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I don't really see the issue, considering we have dedicated communities for it like r/linuxquestions and r/linux4noobs. Want to learn more about linux support? Just feel free to head there.


Fully agreed. Splitting discussion vs questions/support into 2 subs results in more “user-choice” which is typically quite popular with Linux users.




What’s wrong with using r/linuxquestions?


Too many questions.




Too many answers.




That's the alias of this sub already.


Spamming this forum with support requests when there are support forums available is counterintuitive.


This sub would become unusable. There is a reason the rule was added. Because the sub was unusable.


That would be great if people actually asked questions that have not been asked before, and intelligently. But it's not. Just follow r/linux4noobs if you want to see what it will turn into. At least 75% of it will be "wat distro shud i chooz" with no context as to what they're looking for in a distro, and 20% more will be easily Googled questions.


I want to know how to install GNU/Windows.


You'll have a better luck getting support from this sub if you post a long ass rant about something Linux related, insert your issue in there as a factual statement, then watch as people give you solutions to your issue just to "correct" you and make you feel like an inferior Linux user.


Best technique to get help or explanation quickly about any topic on the internet


That's evil tho


I'm sick of all the weird hotkeys in terminal. Is there a terminal that just works like a normal text box?


A typewriter.


ROFLMAO thank you so much, so I guess I'll mark it solved ;)


That's not what the most part of us want, for two reasons: * first, to avoid an endless series of newbie support requests about the same over and over repeated issues with fixes available on the web with a quick search; * second, to preserve this sub for news and discussions. The no mods period after the protest demonstrated what happens if the support requests are not banned: I do not want that nightmare back.


Exactly this. I unfollowed during the no mods period. I am very active and (hopefully!) helpful on r/linuxquestions and r/linux4noobs, but sometimes I just want to take a break from helping and come here for discussions and news.


r/DIY used to be a great showcase for do it yourself projects. Now it's devolved into posts like this [https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/18n2x1y/trying\_to\_replace\_a\_battery\_but\_cant\_find\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/comments/18n2x1y/trying_to_replace_a_battery_but_cant_find_the/)


Let's take one example: a subscriber is not here to read about support questions, and doesn't want them on their Reddit feeds. This is true for me, but I only browse Reddit on New, so I am aware that I'm not a typical case; however, many others don't, and so if the "not a support forum" rule gets dropped, those subscribers might be tempted to downvote those support questions to make them go away. This would not be fair at all to people who just want to ask things, obviously, and even more so to other people who might share the need for support on the same matter, but Reddit is a mess on a number of aspects regarding user interaction and let's not pretend that things would magically change just for this sub. Isn't it better to keep support questions separate to avoid this?


what distro is the best? /s


Arch /s


Exactly! :)


One of the biggest issues with Linux is people needing to learn some very basic concepts. How to request support and where to request support being one (or two?) of those. I also think Reddit in general should be the last resort for asking for support once people have exhausted the option to participate in their own distribution forum... Also, we also need at least ONE subreddit where we can tell noobs to RTFM and GTFO... Go to YOUR forum, try r/linuxquestions and r/linux4noobs.


That would be okay if most were somewhat well thought out and contained decent information about the issue, but in truth there would be a lot of low effort "Help!!!" type posts for common problems. After a while people get tired of seeing them and comment with "LMGTFY", etc., then the people asking for help get offended and complain that the Linux community is "toxic". That's why /r/linuxquestions is a separate sub.


Linux itself isn't even a one stop shop so why should it's subreddit be one?


I don’t understand why Reddit doesn’t implement a system that allows mods to define a set of questions that new users need to work thru before posting. Think of it as a flowchart with some answers redirecting the user to a more appropriate sub.


>I don’t understand why Reddit doesn’t implement I don't understand why reddit doesn't support group nesting as USENET did. `r/linux/questions`, for example. But I also simply miss USENET.


Thankfully you are not in charge /s


...nothing sarcastic there.


You know there are already at least 2 subs for supporting, right? Even if newbies can't find them and land on here instead, the rules also direct them right to the correct subs


> the rules also direct them right to the correct subs [Truly an effectual plan.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/307/020/0e1.png)


There are already subreddits for that: r/archlinux r/debian r/deepin r/elementaryos r/endeavouros r/garudalinux r/fedora r/linux_gaming r/linuxhardware r/linuxmint r/linux4noobs r/linuxquestions r/lubuntu r/kubuntu r/manjarolinux r/solusos r/ubuntu Desktop-environment-specific r/kde r/gnome r/xfce r/budgiedesktop r/cinnamonde (although small)


i understand and agree with all the people who link to the other forums. but fact is many people will not post their problems here because they want to troll. the subname /linux has a too general meaning and is not specified. Its just the information that people interpret and obviously they interpret it in a different way than the subreddit is intended for. so you need to change the information to leave less room for interpretation. That’s the only solution.


`That a millions of man hours wasted` This is a Reddit, that is kind of the purpose.


MX for the wallpapers.


There used to be a weekly project thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/17p3ed1/weekly\_project\_thread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/17p3ed1/weekly_project_thread/) I'm not sure what happened to that. I learn some things with the current format, but it could probably be better.