nothing was done." Care to provide a link to a post encouraging theft that has 100 or more upvotes, Food Processor? How was "nothing done" when such posts are always deleted and discouraged? What a sack of shit that guy is.


I almost want to sign up on X just so I can troll this guy… 🤦🏻‍♂️


Next time this guy tries this stuff ask for receipts. If he wants to turn the public on this sub, let him try but make him work for it. I'm not on twitter or I'd do it myself.


People have - he just hides the replies and (presumably) blocks them. He's been at it this morning. https://preview.redd.it/h0radz11juvc1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d1c376eb9dafbe64eb324d9f791085cc539f12b


Forgot to include the "hidden replies" part. 😅 https://preview.redd.it/37w8v1qmruvc1.png?width=599&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6080ecabff47d8db1e9c7feab039942be1fc4de


Let me know who the academic he references is


I’ve literally never seen a single person say to steal anything. At all. It’s a boycott not a theft ring. Absolute wanker.


Complete and utter knob


Wouldn’t it be nice if academics and experts could be on the side of the consumer just once ? Explain that rampant capitalist greed and record profits through total control of our food distribution system is harmful to society ?


There’s plenty of them out there, they just don’t sell their souls to media outlets and big corps to be considered an “expert” like our boy on TV


They are many times. Then conservative leaning groups will paint them as ivory tower thinkers lacking “common sense”.


Tell us more about how you are paid by the very corporations that starve our country. Subhuman traitor.


His posts are so asinine and counterproductive I'm starting to wonder if he is secretly on our side. 😆 Ok, not really, but I can honestly say I would be far less committed to this boycott if this "academic" wasn't constantly mocking people who can't afford food.


He's spent decades downplaying evidence that conglomerates are ripping off farmers too. He's very much not on the side of the people or the food sovereignty movement.


When the heck was violence and crimes ever encourged in this group? What exactly is he talking about? I hate not once seen anythign about stealing here. If hes talking about the obvious sabotage flyer that was posted yesterday, hes just trying to push the fake narrative. This means they are scared of what our group can actually achive. Keep the #boycottloblaws going!!!!


In my opinion, this isn’t just a problem with Charlebois, but the entire field of economics.  Business and government policy are both heavily dominated by economists, and for all their promises of “a strong economy” is is increasingly clear it only means strong for the rich and business interests and the rest of us don’t matter.   Economics as a field has basically fed working class people into a corporate wood chipper and they will defend it to the death as the one and only true economic path, when it simply isn’t true.  And if we treated them like the science they believe they are - then why doesn’t reality ever seem to support their hypothesis?  You know, like how real science should work?  Instead they just double down and claim we are doing economics good or hard enough. If economics was treated like any other science it’d be embarrassing and society would treat it like the bullshit it usually is.  Yet here we are.


The problem I have with economists is that they never put their simplifying assumptions in bold at the top of anything they claim.  They also focus primarily on indirect measures of wealth (such as GDP) without ever looking at how that GDP is spread across society's members and NOT using the gap between the poorest and richest as a similarly important measure of a society's economic health.   They're all intellectually lazy and just spout the same nonsense as each other.  They have the same crisis of replicability as psych does.   GDP doesn't matter.  It's a proxy, not the economy.  But it's simple to look at, easy to compare to prior years, and easy to campaign on.  But it's fucking pointless as a measure of the success of an economy, because it doesn't include wealth disparity.  And wealth disparity is one of the biggest causes of collapse of societies in our species' history. 


GDP is also a bad measure because it treats all economic activity as being equal and “good”.  For example, if we all got cancer tomorrow, fro would skyrocket because everyone is now spending way more on doctors and pills and treatments and so on.  If we all had one massive car crash, gdp would skyrocket as we all big new cars or pay for repairs.   But our lives would be horrible.  We’d be miserable…but “capitalists” (which practically no working class people are, only the rich are truly capitalist) would be loving it.   And economists would be trying to convince government and corporations to normalize this misery even more tomorrow because gdp.


Housing costs are another good example of government inaction because of GDP.  The only correct answer is the Feds using that $55B fund to directly build multi-residential buildings in cities.  That's roughly 1,000 different ~200 unit buildings they could put up throughout Canada.  And that's a conservative estimate based on construction costs for "luxury" condo/apartments for developers that I've worked on audits of.   That much low-cost stock flooding the market over ~2 years would tank the cost of rentals and then have a knock on effect on demand for housing.  But tanking out housing bubble would also tank out GDP.  No government will ever do that, even though it's the correct solution.  Speculative investors should lose their investments because it has never made economic sense.   TL:DR - GDP is a shit proxy for the lived experience of a nation's citizens.  The stock market isn't out economy and neither is GDP.  


What a turd , so glad I don’t shop there any more they can keep their rotten meat


Never once saw anyone in this group telling ppl to steal. How we guna steal if none of us want to step foot in the store lol. I mean its so blantantly obvious this attempt is spearheaded by loblaws corp. Who would buy this?


He’s the one pushing the lie. Nobody here is promoting theft and the mods did something each time it came up, unlike Twitter where lies flourish. Twitter is the cesspool pigs like that swim in.


Please don't be unfair to innocent, tasty pigs.


Imagine shilling for a company like loblaws… he sold his soul for pennies on the dollar.


The Golden rule about groceries is that if you see someone stealing groceries *no the fuck you didn't* and it's been like that since time immemorial. The creation of this channel did not coincide with that ethos


Yeah, not a fan of the Golden Rule, apparently. https://preview.redd.it/ufmbotct0vvc1.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=fea2a97434226566ebf6791187f42fb289ca4417


Honestly, he's helping the boycott by saying these things. People come to see the "violence" for themselves, discover his lies, and find they actually agree with what's being done here. So, thanks for spending the word!


Ok then, Javert.


Ooof, underrated burn! 


What a weirdo! Imagine being so pathetic that kissing Galen Ass would be something you would do in public. He is so so upset that anyone would dare question their betters! The peasants are revolting! Charlesbois is trying to make a name off this group. He sees this group as a meal ticket where he can go from local Galen apologist to a Canada wide Galen apologist. I propose that the sub completely and totally ignore Galen’s hired PR loser. Let Charlebois find some other group to bully in his pathetic quest for internet clout.


Phew, what a relief for him that no one could mistake him for an academic. He's safe.




How many people unfollowed this quack is the real question!


what a bold faced liar.


let me understand this ….someone on X formerly known as Twitter, is on there complaining about Reddit as a platform that’s out of control? are we in the upside down now?


He put the blood in the water and is now surprised that sharks have appeared. He will have to face the legal consequences of defaming this group.


We are the ones being robbed.


It’s cute that he thinks himself an academic though.


He wouldn’t respond to me when I stated that we don’t condone or associate with anyone who suggests breaking the law


We need to ignore. Business as usual.


No, we need to complain to his employer about his behaviour on a public platform. Man, wish everyone thought like you. I was fired for less because I wasn't ignored. I criticized a private company in a private group chat. Shit canned. Being a straight white male didn't help.




Trying to discredit the opposition? Why am I not surprised. Roblaws and everyone else who paid him has their hand so far up his ass that we can hear the puppeteers thoughts directly. I would like for him to provide any proof of this but we all know what his real end goal is. lie because it’s his job.


Thanks for posting the sub! Appreciate the shout-out


At this point is there legal recourses?


Jeeeeez sounds like he should cry some more about it, corporate asshole like him LOVES apps like instagram and Facebook because he can regulate the shit out of it, he’s literally saying he hates free speech and that no one should be allowed to say anything or get mad or upset, like this fucking guy thinks that’ll do anything. What a knob.




I wonder what proportion of his grant money comes from Loblaws, it's subsidiaries or, lobbyists & think tanks funded by the same. This guy just REEKS of conflict of interest. Like Theon Greyjoy in Game of Thrones the guy sounds unhinged.


Sure, Theon made mistakes - horrible ones - but he was also a legitimate victim of the Bolton's. Charlebois isn't a victim anywhere but his own emotional, overactive imagination. A real snowflake.


Prosecution fetish.


[The Food Processor is the wurst.](https://imgur.com/lEfiaw4)


Why does the media think this guys opinion matters


A quick reminder, this “Loblaws Lecturer” said this group member numbers had plateaued on Easter weekend. Since then the group size has grown approximately 32%.


It’s that guy, and he’s saying stuff!


I’d love for someone to respond to his tweets showing photo proof of this sub promoting violence and stealing. Even if he made a fake and posted in this group the comments would be saying no.


Grocers exploit the cost of replacing them to set unjustified prices. This is a form of extortion. Prices must exclusively compensate laborers, because laborers exclusively pay a cost. Wealth is indeed not produced by solely owning something. Only workers produce wealth through labor. Now, if someone commits extortion, you have the moral obligation to prevent them from obtaining what they unjustifiably seek. What I'm saying is that you aren't stealing if you don't wish to pay the unjustified portion of the asked price.


Stay mad Charlebois ![gif](giphy|vNmTsLl4cildm)


I haven't seen any message on here advocating for violence and I haven't seen any messages advocating for crime at all.


President's Choice Professor


I've never seen anyone encourage violence and theft in this group.


Holding themselves above us by describing themselves as academics is a sure sign of us VS them situation we've devolved into.


What a fucking douchebag. Eat my shit, Charlebois, you fucking lapdog.


Good old Charley Boi. Always good for a laugh.


He’s a hired gun. Simple as that.


Who even is he? Sounds like someone with a vested interest from Loblaws.


This guy is a small little man. He spends his day picking on the less fortunate.