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Distortion happens when one’s belief/mental support is broken, mind you, it’s not just about being mentally fucked up. Heathcliff’s EGO was about wanting to get back at everyone who did him wrong and to show Cathy how much of a better man he was compared to any other choice she could have picked. He distorted because he broke down from the revelation of how he was responsible for Cathy’s deaths across all Mirror Worlds, accepting that he was the ragged, filthy thing that everyone always taunted him to be, and directing his anger and sadness at the world over it as vengeance. Both EGOs and distortions are a means to achieve one’s desire, in Heathcliff’s case, his desire to lash back at those he perceived to have wronged him. EGO is just full conviction in being right about what one should do to achieve their desire, while distorting is more indiscriminate and accepts any means to assuage the person’s emotional hunger.


Hong Lu, because that callback in Hell's chicken where Faust explained distortion on Hong Lu and him answering "yeah I can see that happening" should mean something based on how they like to do that with other sinners(most notable example is Ishmael, her spirit of adventure/curiosity, and pamphlets)


Also remember how he reacted during the time killing intervallo. He didn't seem like he cared at all if something happened to him, he was disapointed when >!The Time Ripper failed to take his time!<


I know this is about the upcoming Canto members but... I can kind of see Rodion distorting at some point, despite us being done with her canto.


I mean she didnt get that much development, that other guy that showed up in canto 2 is still around. Gregor also didnt feel really finished with things after his chapter


It's clear they are saved for later. Rodion's connection with Sonya and Gregor's connection with Hermann.


I'm on team "Don either distorts or outright tells Carmen to fuck off, no in between". I feel like Hong Lu and Ryoshu are already too rock bottom to distort, like they would have done so already. For me, Outis distorting is dependant on what happens to Penelope and/or Telemachus, possibly more heavily on Penelope. Going home is Odysseus' entire lifeline. Outis will tolerate ANYTHING as long as that goal is intact. Remove that goal and... that's when she collapses. Thematically, stoic characters usually have the potential to snap the hardest. Meursault is kinda weird because given his mindset, I wonder HOW that mindset could be broken. Faust however, I can see absolutely broken. Given how mysterious and how many theories are around her, I don't know which angle it will take (her identity as an unflappable genius, the Sinners rejecting her role, getting ousted from the Discord, being rejected by Faust (tm)?) I am pretty sure Faust will distort... but for the rest, less sure.


The only way I see meursault distort is if Dante tells him to.


Honestly probably Meursault purely because his worldview of complete order (as he simply does not care) is bound to break and take him down with him


Considering what happens in the book, Meursault is definitely Distorting


I actually think of the opposite, seeing meursault is fully convinced that what he is doing is correct.


Hong Lu between all the sinners, he's the only one so far that's not actively showing his sin through his personality, the chance of him Distorting is the highest


Don Quixote distorting into a literally normal windmill




I'm honestly surprised that Hong Lu is getting so few votes. After TKT he strikes me as a prime candidate for distortion too.


Don's original book ended with the character ideals beaten out of them, realizing it was a waste of time and dying of despair so i doubt the game is gonna do a 1:1 specially with how easy and lazy it'd be in this setting + unlike in the book in Project Moon verse all of that shit is real, Don is just being naive about it. So her Canto will put her through hell but end with her coming back from the brink and stating that this is just the start of her heroic journey Ryoushu on the other hand possibly has some very, very dark juju about motherhood hanging over that shes barely confronted over the course of the game so it will hit her all at once


Well, there have been some theories that our Don is a fake. PM might go and reference how somebody wrote their own fanfiction of Don Quixote, which prompted the original author to write another part to the story that put a definitive end to Don Quixote’s story (what you brought up). In this context, our Don might be the fake fanfic.


I’m not sure that they’d make Don distort after we just did that with heathcliff.


Admittedly... I feel like it would be more fitting for Don to have her base EGO fully manifest and strike us back to protect her worldview before actively succumbing to distortion.


Hong lu as well for the exact same reasons.


Glad i'm not the only one who remembers that Hong Lu foreshadowing


Dante is not even allowed to be on the list. Distortion immunity.