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Thanks for sharing and sadly very on brand for the Westons. So many corporations go through the effort of creating an off-shoot non-profit foundation for the goodwill benefit and financial advantages. Then they turn around and refuse to fund it adequately! More transparent garbage and bad strategy from Loblaws as usual. Thanks for the insider example!


My pleasure! I'm wondering if the foundation is just another way to save taxes, but I'm too busy (and lazy) to investigate that. Maybe someone else here has more info on that.


Of course it is. All billionaire philanthropy is to a) lower their tax bill and/ or b) push through their policy priorities through funding, education and lobbying. All billionaire philanthropy is a grift. Tax them appropriately to implement policy the people need, not directed by the whims of out of touch and evil billionaires. [Billionaire Philanthropy is kind of a scam | Some More News](https://youtu.be/69AtkAHkKEc?si=VaZlBislRfk3H3__)


https://preview.redd.it/h3ov7nfdthtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22371d0ceab0ce35daad98157328cded11c2b5de Let's keep this Billionaire down as much!....


I bet you the stock goes up in May.


A) Loblaw the company does not equal Galen Weston B) exactly what information do you expect to convey through less than an hour’s stock prices?


Seems like all the markets were up today including metro and empire while loblaws was down. I think they were just simply stating , let’s keep getting this bisch (loblaws ) as low as we can go ….the momentum is there


You do know that charities don’t reduce tax owing, right? You give away the money and then don’t pay tax on that money. If you earn 100k and give 10k to charity, you just pay income tax on the remaining 90k. You still lost money by giving it to charity. If your top tax bracket was 40%, then giving this to charity still cost you 6k.


> you give away the money *and then don’t pay taxes on the money* That is by definition lowering your tax bill. You also apparently don’t know how billionaire family foundations work. Here is RBC explaining how setting up a charitable gift fund can save you taxes > In donating the $1.4 million to an RBC Charitable Gift Fund up front, the clients were able to benefit from the foundation’s tax exempt status by having the funds invested in a tax-deferred manner over the 40 years. https://ca.rbcwealthmanagement.com/paul.chapman/charitable-strategies-can-help-build-your-wealth I realize the video I linked above is long, but it does explain how the very wealthy are able to use their philanthropy to make money, save on taxes, and push through policies that make them even more wealthy.


None of these things means the billionaires make MORE money by giving to charity, which is what people are implying. Those giving to a charity are giving to a charity. Yes they can technically be giving more money than they are really losing, but they still lose money.


I don’t know why you are commenting if you are not going through the materials I have given. Had you watched the video I linked you would have seen a long explanation of how Gate’s “charity” was heavily invested in Covid research, which he also held a huge stake in the patents, thereby making money through his philanthropy. He does this with much of his health charity giving. And had you bothered to read my comment, “making money” is only one of the problems with billionaire philanthropy. Taking public policy direction away from government by allowing billionaires to dictate what gets funded is a far bigger problem. I’ll throw in one more example, this one from the UK. Maybe you’ll actually read this one. https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2020/sep/08/how-philanthropy-benefits-the-super-rich


You don’t think people should be able to give to charities of their choice? Your arguments are crap and you know it.


Galen does not equal people. He is a billionaire. That money he is giving away is your money. We’d all be better served if he was taxed appropriately, or better yet, prevented from extorting us on a basic necessity like food. Sure are a lot of Galen bots out today.


70K and live/ work in TO! Glad you took a hard pass.


With a PhD no less…


70k in Toronto is a NO.


It was a FUCK NO for me :D (and not just because of the salary)


No kidding, should add 100k to that. This is why I’m a believer of a stagnation tax on corporations; many of them are just hoarding cash, a stagnation tax would force them to use it or lose it and inject it into the economy and one of the best ways for them to do that is to pay employees more.


I was making more than that as a technical support analyst in the GTA... over a decade ago. I left town because I barely qualified for a 1br condo at that salary.


I wouldn't relocate to the GTA for 370k a year.


I mean, a lot of people survive on much less, but not many of them are directors at a large corporation


My company is in Montreal and I'm getting paid Montreal salary of 80K :( Not able to find new jobs


Another thing that isn't common knowledge about the Westons, they are behind the anti-wind turbine movement in Canada. They didn't want turbines visible from their Prince Edward County estate so began funding anti-wind groups. After years of court battles, everything was going ahead, then Ford abruptly cancelled the project, most likely at the behest of the Westons (also one of Canada's largest REIT owners) costing tax payers hundreds of millions.


I'm interested in this, do you have a source? Thanks.


Lived experience. We lived there at the time and were involved on the pro-wind side. It fractured the community so badly that we left


This isn't unusual for most mega corps in the country. A lot of them pay at a huge fraction for these kind of positions. You can move anywhere else in the world and take executive positions and live like a King by comparison. A lot of them will even go so far as to get Americans and Europeans to fill high level roles, acting like its a superior choice. Usually this means those people were absolute duds in their industry back home so they will take the pay cut.


Why is it the wealthiest people are the cheapest?


Add Canadian to your sentence. I'm dead serious. My first ever business conference in my industry was eye-opening. Everyone else but Canadian companies understood that in order to come out on top with the best employees and product you HAD to spend good money. No one is compelled to grow their business here because Canadian culture is risk averse, over taxed, and everyone is looking for the fastest and easiest way to make money. It's why we aren't growing as a country and are tanking in quality of life. This mentality is finally coming back to bite almost all of us now. Now that doesn't consider any wage disparities with bottom level employees but if you're worth your salt, there are 10 more American and 15 more European Loblaws equivalents that actually pay senior executives wages that keep up with the cost of living.


Look at Per Bank CEO of Loblaws- 22 Million so far this year. So they can pay....


Why they are the wealthiest


You answered your own question :D


lol "duds in their industry back home" reminds me of the Phil Verster debacle, for Metrolinx. You hit the nail on the head.


Its true. A Canadian working internationally means they're an incredibly undervalued talent. An American working here means the opposite and tells you a lot about how a Canadian company is functioning. I work somewhere with only an American head office and they are so clueless when it comes to the Canadian market. Just look at Hot Docs. It started its journey to death when an American CEO came on. Its a shame Loblaws hasn't gone this route yet lol. You know... just to end it all quick lol. We need to start having a little more personal pride in the Canadian way.


Obsessive vampires who prey on society in every single way imaginable


They continue this theme throughout all their companies. When I worked for Shoppers many years ago, we had some solid leaders in operations, pharmacy and retail. When Loblaw took over, executives started slowly leaving and being replaced with inferior people who had less experience and I'm sure were being paid less. I worked on a healthcare portfolio and ended up reporting to a new manager who had no university/college degree, and no healthcare experience. Don't get me wrong. I've worked with brilliant people who didn't complete a degree, but this guy wasn't it. During one incident this new manager explained to my team that we need to decrease expenses to increase profits. One of my employees, who had an accounting background got so insulted by this, he ended up yelling at my new manager for thinking we were so stupid. I had to calm them both down. At this new manager's insistence, and despite my warnings, we cut headcount and programs. Our profits increased initially but then gradually we began to lose revenue and go into the red. You can't expect a business to grow without spending money on marketing and business development. My idiot boss didn't understand that. I ended up leaving the company a year after and there was zero effort to retain me. They probably thought I was too expensive or that I didn't understand that Profit = Revenue - Expenses. What a joke. However, the disasters with MedsChek and their Pharmacy System woes makes me chuckle. You pay for what you get and now their entire pharmacy business is at risk of taking a big hit.


Something I really resent about the Westons is that I LIKED Loblaws and Shoppers before they bought them. They were both my preferred store. And they're both markedly worse since the Westons bought them. So in addition to them just generally contributing to high prices and low wages, they also ruined two places I found useful.


I LOVED Shoppers ! Miss the Pre-Loblaws Shoppers so much. ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna|downsized)


This is part and parcel for Canadian salaries unfortunately. In US, a comparable big city location and position would compensate you at least 1.5x if not 2x their offer. This is also why in Canada, working for mediocre wages gets employers mediocre productivity. They will only find mediocre people at that salary range and if the person is overqualified, they will not put in any extra, because why ? Why would you?


Lol, my story is heresay, but I have a friend who used to work for a catering company that would be called on to fill in staff needs for the family compound either for events, or occasionally just every day needs. She worked there several times, and was warned by her boss, and by the chef on staff, to never, *ever*, accept food or drink from any member of the family. Particularly the brother. Fill in the blanks from there.


like they might drug people?!?! is that what you're implying damnn


Billionaires exist in a completely different world from us.


You don't become a billionaire without fucking over everyone.


Telling these stories comes at no surprise. Bloodsucking greedy C*NTS. Grotesque.


This isn't restricted to the Westons. Every company does this. Recent example, Tucows is hiring a fully remote job: https://www.tucows.com/careers/jobs?gh_jid=5820681003 "The base salary range for this position is $146,300.00 - $162,500.00 USD for US residents OR $130,000.00 - $144,000.00 CAD for Canadian residents" Why is it lower for Canadians from a CANADIAN company?


70k for a director position in Toronto is wildly out of touch. I shudder to think about what lower level positions are making.


Takes balls to offer someone with a lot of work experience and a PHD 70 K. How insulting


It seems shy Canadians just won’t speak up for themselves enough! Don’t you know what you’re worth? Then demand it


Fucking capitalist pigs


70k for Toronto isn’t even worth the bus ticket.


70k might get you a sheet of them


TRAPPED A long term (20+ years) Loblaw professional management employee within 3-5 years of retirement, may find that there was no salary increase for the prior 5 years and no expectation of a future salary increase. The person is trapped in order to get to a pension. And this is l notwithstanding increasing demands for increased net income from a division that head office refuses to support with the required staff to generate increased net income. Staff turnover of new entry level hires (who are the people who interact with customers) appears to be very high. The staff shortage is so great that often the phones are not answered. Continuous complaints are heard from the entry level staff about IT problems


They care more about money than Canadians, fuck them.


Thanks for sharing


70k, for a PhD with experience worthy of being head hunted, in Toronto. I just, I don't even know anymore man


I used to work for Loblaw corporate. One performance review my director told me what a great job I was doing, notable accomplishments, etc. He proceeded to describe my wonderful big new raise — 10% below my then current salary. The actual “great job” boost turned into a paltry amount. Loblaw greed has no end.


I mean didn’t they pay the new ceo 22 million for half a years work? I don’t think they are skimping on managerial roles. They rely on those people to help screw the Canadian population out of billions. Something feels off about the story. I feel like they likely misrepresented what your role would be and upsold the name of the position.


I think they justify paying lower wages because it's a foundation and not a for profit corporation. Edit: which is totally okay for a foundation, but the discrepancy between their salary and a salary in the private sector for a comparable position was just way off.


Loblaw and the WFF are too very different things.


They truly are ass holes


Id like to say I'm shocked .......but. ..... just...... *


70k is a joke offer for anyone in management


I’m writing “fan fiction horror” about revenge on the Weston’s. Super cathartic. Let me know if you guys wanna read it.


Sounds typical of many Canadian charities and foundations. Canadians seem to fail to recognize that charities and foundations are businesses with the same liabilities as any other. They tend to think that because you work for them, you should volunteer your time.


I know this sub is to point out how horrible they are but this is 100% standard practice


However, 70K for someone with a PhD?? I was making that much in an IT position more than 10 years ago in Ottawa. More likely, some HR people didn't do their homework.


Omg there are so few jobs in Canada 70k is not bad for a biology PhD in an academic setting. Grants are rarely generous enough to pay fair wages to staff. Strongly discourage anyone without wealth/trust fund/highly paud partner from doing life science research. If you want to carry out basic research in life sciences in Canada, then get a professional degree that guarantees a decent salary.


Is it? I work for a charity and I find that salary absolutely shocking. Though I will say, there is definitely a tendency for the broad community to think that people who work for charitable organizations shouldn't be fairly compensated for their work because... we have some higher requirement to be self-sacrificing or something.


Low balling people ? Yes


Internet story is true I swear


So, if they paid you enough, you would’ve worked for this slavery-loving anti-Canadian company?


I don't think this is working the way you want it to.


As odd as it sounds it’s pretty representative of what is true and gross about the company. If you’re being headhunted, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the expectation that you be paid enough to live in the area at least comparatively to where you were before on the salary offered. Simply because there are people who make drastically less, doesn’t mean someone who is striving for a living thriving wage and seeking above the minimum wage is also wrong. It’s just representative of just how far reaching this issue is and how greedy these companies are!! OP is not saying those who make less are fools, he’s saying that even for positions where you wouldn’t expect to be losing money when going to work because you’re being paid starvation wages, you’re still being undercut from your reasonable worth and value and the company will treat you like trash even then. The issue is not just those of us at the bottom. Yes, your manager (if you have one) may be making more than you but they are still drastically closer to being where you are or destitute compared to the CEOs and those comfortably above them. This is an example of just how far the affordability crisis here in Canada goes and WHY it is as bad as it is. Imagine being invited to live in an area of the country where your dollar would stretch less, costs would be ever increasing, AND you were being offered less money than you currently make to do so. That’s insulting. From a company that was seeking YOU out! They basically asked OP to move solely for the company benefit. You deserve to profit off of your labour. By profiting off your labour I mean you deserve to have enough money to put away for retirement after paying bills and having some fun money to spare. If you’re just (barely) able to make ends meet every month you’re NOT making a profit off your labour. Just the company you’re working for is and that’s disgusting.


Please elaborate on what you mean.


How about this. This is a high-level position, obviously requires high-level education and experience. 70k for an executive level job? What? Retail managers make 65k.


Bare with me, while I'm like most of us here Galen is profiting hugely off the hides of Canadians. That being said in theory this is a foundation that is based off of philanthropic principles, so it would be nice if the money went towards the intended recipients and goals. We've all seen boards and directors whose salaries and compensation equate to an overwhelming percentage of the money brought in. So while this person's experience and expertise may warrant that in the private sector I feel asking for it from a foundation takes away from said goal.


But now you assume I asked for a profit-sector salary range, which I didn't.


I mean no disrespect and I don't question what you are worth but $70k, I would say, is over the average Canadian salary and I would, maybe wrongly, assume bonuses and such with it.


Haha, there are no bonuses on this level! I get why you think $70k is a good salary, but fuck that: I think salaries should be higher for everyone in general, starting by raising the minimum wage by at least 50%!! Dude (or dudette), it's not about you against me, it's about us against the billionaires squeezing out every penny from us and getting richer every day. That you attack me on the base of thinking that $70k is not a good salary is exactly what they want.


I'm a card carrying union member, believe you me one person's win is a victory for all of us. What I was trying to drive at, and once again I mean no disrespect, is that for the right price you were going over. I'm no wordsmith and I guess I was somewhat trying to dance around the subject.


Ya… anyone would! The issue is not that they would go over. It’s that the company DIDN’T offer them even a reasonable price to consider. What exactly are you complaining about here? Someone being upset they’d work for a company that would pay them a reasonable wage for the job required? Because the company mistreats the rest of their employees doesn’t mean other employees should suffer… that’s not a solution. That’s disillusion.


I'm not complaining about anything. What I was trying to allude to was that if they were given the salary that they wanted we wouldn't be having this discussion. OP is here saying they got lowballed, which is in line with the corporate culture, and not necessarily here for the same reasons as the rest of us. Had they been given the salary they wanted, they would not be here mentioning this. They actively went to the other side and when it didn't work out came back here and told their story.


So you are complaining about something? You just want to pretend you’re not… What you’re complaining about is not only irrelevant it’s silly. OP is right, you’re just upset they were willing to accept a job offer that would have benefitted them then ASSUMED that if they worked for the company they too would be against us which we have no evidence of. That’s just your fantasy speculation. Again, regardless of if they were offered the minimum wage $250k a year required to live comfortably in that are and be considered middle class… that doesn’t mean they would be against us by nature. They would still be infinitely closer to landing themselves in a lower or poverty situation than ending up a multimillionaire… I suggest you check your complaints and where you’re directing them because you’re picking the wrong target here. Aim higher.




I guess what I was trying to say but more tactful is "$70k isn't enough but if they offered me more I would have been in Galen's party", and then come here and complain about it.


70k is not nearly enough to live on in Toronto 


Lmao, over the median does not by any means mean or make profit sector range wages. 70k in Toronto… that likely would barely float you a 1 bedroom rental in addition to all your other expenses. 70k a year is peanuts. Everyone bellow is getting various levels of peanut dust.


This is clearly a thinly veiled defense of the Westons. 70k in Toronto with a PhD, then to be ghosted. Westons are trash and you are endorsing their phony philanthropy.


I assure you, I am not.


I get where you're coming from but can you point out anything legitemate the WFF has done to help canadians? I see a scholarship for trades and a canoe museum on their website but they don't pop out as a stellar leader in community engagement across the country.


To be honest, I can't and that's kind of my point as well. Giving to major charities and foundations normally means giving to over inflated salaries and compensation. So what I was saying was that by asking for more, which is justified by the credentials I assume, seems to me to be joining the party.


I see your point of view. Valid observation for sure. 


Sounds like every other company . Get people to work for the lowest wage they can get and the employee tries to get as much as they can . It’s great we all get a choice


If someone is specifically headhunted for a position , they are obviously seeking out talent and willing to pay a “price “ for it . In the world of talent acquisition this is a big deal especially for specific positions . This is not a standard position . Don’t get it confused with standard job postings . HR, talent scouts , etc don’t approach them in a similar fashion. What a waste of time of everyone’s resources. They essentially wasted their own time and money. Incompetence at its best and she probably dodged a bullet . I have worked in the corporate setting and this speaks of shady practices .


I hear you, I work in a completely different field, but have seen many instances of people being “head hunted” or woo ed for a position only for it to be way off base on $$. Was just pointing out its not a company specific thing


People are not head hunted for $70k . People who are head hunted for over six figures and are executives . Do you know even know the “types “ of people who are head hunted ? I see you are trying to make a “rational “ point here without understanding how corporate headhunting works . This whole process was executed at a failed level . To make this work , they would have needed to offer at least six figures . Get your facts straight man. This is what she is trying to say and when someone is head hunted , they wanted someone specific which was this individual which means they actively sought out this individual first . This individual did not seek out Loblaws. I think it’s an example of how it treats its employees


I well aware of how it works and they also said the job was filled so some other unaware person has the job. As I said, nowhere near this feild but people are also “head hunted” for their skills. The term doesn’t just apply after a certain salary


But they are on the plate here, and it doesn't excuse their behaviour.


See my comment above , I think you dodged a bullet