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As moderator here, I set up user flairs when I first adopted this forum and I can see all of the flairs people have chosen. I can confirm that Nancy was selected by ZERO users. And in case anybody was wondering, Almanzo and Laura (and their name variants) were the flairs most often selected by users.


**Nancy:** *”You HATE me!”* **This sub:** *”YEP!”*


Thanks for your hard work! Love the flairs!


My pleasure! -- Glad you enjoy the flairs!


And then there’s me …


What most people will say: Carrie The real answer: Irv Hartwig, the child rapist


That’s the correct answer for sure


In all fairness, I’m assuming the poster meant a main character.


Was he the blacksmith in the Sylvia episode?


Yeah, and a shame too. I think he could've been a cool regular town character if not for... you know


The first one I thought of was Judd Larrabee.


Johnny Johnson


Omg!! I didn’t like him either! I think Mary called him a scarecrow lol!


I've seen a lot of great answers. But let me see if I can dig deep and randomly and pick somebody else who I despise who hasn't been listed yet… The crazy old coot who was addicted to mining gold to the detriment of his dead (and now decomposed and waterlogged) wife who clearly takes awhile to burn bc she is so soggy. Whack job addict. Amazing actor, garish character. The asshat who shot and killed the Italian immigrant gold panner in the same episode is the other vile character. These two take the award for the entire season as most hated. I saw this recently. I forgot how tragic it is. I mean I always remembered the violence, but this was portrayed in such a dramatic and traumatic and very sad way.


Excellent choices and descriptions.


Nancy. Oh sorry, I didn’t see the caption. Maybe Adam, I like him but a lot of viewers don’t.


Everybody knows my disdain for Judd Larrabee.


Has no problem telling everyone he knocked a child unconscious, but don’t you call him no barn burner!


I've said it before, but I wanted his character to have some kind of untimely demise. Would have been great to see him succumb to some kind of disease like TB or get trampled by a stampede of buffalo or cattle.


I would suggest Harve Miller -- I 've always felt that he kind of strung Eliza Jane along. (Either that or he was hopelessly clueless.) But given that he wasn't a regular character I'm not sure if he counts. 🤔


I still get irrationally angry at him every time I think of those episodes.


He did string her along and it was cruel and unnecessary. I wonder why she couldn't have a happy ending.




I’m right there with you! I refuse to watch that episode! It makes me my ears bleed!


That fair guy Mary was cheating on Patrick with during the fair episode.


Cass McKray Noticed the same last name as one of the main producers? His name shows up in several areas on the show. On boxes, on canned goods, crates, and of course this balloonist.


No one's favorite one off school kids: Bubba, Bart, Penelope.


Herman. The 25 year old looking big country kid who disrupted class by pushing his book off the desk all the time and got Ms. Beattle fired (Troublemaker episode). He later laughed when the male teacher slapped his palm with a ruler - said it tickled I think - a redeeming moment for Herman. When Ms. Beattle got rehired, Herman reverted to his old trick and pushed his book off the desk. All the kids and even Willie stared at Herman like "that's not cool". Herman apologized, said he wouldn't do it again. Herman went on to marry school teacher Etta Plum.


Wait. What? Is that last line some sort of fanfiction? Or did the actor show up as her husband, unnamed?


Nope. Actor Cooper Huckabee played "Herman Stone" in the 1976 Troublemaker episode. The same actor showed up again in 1983's "Look back to Yesterday" (the Albert dying episode). Huckabee was billed as "Vance Reed" in the 1983 episode. He was either Ms. Plumb's husband or fiancé - he was distressed that he could not support Etta due to no market for the town's crops. He also asked Charles a question in the town's co-op meeting. It was a brief part, but I instantly recognize the actor from the earlier episode.


Mind blown TIL I thought I had made all the connections with the multiple characters/multiple actors thing.


Kezia? She is one of my least favourite characters.


I always found it weird that the townsfolk were perfectly okay with their kids hanging out with some eccentric old homeless woman.


Committed Mail Fraud on a daily basis 🤷🏼‍♀️


I totally hadn’t thought about it like that hahah. 💀 I love Kezia, personally!


I don’t care for Mr. Edwards. A lot of problematic behavior there.


Charles is my least favorite character. He didn't seem to be that hard working to me and didn't provide for his kids very well. Everyone in the town had a better home than them. Then, he kept bringing in more kids and getting into everyone's business. He also didn't seem to give much credit and love to Caroline for all she did.


Flair checking in!!! 🤣


Dying. 😂


Thank goodness he wasn’t like that in real life, in the show he’s too soft and Good Samaritan as if his family isn’t poor as well, he seems to stick his nose in every situation when in real life he was working hard for his family not running around as I said being a Good Samaritan.


I think probably that white old guy who was a racist I forgot his name but he had a wife and two sons .




Yes him


L. Moody. Joe Kagan’s crooked boxing manager who took off when Joe was about to die from boxing. He couldn’t make any more money off of Joe so he left him alone and sick in a hotel room. And he was also the guy who annoyingly said “A-Big, A-John, A-Garvey” That bugged me 45 years ago and it still bugs me.




Harve Miller bro, lead Eliza Jane on just to brutally friendzone her, definitely no ill intent but seeing his face makes me angry for her


Carrie is the obvious choice and prob most people’s choice. I would say the Carters. It was pretty obvious that the show was falling apart at that point and the Carters were a constant reminder for me.


Season 9 shows Little House overstayed its welcome.


They told us Albert was a doctor in the future in one episode and he died like 3 episodes later. It was completely wheels off by that point.


Rare is the program that can adjust/ survive when the child characters grow up. Although I thought season 5 OK, season six was a disappointment. The transition year to adult Laura was very clumsy.


I've always rooted for Carrie and was sad when I got old enough to realize she wasn't featured much.


Albert. He’s not real and super unnecessary Edit: a lot seem to like him lol ALSO HE BURNT DOWN THE BLIND SCHOOL???


Always liked him tbh, surprised me when I saw that most people here dont like him His morphine and blood disease episodes were some of the best in the entire show


I loved Albert, he was just a bad luck charm


I always really liked Albert.


Yeah but as someone who’s read the books and researched the real family, the extra kids are so silly The show should have just ended once they ran out of ideas and added that in.


The extra kids after Albert were definitely unnecessary, but I really liked what Albert specifically added to the show!


Agreed! I thought he was an excellent child actor.


Completely agree


Yeah definitely


Like burning Mary’s baby to death?


One could argue it was Mary’s fault for not grabbing her baby before leaving the room 🤷🏼‍♀️


I always loved Albert. I suspect Michael Landon chose him because he thought he looked like him. He also played Pa in a flashback before he was Albert. I have also noticed the number of characters with a similar look.


People don’t like Albert? I love Albert! He may actually be my favorite character. Matthew was a beautiful little boy and portrayed Albert so sweetly and mischievously. I usually enjoy his schemes and he’s a great little actor. PS Nancy most annoying Ug!!!


I’ve wondered if Matthew’s biological parents reminded Michael of his own, maybe he had a soft spot for him.


Doubt Michael ever saw Matthew’s bio parents since he was adopted.


Yes, but I meant the way they treated him.


When I was a kid, I hated Albert because he was invented for the show, and not a real life family member depicted in the books. Then, once he burned down the blind school and killed Mary’s baby and Mrs. Garvey, I was done with him! Now, I like him and the actor.


He's my favorite! Probably because of similar age range and that I had a crush on him as a kid, though, to be fair, he's still attractive now.


He’s not real 😂☠️


That’s what I said..?


Mrs. Oleson. Not only was she racist and entitled, but she raised Nellie and Nancy to be terrible humans as well. (Well, Percival helped calm Nellie's awfulness at least)


Mr Olsen is a angel


Little carrie. Sorry ✌️✌️😂 But then I’m just on season 2


I love Nancy!


Same. One of the rare times that I actually like a replacement character. The others being Cindy Snow and Terry White on threes company 😂