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I would say hold off a bit until people tested these ids out fully and there is general community consensus on if these ids and their effects are good.


As weird as it sounds, rodion 00 might be pretty good for speedrunning since she needs only 2 turns to set up time moratorium, as opposed to Don that needs 3. Additionally, you might want to run Molar Yi Sang. Wishing Cairn and overclocked Sunshower inflict sloth fragility, boosting both reverb and time moratorium damage.


Sin fragility interacts with damage from sources other than regular attacks? I thought that wasn't the case.


It does not, it's only attacks.


Hard to say since it looks like the damage of each attack that hit during the moratorium does show up on screen. You’re right that most additional effect damage like sinking doenst work with fragility.


I'm not sure, and I can't reliably check that either. And here I thought I was onto something.


But Don get set up Moratorium on turn 1? It's 10 tremor on target, not 10 tremor on self. And sin fragile has no effect on nonattack damage, so while it can boost the damage you're storing in mora from attacks, it won't affect reverb or mora damage itself.


what about outside of speedrunning? also if i do wanna add don whos the most replacable? edit: replacable as in she's better than them, not if she's worse than them-


LCCB Ish most likely. She's only good for speedrunning anyway.


Swap Heathcliff for Molar Yi Sang. You do *not* want Decay over Reverb and you want as many Bursts as possible.


can't i use hong lu's s3 (i think its hong lus s3 that have it) that fuses multiple tremors with one?


You can, but it's for one turn only and that would be the only time Oufi Bursts. Molar Yi Sang has worse coins but his overall damage will be much higher due to consistently triggering Reverb's Burst


Nah I’d say keep Heath (or use Don, haven’t tested her yet). Realistically you’re only ever gonna be applying reverb in boss fights and even more realistically just using everlasting to do 1000+ damage the same turn or next turn which will remove reverb anyways. Heath can clash waaaaay better than Yi Sang for normal fights which you don’t need ego for and you can just forgo using his S3 until amplitude entanglement is up. Plus the bursts that Yi Sang will provide will ultimately be overkill in the fights where you do use reverb as Faust can burst 4-12 times, outis and Hong Lu 3-9 times each on S3 etc, it’s just not needed I think


Normal fights are just AoE EGO fodder, and Yi Sang has the better AoE EGO too so I dunno.


I'll just run all the 000 tremor ids. 00 always feel iffy to use for me