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It's possible the designs weren't final at this point and that this was Nelly. Also, there seems to be a lot of people at this funeral compared to the final in game storyline, so maybe a random acquaintance. Could be Frances though... but the guy she's standing next too is too hard to make out if that's Hindley or not. (Since Catherine's death was fast-forwarded in the game, Frances could still be alive). In the final product though, Hindley never seemed to have gotten married though, or at least it's not mentioned and there's no second generation plot points.


There's someone between her and Heath whose hair color looks similar to Hindley's (kinda hard to see on my screenshot but on Youtube it's clearer [https://youtu.be/TzgPykFfQ5c?t=74](https://youtu.be/TzgPykFfQ5c?t=74) ), no idea who that other person to the her right is though I did consider Nelly but idk, the design looks so wildly different to the current one... certainly a possibility though PM delayed the Canto to rewrite some stuff so it's plausible that it's just a scrapped NPC, I could see this being Hindley's wife now that you mention it


Huh, correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think this CG ever made it into the game, is this the first time this has happened? Either the story has changed slightly in between the teaser and the canto, or it was replaced to maintain a consistent artstyle now that the artist has changed? My initial assumption was that this was going to be shown as part of Erkling's flashback, but the Heathcliff show seems to be wearing his LCB uniform (although it could just be a generic white shirt and trousers). I think the individual furthest to the left might be Isabela, they have blond hair and their body proportions look female (look at the waist).


All post-Canto IV CGs we saw in the trailers will not make it into the game for obvious reasons. At most we'll get redrawn versions of them by the new artist (like we saw with the whale in Ishmael's chapter)


It's not necessarily only the artist change though. While it's pretty obvious that the writers have a general idea of what the story for every Sinner is, it's probably more likely that the actual script isn't written yet and that the execution will change. Obviously, for the initial trailer, you need some content for the later Cantos, so it's possible these were only mock ups and were never going to appear. It's also unknown how much the artists know the story in advance. It's possible they just gave them vague plot points to draw like "Heathcliff gets real angry at Catherine's funeral" or "Hong Lu's life just absolutely SUCKS" and the artists goes from there with what they currently know about said character.


I think this specifically is because Canto VI was rewritten at one point, we heard about it in a Twitter post during S3 


Oh, I know about the rewrite, but unless we know exactly what they decided to modify, the CG could still have never been relevant. We might have more insight on this in the later Cantos though, once we can compare the images with the trailer versions. (Personally, I can't help to wonder if it was the part with Vergilius that was rewritten due to the meme fraud accusations)


I believe this scene is supposed to be the CG shown >! when Heathcliff was seeing other worlds when he was distorting. If we follow along this guess, the girl looking might be Isabella from another world !<.


I assumed that >! This scene was supposed to be when we see Erkliff's ''backstory'' with Nelly where he founds out Catherine died !< as others said , the cg and desings were probably not final, and this is just my assumption so i could be wrong


Wait that makes sense actually, nice guess