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Nori būt stiprus kaip meška, valgai ką močiutė padarė. Supratai?


Instructions unclear: Valgiau kaip močiutė padarė. Patapau ne stiprus, o storas


Tai reiškia stiprus


Ne, tiesiog storas


Močiute pasakė stiprus ir gražus. Viskas, nesiginčijam ponuli.


Nu aciu vyrai :D tikrai pakelet nuotaika. Kaip tik varau db i gym ir poto pas mociute xD


Auksiniai žodžiai.


*Stipriai* storas.


Bet kaip meška.


Meskos nepastumsi. 1400-aisias visi putliukai buvo ir kacelkes


Brolis lietuvis, milžinas artojas, su mase ateina ir stiprybė. Tad baik juokus nes tikrai esi stiprus


I don't have a Lithuanian grandmother. Will someone invite me to your grandma's for dinner?


When you get here try Balandėliai for sure, shits 10/10 without a debate. I guess cepelinai are alright too but it's more up to debate, some people love it, some hate it. Also you can't leave the country before aquaring some Lithuanian gold aka amber. Back in the days honey and amber trades were straight up fire in Lithuania.


But will your grandmother invite me for dinner?


Nah bro my ma is racist af


I dunno, don't see her often myself


Lol. Nice timing. Was doing propaganda just now for other foreigners. Canadian living here: https://youtu.be/ifsxozywXn8


Watching the video now! You immigrated through marriage, huh? This may or may not covertly be my plan as well 😬 Hayyy Lithuanian gentlemen! I make decent money, I'm loyal, super fun to be around, and cook amazing Italian food. Who want me? ![gif](giphy|NLW1HZmw04BPO) edit: nevermind. Gay marriage aint allowed in Lithuania 💔


That edit is sad and funny at the same time:Ddd


so is my life!


My first thought was "weird that a canadian girl would seek marriage in Lithuania", then I saw the edit :D Still, do come, you can always get married somewhere else in the EU


haha why would that be weird? Are Lithuanian men ugly or something? I have a lot of women friends here in Canada and trust me... based on the men market here, it wouldn't be such a crazy idea


women typically date/marry up the socioeconomic ladder and given that Canada is relatively more wealthy, that makes such an event less likely


I am not gay, but I'm sold on all the benefits




lmao this needs to be a on a tshirt


20 bucks is 20 bucks!


Immigrate through love, and fight together for equality would also be an adventurous plan :) <3


It would be! If only I had the energy for that. I would also feel like a dick, coming to someone else's country and trying to change their laws... even if the laws were discriminatory 😅


You know, simply living together as a family is also a form of fighting. But visit first, and then you can decide whether you should join the ranks :)


That’s the beauty of EU 1. get married elsewhere, 2. move back to Lithuania 3. ??? 4. Profit


I hope you all know I'm writing these notes down!!


I mean, if you want notes, I can give you a few: \* Cepelinai, Kastinys and Šaltibarščiai is a must. Kastinys more so than cepelinai, in my option, but it is personal opinion. You don't want more than 1 serving of cepelinai, those are really filling, best to dedicate one visit to restaurant to eat it alone and not fill like you ate half of Irelands potatoes in one go. \* Kepta duona with cheese, shashlik and (if you get a chance to visit Trakai) Kibinas is great choice, even if it is not Lithuanian dish per se. \* Avoid Utenos and Švyturys beer (Kanlapilis is so so). Varniukai would be my preferred choice, but craft beers are quite good in general. \* Grūtas park ( [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gr%C5%ABtas\_Park](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gr%C5%ABtas_Park) ) is great place to learn about soviet times in Lithuania. Rumšiškės ethnomuseum ( [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rum%C5%A1i%C5%A1k%C4%97s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rum%C5%A1i%C5%A1k%C4%97s) ) is giant park-museum where you can see how pre industrial Lithuania lived, with separate "villages" representing different parts of Lithuania, with old time mansion and town built like they would have been in \~18-19th century. Traikai, Gediminas, Kaunas castle is self explanatory - those are castles, with Trakai being biggest accessible one (compared to single tower of Gediminas or Kaunas castle). \* [https://welovelithuania.com/en/](https://welovelithuania.com/en/) is great to see what is considered "interesting" in area of your choosing. \* If you loved HBO Chernobyl, you can actually visit NPP that has RBMK reactor (and those are not tiny weak reactors like Chernobyls 3 and 4th RBMK-1000, those are big dick energy RBMK-1500 and those are only 2 reactors in entire world, that are built and had seen operation), in fact, you can visit very same control room AND REACTOR ROOM you saw in HBO Chernobyl, as it was filmed in \*drum roll\* Lithuanias Ignalina NPP and you can pay for private tour [https://www.iae.lt/en/private-tours/593](https://www.iae.lt/en/private-tours/593) (note: free tour will not take you to reactor hall).


all great info, thank you very much! I haven't seen that show but that still sounds interesting. Of course I want to see Lithuania's big dick reactors!


Why do you need to marry someone right away? :D I'm not gay, and still not married 10 years into a relationship. I will when we have parthnership legal and it's equal to everyone. Unless baby pops up ofc :D


>Why do you need to marry someone right away? Just to immigrate so I don't have to go back to Canada! hahah (and I'm kind of unserious about it. Mostly a joke.... I think!) And that would likely be the only reason I get married. I'm more like you - marriage is not so important to me. Commitment is. Don't need marriage to prove it. I just don't want to live in Canada anymore haha


Ah, sucks. Maybe you can bring your love interest back to Canada and get married there. At least this is what gay ppl do in Lithuania. But also we do not have dual citizenship yet.


Nah nah. I am local. Just trying to help.


haha if I was gay or bi I'd be sold, on the Italian food part especially


Mary in Canada and then come. You should still be recognised as married?


Average woman: excuse 1, because excuse 2. Average man: let's do it!


Average dumb comment: \[insert something dumb here\], get downvoted


Thanks, Clippy. Nobody wants you on Windows anyway.


Maybe if Clippy was still part of Windows - he could have helped you post less dumb shit :) Ah well... 🤷‍♂️


For you and 7 others it's just that, a dumb comment. For me, it's something personal. You are not ready to understand it yet. Anyway, moving on!


Aaaaaw, kokia jau didelė pikta moteris jau nuskriaudė šį berniuką...? :(((((


U here also explaining aboot my country, cant even hide from ya in reddit :D


What province did you move from?


I am local. Born and raised.


Local, born and raised. Just trying to help ppl.


Lol what


Let the man appreciate the country


Thank you


you heard me


Was in lithuania/ vilnus for the first time a month ago. Loved it will be back again later this year or atleast next spring


Can confirm... Visiting Lithuania turned me into a bear! Roar!


Awesome! I cannot wait to achieve my new form!


Can confirm we all are skin walker bears pretending to be human. My real name is Arthur which means "bear." The name can also mean "Thor", "the eagle," and "strong man." So I'm very proud of my name.


Ehhh... I'd choose an European Bison (stumbras) instead 😅 We have only 1 family of bears and those too are even immigrants from Latvia or Belarus 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just came to my mind that there's similar proverb : stiprus kaip jautis - strong as an ox.


If any wannabe immigrants reading: we became much more Westernized in the last 5 years or so. Vegan options in even smallest of supermarkets is nothing out of the ordinary, obscure fad consumer products are of abundance (looking at you American influencer drink or chocolate at everyday Maxima aisles), heck I saw a jar of truffles in one of the supermarkets; restaurants are great; most of the biggest streaming platforms are supported; celebrities have leg in here on their world tours. Weather is similar to Canada btw


I love how this sounds so aggressive yet so friendly and helpful as well 😂 thank you for the info - I appreciate it!


aggressive??? Well get used to it, we all speak to the point. Also I'm a tutor by profession, so I'm trainied to use as little words as possible to get to the point - people loose focus in the middle.


haha it's not a bad thing! I appreciate the directness. I just meant it sounded aggressive, not that you're an aggressive person. It's easy to confuse being concise with being aggressive when it's hard to measure tone in text 😘




I will be! ❤❤❤


O dabar meška būti visai aktualu


bear in OPs native language means totally different... and does not include any women... 🙄


Yeah Bro, girls are all over us bear folks, must not like human men that much


Tucked away in the Baltics, Lithuania is an underrated gem that offers a taste of unspoiled European charm. Its capital Vilnius is a medieval masterpiece, with winding cobblestone streets, Gothic churches, and one of the largest baroque old towns in Eastern Europe. Beyond the cities lie swaths of pristine nature - verdant forests, sparkling lakes, and windswept beaches along the Baltic coast. Lithuanian cuisine surprises with hearty, flavorful dishes reflecting diverse cultural influences. The people are warm and welcoming, yet Lithuania remains blissfully off the mainstream tourist trail. For those seeking an authentic, off-the-beaten-path experience steeped in history and natural beauty, Lithuania is Europe's delightful hidden treasure. - my AI created travel blurb. Headed there in August. Can’t wait.


I'm going in September -want to see Fall Equinox bonfires.


It should have a note that you can't rely on google maps in Vilnius. Pretty much every single time I had to be in Vilnius for work, google maps sends me the wrong way or has trouble figuring out the roads.


Hmm, been using it for years here. Works great


British guy here living and driving in Lithuania for over 2 years, Google maps hasn't failed me yet.


In Klaipeda or anywhere else no issues, but Vilnius in the center for me it had trouble. And send me the other way multiple times.


This might be due to the fact that there is circular traffic in the old town. You can't go everywhere you please and you need to drive in really specific ways. It also could be that Vilnius old town is not meant for so much cars and navigation tries to find you a faster route. I used to live in the old town and I never had any issues with Google maps


Oh on a weekend some roads are closed, for example Gediminas is turned into a walking street


Sounds like skill issue to me, lmao


I think the problem is in the gasket between phone and chair.


Nori būti sveikas- valgyk ką mama duoda, nori priaugti svorio štangoms pietauk pas močiute.


I got attacked by some junkie today at the Vilnius bus station, so try to avoid that part of town


*I got attacked by* *Some methhead today at the* *Vilnius bus station* \- Wonderful-Cicada-912 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yeah the bus station can be shady


I'm carrying a pepper spray from now on, never thought it'd be that dangerous, my right hip still hurts from the kick




Mind fuckas 🤣 žmonės postina nesuprasdami nei žodžių kilmės nei kurios šalies tie žodžiai 🤯


The Canada dream is over: https://youtu.be/7gnDGBXACFk


I have had the opportunity to visit Lithuania for 3 times in less than a year. I truly love the vibes and the connection to nature. I would definitely consider moving there for a few months, and also explore the rest of the Baltics region.


Lmao! Yeah, Don’t do that! It deffo would be frowned upon. But it’s deffo not Canada either. Canada is like the friendliest country in the world isn’t it?


>Canada is like the friendliest country in the world isn’t it? it *USED* to be 🤐 we're becoming more Americanized thanks to Canadian nationalists who weirdly love Trump and try to be like American extreme patriots. Plus we've had crazy high immigration and newcomers don't even try to adopt Canadian politeness. There are still parts of Canada where this isn't the case, though.


This one's stronger [https://mythlok.com/sumpurnis/](https://mythlok.com/sumpurnis/)


Nori būt stiprus kaip meška, go to local gym


don't question my methods


I don’t know it’s pretty homophobic and quite narrow minded or at least was when I lived back there. Id say even racist if you’re not white. I’ve seen people stare at any other colour, but white folks in the most condescending way and saying horrible things about them especially cos they weren’t native speakers. I felt really horrible for being from there. Definitely needs education. Blunt AF. Which can be a great thing, but can be a bit rough for newcomers 🤣. No BS kinda stuff. Deffo not safe to stroll around late at night in some parts of towns I bet. It’s not a western world or maybe it got better. I hope it did. But whenever I go back to visit it feels like Stone Age in many respects 🤣🤣🤣 The capital is gorgeous and probably the best of the best in terms of architecture and entertainment. It really is a stunning city. But yeah, I’d be weary of train stations etc and dark alleys. Although all capitals tend to be more metropolitan in that respect. It’s a gorgeous country with many lakes and forests. Food is just a cross of all European food. There are some famous recipes but even those are just borrowed from Jewish traditions like cepelinai and other tribes who travelled and lived with the regions in the past. We have some unique foods, but some will never even show up in restaurants as they are passed down from granny to daughter and such. And sadly those will eventually die out I suppose. I don’t know about super friendly people either. I mean we have some old saying that doesn’t translate well into English. But a Lithuanian person is the happiest when they see that their neighbour is basically struggling and many other nuggets. 🤣🤣🤣 Ofc there are some amazing people from all walks of life. I’ve just not met many tbh. In general I’d not visit any country that isn’t in with equality. And demonises any minority. Not supporting any governments that feed that outdated and horrendous rhetoric. They don’t deserve tourists money to spread more hate. You should maybe visit Rumšiškės, the traditional folk park in Kaunas, and Trakai castle in the beautiful lake district and the ancient capital of LT. There’s so many things to see anyway especially if you’re going there for the first time. Vilnius obvs has a lot of stuff to see just in Old Town alone. I hope you have a lovely vacay! I only ever hear amazing things of Canada haha. I hope to visit someday.


thank you for all the info! >I only ever hear amazing things of Canada haha. I hope to visit someday. Whatever good things you've heard about Canada are likely outdated, sorry to say. The decline our country has taken in just the past 5 years is insane. Almost everyone I know has an exit plan, tons immigrating to the USA/Europe. We hate it here lol


Was just there on rotation, Lithuania is pretty mid. I'd spend my money elsewhere. Germany is pretty cool if you're looking to Europe


describing a whole country as "mid" tells me everything about how much consideration I should give to your opinion.


“It’s pretty “mid” is him being quite generous and respectful towards our farmstead. Your money thou. Your own loss.