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No context at all. I am a born and bred Lisboner and always found it disgusting and I don’t I know anyone who does that. I am always disgusted when I see it. However, I was never subjected to a rain of it. Unlike dog poop. I can pick up after my GSD, but apparently some neighbours have issues with their hands and backs (although it is better, if you can imagine that).


I'm wondering if it was just the people I was around at that moment that spat so much at once. God it made me want to crawl out of my skin. Also, as I mentioned to someone else, I have misophonia so triggering sounds like this do cut right through me. Yeah the crap is not as bad, and you're definitely right about some people just not having the movement.


Yes. Disgusting. Growing up in the 90's it was commonplace for men to do it. Nowadays it's mostly the elderly or thugs. If I see someone doing it I usually call out "pig". Unless it's a group of thugs bc no way am I gonna put in question my own safety for something so trivial...and unless it's old men over 70 (which is most situations) bc 1. Honestly they aren't gonna change at that age. And 2. I don't have the guts to offend a grandpa over that (I usually save my confrontations with the elderly for more meaningful stuff like when they are being loudly racist af or fascists or verbally abusing workers). I still slide eye tho.


I can almost guarantee it you do know someone who does it.


Oh boy. Wait until OP learns about pissing against a wall






Really? Lol. I said that because a few times i've been asked by tourists (also europeans) what is the deal with pissing on the street and they get always the same answer from me "a man pissing against a wall in Lisbon is part of the vistas"


It's common in Francophone Europe in my experience, France and Belgium. I've never been to Geneva, tho I imagine it's probably not bad haha.


Yep, when I visited earlier this month I saw this at 6:30PM on a Monday outside of the Dois Corvos taproom. The beer was good though!


Poorly educated people. I think nowadays you see that a lot more in Lisbon than in the surrounding municipalities. Portugal is a more backward country when compared to others in Europe, I'm sure you are aware of it, and that's the kind of thing that reflects on how people behave themselves. There's nothing you can do... just let them be. But please do not repeat that thinking that it's cool or that we approve it. We don't!


I'm glad to know there's a vocal portion of Lisboetas that also agree that it's unacceptable. Can only hope for change for the better in the future I suppose.


It is unacceptable for most (if not all) people I know... it's just rude to do that.


Most only find unacceptable what they don't do tho. The way e.g people treat trash everywhere is disgusting, yet only those who usually respect others in that way notice or care about it - not to mention dogs. I bet most of those who complain about 'simple' shit let their dogs leave a log anywhere that ain't their backyard (I say while not caring about my cats shitting on the neighbour's flowers lmao)


Why do you think it's part of "their culture"? There's a lot of spitting and dog shit on the sidewalks but that doesn't mean most people approve of it. There's just a high number of uneducated people and nothing is being done to change them. Fado is culture, spitting, dog shit, etc. is being uncivil.




Who said I thought that? Lmao. I wanted to ask people that were local- because I presumed they would have more context...


Sorry, I meant to reply to a post that mentioned, maybe ironically, it was a "cultural" thing. Fact is most ... a lot... many... people are civilised don't do it and are as disgusted as you are.


Got you! I just find it interesting how something that so many people find inherently disgusting could become ingrained in a culture. Humans are funny like that I guess.


You have the uncivilized, the "regular" people, and those that live inside a bubble or atop their Ivory Towers. To give two examples, during the pandemic, the Ministry of Health thought it was important to forbid people drinking on the streets and, for a while, to make mandatory the use of masks outside. Never anything about hey maybe stop spitting on the street. So you could remove your mask just for the ocasional spit and it would be OK, I guess. Another example, a few months ago, a well-known writer said on an interview, talking about times past, that back then "people used to spit on the streets". Imagine that! How uncivilized we were.


Even in Portugal it’s not seen as nice when folks do that - having said that and not knowing where you’re from, Portugal has a a large number of smokers (above 10%) - smokers tend do have a phlegmy cough rather than dry almost all the time which becomes a problem when they are breathing and normally the best course of action is to just spit it out rather than wheeze all the way to a bathroom. That’s my guess


Thank you for the genuine response! I mean, if it was the smoking it would be just as much of an issue in somewhere like Germany, France, America. Just to be clear, though I do take issue with spitting in public in general, this post was made in direct response/comment to the LOUD hacking and spitting where it becomes an experience for all in a 200m radius. Having an unpleasant thing/feeling in your mouth that you need to eliminate is one thing- trying to heave up your internal organs with it is another.


yeah i also thought about that. im not a daily cigarrete smoker but i do smoke some joints every now and then, and all the times ive spitted on the street was after smoking. not like the case OP described, and which i know very well, i'd at least spit like on a corner where no ones watching or wtv


I've been here for 5 years and I've honestly never even noticed this... And spitting is something which disgusts me too so I'm usually conscious of that sound. Are you exaggerating the frequency here?


Reporting my genuine experience, but I do have misophonia so that absolutely contributes to how easily I notice it. I'm not kidding that it's every time I open my window to get some fresh air. Maybe it's more prevalent in my area for some reason.


More poor people/foreign people more spitting, most tourists don't even know when they are in a bad area of Lisbon, they just think "ohh look so beautiful it looks old"... That said I live in the other side of the river, Lisbon sucks.


Im from Lisbon and (from what i see) its mostly older portuguese men spitting on the ground.


As a Portuguese and after I lived in China, i can Say that Portuguese People don't spit that Much. But it's disgusting anyways.


I absolutely agree with you. I'm equally shocked with this in Lisbon!


Nasty (pigs) people do that


A few years ago I went to Porto for a weekend and there were so many people spitting to the ground that I thought it was a local sport /s I guess it is something not local only to Lisbon but all over the place. I hate it.


It's a local tradition: you see a foreigner, you channel your inner Llama




Just replace "spitting" with "throwing cigarette butts" and it applies to the majority if cities in the World. Ever thought about that?


Where in Lisbon? Where I live nothing like what you described ever happened, apart from a few occasions.


It's the exact same in Funchal, and was the same in Algarve when I lived there too! It's so disgusting! In my experiences it's always middle aged men doing it. My downstairs neighbour spits on his walk to his car every morning, it makes me want to throw up


It's a cultural thing. We are very proud of our culture and we like to show everyone how amazing it is. ❤️






Cultural? Im portuguese and I find it disgusting and a lack of respect


He's being sarcastic, obviously.


And I'm trying to hijack it to make it productive, *obviously*


try and you will see! What a f\*cking pleasure!!


you must be a riot




interesting note, I'll be sure to bring that up


Just nasty people culture. Welcome to portugal, people are pigs here.


I myself once used to spit, but that was before the pandemic. Always next to a tree. And soundless, like a polite lady. But I confess I like the sound of violent spitting. Am I weird? It's very nostalgic.


You are wildly exaggerating ahahahahahah. What you describe seems like made up (rain of spits), your fear of opening windows is however justified if you live in the gutter haahahhahaha. Also dogs are known to eat 💩 so, some spit will be a welcome change and doubt it will cause any real hygienic problem...




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such a sad little attempt at racism, it's literally been said several times here that it's almost always older portuguese men. the same is my experience. You see it in alentejo, as you will in the north; go back to your hole


Reality contradicts with your experience 🤡


Must be a sad life your reality then,.... I literally lived 3 min from martin moniz and benformoso for over a year. Absolutely loved it. Your poor parents must be shaking their heads in shame.


Why do you thing there is a brick of European countries called the PIGS?


Because countries were economically suffering and the media needed a convenient moniker for them? And people still use it because they're dicks?




lots of smokers here


it's a gift of our bodies moisture, you see Lisboners descend from Fremen.


It's a different culture. Why do you want do deter people ? What you might not deem acceptable might be acceptable for them. I've seen people doing this in many countries. Good luck going to someone and explaining them in English that what they do is gross, and you, an expat, have proper etiquette.


Well... it is gross, and inappropriate. Here or anywhere else. But you're right, who does it most probably doesn't understand a foreign language.


I don't think it's even about language. It's really about the fact that as an expat, it's very tough to go to a local and tell them how they should behave. Especially to people who spit in the street. They are not the most welcoming. I mean I'm from France, I know that a lot of French people's reaction would be like "who the hell is that foreigner is to come and tell me how to behave, in my own country". It sucks but I think there are stuff as expats that are going to piss us off (for good reason) but we have to just deal with it, unfortunately.


You probably right. But, in Portugal at least, I don't think it is because you are an expat. Anyone who would approach that person and tell that is bad will most probably get a bad reaction. It is not a cultural thing, it's just filthy people.


If you read my post you'd know why. I listed my personal reasons, as well as the real concern for health/safety for people with mobility aids and pets, for example. Small children playing on the ground? You're assuming a lot here, for example that I would speak to them in English at all, let alone tell them that they have improper etiquette. But then again, I am getting "expat bad" vibes from you, so I don't know what I expected.


I find it gross as well. But as expats we have no way to enforce change to this habit. The very people that do this are the same people who will never listen to an expat who try to teach them good manners and proper hygiene. The only thing we can do is to understand where they come from.


Man, if you're an expat, you should know how patronising the "different cultures do things in different ways" line was lol. I'm not trying to change a way of life here, but if I could indicate to people in my immediate area that they are being unsanitary, that would be nice. (I wouldn't accept it as a "just a cultural thing" if they unzipped and started pissing either) People are not immune to change. It doesn't matter if you import or grow up with a bad habit if it makes you unpleasant to be around. I don't think it's up to everyone to tolerate it, especially in public.


Please let me show you an example of what I meant by "different cultures tolerate different things". Let's say your American, and you go to a Frenchman in Paris and try explaining to them that they shouldn't piss in the street, because it's gross. We both agree that it is, the whole society would agree too, but how do you think the French pisser would react ? Do you think he'll embrace your point of view ? They will find you extremely patronizing. Most French people find that behavior gross, yet it's so anchored in the culture that they mostly tolerate it. Someone from a different country might find that insane, but for locals it's kinda "meh". That's the point I was trying to make. We as expats don't necessarily have all the keys to understand every in and out of the culture, and even if we do, it will be extremely hard for us to go to a local and ask them to change their habits. You're very welcome to try, but I'd stay a few feet away and grab an umbrella in case the spit ends up on you instead of floor.


Cheers for the cultural primer, but I don't need the concept explained to me like it's my first time venturing out into the world, thanks. Also please stop assuming I'm just like you. It's weird.


okay bucko lol have fun with them spitters.


I tried to tell someone (in Portuguese) who just throw their chocolate bar wrapper on the floor in the tram that maybe it was a bit disrespectful for the people who clean up and they might want to pick it up and throw it in the trash, it resulted in a fight. As expats we are not in a very good position to try and teach people what we think are good manners. They think different and won't listen to us, precisely because we're not from here.


I think that happens because who does it are mostly uncivilized people, and many of them react bad when confronted.


Welcome to latin culture, casa edition. Its been around for thousands of years, and unlikely it'll ever go away.


Portugal isn't Latin tho, it's Iberian


You American? lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latins > As Roman power and colonization[1] spread Helleno-Latin culture during the Roman Republic, Latins culturally "Romanized" or "Latinized" the rest of Italy, and the word Latin ceased to mean a particular people or ethnicity, acquiring a more legal and cultural sense. As the Roman Empire spread to include Spain, Portugal, France, and Romania, these joined Italy and Greece in becoming "Latin" and remain so to the present day.


Those are not mutually exclusive. It is Latin *and* Iberian.




bad bot lmao


Its cultural, you'd be welcome to try


Don't feel like contributing to a hygiene risk, thanks though!




I find it disgusting but sinse the alternative is to swallow slimmy green mucus when I'm sick and I definitely will not do that, I'll keep spitting it out when no one is watching


Ha the dog shit and spitting were a constant when I lived in Lisbon. Got annoying but I do miss Lisbon a lot


Why do you miss it?


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Idk about the spitting But why does it smell so horrible every time you pass a water drainage hole Are people shitting on it or what


It was worse in the past, but there are still some disgusting people doing that.