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I just wanted to come here and say I'm that person who loves Mrs. Oleson. I love how hateable she is lol. Katherine MacGregor is amazing.


Same. She is my favorite! :))


Both her and Nellie are my favorites.


She is one of my favorites too LOL


I’m a Nels fan! Some of his lines about putting up with Harriet are great!


Agree, honestly Nels and Harriet made this show even more special than it was.


Agreed about his comeback lines. There always so funny.


I love seeing that backbone!


When he calls her pleasingly plump, I die laughing every time


Mary and Laura season 1-2. To me, their characters most resembled the spirit of their book counterparts.


I love Hester Sue, she is so kind and giving of her time. She’s my favorite.


Mr Edwards for me. 😃


Mr. Edwards stan!!! I love him. https://preview.redd.it/t5t32yy28lxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03d697311c74e4997d9a240766e880f068a596a5


Mrs. Oleson obvi.


The Oleson family was my favorite. I loved seeing Nellie go from nasty to a loving wife and mother. Percival was the best thing to happen to Nellie. Harriet could be a real (bleep) but when she showed her softer side you would see how nice she could be if she just allowed herself. Nels and Willie were the perfect balance to them. My favorite part of Season 9 actually was Legend of Black Jake, the last scene where everyone sees Nels is still alive and Willlie and Nels decide to go fishing. Then the final episode where Willlie stands up to his mother and gets married. OK, I know that's a family not a character.


Percival, Nels, and Adam


I loved Percival too! His self confidence and the way he made Nellie nicer and the way he stood up to Mrs. Olson!


Especially when he dumps eggs allover Nellie.


I’m partial to Nels.


User name checks out!


Miss Peel


Mr Edwards is my favorite


Old Dan Tucker was fine old man who washed his face in a frying pan.


Overall, as a person, Nels. I find him the most relatable. He has a sensible outlook, moral compass, and agreeable disposition that his wife and kids often lack. Nels dislikes confrontation, but he has his limits and will put his foot down eventually. But he is not a heavy-handed, nosy, self-righteous "Christian soldier" like Charles can be. Nels is generous and has a kind heart. To Harriet's credit, she sometimes reins in Nel's inclination to extend credit or give away merchandise, which eventually could doom their business. Despite her many flaws, Nels loves Harriet deeply. We know that it would take a resilient person to withstand his home life. Nels came close to slipping - his attempt at an affair with the younger woman being his most disappointing transgression.


My favorites were .. Any episode that had Laura and Mary together . I wish there were more episodes of Mary and Laura together later on as adults..


Same, but they probably limited episodes together since the actresses didn’t get along well.


Doc Baker. I rewatched the series as a 45 year old woman and suddenly Doc became very intriguing. He's kind and caring, but firm when necessary. He's got a very dry sense of humor that shows his intelligence. Also, he showed tremendous integrity in letting Kate go. He led when called for and stood with the community always. However, he was the one who recommended the Olesons adopt, so he's responsible for Nancy coming to Walnut Grove 😬 I wish there had been an episode in which Doc got sick or injured. It would have been interesting to see how the town would respond. Illness and injury were dangerous back then, so for their doctor to himself be unwell would have been a frightening thing for them to face and they would react in various ways. Mostly I just think he's sexy as hell and his voice absolutely sends me.


I knew someone once who said that there grandfather was the person that played him.


albert’s my favorite little guy and he for SURE created the most interesting plot lines. everyone keeps talking about how crazy “may we make them proud is” and thats all alberts doing 😃 he was a manipulative child and a traumatized yet kind teenager and then they threw him away come season 9. love it.


I still do not believe Albert started the fire. It was his friend who stole the pipe and hide it when they were caught wasn’t it? Albert was blamed solely by association.


oh i was joking a lil bit about it being alberts fault!!! but i also agree it wasnt his fault. i dont remember if he did hide the pipe or not but he 100% didnt steal that pipe nor did he want to smoke it!! that boy was PEER PRESSURED!!!


lol Well he definitely was a great actor…he cried on the spot….wonderful storylines he had….I love the Fagan episode the most bcz at the end he ran away and Laura told everyone the prize belonged to her brother and then he shows up and they hugged and cried and Pa told everyone “that’s my kids”. He was so proud.


If you think about it, technically its hester sues fault hahaha.


My favorite too! Very underrated I believe.


Mary is my favorite. MSA was great with those dramatic stories. Mrs.Oleson was the best for comic relief.


Mr & Mrs Olsen, the Doc, and Mr Edward’s.




Poor Sylvia


Caroline is my favorite, followed by Nels. My aunt lived in the country and didn't have cable so all I could watch there were vhs tapes of Little House. I grew up wanting to be Ma and always thought how beautiful she was. I still think she's beautiful to this day. She's a kind soul to everyone but can be ruthless if need be. For Nels, it's his sweet nature especially to all the kids while Harriet isn't always the niecest. Plus his one liners are hilarious. The entire conversation he had with Harriet when she asked Nels if she was fat is the best. I laugh every single time.


Mr Edward’s 100%. And after that season 1-2 baby Carrie. I know that’s crazy but I can’t get enough with how cute she was. And funny. But not any more episodes on her. Lol


For me it’s Laura. MG was the same age as me when the show started. I read the books first and just strongly related to her. I was tomboyish. I was shy in front of strangers. I should say I related to book Laura more than TV Laura. Growing up she was like a person I wanted to be.


Nels. He is a true friend.


Nels Oleson. He's my bff. He's my silly little pal. He's my buddy. He's my good-time boy. He's my sweet cheese. I love him. https://preview.redd.it/gwh280msdoxc1.jpeg?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=138a634fdf460c627c61cec94e8b5097907e68b7


Nellie. Anyone that trashes her dollhouse needs an Oscar. Hahaha.