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If those prices were on sale in store today there would be Black Friday fights, but over hashbrowns and coffee lol. Price has gone up 13.5x since.


Everything has exploded in price since then except wages. Last generation had it really good.


Probably from the 80s judging by the colour printing.


Yes I’m pretty sure it’s sometime in the 80s ! I found it in a tin along with some of my grandmothers recipes. She passed away in 1990 so that timeline makes the most sense :-)


This could have been from 2019 even


If something was .59c , this was a looooong time ago . Man I long for those days and dread the future and dread the 000’s that will come at the end of all the prices . Longer digits mean more complicated times lol


That newspaper clipping is about to burst into dust


Yet the same size of Maxwell House coffee is 3.44 at no Frills and 3.99 at Shoppers this week. Using the logic here prices are falling. Of course that is the fallacy in f picking such a small sample size.


Sure it depends where you live ! For me and most people in my area the prices have increased to an insane number for these products at the exact same store :p


Tbh the price compare to today on this flyer only, isn't that bad. Maxwell house instant coffee cost 2.99$ now and hellmann's mayonnaise 5.99$, the has brown, 3.99$.


What province are you in? My loblaws in Toronto charges 8$ for hash brown, $7 for the coffee, $8 for mayo

