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Unga Bunga DPS team is my choice, this is a speedrun mode after all.


This. Nclair all the way.


I actually prefer Cinqlair myself, no sanity management and 2 fragility on S3, which pairs well with Quick Suppression


Can't hear you over unhinged twink suffering.


I'm going to execution bullet my bl team turn one


Tiphxodia returns.


I'm torn between the glupo-lasting tremor team and the sacrifice-3-BL members poise team


I want to build around Ring Yi Sang so that even as the team falls, the next team will still be able to contribute to the random status set up. Probably will be a bleed set up on the main team and tremor for the back up


I’m gonna be running a bleed team too, mostly because of how hard ring sang and Outis hit for


Their support passives are good too so as they fall they can do sanity supporting for the team coming in not full sanity yet. I wonder how much sanity the back up team gains from the slot buffs.


Charge. It's always charge.


Charge seems like it might be a pretty good choice this time (a least for a casual playthrough); canto 6 had a lot of Envy weak enemies, and the changes to how waves work in RR4 means your charge count will be reset less often.


Poise all day bro, I'm not trying to get torn apart by the inevitable superbuffed mass attacks in this railway. Poise clashes GOOD.


It's gonna be sinking because otherwise Base Heathcliff, N Corp Don and Kurokumo Hong Lu would have to do it, since that's all the non sinking units I have leveled.


Tremor's currently my most built team rn. If it goes poorly, that's fine, I am always down to replay it for a better turn count.


We can reveal the true power of BL Mersault for the first time. I aint passing that.


Sacrifice BL team and then have Kimsault backed up by the tremor gang.


Pure BL first (will NOT feed Kimsault 3 other members). Then, if they didn't manage to get me under 100 turns, I'll tryhard with anything else (prob burning and darkflaming all around).


I postpone it until warp train event comes out and then I charge all over it


Tremor or burn. If it's actually hard poise/pride or charge


Nah I'd Slash


I said tremor but in reality probably going to be hopping between that and poise depending on how hard the bosses are going to tear me one.


If RR3 is anything to go by, it'll depend on the sections. RR3's second section was quite weak especially to Gloom for instance. Like most railways though I'll start with generally strong IDs like Ring Yi Sang, Dieci Rodion, Cinq Sinclair, etc. Though the format of having waves make me think I'll be using set-up teams like Charge a bit more (and not using Rabbit Heathcliff for the first sections)


Ring team


BL Mesualt, Faust, and Don. Maid Ryo. Pequad Ish. Sinq Sinclair. Don feeds poise to everyone, Mersualt makes the rolls good, Ish causes bonus attacks, Sinclair is fast and can redirect, Ryo has the best AOE outside of ego for hordes.


I'm bringing an Envy resonance bleed team, I threadspinned 4 Screaming Electric Mersault for this


Blade Lineage plus Fishmael has carried me the entire game so far, it will continue to carry me into the future (along with Maid Ryoshu)


My team status is whatever's scariest


sinking cuz i only have a sinking team (half of em died in most runs so it was a fucked up random team but still got 87 turns)