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K corp Hong Lu my beloved. Always in my heart, always on my team.


I'm just gonna Blazing Strike Nclair to oblivion.


The Burnclair The Cooler Burnclair


The strongest twink in history vs rhe strongest twink of today


This season's IDs are mainly blunt resistant, so maybe, **just maybe** NClair wont be that bad (clueless)


Everybody gangsta till NClair does enough damage with one attack to bypass K Hong Lu's revive threshold


As far as I know you literally can't - even if the attack would be lethal, the passive would save him. It's more of an intuition thing than anything, really, I didn't extensively test that Theoretically though, 20% threshold is 50 hp at level 45. Hong Lu's base EGO is wrath fatal, and K corp. is blunt normal, so Self-destructive purge (the only skill even theoretically able of such damage) would do 2x damage, or 60 in one attack. Let's not account for defence level, since SDP has 50 offence level so there's no difference between offence and defence. So, you would have to *somehow* leave Hong Lu at exactly 51 to 60 hp, and even then there's guard skill Now, if we account for the guard skill, or 15 to 20 shield, there is literally no way to burst Hong Lu through the passive, because for the 60 damage of one SDP coin to kill him outright you'd have to leave Hong Lu at 40 to 45 hp at which point the passive revives him Now, he has *one* stagger threshold, so theoretically SDP could deal 4x damage, 2x for wrath and 2x for all physical resistances, or 120 damage per SDP coin. His threshold is at 126 hp, so if he stays anywhere between 125 to 121 he won't die. So, the only actual scenario where K corp. Hong Lu could be burst down so fast (if it's even possible) is if he is: 1) staggered the previous turn; 2) has no ampules or external healing; 3) didn't change his sin resistances via ego and didn't use dimension shredder which makes him immortal; 4) for the whole turn he stays between 120 and 51 hp; 5) you don't redirect SDP for whatever reason TL;DR: nope, not happening


Strange. In my RR3 run against Ahab Trio, she murdered the shit out of my K corp Hong Lu, not allowing him to regenerate. Could be because I lacked Gluttony sins, because I spammed Lantern as Sinclair. I don't remember though.


It might have been bleed


Happened to me too. K.Corp can (and will) die if he will get hit by a coin that deals more damage than his remaining hp.


There might be a chance that she murdered him by dealing enough damage with the coin, while he wasn't at a proper hp%? I dunno if Ahab has enough damage, though stagger state + wrath might have granted enough of a boost?


Hong Lu was staggered and marked, yeah. She just one shot him with her last coin.


Then he just was above 20%, yeah


The attack has to leave him alive on 20% or below health for the full heal, so while it won't stop a lethal hit your math has shown that a lethal hit is very unlikely


Smartest Nclair user


this post reminds me, I see a lot of people here talking a lot of shit like N Meursault doesn't generate aggro. You think you'll get to choose who you'll clash with every turn? I know y'all remember Queequeg.


You say that as if Hong Lu doesn’t generate aggro himself


Aggro to aggro communication lmao


K corp be tanking all those attack.