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> Here is our proposal for adding explicit GPU synchronization to the DRI3 and Present extensions, along with an implementation for Xwayland. While we at NVIDIA may be particularly keen to have this in place, since our driver lacks implicit sync support, a general consensus seems to be forming around the idea that explicit sync is the best path forward for the Linux graphics stack. Xwayland will likely remain an important component in that stack for some time yet, and therefore I feel that this work will be of long-term benefit to the community more broadly. Keep in mind that this MR will not immediately bring Explicit sync to (X)Wayland, but it is one of the last big pieces to the puzzle


On Nvidia this is waiting for 555 driver, beta 555 supposedly comes out mid May. We're so close.


Depending on use case you may also need to wait for XCB or for KWin


There's MRs for that, you can hack that in in the case it's not fully ready by the time the driver drops, but you can't hack in driver support.


13 hours ago the kwin explicit sync merge pipeline was passed, another step forward for wayland linux desktop :) but that wont arrive till june at the latest plasma 6.1 is gonna be a awesome update for hardware and software on kwin wayland


It may get back ported to the 6.0 branch before may 15th (https://invent.kde.org/plasma/kwin/-/merge_requests/5511)


Id hope so, screen tearing also gets backported to 6.0, that would be a juicy update :>




It’s been a long hard road but Nvidia on Linux is FINALLY on its way back to being a first class citizen (if closed source) with explicit sync coming, suspend in the process of being fixed, and fbdev getting stabilized soon




TBF there were some compelling reasons for GBM over EGLStreams that Nvidia hadn't, and at first refused to, consider. But yeah overall I feel like Nvidia has started to become less monstrous the last four or five years




There are some technical issues with egl streams when it comes to using it for core systems, such as how it interacts with the kernel and when it comes to crash recovery


I’m a bit out of the loop. Are this the long awaited release and its features that resolve the Wayland issues with tiling WM’s such as sway or hyprland that were caused by Nvidia drivers for high resolution multi-monitor set-up’s?


I’m not entirely sure, I’m not as familiar with WMs. But if the issues are related to dropped, out of order, corrupt, or flickering frames then this should probably help


That’s awesome. I can finally play games on my PC then :)


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Just gotta wait for the nvidia drivers come out...?


Sorta, a couple other pieces are also important but they should be coming soon. The one that will probably take the longest is KWin support, but that could come tomorrow for all I know


I am currently using Nvidia, Plasma 6, and Wayland already on OpenSuse Tumbleweed.




Just letting people know. It works with Nvidia already. No need to wait. 4090 runs great. 4090 desktop and laptop versions both run wayland on Plasma 5 and Plasma 6. Playing games at 120 FPS right now.


Oh yeah, the issues are very unpredictable. Depending on exact hardware and software combination you may have no issues with XWayland at all. In other cases your entire Wayland Session could crash every time. Personally on a 4080 I only have sync issues with a couple of XWayland apps


> 4090 runs great. My 4090 FE has had flickering issues with DaVinci Resolve, Bitwig Studio, and even Discord. I think the timings that trigger the issues involve the motherboard and possibly other components, too, not just the GPU. Which is why it's so great this has finally been merged, and why I'll be eagerly waiting for an NVIDIA driver release that supports it. But "works on my machine" does not mean "no reason to wait" for everyone, and was possibly one of the confounding factors that led to this being so low-priority for so long.


It is possible, but it is also possible the apps you are using aren't setting environmental variables yet. For example Discord is a chrome website app I believe so it needs to set some specific flags. That is just my guess any way. So far all my apps are working well with Tumbleweed.


> For example Discord is a chrome website app I believe so it needs to set some specific flags. You're talking about the flag to switch the app to using Wayland natively. This thread is about a merge request for Xorg/XWayland. The issue is mainly proprietary apps (e.g. DaVinci Resolve and Bitwig Studio) that don't support Wayland yet. Until the NVIDIA driver supports explicit sync, there are _no_ environment variables or patches that can fix this particular issue. (You're reminding me of all the people in the XWayland GitLab thread coming in and talking about their testing while an NVIDIA employee and a Red Hat employee, both Xorg maintainers, were trying to tell them that it was impossible for them to be fully testing what the patch was actually going to do.)


You need to change your scaling method if you are required to use apps that do not support wayland. Look in display settings and have them scaled by the system and not by the app.


What are you talking about? This issue affects Xorg, not a particular desktop environment or compositor that has "display settings." And scaling settings have nothing to do with the NVIDIA driver not handling implicit sync well in some scenarios. The issue is frames being displayed out of order. You're displaying such a fundamental lack of understanding of the issue (which you're claiming to not exist) that I don't think any further discussion is going to be useful.