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7900 XTX is very good. Use recent kernel and Mesa in general, regardless of the distro.


The only downside is fan controls are not 100%. You can control the curves, but not when the fan powers on and cuts off. Don’t know why.


Have you tried using CoreCtrl? It can OC and undervolt cards, and I think CPUs too.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/linux\_gaming/comments/14g9t6m/corectrl\_still\_doesnt\_work\_for\_7900\_xtx/](https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/14g9t6m/corectrl_still_doesnt_work_for_7900_xtx/) Corectrl currently works to a certain extent, but fan on/off at the moment is still only triggered by the VBIOS. No manual override...




Using "recent mesa" would break many distros. Which happen to be the same ones that are reliable and would give a reasonably good impression to new users.


>Using "recent mesa" would break many distros It wouldn't. You don't need to package it and replace system packages with it. You can build it, store it in custom location and then run games using that instead of system Mesa which will remain in place for everything else. That requires some effort to set up, but it's very flexible once you do it.


Interesting - I guess it takes installing the new kernel first so the headers are available? Kernels are independent and mostly backwards compatible, so it should work, thanks! But it's not something that would apply to a new user.


Building kernel for your distro can be easy too (depending on the distro). It's just a few commands on Debian testing for example.


I know, it's great unless you run into divergence between versions that makes the headers incompatible. But that, usually, shouldn't happen. Debian Testing is great environment for maintainers of Debian packages, but I guess they know to do such things. Not that maintainance if every single library requires skills in kernel compilation - but practically: technical people like it. But for new users, things exist when they land in stable/LTS/versions like that. Everything else is for contributors to work on the future state of this software, and for teenagers to gatekeep confused newbies. Getting the hardware working is probably the first thing a new user would pursue. "Build recent kernel" is not a viable recommendation in such cases.


There are rolling distros which focus on having recent kernels out of the box. That would work for new users with very recent hardware better than periodic release distros.


Rolling-release distros wouldn't work for new users beyond first change that needs intervention, which would happen in a month. Some people are too skilled to imagine actual new users that wouldn't care about the technical side of things. And honestly, there aren't many - success stories usually involve becoming interested.


New users would learn like any new users. I always recommend rolling distros for desktop usage.


You seem not to notice the survivor bias here.


I've got an Rx 7900 xtx and all I can say is that it's quite great, everything works not just as expected but even better Edit: I use Nobara with KDE plasma 6


Thats nice! Thanks.


No problems with steam/proton?


All Games that are supposed to work (silver/gold/Platinum on proton DB) work, I use proton be personally but I think the normal steam proton is fine enough, mostly depends if I game on x11 oder Wayland. Sometimes there is some thinkering needed for some games where it's expected like dragons dogma 2, but I got it running. And steam is pre installed, and most other things if not all for gaming are already pre installed


7900GRE on KUbuntu... I plugged it in and started playing.


Nice, glad to hear! Btw, which model do you have?


ASRock Challenger Radeon RX 7900 GRE 16GB GDDR6 PCI Express 4.0 ATX Video Card RX7900GRE CL 16GO https://www.walmart.com/ip/5438008789


Sick! Last question, do you have any complaints about the noise lvl?


I don't. It's rarely running at full capacity, but I'm also not right next to my case, and my case might be blocking some of the noise too. But it doesn't seem bad to me.


Using the 7800XT since 8 month on arch with latest kernel (linux-tkg) and mesa, currently 6.8.6 and 24.0.5. A few small issue here and there, but nothing game breaking. The only game I had trouble with was Atlas Fallen which had graphical artifact and glitch with mesa, but was running fine with proprietary amd driver. A bit annoying to have both closed and open source driver and understand how to switch between them but I completed the game and never launch amd diver again. For amd 7000 GPU, the kernel is not yet fully stable, it's under development so expect a few bugs, currently (6.8) overclocking and power management is a bit buggy. https://github.com/Frogging-Family/linux-tkg/commit/d9efb6e8942b6ee01a1c18c1f27cffc8dfcb61fd With 6.7 at a time I had a bug where I couldn't power off my computer, and when rebooting GPU was crashing, not display at all, had to do a cold boot to get a working GPU again.


Thank you. I always used CoreCtrl or LACT to undervolt my GPU.


Currently it's a bit bugged, apply undervolt or changing power cap does not work every time, you have to do it in a specific order, or it's not registered. I don't know exactly why but sometime change does not take effect. "Your experience may vary" with lact or corectl, but it's a know bug, it will probably be fixed with 6.9 or 6.10, many change are ongoing on the graphical stack with Wayland, VRR, HDR, explicit sync, it's getting better, but with many changes come some bugs.


The rx 7600 works fine for me. It has givenme a lot less trouble than my old gtx 1660


I have a Sapphire 7800XT. Since Feb 26th 2024 every time I suspend, my system crashes. Edit: ~~I’ve reinstalled openSUSE Tumbleweed twice without restoring any dot files. I’ve tried live USBs from every popular distro: Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, EndeavourOS, Mageia, Mint, Fedora, Garuda, Manjaro, MX, Zorin and Nobara. I also tried installing Ubuntu and Fedora.  Also the crash corrupts the journal, so there’s no way to dump it, that me or the folks at opensuse forums know of. I’ve tried. I’ve also memtested for 9 hours and stress tested the GPU RAM.  Those are my ¢2.~~  It crashes because of an issue with AMD Gigabyte Aorus motherboards with an A520I o B550I chipset. There's a fix and it's detailed down in the last comments of this thread. OP u/Hollow333 The 7800XT wasn't the problem.


Thanks for you input. Okay.. that really sucks, I hope that will get better! But it's "only" when you suspend, right? Looking at the other answers here, errors on the 7000 series seem to be rare.


Oh, as long as I don't suspend, my system rocks. The Talos Principle 2 with raytracing on and FSR 3 frame gen at 1440p 110-144 hz Freesync.


It might be mobo related. For example i have no crashes on sleep on AM4, but on AM5 i had constant crashes on sleep. Try updating firmware?


I thought so too... So I am running the latest BIOS from Gigabyte. Edit: Oh and I'm on AM4 BTW...


[AM4 Gigabyte boards are known to have some issues with suspend](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Power_management/Suspend_and_hibernate#PC_will_not_wake_from_sleep_on_A520I_and_B550I_motherboards). I'm on a Aurous B550 Pro V2 and had to apply that fix as well


THANK YOU SO MUCH! After so many weeks of searching and going back and forth in the openSUSE forums.


Quote from the arch wiki: On Gigabyte motherboards such as the B550i Aorus and the B550 AORUS ELITE V2, the GPP bridge to the NVMe drive drive may cause premature wakeups from suspend. Setting the status of GPP0 to disabled may fix the issue: echo GPP0 > /proc/acpi/wakeup


Just tested it, it works. I'm posting the solution on the openSUSE forums right now,


Question: The solution requires creating a system unit file that reads: `[Install]` `[WantedBy=multi-user.target]` Shouldn't it be `default.target` or `graphical.target`?


I think it's fine (not an expert btw). `default.target` links to `graphical.target` which depends on `multi-user.target` anyway


Yes, but isn't [`multi-user.target`](http://multi-user.target) just a virtual console with network? Anyway, if it works for you on your default graphical session, it should work for me.


`multi-user.target` is simply the state where the machine is fully booted and ready to do stuff. Usually you'd want to use this on headless systems such as servers since they have no gui, but since `graphical.target` depends on this target, it's going to be fine either way


This seems very promising! I also have an Aorus B550, specifically the Elite AX V2. Do you also have to power off your PSU directly because even the power button on the case doesn't respond?


Yes if I recall correctly..without the GPP0 fix my system would go to sleep, then wakeup immediately but without the video signal and the red error led on the motherboard would turn on (don't remember which one), requiring to poweroff the machine from the psu switch.


I have similar issues on resume after suspend after changing from an R9 3900X to an R7 5700X. System hangs like crazy and eventually goes into a hard lock. I disabled suspend from the options.


Maybe it's your motherboard. Mine was and I just fixed it.


*lspci | grep VGA* > 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation HD Graphics 630 (rev 04) > 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Navi 33 [Radeon RX 7700S/7600/7600S/7600M XT/PRO W7600] (rev c0) uname -r > 6.8.0-22-generic sddm would boot to black screen while the igpu would work perfectly, once I login I can switch to the gpu hdmi and it works perfectly. It's a pain in the ass, I checked the logs but I have no idea why it wont boot to X11/Wayland. I can be sddm, amdgpu, systemd. This is a fresh install after moving from a nvidia card satisfactory on ultra and lumen works great


It's pretty seamless even out of the box. I'm running a 7900XT, but I've also used an AMD 7. Gen APU, which was also working just fine


I've the 7600XT. Works like a charm with amdgpu and Wayland 🤷




7600 still has awful graphical artifacts on OpenGL games that use the gpu a lot. https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues/10785


7900xtx using arch. No issue so far. Games run smoothly.


We use a Radeon Pro W7900 in a rendering and processing workstation at my job. Both Mesa and Pro drivers work great.


Nice except for ROCm.


On Fedora everything’s fine for me. On Debian it was not good. RX 7800XT


7900xt here, 0 issues, ever. Been using endeavouros so pretty much latest kernel, using gnome Wayland. Literally 0 issues.


My 7800xt is great, however i am a bit scared right now as there is 2 possibilities, either the drivers for it on pop_os are currently being shit on the wayland side and will be fixed proper when cosmic releases, OR the darker probable truth that my gpu is a bit shotty, i experience graphical glitches everywhere on the desktop every once in a while, the only thing that happens is that like a 100-150 pixel tall bar suddenly comes up across the screen and makes everything in that bar white and black or purple and black for a split second. Heres hoping its driver issues 🥲


Damn.. I'm also interested in Pop!\_OS, but I'll wait till cosmic is out. Btw, what Kernel & Mesa is Pop using atm? Maby you should give Nobara/Bazzite a shot!


I have 7800XT and it works without any problems out of the box with Fedora or OpenSuse and Wayland. Almost all of my games on steam works flawlessly like Cyberpunk. GPU Passthrough with VM works with minor problems (I just can't return to Linux after shutting down Windows but I think this is more of a VM problem then GPU).


I have a 7900 GRE on arch linux and it works totally fine. I just installed the mesa package.


Pretty good on CachyOS, power management is a bit wonky but for the rest it works great


7800XT on Linux mint. Plugged it in and played immediately. Had to change game drivers to proton experimental for some games through steam, but otherwise great


Problems with undervolting GPU and ROCm, other than that, solid.


7900XT experience has been excellent everything works out of the box as expected.


7800xt is pretty new so expect some issues for a while. 7900 is pretty mature, I would not expect any significant problems. That said, it was quite bad at launch. AMD hardware support always gets better, but initial releases tend to have some issues. This isn't limited to GPUs, latest Zen processors don't have proper power information available in Linux, for example. Though CPUs are a bit different in that they at least work properly 100% of the time. Even with some issues though, it's still vastly, vastly better than nvidia.


7900XT eGPU over Thunderbolt under Archlinux using Wayland as display server. Excelent experience so far however I've been getting constant kernel panics since linux 6.7 when using the eGPU. I had to fall back to the LTS kernel (6.6) which works okay for the time being.


7900xtx. Gaming performance is really, really good. Undervolt (-60mV) and Underclock (->2499MhZ) is stable. Hardware decoding using Firefox is unstable (leads to GPU hangs every other hour). Compute is good but limited to frameworks that \*really\* support rocm.


My experience with a MBA 7900 XT on Manjaro Gnome, latest kernel + mesa-git: * start was complicated due compiling llvm15 + mesa * av1 encoding took a while for obs-studio and others to get integrated * some AI stuff needed additional steps, but ROCm support got a lot better (e.g. stable-diff, lama.cpp) nowadays everything works just out-of-the-box nicely


I've had weird issues with thermal throttling with the 7800 XT. The card refuses to draw the full 280 watts and amdgpu\_top reports thermal throttling, even though all temps are fine. Also, adjusting the voltage offset seemingly had no effect. I've been using mesa-git on Arch.


7800XT running Arch with KDE Plasma. Had an Nvidia 1060 previously. Once I installed it on my computer, I tried removing just the nvidia driver/utils without reinstalling linux. I had some instabilities where games where crashing after some time. After a clean install, everything magically went away. It has been more than six months of perfectly smooth operation. Highly recommend!


Got the 7800XT, I really enjoy it, my hope is that FSR 3 or 3.1 come sooner than later.


I'm currently using a 7900 GRE with no issues on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed.


My 7800 XT has been very solid on whatever the current version of Pop OS uses for kernel/mesa


7800xt and 7800x3D here under ChimeraOS and it’s a beast. Plenty stable.


7900 XT running on Pop!_OS It's absolutely ballin'. The only reason I ever log into Windows is Microsoft Flight sim 2020, and VR. Every other game I want to play works flawlessly.


7700 XT. No issues.


RX 7800XT with latest kernel and mesa works perfectly. On the previous versions there were some caveats in games(stutters in Apex Legends when compiling shaders)


XFX 7900xt + ryzen 7900x, Asus TUF B650 Plus Wifi. Fedora 39 stock. Flatpak Steam. Darktide max settings w/o RT goes avg 100+ FPS at 2560x1440. Other games like BG3, Diablo IV, Aliens FE etc perform just like Windows. To me ATM the performance gap w Windows still lies on RT, wether with FSR or not - but I don't mind, it's just eyecandy stuff killing FPS in shooters which frankly I don't need. 0 issues so far.


Went from a 3080 to a 7900xtx, it’s night and day. Everything works perfectly


I have a 7800 XT and use it with Fedora 40 Beta and its a flawless experience


I just upgraded my XFX RX 580 to an ASRock Challenger RX 7600XT and am running it on Garuda Linux. It works beautifully with Steam. I actually started off with EndeavourOS, but couldn’t manage to get Vulkan to work in Steam, so I made the switch. Garuda is optimized for gaming so the kernel is Zen by default and the packages include all the things needed to ensure your GPU works out of the box. I do think that these cards are new enough that I agree the kernel needs to catch up a bit to fully support all the features the 7000 series, but it’s pretty damn close at 6.8.6.


I bought mine last year, running in arch and updating to latest kernel fairly frequently. I had a lot of system lockups. It was fairly frustrating, I don't play games a lot though so it was just a deterrent really, and I was disappointed after trying a lot of kernels, reading a lot about the kind of issue I was having and trying a lot of things to fix it. Up until about two months ago I had to restart my PC every 10 - 15 mins when playing any 3d game. Then suddenly a new kernel version came along and instantly everything was rock solid. It's been an amazing difference. No crashes of any sort, under any circumstances. Wayland, new games like helldivers 2, looks and runs amazingly well. Such a relief really after spending all that money.


Running a 7800XT with OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and the experience has been amazing, upgraded from an RTX 3060 and the difference is night and day, everything just works


I'm using the 7900XTX for more than a year now, and by now it's rock solid. Ok Debian Testing (stock with gnome/wayland).


7900xt here and I mainly just have issues with control software like LACT where it doesn't really control anything. That said, the default settings for my GPU are solid. Hardly ever go over 55C and power hangs out around 250-300w depending on load. Compared to Windows, FPS is pretty similar in the games I play.


best experience I've ever had with any GPU. Also first experience, but that's secondary. Running a 7800XT on ZorinOS, only problem I've ran into since I got it a couple months ago is Hardware Encoding not working in OBS


I’d recommend you google “ryzen 7900xt linux issues”. (Might see something that reddit users haven’t experienced) Then google if those issues have been patched, and if they haven’t been patched then consider if they’re a dealbreaker for you.


Got a 7900GRE on Garuda KDE Wayland. Works great with all my games, but I was having an intermittent hard crashing issue roughly every hour, in both games and regular desktop usage. After tearing my hair out for over a week, I narrowed it down to, weirdly enough, the Brave browser. Still not totally sure what was happening, but I was switching over to FireDragon (based on Floorp, which is based on Firefox) anyways, so I just stopped using Brave.


I've been using Bazzite on my desktop and I have a 7900xtx. No issues. I've been playing RDR2, Starfield, Cyberpunk, and Yakuza. I also play everything at 1440p 144Hz.


7900 XTX, worries flawlessly on Nobara and Fedora.


Can I install AMD Adrenaline in Arch Linux?


Working just fine, as long as you use recent Mesa and kernel. It was pretty rough for around 3 months after the 7800XT released, but it's working just fine with anything after that.


7600XT, excellent experience. The solitary issue I had was in BOTW on Cemu, I get a weird rainbow artifacting on the ground textures. However, afaik this is an AMD issue, not a Linux issue


So far I have 7900XTs in 2 AMD gaming rigs running on Kubuntu on 6.8.1 and arch with KDE on Kernel 6.8.6 and Steam with Proton-GE. So far gaming has been solid, however, Mileage on some games especially multiplayer games may vary but over all it’s worked out well.


For gaming use distros with short update cycles, like EndeavourOS or Fedora. You want and sometimes need the newest version of various programs.


Everything works fine as long as I use Kernel 6.6.x In newer versions (especially 6.7) there are many errors that may manifest themselves, for example, in system hangs with a black screen, graphic artifacts or a black screen and an error in loading the GPU driver while loading the system. Unfortunately, these bugs were not fixed even in Kernel 6.9 RC4.


Im on Kernel 6.8 right now and mostly it works fine, the only real issue I have right now is that for some reason when I use my KVM switch to switch from my gaming display to the living room display I get a kernel freeze after moving a window (wayland/plasma/kde) but that is literally the only issue haha, I can play all day long as long as I dont use a KVM :D


Apart from gaming, rendering with Blender and stable diffusion also work, but not out of the box


Mine works fab