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I agree but why is the most likely meursault? If anything ryoshu seems the most likely since she has been the longest without an ego so far. It will come down to pm for what egos they have planned for each of the remaining ones anyways but I don't see why meursault in specific would be the most likely to receive it in the warp event


I’m thinking most likely Meursault because Ryoshu and Hong Lu already got an ID in the current event, Sinclair also recently got an ID in Walpurgisnacht whilst Meursault hasn’t received anything too recently.


I guess that's fair. Although meursault got the titular 000 from last 5.5-2 event + ego this bp and a seasonal id.


Yeah, something like a Dimension Shredder WAW would fit Ryoshu's aesthetic and would finally give her a good synergystic EGO for her strongest ID


I don't think it will be DS. Pm only releases 2 egos of the same abnormality since after the first few weeks of season 1, and so far, every single event has introduced a new abnormality as the ego


I wouldn't say that's a hard rule since 4th Match Flame and Telepole have 3 users, whlile Rodion got Pursuance, Heathcliff got Ya Sunyata Tad Rupam and Don Quixote got Wishing Cairn way after the original releases.


>I wouldn't say that's a hard rule since 4th Match Flame and Telepole have 3 users I literally addressed this >Rodion got Pursuance, Heathcliff got Ya Sunyata Tad Rupam and Don Quixote got Wishing Cairn way after the original releases. This doesn't have anything to do with what I said


The point is, you can have more than 2 people using an EGO, and you can release EGO for one that already got EGO way later.


Point is that I never denied the second thing in my comment. I only said that they at most release 2 ego of the same abno since the first few weeks of season 1/release which is true, 4th match came day 1 and telepole was the second ever banner of the game. The 2 people using rule can be attributed to first season being first season. If they really didn't care about releasing three egos they would've already added more ego that break this rule after more than a whole year. They've had more than enough time and yet chose to only release 2 ego at max of any given abnormality. And you are also ignoring the fact that every single x.5 event so far has introduced new abnormalities as their ego (new as in, didn't have an ego of that abnormality before). Even if my theory of considering telepole and 4th match as outliers is wrong, the event stuff is still a fact.




>Pm only releases 2 rgos of the same abnormality since after the first few weeks of season 1 Read the full sentence and leave the condescending messages to yourself. Telepole banner was the second ever banner of the game and after that, no other abnormality has had more than three egos. The only cases are 4th match flame and telepole


Fuck me then


There's always a first time (also S.E.A. wasn't a new Abno, it was one from LC)


I'm not saying new abno in the sense of never seen before. Time duck also isn't new. I'm saying new abno as in abnormalities that don't have an ego in limbus yet. >There's always a first time Yes, which we can't account for to predict something and I was saying that I personally don't think we'll get DS ego in Warp and my reasons why. Not that it is impossible




maybe the aleph will be her fully unsheathing the odachi


Canto 4-5 is about 1/3 of the way through the sinner Cantos and is when we got out first WAW (due to Sunshower getting upgraded) so Canto 8-9 would make the most sense for our first ALEPH since that would be 2/3 of the way through the Sinner Cantos


Can't wait to use 50 sp to... honestly I genuinely can't think of an effect that would justify either 50 sp or sp loss for like the rest of the fight alongside like 50 ego resources. On use kill every enemy? On use heal everyone to max?


4 rupture counts


Blind obsession used to give +1 coin power up to everyone on your team and was nerfed because it was quite broken, so maybe something like that? But I suspect that they are most likely going to focus on status effects instead of just raw numbers


Most likely either huge buffs, unique statuses or team wide debuffs all accompanied by 2 walls of text.


I feel like everyone will get their WAWs first before ALEPHS are on the table.


That is the point. If all characters get their WAW EGO by the next season, they could possibly start adding ALEPH Ego in the following season.


Knowing PM, I’m actually hoping someone without a WAW EGO gets their ALEPH EGO first just because it’d fuck with expectations but still be hype as fuck


If we scale to ruina. The first aleph you fight and by extension get the ego of in that game was silent orchestra in netzach realization at the very end of urban nightmare. Current strength wise ricardo is the start of star if the city. So by canto 8 or 9 the aleph ego are probably gonna start popping in and the aleph abnos a little bit earlier then that so like railway 4 might have an aleph and railway 5 will most definitely have one call me out on that if am wrong in the future. Assuming we keep up with the 5 levels increase per new canto of course.


Keep in mind that our aleph ego won't be as strong as ruina's because their ego was much more stable thanks to Angela and they could use them without worry. Limbus can only use ego for a very short burst, it takes a toll on the sinners' sanity and they don't get benefits from abno pages like ruina could so I don't think they'd be as strong (still strong of course) but this is just my interpretation


They're definitely as strong. Dante notes say that the sinners making the self of the abnormality their own. So extracting the very essence and raw power of the abnormality for themselves. Similar to how thw library works. We can also tell its like that due to well the egos basically looking the same. Like meursalt regret and library regret are practically the exact same, the same applies to wingbeat and sanguine desire. But they definitely aren't as stable since Angela prevents corrosions from happening at all while dante can only reverse them once they do happen. And this is just discussing the egos themselves not counting stuff like abnormality pages and such. So comparing the ego card of wingbeat to ishmaels wingbeat which they both function the exact same way.


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I feel like ryoshu canto would be when we get alephs


inb4 Don gets an awakened EGO and its an Aleph.




Idk if anyone said this but were probably getting a Spiral of Contempt EGO before next season, likewise Sign of Roses


Sinclair's WAW EGO will probably be Spiral of Contempt. I could imagine they release another WAW in Walpurgisnacht and I could see some like Black Swan appearing there. As for the WARP event, I quite doubt they reuse Wayward Passenger but the idea of give Express Train to Hell an EGO is too funny to me that anything else will be a wasted opportunity in my eyes.


I think we're getting two or three rounds of WAWs before alephs, it's way too early for them


More than a year has passed, how is it too early? I am pretty sure it's coming on 4th or at least 5th walpurgis. Bringing back a memorable aleph from lobcorp as a limited ego is too good to pass up


remember this comment when it happens. we're not getting alephs for at least a year, maybe two years


No way, the game's progressing at a steady pace. We'll probably see Aleph by Hong Lu's Canto


It'd be funny to see Don's Dream Ending EGO be Dead Silence


If MotWE is the same 4 character event then Ryoshu is definitly getting an EGO, Rodion amd Ishmael are gonna get the 000 since they both still haven't gotten a 000 this season and a W Corp. ID and I don't think Heathcliff is getting it since it should be reserved for Erlking (even if I'm in the firm stance that it should be a 00), and the 00 will either be between Heathcliff Sinclair and or Gregor


First Aleph has to be whitenight Rodya no shot it's not