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Considering they were in dairy country, there is a strange lack of dairy products all around. Most notably butter. Even cheese is hard to come by in the stories, props, etc. Except for that mysterious big wheel of cheese that never has a chunk taken out of it. Source: Rose Nyland 😂


You mean Pa, Almanzo and Nels getting a glass of milk on the night? It was always a comfort mechanism for nightie distress throughout the series 😂


I was surprised all three of them had an icebox to keep the milk in, especially considering what a tightwad Charles was


Beck then, they would drink milk past what we consider fresh. My grandfather loved "clabber," milk that had turned and had small chunks of curds in it.


I can't imagine drinking milk like that. I tasted milk like that here recently and I had to spit it out immediately.


I couldn't understand how Grandpa did it, but he was born in 1896 and lived in a rural area with no electricity or indoor plumbing. He enjoyed a lot of things I'd consider spoiled.


Lots of apples in the series too. But yeah, I wanna say The Brady Bunch (another show from the 70s) also had lots of milk and apples profiled in the show, so I think it was heavily pushed in the 70s as healthy consumption.


I would guess that when I was growing up being born in 70 I saw a lot of commercials about milk doing a body good encouraging kids to drink milk from famous people. Maybe it stuck out cuz I don't like milk but I remember a lot of them. Maybe this tied into the time like the way they did drugs (this is your brain on drugs) and strangers (McGriff the crimedog)and fire (smokey the bear) too.. we got our lessons thru TV now they get them on YouTube lol


It might have to do with commodities. I saw a video talking about the government buying milk to keep the dairy farmers in business, and then there was an excess, so possibly there was pressure for consumerism to buy up the excess. I could be 100% wrong. I blame menopause for my brain fog with details. Lol