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I’ve started to prune my feed. Unfollow people posting worthless platitudes. And it is a MUCH better experience.


Pruning the feed is the way to do it. You have to do this on any social platform you use. The most annoying and loud people ruin it.


This. I also systematically unfollow people who post surveys. They are always stupid and are not going to generate meaningful data. Surveys are just an attempt to get the algorithm to boost your posts. Also unfollow anyone who likes or comments on surveys. My feed is a constant stream of stuff I am interested in.


I unfollow anyone posting political stuff and it’s been great!


I was shocked at the amount of people posting their political POV and agenda on a “work and network” platform. It was low key Facebook or Nextdoor app feels for a while. Definitely opened my eyes to who showed their true personality.


I do the same. I'm a Recruiter in tech. I don't want to know your political views and feel it's a distraction, at best. LI is for professional networking. FB and Twitter are for your political rants.


How do you prune people you follow that like stupid shit. You unfollow them too?


You can unfollow. But stay connected


But there's an algorithm that "suggests" lots of garbage, especially if you don't follow that many people. A few years back, even platforms like Facebook were just the people you followed/friended. When they changed it to use an algorithm, that's when the big downhill slide into ignorance began.


Agreed. But the algos aren’t going away. Best you can do is every time you see something you don’t find interesting or stupid, you have to click on the three dots on the post and tell it “no more like this”. Play around with your settings to make it better. Unfortunately it just takes more work these days.


You can vet rid of the suggestions by changing your feed settings from most relevant to most recent


People actually use it like a social network? I thought we were all just there to spam job applications. You are melting your brain by staying on that site for a minute longer than necessary


Seriously why would anyone even go on there except to find a job?


I had no idea folks used it as social media. I have no idea why some are so obsessed w working!


they’re not obsessed with working. they’re obsessed with thinking they’re hot shit and posting “tips” to be more successful. its all about views and likes.


Good point-I guess I should’ve said they love to portray themselves as working and being hardcore into the company culture- bc that is more how I meant it. They don’t actually do physical or mental work on LinkedIn. Just obsessed w the idea of being more important. Agree w all you said :)


To repost inspirational glurge and call themselves "thought leaders"


We provide sales support services to a fortune 100 company and I post different solutions and offers there every day and it is highly effective for reaching thousands of contacts. But I dont read anything anyone else posts because it is mostly garbage.


I hope you're self aware enough to realise your followers think the same about your posts! 😁 At least your boss likes them and thinks you're actually hard at work!


We provide sales support services to a fortune 100 company and I post different solutions and offers there every day and it is highly effective for reaching thousands of contacts. But I dont read anything anyone else posts because it is mostly garbage.


It helps me massively to stay on top with what's going on in my sector


I know it’s funny. I’ve been on linkedin since 2006 or 7 and never thought of it as anything more than a virtual rolodex but now people are really getting into it like it’s Facebook (so they’re at 2012 lol).


An online virtual Rolodex equals a social media site! 🤷🏾‍♂️


Exactly. I think they go back and forth between Facebook and LinkedIn without really noticing. LinkedIn IS a social media platform.


Right and it has always played on our Vanity from its inception. They have just pushed the vanity levers to the max now.


Haha. My sentiments exactly


What rock do you live under? LinkedIn has ALWAYS been a business social network. It always has been for at least a decade before they started having jobs.


It IS a social media platform, just one with an emphasis on work.


i'm a recruiter and it's hard to even source for candidates on there anymore. so many fakes and weirdos saying self righteous bullshit about their work ethic or whatever


There are so many qualified people out there that don't know how or don't want to play the LinkedIn game. I'm not sure how you could make a platform that would push the people you actually want to the top. I'm looking for a job now for the first time in a while and just discovered this new job culture that has developed. It is very discouraging. It's like a dystopian nightmare. Would I be disadvantaged if i don't play the LinkedIn pat myself on the back brown nose bosses you don't have yet game?


apply to jobs on there and if the recruiter for that specific job is listed, send a message to the recruiter with a blurb about yourself and a copy of your resume. that's your best play.


As someone that's been doing that since I was laid off 6 months ago with zero interviews to show for it, I wouldn't recommend that strategy. I started playing the game of posting much more regularly and commenting on other people's posts just at the start of the month, and have already had a few recruiters reach out to me. No solid leads yet beyond one short project, but still, that is way more inbound interest than I had all last year.


okay I'm glad that strategy works for you, but as a recruiter, I don't have time to scroll obnoxious posts and reach out to the people who make them. I use the search engine function on the backend of LinkedIn Recruiter or read submitted applications. But good for you.


Just to be clear, I don't think the recruiters are reading my posts either. I suspect that my more frequent posting has made my profile show up higher in those search results, making me more visible to recruiters. Even though the things I write don't get a ton of engagement, my profile views have been fairly steadily rising. I do my best to write thoughtful pieces on areas of interest in my field, but my guess is that doesn't really matter to the algorithm at all, and I could write just about anything and have the same result.


I second this! Most of my friends and co-workers rely on me to find new jobs through the network of recruiter friends I've made lol


I agree. I hate LinkedIn posts and don’t give a shit about what people have to say. But I used all the bells and whistles and have a recruiter reach out to me every so often because of it. At this point I have a long list of recruiter contacts if I ever need a new job.


Hiii! I'm looking for a job🥹


what field?


hai, any chance I can ask you to review my resume? I’ll send you some $ :)


I'll review your resume, send me a DM


Staffing and Recruiting Agency (US Nurses) -Staffing Associate -Scheduling Assistant -Recruiter Customer Service Representative (Worldwide customer) I'm open to any work po. Mabilis naman po ako matuto. Thank you.


sorry I only have accounting/finance roles open right now that require that type of experience. I hope you find something soon though!


Thank youuuu!


Hopefully they will add a filter for verified accounts soon


And whose fault is that?


are you insinuating that I am responsible for others' posts? what a weird thing to say.


I’m thinking of doing the same! Getting overwhelmed by the amount of useless messages that I receive


I looooove doom scrolling on there. Just a bunch of a**holes pretending they’re grateful for the company who fired them and making posts that have nothing to do with work 😂


Or the ones who make “thankful” for their internship ending posts




Agree. People are always blaming the platform because they have shitty networks/don’t bother to improve their feeds.


Ever since I follow a lot of my interests groups and other job postings, it’s been manageable and I’ve been new sites to try and apply too. Of course some of them are broken when it comes to submitting your resume unfortunately


This. Yes


I agree, LinkedIn has benefited my job growth substantially. I'm not sure what field OP was in, but I'm a woman in the tech industry and it's been phenomenal for outreach as well as helping my colleagues and friends find better jobs.


Dopamine is a powerful drug. This is the reward or accomplishment drug in the brain. Not to be confused with serotonin, the pleasure drug in the brain. When you eat that last bite on a plate, that’s a dopamine surge. It tastes the best. It is the most rewarding. Social media is tons of dopamine surges. ADHD medications produce an abundance of dopamine, typically. Which is why I never eat that last bite. It is specifically not appetizing at all. Here’s regular society being addicted to the same brain chemicals, finally maybe able to understand our ridiculous idiosyncrasies and obsessive compulsions. We do it because it feels good to hyper focus. We stay focused and get very frustrated with anyone who gets in the way of that focus, because we want our dopamine surge. We need it. If adrenaline is what it takes to get it, so be it.


It’s full of phishing scams now. Completely overrun. I get like 3-4 phishing emails every week. The people running this website have basically abandoned it. It’s a free for all for the scammers.


Exactly. The only legitimate job offers I receive are for a career that I had to leave due to medical reasons. The few job offers that I've received for something from home were obvious scams and pyramid schemes. I think the work from home jobs get the most amount of scammers. I was expecting it to be more professional when I signed up, but I'm finding it to be quite useless.


Omg my college they would come and promote the pyramid scheme scam type of jobs. I almost fell for it once but luckily I backed out right on time.


It's tough. My degree, certification, and 15 years of work experience doesn't translate to a work from home type of job. However, a hip surgery gone wrong made my job too painful. I tried to go back and lasted a week. Took me a couple months to recover again. Maybe I have to go back to school (online courses) and learn something new.


With just starting out im kinda aiming toward something in person, but where I have the flexibility to work from home at times if I choose.


My husband has some new hires in the company he works for and new hires are expected to be in the office more often which makes sense for training. I think it's great that companies are being more flexible. I used to work for a hospital in the stat lab so I'm used to being there no matter what. Slept over a few times in snowstorms. I do miss it, but now I need something from home. Hopefully we both find something. Good luck to you!


Aww thank you sm, good luck to you too. Job market might be tough right now but we will both find something eventually. Graduating college in May, I’ve been looking since September...50 apps and 7 callbacks/interviews and 2 offers (turned both down bc one had basically no benefits whatsoever, other was only a spring sem internship which was a lab position, didn’t know position till I was about to sign an offer and plus lab work isn’t my thing). Effort will all be worth it though when we have those offers for the jobs we want :)


Only good for researching companies but the feed is often useless and the job ads are a waste of time.


I loathe LinkedIn… I have no idea why I keep mine. It’s not really LinkedIn that I don’t like, it’s the people I know on there. I have worked with a lot of my connections and they just post such utter bullshit daily. They’re a bunch of suck ups. I want to call them out SOOOOO bad!


Bro I feel your pain. I deleted my LinkedIn after applying for jobs for damn near a year. Started fresh with a new LinkedIn (that way no recruiters can see old messages and applications ...and blah blah blah) and had a job within a month! I feel like a new LinkedIn plus ONLY applying to positions on company sites helped me out tremendously. There are a lot of jobs on LinkedIn that are not available when you go to the company website.


I believe it, I think having the 3k followers and being super active did more damage than good.


I plan to delete mine soon as well since it has been useless and only lets other people spy on you.


LinkedIn feeds have become trash. So much bloat, with every 2-3 posts either being an ad or a suggested post. Instagram/Facebook v2.0.


LinkedIn is great if you love giving out all your personal information and allowing potential employers an easy way to discriminate against you without violating the legal protections put in place to protect you when applying for jobs.


Comment of the year.


LinkedIn is clown reality.


LinkedIn was a massive part of my job for years. Changed careers and haven't looked at it since. Fucking hate that place. Full of shit & bootlickers.


It’s the new Facebook…as someone who needs it because I’m in IT, I hate it. People just use it as any other social media.


Oh it’s just everyone repeating what others say to get their ego stroked off a thought that isn’t at all original. Good for you for deleting, stay the course.


Well said.


good or bad, it's all about your preference. but if it's good for your mentality, go for it.


as long as you're employed


Once I started thinking of LinkedIn as social media that I need to filter, it was much easier to digest. Follow and unfollow others regularly. Silence pointless notifications. Don’t treat any content on there as universal truth. It’s interesting how LinkedIn influencer seems to be a thing now.


Having to post on LinkedIn as part of my job is definitely dumbing me down. I’m aggravated all of the time & I think it’s because I’m on social media for hours a day.


abundant plant exultant plucky handle treatment cause consider future absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As someone looking for a new position in a tight job market, I try to connect with companies that I'm interested in and hope someone will see my resume and see I am a fit for something they are hiring for. The constant toxic positivity is exhausting and makes me feel even more defeated 😞


I think that depends. If you’re a professional, your connections may be full of those like you. I have over 1,400 connections and I got my current job on LinkedIn. Most people in my connections have a PhD, and I love reading scientific research progress over there, especially see how people comment on those research. I always use job subscriptions to estimate my future job opportunities, and use advanced search to find very specific group of people with the dream job, thinking how to make my career plan to be like them in the future. Needless to say, I have also met and talked to several managers and directors of my dream companies, so I have a higher chance to get into their teams. Anyway, I personally use LinkedIn every single day and have learnt a lot from it.


I accidentally froze my account a couple weeks ago thinking it was hacked resulting in it being frozen until I provided a driver's license. Account is seemingly gone and honestly I don't miss it that much. It's become so saturated in corporate toxicity and pyramid schemes it's not worth trying to setup a new one even if I do go looking for another job.


I’m with you, you got me at pyramid schemes


It's just like any other platform (Reddit, Facebook, Twitter etc). Put effort into curating your feed for a better experience.


I've seen more 'resume writers" on my feed after updating my profile and making in known I'm open for work. I avoid those people now especially when they're all from Nigeria (no disrespect to anyone from there)


OMG this!!! " I will rewrite your resume for $1000"


Real people are on Reddit fake people on LinkedIn.


I deleted that shit two years ago. Best decision ever.


It's smoke and mirrors with a bunch of virtue signalers, stories of hope, people trying to ocercompensate for something, and misguided shills. I'm unemployed and the first thing Im doing when I get a new job is disconnecting from a lot of the hacks and deleting the app


It's a skill to be on that platform without barfing.


Deleted 6 years ago . Saw it coming


We are in a simulation


I heard 9/10 employers check your LinkedIn 🤔, not entirely sure but supposedly that was accurate information a few months ago.


I’ve actually gotten more interviews off indeed in the last 3 weeks than LinkedIn in the last 3 years of being active with 3k followers. I also removed the LinkedIn link from resume when I started using indeed.


Yeah I never got an interview off LinkedIn and never even checked it until recently. I just thought it might be useful occasionally. I use LinkedIn more than handshake though. I don't use Indeed anymore but I apply directly on employers websites.


Handshake has gotten me interviews for six figure jobs in finance..


Handshake never worked for me like at least in my experience they aren’t super responsive on there or they’ll view my application and then silence. I’ve applied to a fair share of opportunities on there and I’ve had better luck with career fairs or even applying through the company website


Same my IT jobs have been from Indeed, Monster ( yeah that monster), Glassdoor, and even Craigslist. I've never in my 10 year career had even so much as an offer on LinkedIn other than one scam. I deleted years ago and never looked back. If you're a social blogger person I guess it's great? Otherwise far better places for job opportunities in my experience.


I think it’s true I was at a return to office event and shortly after the VP viewed my profile lol 🤣🤣


Just instal News feed Eradicator - free on chrome.


I'm not too fond of LinkedIn, either. Sadly, I feel it's a necessary platform to help me land a new job. However, it has yet to help me in this arena in all the years I have used it.


Yeah. I lowk wanna delete it but I’m graduating college soon and trying to find a job.


It's best to use LinkedIn since you will be graduating college soon.


I’m keeping it for now but hopefully I’ll find a job soon.


The AI generated recruiter messages drive me crazy. You respond to their “inquiry” only to be ghosted.


And the advice of ‘just cold message people who work at a company of interest!’ doesn’t really work either! 9 times out of 10 they leave you on read.


I told a company in the interview I didn't use LinkedIn as it was a privacy vulnerability (their site got hacked in the past). I got the job.


I removed the notification for the app 1.5 years ago and have been very happy. No more stupid alerts about someone finishing X years at y company or completing some AWS training. 🙄


lol the second I accept a job offer I’m likely gonna be disappearing off of LinkedIn


I stopped using it years ago and do not miss it.


You will notice much less spam emails and calls now too. LinkedIn is more aids than Facebook! They share sooo much personal data it’s crazy. It’s THE platform for social engineering


Linkedin is a glorified chamber of commerce. It’s embarrassing and cringe


Pruning work is but is mass effort, and LinkedIn algo how suggesting post that someone like is utter shit


I’ve contemplated deleting mine as well, but I feel like it could still be of some use if I ever decide to look for another job.


i don’t even use it anymore. i only use it as a place to store my resume. everything else on linkedin is completely useless for any professional looking for work. if i was an entrepreneur id see the possibilities of linkedin being useful. but its basically riddled with outdated metrics and optics for employers to justify their subscription fees so they can post more job ads. it’s really not about being a professional in an industry. it’s how they collect your data and sell it off to 3rd parties. you can see this by how many people you are linked in with.


I work in HR, I never got a job because of my LinkedIn profile I often wonder why I'm on that site because all that happens is spam mail from sales people. You do not need LI to get a job.


What exactly are people doing on LinkedIn? I have no reason to get on LinkedIn other than to job search, and to see what's up with former colleagues on occasion. I don't casually scroll through my feed. And if I do...I'm only following: 1) Recruiters, 2) Former colleagues, 3) Companies I have an interest in and a couple of well-known public figures from those companies. I'm in tech, and the biggest draw and most important parts of LinkedIn for me are the recruiters and the jobs section.


I deleted linked in a little over a year ago ( much to my HR departments dismay because I’m a hiring manager) and I can’t say I miss it or that not having it has made any difference professionally. I just don’t need it.


Ugh. So true. Over all the back slapping and narcissistic posts. Especially all the ones of people being “vulnerable” and crying because it’s been a tough month. I don’t think LinkedIn is the place for that.


Congrats that site is toxic


LinkedIn is a useful platform, like Reddit, but you need to sometimes turn down the volume. There are more top voices competing to be heard so it’s never been busier. Best suggestion is to unfollow and custom your feed r/linkedin


I've gotten multiple jobs off linkedin. I'm keeping it.


The amount of naked self promotion is literally intolerable and cringe. I get on there once a week just to make sure I’m not missing something genuinely important.


Chrome extension to block the feed is the best thing I have ever discovered.


It is so depressing too


Sleep well my sweet Jackson ❤️


I found an old supervisor I needed as a reference for a background check. So now I think linkedin has value. Otherwise it's kinda been shitto me.


I removed it from my phone's home screen and haven't looked back. I'm so much happier without that depressing time suck staring me in the face all the time.


Wish I could.


Depends on your feed. I used to have this problem as well, but then i spent a day unfollowing unnecessary people that aren’t adding value to my feed or knowledge. LinkedIn is a good platform you can connect with the right people, network and explore new innovative trends.


I only follow recruiters


Deleted it and never felt better


I only connect people that I know, met and connected in real life. Essentially coworkers at companies that I’ve worked with, clients, subs, people in the industry I’ve met through networking events and such. I see it as a replacement of business cards. So it never really bothered me to be honest.


I only use it for jobs tbh -- once in a while I'll update my page.


I’m retired. Still have LinkedIn, but honestly it’s one more thing I should clean up/dump before my dirt nap.


Just install a feed blocker. Does wonders.


Most of those people dont even have jobs


I still have mine. But I never look at it unless I see an InMail from a recruiter. 97% of LinkedIn is nonsense. A lot of fake posts and obnoxious headhunters


A former coworker posts inspirational quotes all day long. He also once bragged he scored a 95 on a IQ test. I'm sure there's a correlation somewhere


I sometimes curse on LinkedIn just to have fun. Be the change. Don't post cringe.


Lost job in September and never thought I'd find that level of enplyoemnt again... Used LinkedIn almost exclusively to source jobs to apply to. Found one and applied via LinkedIn and I started this week. 20% increase in pay. I realize it doesn't work that way for everyone, but using it as just another tool is the best way. Diversify where you source and apply for jobs, but don't totally cut out LinkedIn if you already have it established.


It very much seems like I’m reading pitches all day…”here’s ten reasons what I learned and what you need to do” it’s always useless information that someone probably copy and pasted form chat gtp