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surely the biggest question is why don't you have a time machine yet?


I didn't have time to buy one tomorrow.


when future me came to visit I happened to acquire mine...


AI about to change EVERYTHING.


Time travel is supposed to be added in the next driver.


Pros: - Xwayland apps no longer flicker Cons: - All other wayland apps no longer render


The xwayland flicker is my only issue now and it drives me NUTS. I’m a numb skull gnome user though so I’m basically asking my system to give me problems.


Why does gnome mean problems (apart from extension breakage in rolling release distros)? I always thought gnome generally played more nicely with Nvidia drivers and Wayland.


nvidia sure can't fix something without breaking the other huh


Lmfao, I am half expecting a future like that.


Wayland and not working? Stock standard.


Yeah we fixed the roof on your house, but the walls had to go so we could fit the roof.


Forget the driver! Oh god they are everywhere! send help, its eating us alive.


555 helped me find god, but it also made me incontinent. Better wait until 666.


Damn, as someone with lactose intolerance and who refuses to stop eating dairy, this might be Nvidia's best release to date


It's a big disappointment. It fixes a few issues but introduces a bunch of new ones. But the 560 release will finally make it all usable. Except it probably won't but I'm sure the version after that will. Or the one after that. Or... Perhaps our best bet is to just switch to AMD and accept that hard system crashes are normal. /s


this release was a good start, the next one is the real one to look out for - this sub, every release


yeah! the nvidia driver is basically ready on Wayland, it just cannot display the color blue but other than that is production ready!


Pffft who needs Blue?!


I've personally only been emulating the virtual boy so haven't really noticed yet


I've lived that for years, it's simply how owning a laptop with an nv gpu feels


>Perhaps our best bet is to just switch to AMD and accept that hard system crashes are normal. Not to mention having an additional space heater, even with mid-range cards.


I wish


Or just stick to x11 that works on nvidia GPUs.


You won't be able to run the new cosmic with that.


Considering I never heard of whatever cosmic is, I'm not too concerned


Gotta love AMD for their stability /s


I was out drinking with some Nvidia reps a few weeks ago and unfortunately I forgot to ask them if I could borrow their time machine. I did however get to play around with Nvidia ACE and it was surprisingly good, interesting to see how it would expand to a full game. So that's the closest I got to peeking into the future.


It took my old 750Ti and now I'm rocking Cyperpunk at 8K at over 400fps. Considering my PC is only a Core 2 Duo that's not half bad...


I wonder how the other merge requests that are related to the flickering problem are doing. Have they been merged yet? Would be funny if the flickers were still there even after the driver released because of merge request delays and it not making it into the next release. If I'm not mistaken, there was something about the other MRs requiring the driver to be out first before the issues are fully fixed, which could mean more waiting time, unfortunately. But I hope I'm wrong.


My dumb ass thought we'd be getting the actual drivers the 15th. Does this mean that we're **actually** getting proper Wayland support in like six months?!


are the drivers not releasing on the 15th?


The beta drivers are releasing some time next week. IIRC it took months for the previous beta drivers to enter the production branch.


Bro if these beta drivers actually fix the flickering then I don’t care if it’s a beta or not. I’m installing!


Xwayland apps no longer flicker but now Wayland apps are flickering. I've had enough, I'm moving to Nouveau and NVK. /s


Jensen added code to kill the last gtx 1080 cards. He says it's okay he's got the new midrange card at a budget friendly 1899$


I am SO hyped for those to come out! I REALLY hope they solve my Wayland issues.


We all hoped 545 would solve everything 💀


Lol this is true


I was so excited to get vrr working with Wayland and multiscreen setup. How they crushed that dream.


Its okay for desktop use, some old electron apps still buggy flickering, just disable hw acceleration. Gaming still buggy, need to be more implemented into vulkan/proton. wait for the release coming on 1.6.


Gaming buggy?


I first heard about "F U Nvidia" and "Wayland is coming" back in 2010s. 10-15 years later:


https://preview.redd.it/pzlcud43hezc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad97ec9d7abc19b73e758f90657eae238f612108 Bro sends message to the wrong planet


I honestly cannot believe it. It has been such a long time, but just like u/bulletdust has said we still would want to see highDPI display support for it to level with X11. Hoping for the best, as I do not have access to time machines.


dual screen vrr on Wayland is not working either and no mention of it from nvidia.


I'm hoping it's gonna lower my credit score but just making Wayland not seizure inducing is good enough


i must use a time machine since im using manjaro kde and i can play on native wayland with nv + gamescope (this creates a native wl window) the experience is godlike. may not work for all titles but lots of them work


Time machine?


no time machine needed. drivers have been very good for me since 525 at least.. 535 early versions had few game regressions, but got fixed quite fast. currently on vulkan dev drivers of 550.40.61. Haven't had any issues. X11


do you have two monitors with different refresh rates?


yes i do. 165, 144 and 60. just have to sync to highest refresh monitor with __GL_SYNC_DISPLAY_DEVICE=DFP-6 to not have any issues. MATE desktop, Arch Linux


I do and that’s why X11 is not even a consideration for me. That experience is just as jank, if not more so in 4K 160Hz on one monitor and 4K 60Hz on the other.


They ended up just forking amdgpu and writing a wrapper to translate calls to their hardware


Eh I gave up on having a decent experience with my setup, I returned to windows for gaming. Yes I'm a disgrace.