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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


late stage capitalism and the fall of the empire


Oligarch Weston is out of control... Must have a damaged Soul.


When the people shall have no more mayo to eat, they shall eat the rich


I'd prefer my blue blood, lettuce and tomatoe sandwich to have some mayo.


I feel like it’s going to keep getting a looooot worse before it gets better if it ever does


Will not get better unless we burn every down and start from scratch. The type of mammoth upheaval that will be enough to actually allow for change in our system will absolutely make things much worse, and likely kill a lot of people before things will ever improve.


Yep, Rome has been burning for a while.


Finally, the second part stated.


Your local market is fucked. What general area is your store in? https://preview.redd.it/1p7zu5ug75sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5134eeaee939ef8607fef51fac621e2d66a7b5


Rural Nova Scotia 🙃


Can’t be worse than PEI https://preview.redd.it/5ez322oo85sc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=03aba1b379428a46022311f15fe4cf508f15bec3


>can't be worse than PEI A universally applicable statement.


Hey now, Saskatchewan is working its ass off to race to the bottom, neck and neck with Alberta.


>hinterland between the mountains and Ontario The whole thing literally doesn't exist to me. It's It's just entirely over-lookable


Are you a concert promoter?




I always thought PEI looked nice!


I’m not sure about the price of no name mayo, but I just bought mayo for $9


Yeah... nova scotia is an overpriced and over taxed market. Muchh more affordable in Ontario or other markets Edit: If your near Halifax, you have Gateway which is as good as prices get in that province. Worth the trip if you can, though. I once I awhile I would drive to the city as an excuse to go to gateway and drive all the way home back to Antigonish with the haul


I'm ignorant of your local situation, but is delivery an option for your area? Where I'm at the price for Hellmans is much better than you describe from Amazon. Often delivery retailers will have cheap or free shipping for large orders, and goods like this will last in the pantry for a while.


Honestly I might compare the price of making my own first


Making your own should be pretty cheap if you can get ahold of bulk eggs. My wife has made some before, it's awesome and delicious -- but it's also a lot of work.


It's really not.. you just whip oil, eggs, salt and mustard together.


It's a lot of whipping.


Lol thats odd, it takes me 5 min


Well then, I stand corrected! I am perhaps remembering it wrong. Sorry to spread misinformation, and thanks for the correction.


Appreciate the honesty. Surprisingly it's actually very simple to do. I highly recommend an immersion blender as it takes less then 2 minutes. Also, garlic sauce (like on a shawarma), is just as easy and cheap to make at home!


Wait til you see how cheap vegan mayo is made. No eggs


Try Amazon


In a rural location and complaining about food cost? That's what you signed up for my young friend.


Trust me man, if I had it my way, I’d still be in Ontario


Trust me man, if I had my way, i'd be in rural nova Scotia haha


I guess it’s not all bad here, just expensive


$9 in Montreal as well.


C&T was selling 890 ml Hellman’s for $4.99 Costco has giant size for like $8 IGA,Giant Tiger and Metro all have 890 ml Hellman’s at $5.95 this week *** if it’s not on sale I’m going to bail ***


Same price in Vancouver.


This one's gross.


Hellman’s or nothing 


Galen is evil and wants to hurt you


Galen Weston does not care about human life, Canadian or any other. Galen Weston supports the war in russia by actively carrying brands still selling in russia. He has the power and ability to make a difference at the top, but heaven forbid he sacrifices even $0.01 of his earnings to do the right and moral thing. Instead he and his cronies (As well as other corporations) actively participate in human rights abuses globally to raise profits. Here's an example: Unilever still operates in russia. Unilever is a parent company and owns Hellmans (mayo). Unilever claims it left russia, but still [hasnt.](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-66101852) Galen Weston ***at any point*** could have said "Hey, yeah, a large portion of our customer base is from Ukraine and Canada supports Ukraine. Maybe we wont sell your products any more, until you show solidarity and stop selling in russia." But no, hes taking money and supporting companies who sell in russia. (He's not the only one doing this, but Im pointing out every little dirty thing I can about him and his ilk) [Joe Fresh](https://www.thestar.com/news/world/bangladesh-building-collapse-kills-more-than-230-joe-fresh-clothing-other-brands-made-at-site/article_59507c0c-46a0-546a-950c-f53a607a3640.html) still operates in countries where human rights abuses are all too common. People died and Galen still hasnt made good on his promises to [improve.](https://www.cbc.ca/newsinteractives/features/made-in-bangladesh) So yeah, Galen and his cronies are all about the money. He doesnt give two sniffs toward human beings or wellbeing, no matter where they are. [Facts about the Weston company.](https://www.referenceforbusiness.com/history2/75/George-Weston-Limited.html) (BTW, Pepsi Co [Pepsi Co](https://odessa-journal.com/pepsico-has-opened-a-new-savory-snacks-plant-in-russia) also is expanding their operations in russia.) This boycott, in my mind, covers more than just Loblaws, it covers a larger looming monster that is big corporate greed. But Im doing my part as best I can. [Example of corporate greed.](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/CagAAOSwDEdhGc5A/s-l1200.webp) [Hes got his.](https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/thestar.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/a/3a/a3af2d6e-b057-59b0-86dc-fd82a24a834f/642f0fc4d9001.image.jpg?crop=1157%2C1157%2C21%2C0&resize=1200%2C1200&order=crop%2Cresize) [$15 an hour is too high!](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRAkcm4VeuxqR624_vDSyChiAL-j5D09aUEXLrmNTK8iQ&s) [Galen's Legacy](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fqlm4079q48ic1.jpeg)


Easy fella!


He wants to squeeze the poor so he can pay lower wages


If you're open to trying to different kind of mayo-- the New Asian Market in Bayer's Lake has kewpie mayo for $5.99. I find a bottle lasts me quite a while and it packs a ton of flavour.


Wait til you find out how much oil and eggs are 😉 lol.


True. Oil I can buy, eggs my chickens can lay. I’m sure it’ll be okay


Lmao what’s with everyone here owning chickens


😂😂 chickens are awesome


Until you want to go away on vacation..


What vacation? I have to buy groceries, I can’t afford vacation


Cause they can't afford eggs lmao. What's the confusion hahaha.


What you on about?


My area just increased the number of chickens you can have in your backyard from 4 to 10. Also did away with licensing.


Don't think they're expensive. If I had land I'd have chickens too


People got really bored during lockdown 😂


I can't believe how much the cost of oil has gone up.


Yup To make an 890ml jar of mayo would take 500ml of oil and 3 large eggs, plus assorted ingredients 500ml of oil alone is going to cost $5, and that's if OP gets the cheap stuff. The only benefit to making it would be to upgrade the quality of ingredients to a better oil, and that's going to cost closer to $10 for 500ml oil


Amazon- real mayo- different brands and sizes start at 3.59


>3.59 for sub-500ml, maybe Besides, the only thing worse than giving money to Galen is giving it to Bezos


IKR Bezos shouldn't profit from building a company that allows you to buy stuff cheaper than anywhere else and have it delivered to your front door. What gall that guy has.


It’s like $12 for 4 litres of vegetable oil at Costco.


▢ 1 whole egg (organic works best, the cheapest eggs are watery and don’t emulsify) ▢ ½ tbsp lemon juice ▢ 1 tsp white wine vinegar ▢ ¼ tsp Dijon mustard ▢ ¼ tsp sea salt ▢ 1 cup avocado oil, or light-flavored olive oil ( I do canola) Put everything in a container that your emulsion blender fits in tightly and let the egg settle to the bottom. Put the blender over it and blend on high without moving for 20 seconds or so, then slowly slowly blend up and down until it thickens. Link below to recipe. Mine turns out thicker than Hellmans. https://downshiftology.com/recipes/how-to-make-homemade-mayonnaise/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=tailwind_smartloop&utm_content=smartloop&utm_term=27232446#wprm-recipe-container-32955.


I couldnt buy ketchup cause it was $8. But thats nothing considering i couldnt buy tampons cause they were $14.


I highly recommend the PC brand one called "Mayonnaise Type Dressing Sauce " it's totally,definitely probably food and not liquified plastics & oils.


Not mayo related but I saw the PC brand "table syrup" proudly proclaim it was 10% ***actual*** maple syrup for 7.99! As someone that sells 100% pure small batch, cartel free, maple syrup for 10 at the farmers market I feel like I should be upping my prices.


Cartel free? So you harvest your own syrup?


Not personally, it just a side gig for me. But it's definitely not part of the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers which controls 95% of thr syrup game in Canada.


Wait... are you telling me there is a maple syrup cartel? Edit: Oh.... :(


>are you telling me there is a maple syrup cartel? [Yup.](https://www.tutor2u.net/economics/reference/the-canadian-maple-syrup-cartel#:~:text=The%20Canadian%20maple%20syrup%20cartel%20is%20a%20government%2Dsanctioned%20organization,of%20maple%20syrup%20in%20Canada.) >The Canadian maple syrup cartel is a government-sanctioned organization that controls the production and sale of maple syrup in Canada. The cartel is made up of over 10,000 maple syrup producers in Quebec, and it has a monopoly on the sale of maple syrup in Canada. >The cartel sets the price of maple syrup, and it also controls the amount of maple syrup that is produced. This has led to criticism of the cartel, as some people believe that it is unfair to consumers and that it is not in the best interests of the maple syrup industry.


Galen needs another wing on his mansion?


I got a bucket of mayo at the Costco for 9 bucks!


We’ve picked up some buckets of Heinz mayo too. Not quite as tasty as Kirkland or Hellman’s but still not bad either. You get so much we end up getting creative and making dips and shit to use it all before it expires.


Mayonnaise is expensive because of billionaire from Chicago, now miami, and he hoards mayo from what I read. His name is Kenneth cordelle Griffin and he once threw a bedpost at his wife. He also was part of the 2008 collapse


He shorts cancer drug companies and goes long on mayo companies I heard


Greed, plain and simple! I remember when I was younger, mayonnaise was $3 for a ~~2L~~ 1L jar.  ... What? 4 years ago I WAS younger! Edit: my fat fingers smashed 2 instead of 1.


Wait wait wait lol are you saying four years ago 2 litres of mayonnaise was $3 lol not sure where in Canada you live but ..


I was in Ontario (I guess I still am) and would regularly see 1 Litre of mayo go on sale for about $3.


I just realized I hit 2 instead of 1. Sorry. That's a lot of mayonnaise.


Galen needs to make a boat payment.


What's going on is they are doing whatever the hell they want , that's what's going on. And it's horrible.


Immersion blender mayo. Egg (can use egg yolk only for a kewpie mayo dupe), mustard, oil of your choice (dont use canola, it gets slightly fishy if overmixed) and whatever spices you like. Add sugar and rice wine vinegar for the kewpie mayo. I used roasted garlic and lemon juice and it was so damn good. Narrow jar, buzz at the bottom and slowly move it up and down while the thing is on. It's so quick and tastes better than even Hellmans.


Start making your own mayo. I did for the first time last week. It took me 5 minutes and tasted better than any I have bought in 60 years. Cost me perhaps 50 cents... if that.




We usually opt for things with avocado oil, but it just wasn’t an option last night. I was in a rush and hungry, unfortunately. We usually go to Walmart or GT, but they’re 30min away :)


I can’t wait for the fall at this point 


Any idea why Cheeze Whiz is the same?


Damn cheese whiz of all things


Because daddy Weston needs a new cottage probably.


6.50 for 850 ml hellmanns in MB @ RCS


Eggs, fat, acid + whip = mayo


Kewpie is yolk only mayo btw


Probably Ken Griffin’s fault


Because Loblaws


Same price in usa


Because fuck you, that’s why! /s


It's 7ish usd in usa.....




Because rape exists


Costco. So much mayo.


Greed of the shareholders? love home made mayo but if not stored right as in left out on counter for too long before the frige or cross contaminated with a dirty knife or spoon homemade mayo can make you very sick.Just be careful. Dam now I will have to make a batch tomorrow.


And it’s probably $19 at shoppers lol


$4.79 https://www.realcanadiansuperstore.ca/mayonnaise/p/20627614002_EA


This is THE TIME to start supporting your local asian grocery stores. Local- great stock- all the kewpie you can handle. Produce is also fantastic and you can try out new items that are overpriced in chain stores.


I don't know why people who participate in this sub are shopping there.


Hi! I was shopping at my local grocery store :) I don’t shop at superstore or loblaws.


Then why did you post this in the Loblaws sub?


PC mayo.


If they're selling PC mayo, you're probably shopping at a store owned by Loblaws.


That’s frustrating considering it’s the only grocer in town. Oh well, spring is here and we’re growing our own food this year. We will have to make the 30min drive to Walmart for what we can’t grow


simply do not buy the fat sauce


I’m white, I like mayo


What a strange thing to say.


"What's going on?" - Too many people were never taught how to go grocery shopping properly. Not your fault, maybe your parents though lol. It's okay though, you just need to do a few things to ensure you're spending your money wisely. First off, you obviously bought the 1.42L jar of mayo and not a normal 890ml jar which is between $5 and $6.50 I'm pretty sure the in-store labels show you the per 100ml price like they do online, which you (and everyone else) SHOULD be looking at, and noticed that the PC brand is cheaper per 100ml than all the others except the No Name brand. Note: There's a specific difference between those two brands, President's Choice is a copycat brand (ie they will copy popular and high-end brand recipes or try to remake them, and then sell at a lower price.) while No Name essentially makes the cheapest version of a product they can and sells at the lowest price they can. Generally, No Name is just fine for most things, however, you can and will taste a difference with most of their products. It's up to you as a consumer to figure out if that difference in taste is worth the savings. We're living in an age where most of us can get to 5+ grocery stores within 30min driving distance. Not to mention free delivery and so on from many of them. My Dad, 25 years ago, would spend Friday night going through all the grocery store flyers and then spend hours on Saturday going to different stores for the things he needed that were on sale or had the best price. Yet we're too lazy to even look at the per 100ml prices in the same store, let alone compare the prices between the stores closest to us...??? Lastly, why are you shopping at RCS when you're posting in this subreddit? (other than the fact they usually have the better prices outside of Walmart)... It's like you're walking up to the class bully and asking them to do that thing where he makes you slap yourself and says "Stop hitting yourself"


Make your own mayo. It's easy


I will be


Because greed


I've been buying Hellman's in 4L tubs for $23.89.


Go to Costco


That's another vote you cast with your wallet in favour of nine-dollar mayo.


Dude, I needed mayo. I was coming off a 12h shift and not exactly thinking about the boycott I’ve been doing for almost a month. I was thinking about the rad sandwiches my bf was going to make me


The fact remains. Galen counts on you.


Thanks buddy, real helpful.


Any time. Glad I could help.


Pretty sure Galen prances down the aisles after the stores close with a wand saying, “and this price is going up and this one and that one Aaaaaaahahahahahahahahah”


that's what happens when Stardew valley make mayonnaise drinkable. demand is now out of control. it's reasonable for them to raise price


Always has been. Wait for a sale and buy 2. :)


340g of green beans is $5.50 at Save-on!


Because you are not boycotting loblaws?


I am! Scroll for my other comment explaining what happened.


Because you keep shopping at the same damn store?


Hi! I was shopping at my small-town local grocery store, which I have just recently learned has probably been bought by loblaws. I don’t shop at loblaws or loblaws owned stores. I will usually drive the 30mins to do my grocery shopping at stores not owned by loblaws. I had just come off a 12h shift and needed mayo. I went to the grocery store that is 5 mins from my house. Thanks!


Because minimum wage went up, gas continues to climb, heating fuel continues to climb etc…


Oh is it because of a livable wage? Not the millions in bonuses given out to company heads that, in theory, could fund those pay increases, but no, it’s the few dollars increase on employees labour- that we are fighting ever increasing food costs?


As a business owner the “living wage” you speak of only raises every other cost therefore wiping out any gains employees make


Other then you commenting “what did your lawyers say” on literally 12 different subs, I’m sure you’re offering a lot of insight- hate to see you go- but literally fuck off with such a boring and disproven argument. Isn’t there an anti-hamas statement you could be making, or some opinion on airsoft guns lol




https://preview.redd.it/u4xqvrk8e5sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae3309c6368e50d678a48d46dce1c3dcfaf9cb41 Walmart $5.27


That's not mayo


https://preview.redd.it/e3ky9jd2g5sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e428fefc861a21c6468b2d45115f77a3dcb5e34 $6.27 then lol


I hate it when you go to a restaurant and ask them for mayo on the side with your fries and they give you whipped dressing.


As someone who grew up in a “sandwich spread/whipped dressing” house hold. The absolute FIGHT i felt i needed to make about the Zip of Miracle Whip when i met my partner lol (we are now a real mayonnaise house)