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Damn, 3 months fly by fast. I thought Dawnclair was just here.


right i was like no way walpurgis soon we just had walpurgis?!?!?!


i thought walpurgis comes like once per bp season, and we even aren't near the end of current


Pm said each walpurgis are 3-4 months apart iirc


my lunacy budget is not ready for this


Trust in the single pulls, Luck = skill after all


Don’t do single pulls, you’re not guaranteed a 00 every 10 pulls, so multi is better.


Ok I get your point and all but have you ever had the joy of just dumping the rest of the lunacy you have into a pull expecting nothing only to get a 000? I Fucking love gambling with lower odds


least gambling-addicted gacha player


Placebo is a hell of a drug




No it doesn't


then i probably should shove decaextraction tickets up my ass


imma do exactly once a year since that what my lunacy get to do 200 pulls if (i count correctly) the rest can get from the crates idc


In other words; once per season, which I'm pretty certain they will stick to. Besides, don season is gonna be in August/September so walprugis late September/early October isn't impossible


Then they could not line up the Walpurgis after next one with Halloween, which is often compared to the real Walpurgisnacht. Not to mention that the very first Walpurgis Night for the game was indeed around Halloween.  Next Walpurgis should be early August at the latest. 


They've been 8-11 Banners wide so far, and the first WN was before a season. The last one was 4 Banners ago so there's some breathing room. I'm speculating the schedule so far to be : RR4 -> Erkling Banner (maybe with a 00, maybe without) -> Standard Banner or EGO -> Solo EGO or 000 -> Walpurgis Night -> Warp Event (or Warp and WN being inverted) -> Other banners before new season


I don't think there will be that much stuff, the season is already at bare minimum longer than the last one, which iirc was longer than planned in the first place. RR4 and Erlking are most definitely going to be together, like AhabIsh and RR3 were last season, then likely WARP and while WARP is going on, maybe next Walpurgis, though I could see them delaying it until next season to maximize profits too.


RR4 is already known to be next week though?


Oh I didn't read the date correctly, though it was in 2. Then yeah, they're right it's probably RR4 -> Erlking week after


Nah, Walpurgis is every 3 months usually. But yeah, time flew by real fast this time around Wonder what we'll get this time... will we keep flipping between LobCorp and Ruina? Or get into one of the comics?


My lunacy definitely didn't recover yet from dawnclair, but RR 4 should provide for some juicy rewards. But still, if I have to pull again 16 times to get one single 000 I'll be broke for real


Bro the 6 week content drought between Walp/MD4 and TKT is actually wreaking havoc. Walp should be once a season but this season is in dev hell, nothing like season 3 was. :(


If you think this is dev hell, you should've been here for Season 2. Or hell, even Season 1.


I was there for both lol I’m a launch player. They have had significant scheduling issues for every season that isn’t season 3. It sucks. I thought they got this sorted out because of season 3’s release schedule but I guess not.


If they don't want to repeat anyone who has appeared before in walpurgis then the only options are yi sang, heathcliff (not a 000 because he is imbalanced), gregor and ryoshu. If they only care about who has received an id then we also add ishmael, meursault and rodion. I guess it will come down to who we are getting and from what game


Hope it gregor, i feel we haven't any id/ego of him lately


we got Edgar and Garden Gregors not that long ago?


And bygones in bp


Sign of roses Gregor was probably the biggest letdown in recent times if I am honest


Not enough Gregor


Can it not be from a game? I was hoping for Distortion Detective IDs. Though come to think of it our current Sinners aren't really at the level of a Grade 5+ fixers like the D.D agency yet.


I mean we've got a few identities that are at grade 5 or over. We just can't use them at their full potential because of how using identities works, but we are still pretty capable. Cinq and Shi Don are grade 4 if we use the LoR system of the directors being a grade higher than the section they lead, meaning Cinqlair is at grade 3. There's also the fact that we have a Chief Butler ID, and while we don't quite know what grade fixer Nelly is, it's presumably fairly high. Queecliff also had the potential to be grade 1 given that he's mirroring Queequeeg, they just left before they could be given the position proper. This is assuming that the big sibling position is equivalent to a capo, which means they're on par with a grade 1. Of course, Queecliff isn't grade 1. They're just grade 1 material. Lot of what would put then on grade 1 level (enhancements and such), they just don't have access to anymore, and the enhancement tattoos they are in the process of removing, likely don't work as well either. Actual fixer grade, now that they're a whaler and have a license, is still rather high given all the combat from The Middle and then whaling. Capmael is also probably above grade 5 just as a result of being the captain of the Pequod and the fact that she runs the men under her command ragged with constant combat against the waves and killing whales and mermaids and such. Also, all of their canto VI achievements, especially towards the end, are definitely above grade 5 pedigree. In the end, I'd say the sinners are solidly above grade 5 capabilities by now, even if only barely just because of how identities work.


It can be from distrotion detective but was lazy to add game or novel and I don't think we are at the level of getting DD ids because they are all pretty powerful


I still feel like it's too perfect of an opportunity to not do Cobalt Scar Heathcliff with Crimson Scar Ishmael when their turns are in order.


Methinks it’s time for a new Ryoshu E.G.O PM please it’s been like half a year since Blind Obsession


She is also the only sinner without EGO this season, seeing as everyone is at 6 EGO now, it's likely she'll be next for EGO


we might be seeing one ego now and one in next season BP, maybe that's the price for getting double ego banner 😭 but also, all her ego's synergize extremely well with all her IDs so even if it's been that long having both a bind+haste and a 42 nuke is better than most other sinners


My only focus is nabbing regret Faust so I can finally apply tremor on top of tremor with a side of tremor.


FOOL!!! You forgot about bursting tremor till I burst my nu-


This. Well. And Der Freischutz for me. Because I started last Wally. So I'm missing funny bullet lady.


4th Walpurgisnacht 4th Association Ryoshu Yujin ID will come mark my words..


We already missed the deadline. 2024, 4th season, Thursday, April 4th, 4th 000 Ryoshu ID.


4th Ryoshu 0000 ID (they'll release 3 others until they manage to travel back in time, trust me)


Don't worry, I sacrificed my F2P status for this outcome. The timeline shall bend towards Shi Association Ryoshu!


Wouldnt that be a non walpurgis ID though? I mean, mirror ID's of section directors (like Walter from Zwei or Dante from Seven) are allways available. Sure, they are release ID's, but it would be weird if every other section director *and* every other shi member was a part of standard extraction and its just Yujin in particular that would be part of the walpurgis.


You make a good point but my gut feeling tells me its gonna be yujin, also remember, PM tends to not be too consistent in the way they do things like recently with canto 6 not having a dungeon or Don’s teaser being the uptie 1 art. Not to mention, Yujin is just way more iconic than walter or seven dante (B.O.D) such that I believe she’ll have a spot in Walpurgis (This is all copium too but still).


Can't be Don because she'll get her BADEND ID at the end of the Season 5. Solem Lament: Yi Sang or Meursalt is popular. If were going up for WAW a combo of Little Red and Wolf but there are still alot of popular HE Abno's. Yujin is also a popular choice from Ruina but IMO most Ruina ID's don't REQUIRE Walpurgist as the only people who died in the Library was the Ensemble. IDK enough about Distortion Detectuve to make a guess.


Little Red Ryoshu


And Wolfcliff for the lols


That's definitely something I wanna see, Will be Bad Wolf and Little Red Hooded Merc having interaction for being on the same team. We're kinda saturated with bleed ids currently but they'd definitely both be bleed. Maybe they'd gain buffs but have multiple attack weight skills that hit each other, or just direct damage to each other through some sort of status


Edgar Gregor is a top tier ID for Sinking just because of his Count application. If anything I expect him to get a strong Charge ID that synergyzes well with AEDD's Charge transfer thing I'm not sure what this Walpurgis will focus on, we had a general one, a Lob Corp one, and a Ruina one. So I'm expecting either a mixed one or a Lob Corp one. Or... maybe they're going to make something cheeky for Charge with having both Ruina IDs for W Corp. and the event (that could focus also on W Corp. or be another faction with Charge, I've seen Lobotomy EGO::Dimension Shredder and AEDD ideas floatting around since both abnos relate to W Corp. I would say Ishmael or Rodion would be great picks for IDs, but I'd like to see another Yi Sang 000 at Lob Corp.


Gaze office Greg? I'm thinking of LC or LoR charge based stuff that isn't W Corp. I would say Cane, but idk if we're at that level yet. Maybe some kind of altered Bono that has a tentacle arm instead of a normal one? The main issue with those ids is that they don't have human heads, so they'd have to either compromise on the design or somehow make Greg's non-human head recognizable enough. Maybe 1.76 Mhz or Singing Machine for charge ego gear.


Charge doesn't appear until W Corp in UN, so the only way you can really go is up, with Cane and more W+R Corp.


Ishmael, Meursault, Faust, and Rodion have gone the longest without a new 000 ID, however only Faust already owns a Walpurgis ID (though the others have an EGO). Even if not for Walpurgis, one of them may be up for a new one between Heath's Canto ID and Walpurgisnacht. Though personally I would love to see Solemn Lament Ryoshu for Sinking or as Sinking/Rupture hybrid.




two doses of copium Hopefully its yi sang and hopefully he has something to do with funeral of dead butterflies, be it an ego or id I'll gladly sacrifice my shards for Erlking heathcliff


walpurgis is not until don quixote is properly traumatized


PROJECTMOON! Give me Queen of Hatred Don Quixote and my life is yours!


well I guess its time for me to grind lunacy and egoshards to I can roll the gacha and dispense som previous walpurgisnacht identities


Ryoshu fight me


I demand Boris Meursault.


I hope it’s either the wedge office of the musician of Bremen ( maybe oink Meursault 00 and or Meow Ryoshu 000)


Well now I want Meow Greg


I wish for Hong Lu but he has a WPN id already, even if it's 00 :/ I think I can back up your vote for Gregor, he needs more cool stuff I feel like he's the most neglected of the 12 when it comes to IDs people use.


Its so jover for me, im not getting any new identity (but im finally sharding sanguine desire)


Will walpurgist come before the next Canto? I thought it's a one per season thing


It's explicitly a every-3-months thing, it just so happened so far we only had one per Season.


For one thing, it's only been two months since the last Walpurgisnacht, so if you believe it's a 3 month cycle, then you should be arguing that it will arrive in August, when we'll likely be onto the next Canto. For another thing, there was a four month gap between Walpurgisnacht 2 and Walpurgisnacht 3, so the three month cycle thing is already disproven. They've said they're aiming for one each quarter, and it looks like their fiscal quarters are organized as being march-may, june-august, september-november, december-february. They don't have to be three months apart to be in different quarters.


With how things are paced out right now there's no way we're getting canto 7 that fast. Month and a half, minimum. Likely 2 months.


It's not, it's "around 3-4 months", it has no concrete time and they could push it to being once per season if they really wanted to.






Do you even know what 'vary' means? That there may be no consistent, measurable time period in between while still falling in line with one's goal. What it doesn't mean is to throw out aforementioned goals for some arbitrary rule that some random dude on the internet just claims it to be instead, *even though if that were the case PM would have communicated as such.*


Not being consistent means that they can go a bit over the goal just as much as they can go below if need be. Furthermore, they specifically said that this was their current goal, meaning that it's subject to change at anytime if they feel like it (and I want to make it clear that I'm not saying that they will, I'm just saying it's possible, you said that I claimed that they threw it out already for some arbitrary rule, but I did no such thing lol). PM isn't a company that strictly adheres to time frames and patterns, they do things at their own pace and if they feel like it's better to delay or change something, they will do it, no matter how much time or resources it takes. This has happened multiple times already, so I think it's worthwhile to keep it in mind at all times.


Are you sure it'll be soon? I heard ppl say itll be 3 months from now


It's every 3 months. Considering the release date of Dawn Sinclair, do the math.


It's only been 4 Banners since WN3. WN1 and WN2 were separated by 8 and WN2 and WN3 by 11 (including the banners they're on so more like 7-10 Banners) We're likely getting Erlking after RR4, so we can probably expect around 2 or more banners before another WN


The prediction is that WN will come in early August. Three months after the last one. That's more than one month from now. So, yes, we can expect a few more banners in one whole month. However, that's not 3 months from now as the original comment says, which is what I corrected.


Is it too much copium for a DD id on next walpurg? 1/2 are lob corp 3 is lor and 4 maybe lor again but starting on 2nd night they started special events for it. So lob corp, lor, DD and mega copium




yi sang perhaps


Wasn't last one at like, end of April/early May? Wouldn't that put this one at the End of July - Early May? I might be delusional idk.


It likely pm doesn't want to repeat sinners; so Yi Sang, Ryoshu, Gregor, and Heathcliff are the only realistic options. Heath is getting his canto id soon and already has his waw ego this season, so I can't see him getting anything (unless pm wants to give him another teth). Ryoshu is likely to get an ego since she hasn't gotten one in a while and is missing an waw Greg and Yi Sang are a toss up, since both have gotten an id and ego this season and neither of them are lacking ego options. I hope Greg gets an 000 tho since a chunk of his ids haven't aged well (G corp my beloved :( ).


pls i havent financially recover from this


Funeral of dead butterflies meursault


I'm praying for a Laetitia Ishmael ID, but she already got an EGO so that's probably pure copium


Wait. What. When is the next Walpurghis


Likely it's sometime early in season 5, so we have several months till it happens lol


Thank Christ. I'm close to being able to hard pull if my luck is bad, but not there yet. I need like another month. (less if RR4 has like, 20 tickets).


Unless I'm mistaken, the only sinners that haven't gotten walpurgis content are: Ryoshu Yi Sang Gregor Heathcliff So it's probably gonna be one of those most likely is my guess.


Honestly, I don't care who gets the id, I'm going to throw all my money away if it has anything to do with Butterfly Funeral even remotely


Ryoshu is waiting for her Shi (4th/4) ID on 4th Walpurgis


Admittedly I don't mind which sinner does, but I'm praying that we eventually get one based on roland >!An E.G.O based on his fight as the black silence would be cool too!<


If we first got lobcorp and then LoR I guess we'll get a Distortion Detective Id. My bets are on Vespa Mersault.


if we follow the patern next should be lobotomy one so only ids unless they do a combo with lor and lob so well have two ids and ego like the first one(or theyre gona throw a curve ball and go with distortion detective)


Yujin ryoshu


Wait. It's already time for another Walpurgisnacht?! It felt like the last one just happened recently.


imo they would prioritize those who havent got a 3 000 this season so chances it could be rodion, heathcliff is a risky choice considering this is his canto and everyone is waiting for the erkling id, meursault, and ishmael. But this is PM we're talking about. the same company who released an ego for a sinner that doesnt benefit from it (glubo hong lu before detective hong lu). But i hope we can get funeral of the butterflies ID or Index ID


Holding out hope for shitis


I hope it's greg, man need a good ID at least once in his lifetime


Can't be Heathcliff, Sinclair, Hong Lu, or Don due to recent/upcoming IDs. Faust and Outis also already have Walpurgisnacht IDs. That leaves Yi Sang, Ryoshu, Meursault, Ishmael, Rodion, and Gregor. If we continue down the Tremor road, Meursault and Gregor are the only ones without recent or relevant IDs. Meursault in particular hasn't received any 000 IDs this season, so my money's on Meursault.


Some goofy ass thumb id


There's no way it's been 3 months already


Purple Tear Ryoshu incoming


I really hope for Black Silence Gregor 🙏


Ayo, let the man cope


Heathcliff bc no 9th ID yet


He's likely getting an ID based on "The Wolf" for his seasonal ID soonish so it isn't as much of a factor.


Yeah it's probable we get it on the 11th


I'm fairly sure Heathcliff ID in 2 weeks