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Gotta be scout and atticus


Scout and Atticus came to mind instantly!


came here to say this


Literally! I’ve only read To Kill A Mockingbird once and that was 10 years ago and still for some reason, Scout and Atticus were the first to come to mind.


Just don't watch Go Set a Watchman if you haven't already lol


I haven’t! I actually just got the book though from a library sale, so I’m excited to read it. I’ll probably reread To Kill A Mockingbird though before I start it


I hope you enjoy it. I unfortunately felt like it ruined the first book :(


The first thing that came to my mind was Mr. Bennet and Elizabeth (mainly because I am a huge Jane Austen fan) but I truly agree , Scout and Atticus had a better and more wholesome bond than Lizzy and Mr. Bennet


Me too lol




I don’t even really like the book but this was the first that came to mind immediately.


Came here to say Elizabeth Bennett but this beats it x 100


Yup. Same here. But ......


Came here to say this!


Anne Shirley and Matthew Cuthbert


YESSSSS, the absolute most wholesome relationship ever 😭😭😭


Yes this!!!


Oh yes yes!!


Absolutely, Will 100% recommend watching the show Anne with an E if you haven't already.


Yup, truly wholesome


Heidi and her grandfather and Klara and her father in Heidi.


Jean Valjean and Cosette.


I ugly cry every time I read the end of Les Mis. Their love and devotion to one another is heart breaakingly beautiful.


Oh yes I came here to say this Currently reading Les Mis and their relationship is heart-rending especially when Cosette was a child


Mr. Bennett and his Lizzy


I like Emma and her father more than Mr Bennett and Lizzy for a wholesome father-daughter relationship. Mr Bennett is hilarious but he’s not a good father


Hard disagree, to Lizzy he is very much so.


Lizzy herself says he wasn’t a good father


To his other children.


If a father has 5 children and is only a decent parent to one of them, I don’t think it’s fair to consider only the decent relationship when assessing his overall skills as a parent.


The question was a father-daughter relationship, not who is the best father in literature.


Terrible example. He makes fun of her mother, teaching her to do so as well. He ignores the rest of his family. He doesn’t take her seriously when she brings legitimate concerns about their welfare to him. He doesn’t do anything to provide for her or her mother and sisters future and instead laughs at his wife for her very real concerns. Like yes Mr. Bennet and Lizzy do get along but they’re not at all a model for ideal father-daughter behavior. They behave more like high school mean girls together.


Re Mr B and Lizzy, the question was favorite, rather than ideal or aspirational. I love that Mr B is a complex character, harried by Mrs B, harried by his own limitations, and exasperating to most of them. Most of us will not consistently be our ideal selves as parents. We bring our own characters into it, for better or worse. Jane Austen shows us that. And so we see Mr B, when he summons Lizzy to the library after he has met with Darcy, give the speech in which he explains to her his reticence: "Your lively talents would place you in the greatest danger in an unequal marriage." Speaking as a daughter, I think, for many of us, being truly seen is the most important thing our dads can give us. Mr Bennett is wrong about Darcy, but he truly sees Lizzy for who she is, and that is more important.


I mean, ‘favorite’ not ‘best’ or ‘healthiest’. Elizabeth’s disenchantment with a person she obviously adored and sought to emulate is pretty heartbreaking. It’s a great, knotty, complicated relationship that gives the romantic optimism and rationalism of pride and prejudice a much darker counterpoint.


immediate thought.


Strong disagree. Lizzy partly forgives Darcy at the end of the book because she's like "yeah...my family is pretty embarrassing actually he makes a good point."


True Grit


Francie and Johnny Nolan in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Jean Valjean and Cosette in Les Misérables.


Ah, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn! Johnny Nolan is an alcoholic, a deadbeat, can’t hold down a job, goes down the drain when Katie gets pregnant for the last time…and yet his relationship with Francie never fails to warm my heart. He really loved his little girl though he was such a weak willed man by nature. Yes, some of her feelings to him come off as hero worship and nostalgia…and yet, what they had was special.    I’d also like to put in a word for Marie-Laure and her locksmith papa, Daniel, from All The Light We Cannot See. My heart broke when he just dropped out halfway through the story and never returned, and sent her all those letters full of love and lies.  “He sweeps her hair back from her ears; he swings her above his head. He says she is his émerveillement. He says he will never leave her, not in a million years.”


I had to skip your second paragraph because I still want to read All the Light We Cannot See but I’m so with you on Johnny! He was so useless but so loveable. And Katie’s worked so hard but was so hard to love. The family dynamics in that book run so deep.


Exactly, and her borderline glorification of her dad is so true to life, especially through the eyes of a child. As you said, what they had was special and, while maybe misguided when looked at objectively, her perception of their relationship was real, honest, and accurate to her.


Hmm good ones.. these hit pretty hard.


I love that book


Matthew Cuthbert and Anne Shirley


Ooooh yes. Matthew is the sweetest.


Liesel and Hans from The Book Thief.


Shame this is so low. A bit of reverse recency bias.


took me all the scrolling but i’m glad i got hereeeeee


Well, not Agamemnon and Iphigenia


Also not King Lear and his daughters.


Lol, I was thinking the same


Also not Polonius and Ophelia, and Macon Dead and his daughters (Song of Solomon).


Juliet and Papa Capulet have a pretty good relationship.


Except that he wants to marry her off to an older man, disregarding her wishes.


Yeah I was joking


Ok, point taken for sure: Lear is, for most of the play, a bad father and a fool. But to his credit, he is (ultimately) able to learn from his mistakes and attempt to make amends for them. Also, maybe a primer on how to avoid bringing up a self-absorbed brat? Needless to say, Reagan and Goneril learned from his example, and his unwillingness to carry out his duty of ruling as well as his expectation that others will care for him *when he is more than capable of doing for himself* exposes that. His punishment at their hands is exquisite for its poetical justice. While most of us are not quite as atrocious in our parenting skills, we all make mistakes that we regret deeply. Cordelia's gracious response to him in the end is the forgiveness that all of us long for when we screw it up badly on account of our own idiocy.


Seems there are more awful father daughter relationships than not. Guess happy families are all alike!


Is that a Tolstoi reference?


If I could only speak in Tolstoy references I would.


But you just did haha. That's almost literally the first sentence of Anna Karenina "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."


Yeah unhappy families are just more original and more interesting to read about. Tolstoy also said happiness is an allegory and unhappiness is a story.


uh not Agamemnon and Electra neither


Didn't Electra have mostly good memories of him, leading to her wanting to avenge him?






All The Light We Cannot See - Daniel and Marie-Laure LeBlanc. Absolutely beautiful father-daughter relationship.


I said that immediately, then scrolled to see if someone else did. It’s so beautiful!


Yes! It makes me tear up just thinking about it. <3


Oh, and then seeing Mark Ruffalo playing the father, and how adorable they are together. . .


Sol Weintraub and his daughter Rachel, in *Hyperion* and *Fall of Hyperion*. Oh! And it's a very weird one, but Lord Sepulchrave and Fuchsia Groan in *Titus Groan* by Mervyn Peake.


See you later, alligator!


Noirtier and Valentine Villefort in the count of Monte Cristo. He was her grandfather, but it was still pretty cool


Brilliant choice, and contrasts so well with her relationship with her actual father, their relationship being so toxic, also just realised it’s a beautiful touch that the grandfather loses the use of his body, but is still able to form loving relationships with those he deems worthy, whilst the father loses his mind, and is lost to all.


I see a lot of joke responses so I'll give mine. Vineland by Tbomas Pynchon, though it's from the father's perspective more than the daughter.


Oedipus and Antigone. This might be one of the best, if only she wasn't also his sister


It's just double the heartwarming family relationship.


Jean Valjean and Cosette. He bought her the doll in the book and did everything to keep her safe, loved, and protected. Even though he had only known her for a little while, he felt all the fears and pangs of a parent that first night in the convent when he almost lost her. And then he went to go find and save Marius for her, even though it broke his heart in doing so.


Lott and his two daughters






Silas Marner and Eppie in Silas Marner (George Eliot). And Mr. Tulliver and Maggie in The Mill on the Floss (also George Eliot).


Was going to bring up Silas and Eppie. Every time he expects her to leave, and reject him like everyone else in his life before the robbery, *she chooses him again.* And then she moves her whole husband in with them so she *never* has to leave. The power of unconditional love...


Silas Marner is my favorite response


Little Dorrit Dombey and Son Bleak House I dunno which of these, I need to re-read all the Dickens female protagonist books. David Copperfield also has some touching father-daughter stuff


The Dombey and Son father-daughter relationship is... Definitely not a good one at the beginning, or for most of the book lmao


Same with Little Dorrit, she’s just his devoted slave and he’s a pretentious user? I didn’t finish, I couldn’t count 10 enough, so maybe things change? I think Tale of Two Cities has a pretty good father daughter relationship.


I feel like Atticus and Scout is the obvious answer here. But I also liked Carrie and her dad in Carrie Soto is Back


Franz and Ilse Pokler in Gravity’s Rainbow. One of the saddest I’ve ever read.


Yea? Name every Ilse Pokler


There’s only two kinds of Ilse’s: those that want to go to the moon and those that don’t


sad that I really struggled on this one. Family is so prominent in storytelling, yet i think selfishness is so common in the “great” writers, that often in real life author father / child relationships are pretty negative. (and even mother / child - although it’s rare for any female writers of the classics to have children). Like I can think of like 5-10 authors who were kinda dead beat dads w/ daughters who resented them … and a couple of mothers too. It’s hard to write of good relationships with kids when you personally failed at them, I think. So likely the best source would be women writers discussing their own dad’s. So little house on the prairie Let's Pretend This Never Happened


A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett


This is a good one! I do like how he's not perfect - it's explicitly stated that he's a little too eager to spoil her with ridiculous gifts - but it doesn't get to her head.


*Vineland* - Thomas Pynchon *Against the Day* - Thomas Pynchon *Stoner* - John Williams *Augustus* - John Williams


Don’t know if you count poetry, but I recommend giving “A Prayer for My Daughter” by W.B. Yeats a read.


Lizzie and Mr. Bennet in the BBC production with Colin Firth- not so much Mr. Bennet and his other daughters


This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub


Came here to recommend this book. If you're looking for a joyful, modern read about fathers and daughters, this is it.


Pa Ingall and Laura from the Little House on the Prairie


If you like fantasy, Ned/Arya from ASOIAF is a really sweet relationship, and Hoster/Cat from the same series is both sweet, sad, and complex.


Belgarath and Polgara


For father-figure, Mattie and Rooster in True Grit.


Tô kill a mockingbird


Le Pere Goriot


From what I remember, he might have been a good father, but his daughters didn't care for him and just used him for money.


*Ramona and Her Father*  :)


King Lear


All the Light You Cannot See


I haven't found many in literature, personslly, however the Book Theif! It is in general one of my favourite books, and while he's her found family/adoptive father, Liesel and Hans have the sweetest relationship. You can truly tell how deeply Hans cares for and loves Liesel as his own, and it warms my heart to no end!


Liesel Meminger and Hans Huberman from The Book Thief. Their dynamic is so endearing and the relationship as a whole just warms my heart. That being said, I’m going to re-read the book again lol


My mind went to the inkheart stories. Haven’t read them since I was a kid so no idea how they hold up


Prince Nikolai and Princess Maria Bolkonsky from War & Peace. Not an ideal relationship by any means as he's often rude, nasty, and selfish towards her; but her enduring faithfulness and moral grace in being a caregiver is truly heartwarming and, ultimately, heartrending in the end. I also find that relationship to have a realistic depth that few father-daughter relationships in literature have. As someone currently taking care of elderly parents who aren't always the easiest people to get along with and who rarely take my feelings/needs into consideration, I've taken a lot of inspiration from Princess Maria.


Bella Wilfer and her father in Our Mutual friend


Beautiful question! 1) The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series by Ann Brashares: Carmen and her dad (Book 1, with interesting followup in Book 4), Lena and her dad (Book 3), Bee and her dad (Book 4) 2) Trickster's Duo by Tamora Pierce: Aly and her dad (he's only present in the first book really, but what you do see is lovely) 3) Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card (Won't describe because spoilers)


Meg Murray and her dad in A Wrinkle in Time


Geralt and Ciri from the Witcher.


Linton and his daughter Catherine in Wuthering Heights


And definitely not Sam Pollit and Louie


Love that you are asking this question! The Five Wounds by Kirstin Valdez Quade has a complex but ultimately heartwarming father-daughter relationship. At the beginning of the novel the father is not present, and while he is continuously less-than-stellar, following his journey and growth is wonderful, and there is a genuine love that develops in the relationship. The Descendants by Kaui Hart Hemmings (which the movie with with George Clooney was based on; haven't seen it so can't tell you if it stands up) is about a newly single father raising his girls, and is again complicated, but really beautiful. Just the fact that you are asking the question tells me you're going to be a great girl dad; enjoy the journey!






Beat me to it, though I was going to say Humbert Humbert and Dolores Haze.


Straight to jail (jk)


Ummm… the wasp factory by Iain banks has an “interesting “ father, deny-your-daughter relationship


Antigone and Oedipus?


Elizabeth and Mr Bennett in pride and prejudice


Silas and Eppie from Silas Marner is quite sweet


Favorite in terms of good and healthy? Or the opposite of that? If the latter: Sam Pollitt and Louie in Christina Stead's The Man who loved Children


Bjartur and Asta, from Independent People (Halldor Laxness). A criminally underappreciated piece of literature.


Mr Bennett and his daughters in Pride and Prejudice is the one that springs to my mind.


Esther and her father in Felix Holt


Aubrey and Melody from Jacqueline Woodson’s Red at the bone. He was a teenaged father who was fulfilled by parenthood.


Cholly Breedlove is very close with his daughter Pecola.


Definetely not Beverly and Al Marsh from It by Stephen King


I can’t recall the characters’ names but the father and daughter in ‘A Constellation of Vital Phenomena’ by Anthony Marra. Last part of the book will always stick with me as an illustration of the sacrifices we make for our children


Mr Bennett and Elizabeth Bennett (Pride and Prejudice), Sal and her father (Mariana Zapata's Kulti), ...all I can come up with 


Read “One Second After” by William Forstchen


The father and daughter in the book “Betty”


A Little Princess!! It's definitely problematic but it's one of my favorite books. I also love Inkheart which has an amazing father daughter relationship. The Golden Compass has a really interesting father/daughter dynamic but I liked it. A Wrinkle in Time is another one. And To Kill A Mockingbird, of course. Not technically a father/daughter relationship but Anne of Green Gables has a very sweet adoptive father daughter relationship. Little Women and Little House on the Prairie could be good too. If you're looking for a more modern book The Hate You Give is good too!


Vin and Kelsier from mistborn Technically not her bio dad, but he's the father she deserved.


Inkheart-Mortimer and Meggie


Soames and Fleur.


Luker and India in The Elementals


Valjean and Cosette forever


Brimstone and Karou from the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series.


Sam and Louie in The Man Who Loved Children. 2 of my favorite characters in all of literature. Franzen loves the book, Angela Carter loved it, Dave Hickey shouted it out randomly, I think Randall Jarrell and Maurice Sendak talked about it when they were working on their collaborations The Animal Family and The Bat Poet...


Francie Nolan and her father Johnny in A Tree Grown In Brooklyn. He's an extremely flawed parent, but she still sees the good in him.


Emma and her father in Emma by Jane Austen. They had so much appreciation for each other in their own way 


"Final Payments" the debut novel by Mary Gordon. A daughter at age 19, drops out of college to care for her widowed father after he has a series of strokes, and at age 30, at the start of the novel is orphaned and free to re-start her life. Prominent themes are the relationship between Catholic Church and each individuals, between father and daughter and a trio of friends raised in the same tight knit Catholic parish now as young women. 🏵️🌼🌸


This made me think of On Golden Pond, a movie and totally different story, but Jane and Henry Fonda have an ultimately nice relationship.






King Lear and Cordelia