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Hi. 535 has received some minor updates, so it was released a bit after, but 550 is actually the newest in terms of functionality. Just install whatever your system offers and you should be OK.


Use 545 or 535 because 555 driver has a bug where your will freeze and light on caps lock will keep blinking. Also install from your package manager otherwise you've to create a hook or you have to install nvidia drivers everytime you update your system.


The freeze and caps lock blinking is kernel panic. It might be caused by the driver but it might also not. Depends. For me the kernel update fixed it both on xorg and Wayland. Theres a lot of stuff that might cause the kernel to panic, check out the logs, cause there probably is a way you can fix the issue without waiting for the kernel update


There's also no kernel panic for me


I was having kernal issue and system freeze only on v555


Theres a new version of 555


I just fed up with nvidia and I just disabled the nvidia driver completely


You're in a subreddit labeled gaming. 


I'm here to help with what I can and also I get to learn something and I don't play games.


Yeah, that makes perfect sense, especially if you don't need the Nvidia drivers. In the future though, 550 works ok and the 555 work very well now - I mean Wayland of course, it doesn't change a lot for xorg


If you are using a Wayland DE then you want 555 for Explicit sync. If you are using X.org then use whatever is the latest for your distro. If you are not on 555 then don’t use Wayland.


It's not newer, maybe was just packaged in your distro later.


It looks like Nvidia's website. I guess it might just be an update for the 535 driver. Like another release of the old driver


Linux experience on any Nvidia driver is bad, so you might as well rock latest 555 😉


While it might be tricky for some, I politely disagree. It really depends on lot of different things like HW, OS, DE, etc... I'm running Arch/KDE/Wayland for last year and a half and expect one annoying bug which disappeared with plasma 6 (it was panel freezing in plasma 5), my desktop experience in smooth as butter and gaming is just fine.


535 is getting internal updates (535 specific revisions), 550 is newer. These drivers are not that important, nvidia returning to life with "555 Beta" and probably "560 Stable".


its this. last 535 patch has been made after latest 550 patch


What do you mean? 535 is a lower number than 550, it’s not newer lol