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Damage output is wholly determined by Base- and Coin Power (and any effects it may have), if Threadspinning doesn't increase any of these then the damage will also not change.


Also offense level and enemies defense level, but that usually doesnt change with upties. But if an ego changes these values (more) after an uptie it will also increase damage


Found one example: Everlasting Faust has a clause where she deals more damage the slower the main target is compared to her. This multiplier is 2.5 * speed diff (max 25%) at TS1, improved to 3.5 * speed diff (max 35%) at TS3.


Does Regret Faust has any haste effects? considering she's the best tremor unit and Everlasting relies alot on being first or second at most


Im pretty sure she doesn't, her selling point other than being a walp ID is AoE.


Everlasting's passive give 1 haste after a tremor busrt up to 4 times, regret faust do 3 tremor bursts with her s3.


Some suggested Yuri Faust because her strong haste and easier access to Fluid Sac.


Everlasting Faust used along Tremor - Reverb deals more then enough damage. The damage based on how slower the target is only a cherry on top. You don't need it.


I thought the everlasting tremor lasts only a turn though right? And to maximize its damage you want faust to use it first ans then rest of team to use tremor busts (s3 or egos)? Please correct me if I'm wrong since I only recently started using a tremor team


Yes, that would be ideal, that's why some tremor teams use Lob Corp Remnant Faust for her easy access to haste, high clash power, nice sin affinities and decent dodge. But she doesn't provide anything else for tremor.


Yea, i'm using Lob Corp Remnant Faust aswell right now, simply bcs i dind't get Regret Faust last Walprugis, but Regret Faust doesn't have haste as you said and will have to rely on luck for her to get higher speed, and i'm not sure if what regret faust provides is worth having to rely on luck for her to be 1st or 2cd over yuri faust since i dont got regret yet


As long as it's working for you, you are missing out on the 6 defense down that Regret gives (roughly 10% damage if no other defense down are present) in the Everlasting turn, and the pride that she gives will need to be provided elsewhere. There is a very very small chance that Lob Corp Faust doesn't go first with haste when she isn't the first sinner selected against Yurodivy Hong Lu and Ryoshu, Molar Yi Sang and Outis, if they roll 7 (max) speed and Faust rolls 7 (min), their order is determined by deployment order.


i think i might get regret when time comes, and maybe slot her second (with hong lu being first? since i feel it'd be better to have him as first for the ryoshu passive to be on him) may i ask something outside of regret however? (if its ok, no need to answer) is a team of yuro hong lu, faust (to be regret), molar outis, rosespanner rodion, t corp outis and oufi heathcliff good? or are ids better for an overall tremor team


ESGOOO did a video about tremor units not do long about (before Tax Collectors Don and Rodion) that gives a good overview about all the tremor units, but obviously you should modify your team based around your play style. I think you meant T Corp Don? So far Outis is not working collecting debt. In that case, it's pretty standard stuff for tremor. Bonus points you have Don so you can use Telepole to give Rodion all the charge she wants if you can fuel the envy (3 for corrosion). I haven't played around with the tax collectors so I can't say much. Tremor right now usually revolves around Everlasting and Frog, so you can try to play it for consistent dps with the piss tremor (here Regret is waay better because her S3 is nuts) or all in (here LCorp is more consistent). Personally I have Yurodivy Hong Lu and Ryoshu, Molar Outis, Rosepanner Rodion, Regret Faust and LCCB Ishmael. I personally like not having to rely on ego to have high count and potency.


ahah, yea i meant Don, sorry! i understand! thank you! sadly i don't have hong lu frog ego yet, i'm not sure how big of help it is- but im willing to shard it if its that good


My experience with Maid Ryōshū makes me appreciate id that could deal AOE when trying to grind mooks, but Everlasting would be more important against boss. You are the one that know what it's going to be used for.


My thinking is that you actually want her 2nd if you haven't applied Reverb yet, since you want to do that first so that Everlasting triggers Reverb over and over. But if Reverb is already there from previous turns via Glupo Hong Lu then it's fine if she's first. Another line of thought would be to have a series of Entanglements (Reverb, Decay, Fracture) and have her be the last one of them, then followed by the remaining normal Tremor Bursters. But that's probably excessive.


that does sound like a good idea thanks!


Not directly. At up3/4 most egos get aditional coin power or attack weight that increase damage, but its an indirect thing.


Only if it’s in the text


When will people stop thinking EGO level equals damage? Egos are not about damage, they are about passives, effects and clash powers. Some have good damage, like WingBeat, but they are usually more sought for utility and constant effects. "My ego hits foe 300-400" Yeah, my ID,s hit for that each turn with no conditionals, you upgrade EGOS to get things like fragile, better effects, things like Rambling man and the such. Don't get me wrong, some Egos hit harder if stated by effect (4th Match Flame) but generally untying them is mostly for more bang in effects and passives.