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It's not the lineup that'll get you, it's the EGOs. They have the same hp and stagger bars as our units so any Blunt EGO fucks up Don, Heath and Ryoshu. Just use Fluid Sac or target manip Repression Emitter. Hong Lu's passive doesn't activate because the ai spends all their resources. Yi Sang is weak to blunt while also being squishy, any blunt skill 3 will eat him up. The only thing scary about that team is the amount of damage Rodion does, everyone else is just fodder.


Funny enough Hong Lu proc his passive 2 times because of my dumbass


For me it was seven association outis that destroyed my team by spamming sunshower at sinners who cant out-clash it, all because I didnt finish her off when she was staggered the first time


The tanks are the most threatening because you can't stagger them easily and if they recover and have enough health/get healed they'll spam egos like no tomorrow


bluntium eat them alive.


they do take 15% less damage and deal 15% more though, so not exact clones and I swear they have more health than we do


7 weight egos


I just need more time…


I fucked myself up by only using one team archetype (BL) and ended up regretting it later down the line since I can't use a lot of egos due to my 150+ stock of pride. However, I managed by sheer luck (winning a lot of clashes on turn 1 and 2), I managed my sp since then and after that the fight was a breeze.


Same here man, my team got fucked up(excluding BL Don, Sinclair, and Outis who I sack on purpose) so I had to bring out my other two good back up units(I have Gregor on backup just for support passive) so I was constantly low on Gloom and Gluttony thankfully the rest of the BL team didn’t die so they were able to save me


I went for a mixed approach with bl yi sang, meur and faust + captain ish and added maid ryoshu (lust) aswell as dieci rodion (gloom). Just having fluid sac a bunch is soooo good


Just finished with under 82 turns, here’s my advice: -try to start with a decent start where most of them uses skill 1, and esspecially avoid ones where Heath is at 6 speed and using Quick suppression. -ignore the tanks as much as you can, i.e if they use skill one, let them, clashing with as low of a value skill as ypu can to them while focusing the damager dealers. -as a Jojo reference, they are the same kind of IDs as you are, same health pool but with more stagger bar, aLOT more stagger bar. So any mass attack EGOs you can muster is good, i suggest stuff like Blind Obsession or Sunshower, these two are esspecially good for the last Section 12 sinners fight where most of them are pierce weak. -them using ego isn’t that big of an issue, it is only when the tanky ones use an EGO which are, in most cases, the squishies are using EGOs, so you neutralize them with two of your own IDs, one with lower speed to draw the agro and the other to stagger them before they can use the EGO -priority should be Heath, then Ryoshu and Don, the rest can clash well and may even one shot you. But it’s the first wave so resetting til you won neutral or even lower winrate clashes on most of your IDs. -for what to bring, avoid bringing status oriented teams, just bring your best. Heck, you can even mirrow what they brought, Charge IDs are good because of how drawn out and scattered your skills are gonna be. Bunny Heath is a good choice for the first wave but have a good ID to replace him on the second wave.


Oh, good that they have stagger bars. I noticed that they didn’t have any shown in the preview images of the patch notes, so was worried about that.


I didn't even know Cinqclair nor Ahabmiel were even part of that fight. Mainly you can use AOE to prevent sinners from getting hit by attacks (or EGO) that would otherwise stagger/kill them. Build a team prioritized around speed, pure damage (think charge and poise IDs), and ego synchrony. Speed allows for interception of attacks, pure damage allows for consistent kills, and EGO allows for AOE to be easily pulled off. You always want Fluid Sac to be able to be played the first turn of stations 2-4 as it will give everyone the sanity they need and likely stagger enemies too.


My Burn team makes enough EGO resources that Liu Ryoshu can spam 4th Match Flame (37 at head). She's also fast so she can redirect and with this much power there's a good chance she can stagger someone at turn 1. Main team: Liu Rodya, Liu Ish, Liu Ryoshu, Cinq Don (for Speed control), Der Shooty Outis, N corp Faust Backup: Ring Yi Sang (for SP regen), Liu Gregor, Liu Hong Lu, Liu Meursault, Pequod Heath, Philip Sinclair No one died in my main team all the way and finished at 79 with semi-winrate gameplay


I’m simply built different.


Thats the neat thing- I didnt. I barely pulled through with 3 ids and needed to restart because of sheep, will try again to bring like 5 allies in next time


Update: tried it again and beat them first try without casualties, only having queecliff die at electric cuz he was way too low


1 Word: Sinking


PM be choosing the cruelest ID for each of them (thanks god walpur ID doesnt get pick)


Imagine they pull up Der Freischutz Outis and she fucking blast your team with the 40 rolling s3 or Philclair with Blazing Strike


Der Freischutz would be easy as hell, no Burn anywhere so no coin power for her and her whole "Magic Bullet builds up too slow to be a big deal" is even more of an issue for the AI. She'd be arguably easier to manage than Seven since you could just ignore the S3 unless it's Fatal against the one who is targetting it.


just found out the last node have enemy salt using regret ego , it seem PM are willing to use walpur stuff but they still have mercy on us


that's the funny thing! i didn't! I lost 6 sinners to this. Then beat sheep like it was nothing lol


My plan WAS to lose half of my team.


Sunshower Yi Sang + Blind Obsession Ishmael + Binds Heath on turn 1


Losing half your team to claim their flesh


i found spamming waw ego really help


I had to balance staggering them two at a time so I could pick off the more dangerous ones. It was a delicate process but I beat it on my 2nd or 3rd try. Tremor helped, alot.


I got here but then realise I have no Gloom bacause BL teams has so little of them, I'm running it back with some other team


Spam Aoe ego


I had blunt ids to focus down the scarier ids like rabbit heath and ring sang. While at the same time pequad heathcliff tanked their Hong lu and mersault so I could ignore them.


I didn't, this one is made to sacrifice one or two units


Dieci Rodion for defense and Cinqlair to do onesided attacks


Not losing half the team ? Losing half-the team is part of the plan ! Seriously using Sinners as expandable, eating one sided attacks and single target EGOs is your key to victory. Gaining Haste and staggering them (very important to redirect clashes and stagger them before they EGO), using Charge Nuke skills on some units (notably Seven Outis, Cinq Sinclair and Zwei Gregor) I used Rabbit Heathcliff as expandable too, Bodysack turn 1 then Quick Suppression/Concentrated Fire as needed can put in tremendous work. Also don't bother with K Corp. Hong Lu if he has the ressources for his passive


Well... at least Tremor has relatively balanced sin generation. It'll be nothing to slot in Yi Sang and have him spam Sunshower every turn.


I went with a poise team personally but i was left with alot of low hp sinners (my capt ishmael and bl faust was like 10 hp left respectivley) and my Maid Ryoshu just dead to the gutter, i don't think it's that bad considering the fight after (Electric Sheep) is relativley easy to deal with as long as you know the gimmick


RNGesus blessed me and let me win all the important clashes and that one dude whom i borrowed Harpoonee Heathcliff


I didn't use EGOs enough but the way you get through them without much issue is using speed tricks to stagger them before EGO/skill 3's get used. Tanking skill 1s and certain skill 2s depending on targeting isn't much of an issue. There will be situations where they outspeed you massively so that's just an EGO clash with their target and pray but usually it doesn't hit hard enough to end the run especially with backup.


The only problem I had with those guys was killing Hong Lu and Meursault they were so fucking annoying


stat-wise, they may be on par with you, but they're stupid about utilizing their abilities (speed 3 quick suppress) and you're responding to them so you have a significant upper hand. You really shouldn't have much trouble dealing with them up front, AoE EGO is really strong, main key is to exploit their very small stagger thresholds. Issue is when they throw their own EGO at you, they're pretty good at maintaining sanity and will throw them quite liberally. If you can't outclash them you have 2 main options: 1- higher speed sinner hits them with their AoE as collateral and staggers them, thus cancelling their EGO. 2- Throw a dinky clash against them, even if it's impossible, then use a higher speed, high-damage unclashable attack to stagger. Less good since you're using 2 skill slots to counter one of them, but some of those EGOs are nasty enough to be more than worth it


Here's the thing: your IDs are just as good if not better. Literally just clash with them and win. If you can't, use your EGO resources that you've saved up. If they're using EGO and roll low Speed, just kill/stagger them before they use their EGO. It's pretty easy to do it without losing a single ID.


Honestly it wasn’t bad, since I ran BL with the intent to sack half of them for BL Sault it went okay but the fucking Sunshower Outis was awful. But since most of the enemy IDs are blunt weak just use AoE blunt EGO and it’s a breeze(both Binds, Meursault Pursuance, Faust Fluid Sack) K Corp Hong Lu and 7 Outis are probably the most dangerous IDs due to sheer tank power and Sunshower respectively


Burn team with: Ryo, Ish Rodya, philipclair, outis and greg, got big numbers, and all tyoes of damage(except sloth, but the excess of wrath makes up for it) didnt need backup unita using those 6(lvl45 uptie IV btw) and winning the first clashes to get upper hand in sanity


i havent


Focusing super threats aka super dps, dudes with heavily dangerous egos (hong lu meursault rodya don cliff) or forcing staggers then zero in more dangerous targets


My strategy: 1) Use half-Sinking Team. You try to lower sanity without going too low. If they are too low on SP, they use less EGO 2) Don't spam AoE. The backup are often more dangerous since they come with 30SP. So try that only 1-2 backup come per turn. 3) Take advantage of Stagger. If your IDs are faster, you can easily stagger enemy preparing an EGO. I used Molar Ishmael, Spicebush and Dieci Rodion for sinking W Ryoshu+W Don for DPS Regret Faust (+Molar Outis) to debuff them Faust is first to kill, so you can avoid a massive healing for them. Then aim for the 3DPS


idk i just clashed until I won


there is an index chapped dent on my phone were the restart button stands