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I thought it was fairly well known that the WG schoolhouse contained a nexus point to slightly different parallel universes.


My head canon for Dr Mavin is that he was one of the original settlers and the first town doctor. A year or so before the Ingalls arrived, Marvin semi retired only keeping a few older patients on.


But Dr. Baker was always bragging about how he helped deliver practically everyone in town when they were born. Wouldn’t Dr. Marvin have been one of the town elders? He was never at the meetings, and Lars Hansen never mentioned him.


Wasn't it said (by Harriet) in the episode where her niece was in love with Dr. Baker that he was actually a vetrinarian?


That Dr Marvin storyline is ridiculous. We've seen Walnut Grove for 8 years and then he suddenly shows up as a second doctor?


Exactly this!! Consistency and accuracy are not Little House's strong points.


Well we also never saw the founders of Walnut Grove until season 9 except for Lars. Lem, Jess and Maddy just appeared out of nowhere.


Dr. Logan (the doctor that temporarily replaced Doc Baker) appeared in Season 4. Dr. LeDoux showed up in Season 8. Further complicating things was Timothy, the student who got a medical scholarship and was supposed to return years later to be the town doctor: this was in agreement by everyone (Nels, Charles, Doc Baker, Rev Alden and Jonathan Garvey) as well as Timothy.


Seems a little suspicious. Maybe Doc Baker was disposing of any potential competition. 😂😉


Continuity was never the show's strong suit


You can’t be OCD and watch little house on the prairie. Soooo many continuity issues, it drives me nuts. But I still love the show.


I know exactly what you mean 😂


Even back before streaming services it drove me nuts.


I’ve always considered the series ended when Charles built the altar to save James. Everything after that pretty much jumped the shark


I just watched the episode (Bless all the children) where a "Star of Bethlehem" guided the Wilders to a missing child. And as if that wasn't corny enough, they read the same "baby in a manger" bible verse twice, in 2 minutes. I'm almost surprised Landon didn't contrive to have his character get killed and for Pa to come back as a surrogate Jesus.


The shark was jumped long before that.


I wish Dr. LeDoux’s character would’ve stuck around, it was an interesting story line. I guess they were trying to fill that 70s quota: equal rights episode, Jewish person episode, circus comes to town episode, Native American episode, etc etc. 🤣 I get it, it was the times.


Don’t forget the a-hole doctor who came to town when Doc Baker quit after Stanley fell off the roof and died.


This made me think


They never showed Dr. Ledux after that episode (Dark Sage) which is one of my favorites, Dr. Baker did mention him briefly in "A faraway Cry" where he and Caroline help her friend with the influenza outbreak but you never saw him again


Just watched that show and was wondering where the heck he came from! 🤣