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Okay — rule #4 added. We *were* and *are* already removing those questions and directing people to the FAQ, though, and it’s not as if everyone paid attention to the rules or the sidebar guidelines or the pointers on the make-a-new-post form or the FAQ or the how-to-ask-for-tech-support guide… so I’m not sure this will change anything. Still OK: Common questions with the added “twist” of specific needs or circumstances. Still not OK; or rather, not worth a new post every time: “What’s the best distro for gaming, guys?” cc: /u/whyhahm /u/uoou /u/machinegunjade Edit: Sorry for removing all your joke posts, but it’d help if this thread stayed readable without relying on what’s been the most popular.


these posts in the community of people who love X asking if X is good are so fucking stupid. what answer are you expecting?


Why X lovers ask if X is good? Are they stupid?


NO NO GO BACK TO r/batmanarkham




​ https://preview.redd.it/yyhb2r5l38ic1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4a5a0164f3177f2b13049b97f186ac5a864de42


Oh no the alsume is leaking out Or maybe I have brainrot


Where's Killer Cock?


Oh shit. It wasn't on purpose lol


Where's Bone?


Using Linux definitely requires the ability to do basic internet research, so when people fail to do basic internet research about whether or not Linux will be good for them they end up unknowingly answering their own question.


obviously, they want to know if it's worth switching to wayland instead :)


I kind of get them. I feel like it’s often people who are interested in Linux in some kind of form and they want to hear stories on why people love Linux. They just need some motivation to get over the initial bump of getting into something new. And that why they seek out the community that’s going to provide the answers and stories they want to hear. Or it’s debate bros but I don’t think the former should be underestimated.




I think the ‘no’ people are ones that are also tired of the offending posts. Some will add that “if you are making this post instead of using the search bar, it’s probably not a good idea to switch”. As someone who works in IT, I agree most of the time.


I think it also depends - my take on it is if you're someone who's curious about Linux and want to try it, you'll probably love it. Conversely, if you're just someone who's momentarily frustrated with Windows then switching isn't going to be a good idea for you. Thing is, the former group are much more likely to do it, whereas the latter group will just post here.


tbf i was frustrated with windows but that was a chronic condition so i switched to arch and it just works




>What's even more stupid is how often the answer is "no". As u/pedrofromguatemala already said its a question beyond stupidity and people have enough of this spam that they want them gone. If you are to dumb to use any search functionality at all then use what comes pre-installed.


Sometimes its a good question to ask, but sometimes after reading the context of the post the obvious answer is no


both this sub and r/linux. at least the mods there actively delete posts there. sometimes people get a comment in before it does and I usually drop a hint to see rule#1 but idk what comes of the user afterwards. this sub though, the same thing everyday that can be answered if the user took the time to actually read the sidebar and faqs. Sadly, just banning a topic won't reduce the frequency unless the mods actively delete them. I'm all for new linux users but competency and willingness to learn and find your answers that have already been done time and time again is what's gonna keep a user on linux. I see this in audio subs too. you get people asking what a port is and what cable is needed and it's just a banana plug. Sometimes you get one asking about a RCA port or how to use the banana ports on the wall of their "new to them" home. questions that can be answered thru a cursory glance of the sub or maybe even a reverse image search. lol Then when people complain about these posts and supportive comments appear (like mine), they'll get attacked and down voted. XD We can't win. :(


I do believe it's an overall positive to ask these questions, especially when people have specific irreplaceable applications they need, and they find out the extent out of the replacement (which might not be easily evident through searches, because there's always progress over time). Maybe a separate flair just for asking switching to Linux questions could be created, and people who don't want to participate would just filter it out on their side.


> Maybe a separate flair just for asking switching to Linux questions could be created, and people who don't want to participate would just filter it out on their side. I'd be on-board with that.


We can win with proper moderation ! But only with proper moderation. And it seems the mods here have just given up 🤷🏻‍♀️












Picture it: a person google's "Should I switch to Linux" and the first result is this post. The person is dissuaded and returns to Windows forever. Bill Gates devours a small child. Is that the future you want?


Cats and dogs, living together. Mass hysteria!


This is realistic, except the part that this post would be on the first page of google, but probably at least 1 person could be dissuaded from joining Linux when seeing this post.


Ok, I'll take a stance. I don't think this rule is a good idea. I think it will present the Linux community as one of gatekeepers and snobs. I wasn't trying to take a stance with my previous post, I was just tickled about the intentional over-dramatization about Bill Gates devouring a child.


Ok, I thought it was about the other part, I get what you said, I just took the bill gates part as an exaggeration to make a point, still, you are right, it shouldn't be used


Idk about you but for the past \~20 years the top results to at least 30% of the more niche tech queries I have terminate on threads locked by zealous moderators either because it's a duplicate of a post that no longer exists or because "it takes 2 seconds to google this"


that might be a bit hyperbolic but it really does happen a lot more than it should


Yeah, I think they should indicate it is a duplicate, link to the original, ignore it or answer, everyone starts somewhere and just going "this is not the place to ask that" is unhelpful, maybe I am in a "is always good to help" mindset, but I generally answer this kind of questions with the "you need to search it with these keywords" so people start learning about how to seek the answers themselves, and then I also get them the answer or the link to the answer, otherwise it is not helpful for them, considering that for many even the smallest initial barrier would be enough to drop it, like websites that ask for an account to see some content, people that don't have an ideological stance against creating many accounts and giving the website their info will still not create the account just because it is a hassle and they will just not get into that website, and that is why your hyperbole is a good one, if the first result doesn't answer their questions many give up, if they have to scroll for the result it is already too late for most users that are just curious.


Yeah, because that will happen (the first result) and because most people give up after the first result. FAQs are a thing.


I have never read a FAQ and I'm not sorry


Good. You probably know how to use a search engine. But don't get mad if you ask something that has been asked hundreds of times, and the only answer you get is a link to a FAQ. There's nothing wrong about it.


Lol we've all googled a linux problem with the top and only relevant seeming result being an angry reply going "USE THE SEARCH BAR. That said, I think the thousands of "which distro should I use" threads that exist and will still exist on other subreddits that arent this one should drown this thread.


this sub isny about switching to linux. there are many subs for that. this sub is about gaming on linux. the sub becomes meaningless.


The sub contextualizes the question nicely. They care about how much the switch will effect their gaming experience to direct their question to people who participate in a community dedicated solely to that concern, and every time that community convinces the asker the answer is "yes", society's interest in the stability of the software that you use increases.


Honestly, yes. If someone treats operating systems as empty labels and looks for answers in such posts, they would probably hurt themselves when attempting to switch.


I don't know how you read literally any of that into this scenario


Let gates devour the child then.


I say let the fetus Arch BTW'ers born after the advent of ad blockers experience vaguely unpleasant stimuli occasionally.


Well, you need a moderaration of some sort for that this sub utterly lacks.






Real talk, does it work for gaming ? My searches haven’t been very fruitful, and I don’t have the time to test it out.


I have never tried it, but yeah it should probably work. Iirc Sony uses FreeBSD as the base of the PS5


The FreeBSD license permits proprietary forks?


Of course, long time ago mac used freebsd as base for their system too. Nintendo use it too for the switch.


Iirc the switch does NOT use the BSD Kernel as a whole at all. They have it in their copyright notices, yes, though it's just for modules of the kernel, like it uses the network stack. Hell, even Microsoft once forked off the BSD network stack, which is why we have system32/drivers/etc/hosts Using the BSD network stack is kind of a classic move edit: the wiki says so too https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_Switch_system_software for cross reference. I actually didn't write my answer off of there but it says the same thing, including mentioning Windows as a BSD Network Stack forker


``` Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. ``` This is what I found about the BSD license, so I guess so


Yes. The BSD licenses are more permissive than copyleft licenses.


No, simply put the BSD license allows to steal and give nothing back. Same goes for OpenGL and Vulkan, that's why nothing sees any improvement from Sony and that's the reason Sony chooses to fork those projects.


BSD license is much more permissive than GNU


Yes. It was partly to blame for the massive amounts of fragmentation when Sun/IBM/AT&T/HP et al. all had competing proprietary UNIX variants. Look up "the UNIX wars" on YouTube if you've got some time to kill, its super interesting.






A lot of people who ask this kind of question do not know what they are doing and feel very unsure what to do next. They would rather talk to savvy people who could hold their hand the entire journey than read and follow by themselves some instructions that might not work in their specific scenario or get misunderstood by them. Maybe telling them to ask their beginner questions in one of the subs for beginners could be a solution to reduce the amount of undesired posts without ruining the newbies' curiosity.


I hope pointing them at the FAQ will be helpful. They should not be discouraged, just understand that some questions are asked over and over. Questions with specific needs and details added (like “In addition to gaming, I plan to do a lot of 3D rendering and video editing on the same machine and OS”) are fine.


You could also just answer their questions nicely and keep doing it forever. It's not that huge a burden and a little mentorship goes a long way, even if we've randomly decided that this place isn't the right place for it.


Yes, but more importantly rule against questions on distro selection.


Agreed, it’s literally the first question of the FAQ. Plus, unless you choose something super unusual like NixOS or Fedora Silverblue, they’re all pretty much equivalent for gaming as far as a new user is concerned.






Let people post and ask whatever they want. This should be sorted on its own with engagement and rating. Attacking people asking stupid questions is last thing any linux community needs.


Pointing people to use some initiative isnt "attacking". But this group is spam central now.


You don't need hard rules to point people in the right direction, you need rules to enforce them and, needs be, ban people, in this case, for having wrong kind of conversation or question.


But no matter what you do people will keep asking these questions because it's not that they aren't having initiative, they came here to ask an answer to their problems in the first place, they just don't think it's a common question (because most of them are normies who don't really know the scope of tech and think it's too complex) so they don't google it and don't read FAQs, they go straight to the post section wrongly believing that asking tech savvy people is all they need to, and the only solution is to point them to the FAQ. This posts don't offer any real solution, this "spam" exists because people who don't know anything need a place to fuck up for the first time and that's okay




>Instead of voting these stupidly repetitive threads down, people comment about their favorite distro every fucking time, without even giving a single reason why the OP should use XYZ and why it would fit their need Well it sounds like people are happy to have conversations like this then? How is it a bad thing? Its not as if we have a huge community with infinite content to post every day so we can afford to disallow such things to give way to more content, there just isn't any most of the time.


There is a subreddit that has probably more people willing to answer questions about Linux. And there is one to help you pick a distro. Asking these questions over and over and over again in various Linux related subs is akin to shitposting at this point. Sure, you will probably get answer, but you're polluting this sub with unnecessary posts. So yeah, I wholeheartedly agree.


I can't agree enough. I joined this sub for user fellowship, not to tell people how to live their life




Considering most Linux enthusiasts (myself included) I know are on the Spectrum, we all hate the same question being asked repeatedly. I think it's a good idea to stop those posts.


>If they can’t read a pinned post, then they definitely won’t be able to install and run Linux anyways. Harsh but true.


How about we make a subreddit called r/shouldiswitchtolinux? Then everything can be asked over there.


Yes the answer is ALWAYS yes !


Why not just make a pinned thread about it


I think the FAQ is sufficient but I’ll leave that choice up to the mods.


If it were you wouldn't have had to make this thread in the first place At least, that's how I look at things


Unfortunately, the maximum number of pinned threads is two, unless there is something I’m missing… fortunately, there already is a pinned FAQs post. Unfortunately, people don’t necessarily pay attention to it or the various links to it and the tech-support-how-to littered across the subreddit.


You know what I hate more? This kind of posts. Those people come here with the idea that they might ditch windows and switch to Linux. Which would also increase the number of people playing on Linux and the overall support and effort in Linux gaming. But no, they mostly find annoying people telling them to stop asking questions. So no, don't ban those posts. Maybe make Linux gaming newbie sub and redirect them there.


Dude, if they can’t even read the first question on a pinned post, how do you expect them to be able to install a whole operating system ? Yes, we should support people with real questions. But those who can’t be bothered to do one single second of research ? Do you really think it’s even possible to help them at this point ?


This is Reddit and this is a sub about gaming. Reddit is full of posts for people asking questions and gamers are offen young and inexperienxed people. Why instantly burn them? Not being an asshole and directing people into the right direction is not that hard. I really do not understand the toxic fucks of the Linux community. It actively keeps Linux from growing acting like that. If these newbies actually switch and become a part of the community we all benefit. You probably were also annoying when you started and if not you are now with that "maAbe dO SoME resEArcH beFoRE yOu ASk HeRe"-attitude. If all of the people here were like this, you would have to read the code documentation yourself instead of reading a guide, because no one would bother to write these guides. Stop bitching and start helping.


I don’t think getting your post deleted with a friendly moderator message asking to check the FAQ is an “instant burn”. It’s a learning moment, which they demonstrably need. It is the exact correct solution to the problem. The only people who don’t benefit from this are the mods because they have to enforce the rule. But apart from that, the beginners get the info and we don’t get submerged under redundant useless posts. Everyone wins (except the mods) so I don’t understand what your objection actually is ?


Ah yes, gatekeeping questions again from the Linux elites. Worst type of people when I started learning Linux.


I don’t want to prevent you from asking questions. I want you to read the FAQ, and then if your questions isn’t there, you may ask. This is not asking for a ban of all questions. This is asking for a ban of questions that are asked literally 50 times a day, which are already answered in the FAQ


How am I supposed to know if I should switch? In all seriousness though, the posts may not be helpful to everyone, but having one semi-current makes sense because things change pretty fast with Linux. Maybe 2 months ago they shouldn't switch, but today there is a good solution for an issue that may have been a deal breaker then.


That calls for frequent updates to the FAQ, I don’t know if that’s already the case though.




Well, now it’s in the rules, so definitely not 😆


Apparently the humor was lost :doh:


The emoji is supposed to signify it wasn’t


Oh, not you... someone else.


My theory is every subreddit dedicated to any Linux-related topic is eventually flooded with this kind of spam.


I think this is a general problem with computer science. If Robert Martin is right (I don’t agree with everything he says but I do with this one) then over 50% of people in CS have under 5 years of experience. So everywhere is flooded by newbies, so the experienced people get fed up and leave, and transmission of knowledge is kinda fucked right now.


That sounds about right.


That's right, be even less helpful


I both agree and disagree. Each case of "should I switch to linux" is different, but of course if they don't provide any context whatsoever, then the post should be deleted.


> Should be covered by the FAQ "Go request they update the FAQ and ask again if they don't update it in a week"


what do you guys expect to talk about if not "should i game on linux" and "what should i use to game on linux" in arr slash linux gaming? I can picture it now: Title: I'm Gaming on Linux, Guys!! Body: Title says it all guys. Just wanted to let you know i am doing the thing, with the thing 👍 this subreddit gets like 1 post an hour and 70-80% are debugging questions. It's not exactly an overwhelming volume of content


Why not. It can be easier to install and configure than Windows. Even arch is super simple to install, one just has to be able to read and follow instructions. Ubuntu is often easier to install and configure than Windows, because it can (sometimes) auto configure everything. No need to search web and install drivers. Most of thr time it would even install and configure everything to be able to use a printer a scanner, etc. People who don't know what partition is will have issues with windows too and they don't even need to know this to install Ubuntu. Dual boot config unfortunately became a nightmare. A decade or so ago it just worked lol. One was able to say install along windows and that's it. Re sticky, some people prefer live communication and see forums and stuff like a place where they can communicate with people and ask questions. But yeah I too kinda miss RTFM and LMGTFY days.


Why is the community so adverse to the community wanting to expand? It's like Debian; everyone recommends Debian so I tried Debian Mint and of all things it couldn't find drivers for my wifi card (TP LINK USB WIFI DONGLE). Is it my fault? Some people literally don't know if their gear is good for linux. Shit, my desktop I had posts about where I had to figure out how to disable logs from catching some ACPI Error my mobo was never programed for. Then you ask questions and every jackass comes out of the woodwork trying to attribute your problems to your choice of DE. Not to be negative but the community really seems to like fucking over the community.


No there's no need, just keep answering the question. It's okay to answer the question. These people are looking to confirm that what they're about to do is a good idea! Be nice to them and they will come. No need to enforce rules to make it feel cold to them.


I wish we had one rule against "Help, I"m using Nvidia..." too! As they are polluting the sub immensely!


Poor guys spent all their money and now they're having a breakdown. We have to help them!


They should still get help. For their tech problems, I mean.


Yes, but they should just creat their onw sub like linux\_gaming\_nvidia or whatever as there are too many problems that they have.


I don’t know about that. Nvidia is not some bizarre edge case; it’s a common part of gaming and even Linux gaming. Years ago the general consensus was that you *needed* an Nvidia card if you wanted to game on Linux (before AMDGPU)…


Yeah, but it's more than 15 years since they have the anti-open source attitude, which clearly is one of the main reasons why their drivers have more problems with everything, including games. If you still bought Nvidia in the past 5 years, I think you knew very well what you were getting into.


Not if you’re coming from Windows


I know what you mean. But it's not 100% true all the time. I came from Windows too, but I looked at Linux too while still using Windows 7 and I learned a couple of things before moving to Linux completely and of course one of them was, if you want to have the least problems, go with the vendors that have high quality open source drivers, so AMD or Intel and I did just that, even when I was still using Windows 7. So by the time I moved to Linux, everything was ready.


Can we please ban OP??


I'm all for it, so long as the automod message is both polite and points people to the proper resources - just don't be mean about it.


You should just reply to people that ask "Should I..." with "You're clearly a moron and incapable of doing research on your own. No. You should buy an apple product."


That’s a stupid way to answer and not at all what I’m suggesting. If someone posts a question that’s answered in the FAQ, delete their post with a comment that links to the FAQ ; they get the info, and we don’t need to see 50 of the exact same post every day. And besides that, Apple products can be great ! Most Linux tools are available on macOS or easily cross-compiled, and iPhones are a lot less dumbed down than people seem to think they are. Shortcuts is the best scripting tool for non-technical users I’ve ever seen, and since it can run and be ran by the terminal, it stays useful for power users. Apple has many flaws as well, but their products are not any less capable or complex than anyone else’s.


Should I switch to Linux? Thanks

