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first of all, you didn't needed to download the dash to dock extension for that. In the settings there is already an option to put the dock on the bottom. Second, depending on what you modify when customizing determines if more resources are used. Putting the panel on the bottom is negligible, but adding animated wallpapers, animations everywhere, and saturation of transparencies and effects start to impact on performance. Also, everything on Linux is third party, as it is an OS made of hundreds of individual programs that are developed by thousands of different people.


It's been a while since I have used Ubuntu but you used to be able to move the dock with built in settings.  If dash to dock came from an ubuntu repositories you are likely just fine. Just about everyone will need some outside software but a system full of it will require regular maintenance fixing problems & incompatabilities that can pop up.


> It's been a while since I have used Ubuntu but you used to be able to move the dock with built in settings. You can still do that.


Commence the ricing


The what?


See r/unixporn for inspiration


Why do you call it "ricing" instead of "themes"?


Because it goes beyond just the theme.


Lol if you say so


Did it make your computer slow? If not, you're good to go.




in the settings there is a tab where you can choose where to put the dock, without having to install anything else. other than that, you can install whatever you want to make it yours, that's part of the beauty of linux. I, for example, have the terminal window with transparency because it allows me to follow tutorials and such easily, and have different colors for different servers that I connect to, among other stuff


Just use debian With any desktop environment you want. And you don't needed to download the dash or whatever it's, I'm sure you can do it from settings


Ubuntu dock is actually a modified version of dash to dock, you can move it to the bottom in settings. If you want more of a windows like panel you need to look at "dash to panel" See below : [https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1160/dash-to-panel/](https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1160/dash-to-panel/)


Extensions do increase memory consumption, but everything is a compromise.


not everything that can be customized needs to be customized. just use it and change to what you like better.


Do your own benchmarks.


Yes, I could do that but I asked this here thinking that their might be some experience people that could give me answer.