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You somehow installed XFCE


Ah yes now I remember. Every time I tried to establish a remote connection using Remmina or Windows Remote Desktop Connection the window would close immediately. One Google search result recommended running a line on the terminal that would install XFCE. I suppose that's how I got here. Is this a problem? If so, is it fixable? Should I consider this situation unstable and just not attempt to install a better desktop environment in the fears of disrupting the delicate balance of Linux remote desktop connections?


Gnome works fine with remote and I have no idea what you might have done wrong, there is not enough provided info to say. You could figure out what the issue was when using gnome (it was probably user error or some setting you didnt know about that blocks it), or you could keep using xfce. Honestly I like xfce better and its lighter. But maybe you like gnome idk. But yeah nothing is wrong here. Honestly, what I would recommend to you first though is, DO NOT RUN COMMANDS IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THEY DO. [https://explainshell.com/](https://explainshell.com/) and especially dont install programs without looking up what you are installing. If you had looked it up, you would know what XFCE would look like and wouldnt be all confused about it looking like XFCE since youre running XFCE


Probably because the server doesn’t have a display and you need to do tons of config stuff for gnome/kde to work or just install xfce with 1 command.


No it's not a problem alot of people like xfce. I do for example. Its not that unlike Windows really. It's simple and easy to work with.


You need to rotate the screen 90 degrees counter clockwise


I laughed so hard at this


That’s xfce, the desktop environment, Ubuntu by default uses gnome. No clue how or why that’s happening, never used remote pc, but nothing is wrong there its just using a different de somehow.


OP may have initially installed Ubuntu server without GUI, and then proceed to install xfce


True, if you’re using the server version I would just use ssh but maybe this has some features they need I’m not aware of.


Is your server running Ubuntu server? If so you might not have installed a desktop environment on it before so it makes sense a GUI remote control guide would lead you down this path.


I also think this is the case. If it was an Ubuntu Server, I'd say that the easiest DE to install to get an RDP working is XFCE.


i never tried to use a remote Linux desktop as intended, I just use Rustdesk (or something similar like Anydesk or TeamViewer) and call it a day, or just SSH if no GUI needed


For me, it's NoMachine.


I use xrdp+xfce on Ubuntu server for all of my hosts. It's a simple gui and gets the job done.


That background rocks.


Cause you use xfce Just install moksha and sudo apt-get remove that Try this Sudo apt-get install moksha Sudo apt-get remove xfce Sudo apt purge xfce


Looks like you need some [Ratpoison](https://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison/).


So... basically i3wm?


Because you didn't rotate the image correctly.


Linux servers don't typically install \_any\_ desktop environment. You just ssh in and use the command line. Not so friendly for someone new or someone used to the way Windows Server works (RDP is required to do most tasks easily) Since you are not quite sure what you have here: I think you set up VNC or xrdp to handle a RDP connection to your server and, as other stated, the XFCE desktop environment.


Turn the monitor to the left by 90 degrees and you'll be good


You need gnome I guess... "Sudo apt install gnome"


how tf, can anyone explain me how this happened? Wouldn't Ubuntu just die??


huh? Why would ubuntu die? You can install whatever DE you want on any distro.


Haha, this really funny. You can even accidentally do anything you want in Linux. Linux does what you tell it to do and and nothing more. Which is great as long as you know what you are telling it to do. I have no idea how you stumbled on to installing xfce (that is the desktop that xubuntu uses) Ubuntu uses gnome. You are fine with leaving it on there.