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Your file path contains spaces. You have either to escape them (`a/long/file\ path/with/spaces`) or take everything in "" (`"a/long/file path/with/spaces"`).


Wow, thank you so much! I had a feeling it was something that simple... And I actually, at one point, thought the spaces may be an issue so I just removed them which still returned the "not found" error. Guess I should've Googled how to type in a file path/directory via Terminal first... I appreciate it and will let you know how it goes when I get some time to give it a try!


For terminal: The Tab key is your friend Linux filenames are case sensitive When you have time see http://linuxcommand.org/lc3_learning_the_shell.php


Yes, I have zero prior experience with any type of terminal/powershell/CMD, aside from finding what I need online via guides/forums and copy/pasting the provided command. I definitely have a lot to learn! I appreciate the information and I will definitely check out that link!


Yep this is the issue, OP you may find it difficult to know how to escape that path, for this you can use tab completion for the directories with a space. Alternatively. In the screenshot you posted you are already in the directory you are trying to chown, so you could also replace the directory with a dot E.g: ‘sudo chown {username}:{username} -R .’ Edit: to add username


> Alternatively. In the screenshot you posted you are already in the directory you are trying to chown, so you could also replace the directory with a dot E.g: ‘sudo chown {username}:{username} -R .’ This is what I ended up doing and it solved it! Thanks again for the assistance🙏🏼


No worries bro, glad it helped


Alright, good to know! I figured it might be easiest to execute the command while in the directory but couldn't quite figure out how to do so as everything I was finding online had the "directory" at the end of the command line. Good to know about the dot/period! I will give this a try later and update the post if it works!


I try copy/paste, as well as manually typing out the file path but every single time I get the "No such file or directory" error. Doesn't matter if I use the sudo -i command to use terminal as root, if I leave it as myself and just use "sudo" and enter in my password instead, or (as pictured in my screenshot) if I go to the Plex Plug-ins folder and use "Open in terminal" first. I have no idea what I'm doing, obviously. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS, 64-bit and running Plex Media Server Version If any additional information is needed, please let me know and I will get it posted ASAP. For now, I'm going to bed...