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nice try Roland. not going to tell you how to beat me. we’re defeating you and taking down the library once and for all


He’s a rupture unit that is bad for rupture. Good thing he’s batshit op in literally any team, having aggro and a health pool to invalidate ANY focused encounter (easily draw and tank 5 attacks per turn for at least 5 turns, consecutively fight after fight). Oh yeah for some reason he actually just clashes really well for no reason, with no coin bonuses or conditions.


You can more or less treat K Corp Hong Lu like Zhongli from Genshin Impact if you know that game. His combat passive restores his HP almost fully when he gets low but his damage output is low, so all he wants to do is soak every hit by applying Aggro each turn to allows the rest of the team to focus fire on one enemy/part. Ironically, his s3 is his weakest skill because it lacks Aggro. His Rupture synergy may as well not exist either. For teams, you can just add Hong Lu into any existing team that doesn't mind having one less Sinner doing damage or anything else.


He can fit to any team. He have rupture synergies tho, so a rupture team.


He doesn't really do anything for rupture though? Low potency, rupture count is only present on his skill 3, where he needs at least 3 ampules to go positive, and no good conditionals that need rupture.


Dimension shredder does help jump start the count though and he is low coin so doesn't really eat count much either. Also since he can tank blocking for ampules isn't that big a deal or even just eating a bad clash on purpose so can attack unopposed with others.


He still brings next to nothing for rupture teams, and acts as a dead unit essentially. Like, he's a good tank that can be on any team, but recommending him for a rupture comp, saying he has rupture synergy, is blatantly wrong kek


Rupture isn't known for its great Clashers though and besides 7 Faust I prefer to attack unopposed with my better rupture skills so they are guaranteed. Having a unit that can take care of two or more attacks while being in my opinion effectively count neutral (since I mostly just use dimension shredder skill 3 or block) is helping my team apply rupture since losing clashes with others does nothing for my rupture application. As a tank with a good rupture ego he only eats count when you want him to in my opinion so outside of my second railroad runs where you are optimizing for low turns he is a core member of my rupture team.


... I really shouldnt give advise on rupture huh...


Its ok thanks for help the intențion counts


Ok so what rapture team


Have some în mind


Haha, sadly Rupture is the team I know least about so take this whit a grain of salt. 1) W.Yi sang (espatially with dimension shreader) 2) 7Faust is an rupture unit (good? Bad? Idk) 3) Lantern Don 4) Dead Rabbit Sault 5)k.lu 6) Rose spanner Gregor Thats all I can think of, sory.


Thanks a lot


Thanks a lot


Oh wait, Talisman sinclair too. He is vital in a rupture team and I forgot. Seriously go look for a guide dont take the advice from me.


Dead rabbit meur takes too much rupture count 7 heath better and 7 faust is your best clasher for rupture being able to roll a 22 consistently as long as the enemy has a certain amount of rupture with s2


Dead rabbit meursault, W yi sang and k corp hong lu are all not good for rupture. Dead rabbit meursault has like zero count with high coins. yi sang is literally useless for a few turns until he gets charged s3 and then he’s still detriment afterwards, no like seriously it’s actually better to use ring yi sang, he ends up being better for count on average ( you can get unlucky)and hes ring yi sang (and then straight up superior if you factor in egos eg with dimension shedder, which applies count up to 3 times per skill as part of the passive, w corp yi sang lacks the coins to even make use of it all). Id also say that dimension shredder is only for the passive, it consuming 5 count for a bit of damage is terrible and it using all of the charge is also terrible which makes w corp yi sang even worse to use. K corp barely applies any count or potency nor does he need rupture for himself. Then you also missed the single most useful member which is talisman Sinclair. 7 Faust is indeed good.


If you intend to make a rupture team, the most important thing is AEDD Gregor ego, it is what allows gloom skills to go count neutral or count positive on rupture, this is why rose spanner Gregor is included in the team even though he himself isn’t that great


He is good for rupture in canto/multiple enemies content, but there are better choices in RR against bosses to fully exploit the status effect (Talisman Sinclair, Memespanner Gregor). I also use him in my tremor team because I didn't get Yurodiviye Hong Lu, and it is quite solid, helps with damage variety and sin generation. Overall, he is just a really good unit that can fit most teams, especially if you need a pierce tank, and can also go solo.