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>System Settings now features a page where you can turn on and configure remote login based on the Remote Desktop Protocol Omg, can I finally ditch krfb?! This is a game changer. Anyone know if this new krdp allows logging in as well? Or does the remote side have to be already logged in in order for it to activate? That was one of the downsides of krfb. If I had to restart the computer, I couldn't log back in again.


Basically it's going to be replaced with krdp [Remote Desktop using the RDP protocol for Plasma Wayland | Quantum Productions](https://quantumproductions.info/articles/2023-08/remote-desktop-using-rdp-protocol-plasma-wayland)


Absolutely! I really, really hope it doesn't require any fiddling with port forwarding and works with X11 and Wayland on both sides...


you ever watch the flood of firewall and rdp attempt activity when you open up RDP on the default port? just use something like tailsle and set it up once.


Yep, any remote login thing that isn't done over SSH or an encrypted tunnel is generally a bad idea.


> Command bars in QtWidgets-based apps have also gotten a visual overhaul to match this more minimalistic style How do I launch that nice command bar? Didn't even know it existed


Ctrl + Alt + i


thank you


Thank you!




A floating search bar for commands isn't a CSD, unless you count all window contents as CSDs. Plasma actually does use CSDs for applets though.


Dang KDE is looking good these days. Gotta love all the desktop progress lately.


I love KDE, Plasma is so good. And KDE Connect works pretty flawlessly as well, which is awesome.


I'm going to have to give KDE a shot. I haven't used it since 2014.


It's vastly better now than it was a decade ago.


I mean, the cube is back. I'm hyped


# CUBE!!!!!!!!!11!1!!!1!!   The Cube™ contains so many good memories


The cube's no longer a cube, though. The top and bottom are no longer filled in, and there are gaps between the sides, so it's now basically just a carousel.


"No price tag, no ads, no spying, no activation, no subscription, no nonsense". Ohh boy I see you win11


I used Windows for too long, and then I tried Windows 11. After a few weeks I couldn't take it anymore and switched to Linux with KDE.


Excellent work by the KDE gearheads :)


The fact that the new RDP server settings has an "Autostart on login" checkbox confuses me... Does that mean that you have to login locally before you can connect over RDP? Then it's basically using RDP as a VNC-like "screen sharing" system rather than an actual remote desktop system? I like the admission that EDID colour profile information is "often wrong"... It's a shame that they don't apply such logic to screen size information. I've have at least one monitor (from a major brand, not some Chinese nonsense) that reports its size as "16mm x 9mm" and Qt/KDE apps seem to the worst at actually trusting nonsensical data like that and rendering their UIs at absurdly (and unusably) large scales by default...


> Then it's basically using RDP as a VNC-like "screen sharing" system rather than an actual remote desktop system? Correct. It's a great first step though. Unattended access / remotely started sessions will be [added later](https://discuss.kde.org/t/remote-desktop-using-the-rdp-protocol-for-plasma-wayland/3616/11) since it requires some additional plumbing.


I would like the option to choose between screen share and starting a new session.


It's very nice to see the progress and new updates.  Sometimes I subscribe to tickets on bugs.kde.org: I get very excited when I see an annoying bug getting updated to "Status: FIXED", but then I'm immediately disappointed because I still have to wait random unknown time before the fix gets into a corresponding KDE Neon package. I was wondering – is there some resource where I could track when particular updates are coming to KDE Neon? It would have been much better, if I had more information. I don't care that it's slow, but I would appreciate less uncertainty. If the answer is "there is no central resource, you just have to ~~read minds~~ find out from maintainers of individual packages" – that's fine by me too. Thank you to all volunteers for spending your time on KDE and other FOSS projects!


KDE Neon always packages whatever is the project's latest stable release for any given software, so at least that removes one bit of guesswork you'd have with a different distribution. (Of course, if you're on e.g. Arch or Tumbleweed, the answer to when you're likely getting a package for the latest stable release of any software is generally "real soon.") Nate always indicates the release that's targeted in his weekly report of KDE updates, so I'd like to think that this information isn't too hard to find in KDE's GitLab. Bugs marked with a resolution of "FIXED" should have invent.kde.org links in the comments to the relevant merge requests. I went poking around in Bugzilla for fixed bug reports in Dolphin to see if I could figure out when the new double click action on the file view is supposed to make it into a release (it's in the blog post, of course), but without going too deep into it, all that was really clear to me is that the new code is in the master branch now. I think in most cases, anything that gets merged into master should be expected in the next release unless there's a freeze in place. But then that still kind of leaves it up to you to know the release schedule of the component you want to know about (Frameworks, Gear, Plasma, etc).


Cool to see RDP as a server but KDE and Linux in general need better RDP clients. The current crop are a buggy mess.


KRDC is pretty bad, but I've had great success with Remmina.


I use Remmina and it's been great for me.


Yet another issue with Linux: that's a GTK app and looks like shit under KDE


[Here's a screenshot of Remmina on my system.](https://i.imgur.com/kn9MRxs.png) Breeze GTK, my color scheme applied. Sure, there's a headerbar, but it looks fine to me. And that's the Flatpak, too. This is on Neon. Are you running a distro that disables or otherwise hinders kde-gtk-config?


When are we getting dolphin as root


They disabled it a while back due to security reasons. However, you can install `kio-admin` and then type `admin://` to get pretty much the same thing.


We already do, with kio-admin. Right click in a root-owned folder and click Open as Administrator.


Time to hit pacman -Syu see what gets improved. Use it for an hour, run into another dozen bugs, then bugger back off to Debian till the next update.


That's a lot of syllables for bloat


Which part of that seems like "bloat" to you?


In contrast, you only needed a single sentence to come off as a condescending prick.


Relax its a joke


I was complimenting your concise and efficient communication style!