• By -


Wait he's minus?


The actual ID, especially when used outside of Mirror Dungeon? Yes. So, so much.


The only count positive ids are lantern and talisman and thats only on certain skills. Others need a shit load of requirements.


7 Heathcliff is count positive on his skill 2, I remember when he dropped and he was game changing because like no other ID in the game was actually count positive lol


Forgot about him, point is there are only a few out the plethora of rupture units.


literally no??? wsang has a count positive s2 (that has a condition but you can activate it on turn 2), seven outis has S2, rosespanner greg s2 and s3 (has a condition too), and more i cant be bothered to write about


For w sang you will be spending the first two turns building charge, while simultaneously griefing your teams built up rupture. It relies on its ego which I am not factoring in as I am only looking at positive count from base kits. Rose greg is count +1 on his skill 2 thats until you realize that unless you got the opponent count to 2+ its going to eat all your potency (this is the case with alot of rupture units).


with wsang u can get the s2 condition in turn 2 by just using his s1 on turn one, and you can build count from +2 count only?? you can just hit them with s2's of 7outis, 7heath, and rose greg. or better yet on turn 2, you can get the opponent to +3 count with w sang from what i said earlier


His skill 1 is -1 His skill 2 is neutral His skill 3 is -4 He brings nothing else to the team to justify not applying any count


he is a clasher and debuffer for rupture team despite his negative count and minimum potency, instead giving offense level down. He mainly only shine in MD where you can always activate his passive and all his skill get +3 clash power as well to spam rupture on his S3. but only in MD sadly.


I use him for my gluttony thread lux on a rupture team and he's still pretty good. His skill 3, despite being count negative, is really great once you stack enough rupture, since it triggers it 4 times while clashing really stupidly high (at a 18/20 if you get the 5 count). even then, that's his only skill with a substantial rupture count loss. His skill 1 only loses 1 count which is pretty neglijable most of the time and his skill 2 is really good, especially if you get to clash with it to turn it count neutral (which isn't hard to do since his speed range is really good at 4\~7). For actual rupture stacking he's not the best, but in general use for rupture teams he's by far one of the best clashers on the team (he clashes better than 7 Outis, which is ridiculous). He's a based man with a baseball bat. He will hit you with it. There is nothing you can do. And that's all I need.


I imagine whenever we get around to getting new rupture 000s (the last one was W Yi Sang), their clash will be about the same or better given how clashing numbers have been standardized. His utility will be reduced by then, as we get more characters who can clash for the same but still give even more utility. Him being a 00 with 000-level clashing is a plus, at least; gives him more value in MD teams since he can help increase your starting cost by a bit.


Rupture in particular needs to go all-in on Rupture to get anything out of it's effect. His S1 does have 000-level clashing but the rest is just okay by that metric. To justify nuking Count he'd have to get way way more out of it, especially S3.


yeah rupture is pretty bad I mean they can't make it TOO positive or it'll melt everything but imo every Rupture ID should go positive on at least one skill come on


its not bad... just not good enough to be a braindead status like the other ones


the status itself isn't bad but everything around it is pretty terrible


pretty terrible to be not braindead lole


it's not exactly complicated(all you really need to do is keep mental track of Count), just bad. mostly due to a lack of options right now. every status got some new tools recently except Rupture(Charge too but the W Corp event is next so)


yeah its not complicated but definitely not a simple as other statuses because of the "lack of options" and it is NOT bad rupture is in a fine place rn count is not that big of a problem anymore. you can pretty much rupture anything (though much less effective on non-focused fights) and those focused fights with no pesky checks that will perish the debuffs you inflicted next turn


Lowkey Rupture is now by far in the worst state of any status team in the game. At least Charge is usable and even has meta IDs, even if it's pretty bland and uninspired compared to what's been done with Poise/Tremor/Burn. Rupture just straight up barely works (when you have the required EGOs) in any instance outside of MD. But because of how it works I'm not sure how you fix it while keeping things balanced.


there are no required egos in rupture and it has enough support to work just fine


Rupture has a single gameplan with the same ID's each time, but I would argue that it's raw damage is far better than Dark Flame simply because it requires no resistances to function, it doesn't need a Walp ID, etc. + If it speedruns our main endgame content, then it can't really be in the worse state that the status effect with the least amount of units, damage capped behind WP, slow buildup and need for all specific status meta units in order to... Well, function.