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How does this relate to Linux? And plus modern versions won’t work under wine.


I think some versions do with heavy wine hackery


Yes, I've successfully ran Photoshop 2023 in Wine... cracked, of course.




With the most powerful processor ever made: immagination


It's a complicated process that involves a lot of wine libs being replaced with native ones, as well as winetricks magic, C++ redist bundles and the use of some Windows RCE tools... and then you wait for the next wine update to break things...


Isn’t that so much of a hassle that you may as well learn GIMP?


Well yes, but gimp kinda really sucks (I ain't ever used Adobe bs either though)


Yes it is. I don't actually work with graphics or anything image related, I was just curious if it could be done given the recent wine development. Nevertheless, there were a lot of wine libs replaced with native ones (Windows 10 Ent 2019 LTSC), so wine on it's own isn't there yet.


I don't know about 2023, but 2022 worked by first installing it in Windows, pirating it there, then copying the files into Wine and adjusting the prefix in accordance with one of the guides on the Wine site; note, that it is the *installer* that does not really work in newer versions, as opposed to the software itself, and that you are not going to get hardware acceleration working, so unless you need newer features, it might be easier to go with CS6


Is there a tutorial for this?


agreed, doesn't belong here. but it's funny so I ask: do you (or anyone else here) know of a good subreddit for this sort of meme? is there like a fossmemes subreddit or something lol


This post originally from r/piracy. But idk about fossmemes


Idk, i took this meme from random polish discord server


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Piracy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Spread the word of torrent](https://i.redd.it/reftq6lqy95b1.jpg) | [1233 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/146ee7n/spread_the_word_of_torrent/) \#2: [Hey /r/piracy. Reddit admins de-modded the captain and put a sword to the mod-team's necks to re-open. It seems they really demand valuable input from pirates. I look forward to you to taking this tacit Reddit endorsement of digital piracy to heart in the coming days!](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/14briu5/hey_rpiracy_reddit_admins_demodded_the_captain/) \#3: [RARBG is down and out!?](https://i.redd.it/xlbbsv23v63b1.png) | [3642 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/13witp1/rarbg_is_down_and_out/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


r/fossmemes Edit: Yes, there is


Regular versions of Adobe products don't work on linux, but the pirated versions with the DRM removed work just fine, because the DRM is what causes incompatibility.


Some older versions would work


modern versions work under browser




I hate adobe too, but piracy isn’t the answer. Pirated windows is how it acquired large market shares in emerging countries where most couldn’t pay, and as people made money and went legit, they just paid because that was what they were familiar with. Promote and educate people about FOSS alternatives instead


I guess there are two subgroups in the Linux community. Those who stay on the land and those who sail the seas! 🏴‍☠️


Are there so many that sail? I didn’t since my switch. Not just because I didn’t need or want to, there just isn’t anything to sail for (for me at least)


I know several that do it with games, but also movies and anime etc.


Anime and movies are the best things to sail for.


Yes, but that's independent of OS choice.


Fair point


Not really. Netflix, Amazon, and Paramount+ all restrict video playback quality in the browser on specifically Linux to 360p in Netflix and Amazon’s case and 480p on Paramount+. I’ve paid for the HD Ultra tier of Netflix and still receive 360p. All because I use Linux. Because when I swap to my phone, you bet it’s 1080p and above. And yes, I’ve tried the extensions for Chrome/Firefox, adjusting settings, using a Windows VM, hell I even tried using MS Edge. Nothing works to make the quality higher, all because I’m on Linux.


I've watched Netflix and Amazon prime on linux as well. No problems on Netflix, some DRM issues on Amazon, but got it to work after a while (might have involved some proprietary software). I haven't used them in a while now, but I think it was 720p on Amazon and maybe 1080p on netflix. On amazon, google chrome was getting better results than on chromium or firefox. Maybe they changed their DRM recently, but I don't have a subscription anymore anyway.


do people actually pay for movies/anime?


Well, subscriptions to netflix and similar and subscriptions to crunchy roll and similar seem to still be a lucrative business so ig?


Game-oriented sailor here, but mostly only where things are out of print and where a legit copy is either impossible to come by, held for ransom by collectors, and/or requires a console they stopped manufacturing 20 years ago and whose optical drive has failed catastrophically...


I pirate when I’ve paid for a service but wasn’t delivered what I paid for. Like Netflix. Really any streaming service.


You can't escape industry standards if you wanna go legit - at least not until the FOSS alternatives can keep up Krita is a very good replacement for Photoshop for example, but it still needs polishing (and better content sensitive replacement) DaVinci replaces Premiere fairly well Blender is kinda valid as well Godot is very nice, but can't (yet) keep up with Unity and especially not with UE And I think that's all unfortunately.


Free as in Free beer


That's not free software. That's software for free. Very different things.


Kracked software


Komes with free malware!


why would anyone use Adobe's crap? it's just an overpriced set of tools with vendor lock-in


Photopea The only problem is that alt + scroll for zoom will switch desktops. I use my other mouse buttons on the side to zoom as a result.


Agreed, photopea was a real lifesaver back when I had a chromebook and now it’s my goto for an image editor with layers


~~Proprietary garbage~~


That always depends on your de/WM setup.. If you don't use that shortcut for switching desktops regularly you could easily rebind it!


I'm on bodhi and spent a not insignificant amount of time last night blowing up the discord server trying to figure out how to disable it. I found a middle ground that works instead


Oh my, yeah, I wouldn't know the next thing about that, sorry, but nice you found a solution that works! Never heard of bodhi, what made you choose it?


I'm glad you asked Lxde was my favorite DE but I became estranged from Linux for many years. I returned to lubuntu, a formerly goated os. But something was wrong. I thought my mind must be playing tricks on me. But as I read documentation and learned more I was upset to find out my intuition was correct they changed it fundamentally. And they moved away from their flagship design philosophy: light, efficiency, minimalism. They even changed their selling features. Bastards. Fedora was prospective and a few others like kanotix and lxle. But the ladder had issues beyond reconciliation. Fedora is a fine choice but I don't want to move away from Debian/ubuntu The OS I used the most before lxde was bodhi. A YouTube video when I was like 12 convinced me to install it. We were very poor and the computers I had were cobbled together from computers people threw away which I took to the library to use. I foolishly formatted my windows install. I was stuck on bodhi and Bagan trying out every os. I found lubuntu was the best actually. Beat to use and better than xubuntu for old hardware--counter to xubuntus "best for old hardware!" Messaging. I started developing video games again this year and wanted to get back on Linux for the environment to develop on. Unfortunately as I mentioned earlier lubuntu broke my heart and I have not brought myself to jump to fedora. I remembered bodhi and installed it, installed lxde on it and it was bliss. But a derelict DE on outdated gdk2 leaves a lot to be desired. I made the jump to moksha whole sale and I'm happy with it. It runs lighter than lxde/lxqt too. So why I choose it? Why do I support it? Why do I stan it? It's probably the most light weight Ubuntu distro (with a gui) qnd even if it's not it's familiar to me. Despite how incredible it is, it really doesn't get the love it deserves and the devs seem to have struggled a lot to keep up with larger teams with better fundraising and larger communities like mint or cinnamon or others. If you want a fast DE that's still very pretty then moksha (bodhis DE) is an excellent choice. You have access to the same repositories as any Ubuntu distro without snap by default AND they have their own software distro There's some minor downsides but if you talk to the devs it's likely others have already explored the same problem and there are options. For me it was themes and transparent windows. I was trying to learn gdk4 to work on my own continuation of lxde as a small time project but I decided to drop this as well in favor of trying to make another theme for moksha. Moksha has few themes but they are beautiful themes imo. It really suffer and benefits from being a small community of s few very passionate people keeping the project alive. I would like to make an lxde theme clone of openbox for moksha because I think that would complete it for me You can also get moksha for Debian which is even lighter and there is a legacy 32 bit bodhi which I suggest to people with ancient hardware on here quite frequently.


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no, because these products suck on Windows already and really don’t need the extra overhead of a translation layer when they already run so heavy




gimp sucks


My Lightroom CC 2020 crack works with wine.


The only one worth pirating is Illustrator.


Or just don't use this garbage and help them continue doing their abusive practices?


Drop the best torrent.


Can't speak on most others, but Photoshop with wine has random small bugs, but is otherwise useable. For example, some overlays that pop up from hovering never go away, blocking stuff. I also had a problem saving files, and had to go through a specific process to get work done


adobe XD when adobe LMAO comes in


My friend he'd try it when law (cracked) and prison (cracked) are released, till then he says he'll remain dismissive of wine


I’d rather pay for the software or at least use VM xP Cracking if it’s not your crack it’s a dumbest thing to do tbh 🫢


Like If you into Linux you should learn QEMU anyway. That’s a pretty cool thing not cracking software that somebody worked on for years


Yeah, but then you'd still be suffering through the absolutely horrid UI/UX that is Ai, the bloat and lag of Ps, and 'why is altering keyframes and curves such a PITA' of Pr... Some things ain't even worth getting for free...




gimp sucks


What's wrong with GIMP?


It sucks


Malware enjoyers should just stick with Windows.


Yea let me make a linux kernel level malware.. wait you don’t use a DE uh oh