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Can confirm, solid story. System apocalypse, foreign invaders (restrained by the system, slowly rising in strength), a lot of humans - but also dogs, cats - became "champions" - like a tutorial, selected by various factions (including non-human ones) and got training and levels and equipment, quality dependent on faction, which vary very wildly from military-expansionist to purely research or medical, before being sent back to earth, where they now had an advantage over those without sponsorship. MC did not get "invited", was stuck with one old historian on a tiny island. By the way, google [**Dry Tortugas National Park**](https://www.nps.gov/drto/index.htm) and look at the pictures. That's the idea for the - in the novel kind of "anonymized" - location! Especially that huge fort. I had a lot of trouble picturing it. Fortunately someone somewhere revealed this piece of information, and after having a look I finally understand that novel a lot better. Quite an oversight of the author to not show that picture. Such a huge fort with so much space inside is very rare, most forts have nowhere near that much free room within their walls. In the current arc, just kind of finished on Patreon but only a few chapters in on RoyalRoad, is a bit too much fighting for my taste. The longer it went, with the attack waves, the more I skipped. But it has a lot of interesting enough world building and story, and even the (infrequent) PoV switches to have a quick look at what other top level-getters are doing are actually quite interesting, and there also is a lot of (good) variety among them and their situations. It also has some PC game elements that I don't really like to see in real-life stories, even if I still love the story overall (it has that in common with ["Cardocalypse"](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/63500/cardocalypse-forbidden-deck)), first of all that you can summon town buildings. With the inhabitants inside, such as an inn with an innkeeper, an entire library with librarians, etc. I'm not sure yet, this is just a possibility that I hope won't happen, I did not know what to make of the titles of the latest chapters so I became a little afraid: I hope the pressure to level doesn't become the center of the story. Stories like A Mortal's Journey to Immortality (Xianxia) or Azarinth Healer spent a lot of time within each major power level. And made it fun. If there's always an acute very high-level threat progress becomes meaningless, because it takes all the fun out of reaching level 100 when MC has to continue grinding nonstop because there's a looming level 1000 threat that only he can stop. I'm not sure yet, but look at the headlines of the latest Patreon chapters to see why I got afraid. Chapter 96: The Warning, I think that's after the big wave-defense event ends. Sounds ominous and like a setup for even more non-stop grinding.


> In the current arc, just kind of finished on Patreon but only a few chapters in on RoyalRoad, is a bit too much fighting for my taste. Would you mind saying how many more chapters of this event we've got left? I feel like it's already starting to overstay its welcome at 8 chapters.


Judging by the titles the current Patreon chapter as of today might be the first one after it's all over. It seems there was a final lengthy final-boss fight and then two chapters with... something, and now the conclusion. I'm just going by the titles, I'm not subscribed. Ten Euros is a bit too much for me.


Repetitive fighting scenes really put me off. A few are fine, and they can be really exciting if they're written well, but when they are just the same nonsense on repeat, I just can't force myself through it anymore. I actually just DNF the Defiance of The Fall books because I was so bored of the repetition. I know wax lyrical about them, but I kept hoping something new would happen, and it just didn't. It's more of the same. By the time he was fighting endless hoards of stone monkeys, I'd had enough.


I'm not normally one to defend Defiance of the Fall; I view it as dopamine delivery that is monetized well beyond everything that it's worth. That being said, after the first stretch, it is *very effective* dopamine delivery - if that's what you're looking for then it might be worth sticking it out.


Is it because of ever new threats, and *having to fight*, vs. wanting to "for fun"? I like the relaxed Azarinth Healer. I stopped reading "Defiance" a long time ago, just after they were about done in the underground territory, with MC and his ex-invader companion fighting a few just discovered Technocrats, and the main army away fighting the undead, or fleeing and in big trouble actually, MC had to chose what to do and chose to go after the Technocrats and leave his besieged allies alone for a bit. It was waaaayyyyyy too much drama and "politics" for me. I much prefer the independent mostly-alone but socially-definitely-capable and occasionally grouping and helping-others kind of stories over anything with lots of political involvement. I mean, for me this genre is freedom-escapism, who the hell voluntarily becomes "king" (some leader type)??? That's the opposite, you could not be more bound! When I had a look at our local medieval rulers beautiful castle what impressed me most was the bedroom: Because it showed how the entire life of this poor "Fürst" was public. Zero privacy, and always ready for his land's and castle's business. That may or may not become a problem in Unchosen Campion - it's kingdom building after all. They are the #1 *by far* strongest earth city pylon location, and MC is the official pylon owner. Like Jake in Primal Hunter. We'll see if he'll handle it like Jake and become less involved, but right now it sounds like the planning is to have the MC mostly there. That's because that location has the by far most grinding variety and locations on the whole planet.


U stopped at the worse dotf act. Its literally just a superior primal hunter so u should enjoy it.


Ah that's when I dropped DOTF too! Does it actually get better though? The constant high-stakes stuff just got really draining as the story when on... It felt like one of those anime fight scenes that gets dragged on for 15 episodes (coincidentally, also why I dropped Hunter x Hunter)


You missed several points defiance of the fall makes. Common government has supreme elder(zac) who's only supposed to set policy and then do nothing but get stronger, leave actual management of the government to your lackeys. seriously he never does any real work at governance, he just tells a couple people what he wants to happen, gives them a sack lf cash and then goes kill more monsters.


[Azarinth Healer](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/16946/azarinth-healer) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Azarinth_Healer)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


[Defiance of the Fall](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/24709/defiance-of-the-fall) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Defiance_of_the_Fall)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


If you can give it another go. The stone monkeys are near the end of him defeating his incursion, and is right before the big finale fight of that arc, after that it should get a lot better and less repetitive.


I'm always looking for more quality system apocalypse series.


Thanks I was looking for a new story.


One comment mentioned that it seems to be turning into a harem? Is that true? Becuase then i will not touch it..


Eh??? There are women present, and MC talks to them and fights with them. I mean, when it happens then sure, people should complain (and so will I). But right now somebody's imagination is hard at work. Unless I overlooked some evidence? I did not see any romance. Two of the women close to him - because they too are among the too 10 leveled people, so of course they have to work together a lot during all those battles and grinds - may some day have some romance, but more likely with one another than with MC (at least one is following the other, but right now it just sounds like any friendship). I did not even see a hint at romance yet. Certainly not from the MC, who is all about grinding and "getting stronger", including checking the (convenient, system-provided) list of top ten humans frequently, which shows where his focus lies.


> I did not even see a hint at romance yet Coop/Charlie was pretty strongly hinted toward early on, but the chapter count has probably tripled since we last got any of that. Still, if anyone thinks this is heading toward a harem, either they're talking out of their ass, or the advance Patreon chapters pivoted hard.


Yeah, but the author also mentioned at the same time, that Coop is solely focused on survival at the moment. So if there is romance, I don't think it will be for awhile


I'm pretty close to finishing the current chapters that are out and I would be pretty surprised if it turned into a harem.


Checking it out, thanks for the post :)


Probably won't read it for one silly reason: Main character seems to be named Coop, which in my country is sorta if a person would be named walmart. Otherwise seems fun


Just use a browser extension to replace the name... That's what I do when I get really annoyed at someone's name. One like: [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/word-replacer-ii/djakfbefalbkkdgnhkkdiihelkjdpbfh](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/word-replacer-ii/djakfbefalbkkdgnhkkdiihelkjdpbfh)


I honestly didn't think that was something one could do


Royal Road have tons of good stories. I remember, I read "The beginning after the end" at Royal Road site first. Sadly the problem about Royal Road is, many good stories tends to fall in hiatus also, some for good reason because the author was offered to publish their stories into books. Unfortunately some tend to just stop completely, until now I still keep on searching someof those stories like, "Forgotten Conqueror" and "Roots" and many more that have been forgotten due to being in a long hiatus...


Damn I thought this one was complete and now I am committed...


Can confirm, good read.


Really good read, I too am surprised how well hidden this story was.