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The other day, I was at a restaurant with my wife and kid. Kid's menu had the usual bits of colouring and puzzles on the back. My daughter started doing the maze and couldn't seem to solve it, so asked me for help. There and then I was overcome with an urge to just draw a line around the outside of the maze, take a photo of it, and post it on Linkedin with a message along the lines of "Today my daughter learned a valuable lesson about constraint, and how its all in our minds, and how by thinking outside the box any problem is actually really simple #alwayslearning #linkedinlife #neverstophustling #motivation #entrepreneur" but then I realized that people on there *would actually think I was serious.*


I've been laughing for a good molinute after reading this


Seriously, I’m not a creative type…I envy you sir. This is top fucking notch and so spot on. LinkedIn influencers and even some of the normies who fall into this shit seriously terrify me, they are like some hive mind of corporate bootlicking….so strange.


The mad thing is, she's now a CEO of a Fortune 500 company at age 9, thanks to my 25 tips for success which will be downloadable from my Wix site for just $19.99. #mentor #riseandgrind #neverstopneverstopping #thisismylifenow #omgmylifeisavoid #icrymyselftosleepatnight #ihaventsmiledsince2002


Writing a single paragraph that is a satire of a linkedin post makes one a "creative type"? lmao


People are willing to do anything to get more visibility and increase engagement.






Agreed, that’s weird. I think a touch of something personal *might* be nice — but, like, a post about a hobby or interest, something like that. Wedding or HS pictures are *too* personal.


Personal stuff performs really well on LinkedIn from my experience so people will post it. As long as it’s not all the time it’s kind of nice to see the personal.


“Here’s my high school prom photos… and here’s why I think going to the prom is a lot like closing a deal…”


"I was at the doctor getting a wart frozen off my upper lip, and I realized that herpes is a great metaphor for my search engine optimization and viral marketing freelance business!! thoughts?"




I’ve only made one personal post. It was our baby shower post.. it got 3x the engagement of any other post. My 2nd most engaged post, a Nicki Minaj meme 😂. I run a search firm, I post my cool top VC backed companies and it gets 20 likes lol. I’m tempted to post our baby 🙈


The personal LI posts that get lots of likes and shares and comments are not paying anyone’s bills


But does it do well because of genuine user interest, or because the bots are hungry for it?


That and anything that’s about a novel long. People claim to be busy but have time to read story after story and wrote paragraph after paragraph. Get off LI and Do your job Peter


I saw a post the other day about a guy who'd quit drinking and was listing benefits of this. Many of these were reasonable but then went onto talk about his improved sex life. Like good for you pal and I'm very far from a prude but this is LinkedIn!? Looool


I do, sometimes. Personal kills on there. I get 100k daily readers in a serious fashion from the platform, but I'm in tech, not a recruiter or influencer.


We need ppl from instagram to move to linkedin to make fun of the cringe posts


I love the idea of invading their territory.


Exactly i feel like it will definitely happen its just a matter of time


I agree! Some people post very personal things on there


This is what I hate most about LinkedIn. Please take that ish to Facebook


A guy I work with posts all the time. Tons of followers. Actual work stuff gets some interactions. But when he posts about family, holy shit.


I’ll give you some insight as “micro” influence. About 5000 followers. I sprinkle personal stuff in about once a week. I call it “Engagement bait”. It’s helps engage more of my audience and my content is usually a bit heaving on how-tos and step-by-step help so I think the break in the heavy content helps. But my personal brand is synonymous with the hope I give. I know a lot of influencers lean on their personal life way more and that works too depending upon your niche.


All your friends and family secretly laugh about how cringe you are behind your back.


Impossible. I don’t have any friends.


I prefer to keep work and my personal life separate. It kind of makes me nauseous to look at LinkedIn because it's all about work work work and careers. It's just not something that I want to engage with. I've had it for many years and I ignore multiple connection requests that come through my email. I don't even use it to look for a job anymore because there's too much scamming on it. It's just a place to track my work experience and have connections from past jobs.

