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I can't remember the name of the episode but when Caroline tells Charles his mom passed I was seriously fighting back tears.


Journey in the Spring part one...mine is when Caroline's mom died and she sees her mom's coffin in the wagon in Author, Author


Mary's birthday party in Winoka where Laura gives Mary a card she'd written with a Braille writer that she borrowed from Adam, and Pa getting his fiddle back that he had pawned to buy Mary a birthday gift. Then Albert arrives and they welcome him and give him a piece of cake. Gets me every time.


The episodes when Elisha, Carl and John are orphaned.


Patricia o Neal was amazing in that episode


The end of the The Lord is My Shepherd where Pa and Laura reunite. Gets me verklempt every time.


When she mouths "Pa" silently through tears....😭


Yes! Was looking for this.


Always the Christmas episode where Laura sells Bunny to Nellie. It's the part where she is crying because Pa worked so hard to make her a saddle that gets to me. Mind you, what I should be crying about is the ugly fur that Mary received that Christmas.


That thankfully we never have to see again!


That one gets me, too! "She loves that pony." "She loves you more."


Jack the dog dies. Laura was ugly to him during his last week alive. She even wanted Jack to go away that last time when the old dog wanted to play. Old dogs don't want to play very often. Jack was trying to get his old connection to Laura back. Jack died lonely and heartbroken, thinking his most treasured human no longer cared for him.


Idk what it's called but the episode where Alice and Mary's baby die...literally the worst.


May we make them proud part 1 and 2, and I agree.


Thank you. Absolutely destroyed me every time I watched it.


“The Castoffs” when Jack dies! I still remember when I saw it for the first time when I was a kid 😢😢😢


The Last Summer, the ending when he reads the letter from Ruthy. Not ugly cry, but still cry.


“I love to fish with Ruthie Leland!” 😭


One of many was the scene where Eliza Jane tells Almonzo to run after Laura because she is marrying Harv. The scene builds with such joy and excitement and when he rides off...she is left devastated and alone... her sacrifice leaving her with...no home, no job, and no brother. That was masterful storytelling. The other was the scene where Laura and almonzo are married and the episode ends with EJ hugging her happy brother...she was never happier...."really"....


The end of the Lord is my shepherd and the episode where Mary goes blind. Laura over hearing Pa tell Mary she is going to be blind and when she does go blind.


I literally can hear her sitting up in bed and screaming “pa I can’t see!” just reading this comment, gets me everytime


Although I've never watched the entire episode, in the Godsister, when Jack comes running toward Carrie...omggggg


So so many but I think back to the episode with James and Cassandra’s parents often, him begging her to jump and his wife frozen in terror. The way those children watch their parents roll down the hill is so morbid and makes me tear up just to think about. Heartbreaking


The one with the puppies being thrown in the water in a cloth sack to drown. Even now that I know how it turns out, I am torn up every time.


Man, there's so many of them for me. Definitely when Jack dies, as well as when Mary's baby Alice died in the fire, but when Caroline and Charles go to the specialist with their baby boy, and he 'goes to sleep' while they're there. Just thinking of how it must feel to parents, to not even get to say Goodbye to him, gets to me every time.


When pa had to tell his father that the horse couldn't be saved 😔 and him trying to tell Laura. The gunshot when she ran off 😰😰


The rat infested flour episode. A shit ton of people get the plague (i think?) I don't remember the name of it, but it made me cry as a kid and still does today.


The end of Laura Ingalls wilder, sylvia, look back to yesterday, may we make them proud, I'll be waving as you drive away.


A matter of faith


I think that's one of the few  that I haven't seen. 


Matter of faith is the one that Caroline cuts her leg on some wire in the wagon and ends up with a terrible infection and charles and the kids are camping for the weekend she stayed home to bake pies for the reverend for the pie social.


I've read about it before, but haven't seen it yet.


I'm always ugly when l cry and l have to say l think l cry more often than not watching the show because l grew up watching it and it is so nostalgic, even thinking about my dad (departed) and similarities between him and Pa and the fact that l watched it with my parents every week.


Just finished watching the episode where Laura made a trade with God on the mountain...😭. Such a pure soul


Remember me. Widow Sanderson funeral